
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1606627 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #30 on: September 17, 2008, 11:02:58 PM »
Here is a simple one: My man said when they were still kids living in an apartment complex, one night they kept hearing cats meowing and crying. When his father looked out the window he saw a cat sitting on a tree, its face all scratched up like it had been attaccked by something<<< they say is a ghost.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #31 on: September 17, 2008, 11:35:40 PM »
My dad had experince with a  maw luv, big foot i guess, or a pooj txooj.well any way my dad went hunting and he kept hearing a noise like some one jumping. So he stoped and listen and the noise got louder and louder. Then all of sudden his hair behind his back stood up as if something was wacthing him, and then the sounds started to sound like it came from around him surrounding him. He shot his gun relaoding it like ten times, until the jumping sound stoped and he ran back to camp called all my uncles who was hunting, and left. the next day my grand pa did hu plig to make sure my dad was ok. It happen in the US when my parents moved here, it was before i was born.

Also we use to live in a haunted house, cause my mom would wake up early to cook while everyone was asleep, and hear kids jumping on the sofa, and she come to the living room to yell at us, but when she did  there was no one there, and before we moved in my cousins and uncles had a kind of sleep over in the empty house, and they can hear people walking and turning on waters, and when my cousin came to america they were staying with us they said they could hear mumbling. As a kid i living there I would wake up and see shadowy figures walking, but I think my eyes was playing tricks on me though, seeing things, but when we moved out I notice that when my eye played tricks on me the shadowy figure i see weren't as human shaped and define as the one I saw at that place, so i might had seen ghost.

There are also ones that involved things unknown, but it resulted in death so i think it taboo to say it, I;m freaked out already recalling these memories.

Also if the feeling that you feel someone is watching you is a sixth sense then I might have it becuase sometimes out of nowhere I feel like I'm being watched and I freak out, I thought i was just being paranoid.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #32 on: September 18, 2008, 12:19:37 AM »
Have anyone ever seen/experience poj ntxoog story in the US?

My childhood Friend saw one steal his hen and their eggs.  He said it had eyes slanted vertically. 

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #33 on: September 18, 2008, 02:31:10 AM »
I remember back then i slept over at my friend's house and we slept together on the sofa bed in the living room. Late into the night, my friend woke me up and I was like "what?" and my friend said "didn't YOU wake me up?" I say "No" My friend said she felt me pat her as if to awake her but when she opened her eyes that I had turned my back to her as if to sleep again. I told her that I was still alseep and that I had not awaken her. AND I REALLY DIDNT!! I know I dont sleep talk or sleep move or anything like that.

The next early morning my friend had awaken before I did. I heard her talking so I woke up shortly after. Her little neice was up to. My friend told me that when she had awaken she saw her neice huddling behind the sofa all petrified and holding a broomstick. She had asked her neice what happened and her neice said that when she came out to use the bathroom (no one was awake yet) she saw an old lady floating and terrifying her so she got the broomstick to fend the lady off. Im not sure how it ended but i guess she got scared and went huddling behind the sofa and stayed there even after the old lady left. So sorry for the lil girl!

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #34 on: September 18, 2008, 03:38:41 AM »
I remember back then i slept over at my friend's house and we slept together on the sofa bed in the living room. Late into the night, my friend woke me up and I was like "what?" and my friend said "didn't YOU wake me up?" I say "No" My friend said she felt me pat her as if to awake her but when she opened her eyes that I had turned my back to her as if to sleep again. I told her that I was still alseep and that I had not awaken her. AND I REALLY DIDNT!! I know I dont sleep talk or sleep move or anything like that.

The next early morning my friend had awaken before I did. I heard her talking so I woke up shortly after. Her little neice was up to. My friend told me that when she had awaken she saw her neice huddling behind the sofa all petrified and holding a broomstick. She had asked her neice what happened and her neice said that when she came out to use the bathroom (no one was awake yet) she saw an old lady floating and terrifying her so she got the broomstick to fend the lady off. Im not sure how it ended but i guess she got scared and went huddling behind the sofa and stayed there even after the old lady left. So sorry for the lil girl!

Sounds scary.  I can image a ghostly old lady flying around in my room.  If you're a Christian, pray.  Shamanism?  Get those seeds you get from the Hmong Store, crush 'em and spit at the thing. 

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #35 on: September 18, 2008, 03:52:04 AM »
Sounds scary.  I can image a ghostly old lady flying around in my room.  If you're a Christian, pray.  Shamanism?  Get those seeds you get from the Hmong Store, crush 'em and spit at the thing. 


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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #36 on: September 18, 2008, 05:22:39 AM »

It seems like you're pretty sensitive to the Spirit World.  Yunno, my older half brother kept hearing footsteps when he was younger.  This happened when they moved into a new house in Sacramento.  One night, he got up to get a cup of water when he heard footsteps behind him.  He thought it was one of the family member so he turned around to check but no one was there. The most distinct thing about the footsteps was that it sounded like someone was wearing flip flops.  Well the footsteps started to follow him and couple other family members around at night.  It got to the point where they all were scared to death.  My older brother was so scared and paranoid that he put a huge Hmong butcher knife under his pillow to fend off from whoever keep visiting him. I think they later found out that there was an old Hmong man that died in the house. 

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #37 on: September 18, 2008, 05:58:48 AM »
^JACK_25, that is one creepy story...
But this actually happened to my dad's older brother, my uncle.
And it caused a lotta drama and it even sounds like its from a movie :X

So my dad's family used to be very rich and powerful back in Nong Het and my grandfather sent my uncle to study at Lycee University in Vientiane. But my uncle was dating this Hmong girl at the time and she was totally in love with my uncle. So they made promises to each other; My uncle asked her to wait for him and she said she truly loved him and would wait for him. My uncle also said that when he came back, he would marry her. So off he goes to university where he's enjoying college life and hooking up with tons of girls -_- In the meantime, the girl's parents are pressuring her to get married.
Of course she refused 'cus she loved my uncle oh so much. But quite some time passed and my uncle didn't return 'cus he was having too much fun playing around. She was heartbroken 'cus she knew he broke his promises to her and she hung herself from a tree.
More than 40 years later, her ghost came back to haunt him >_<
Will edit with that part later.

Yes, Laos Ghost Stories tend to be scarier. Perhaps so many of us (from the younger generation) don't have experiences living in Laos and may tend to have more imaginations when thinking about it. Whatever it is, I do think Laos Ghost Stories are the best.  Take this one for of my uncle, who was a pimp in his day decided to go out to one of the neighboring village to sneak a peak at the village hotties through the bamboo walls.  He took off with one of his cousin, but he didn't show up when it was time to go.  His cousin thought that he "struck gold" so left without him.  When it was past midnight, my uncle made his way back home.  The moon was up so there was enough light for him to see the trail.  As he was walking to an intersection of the trail, he looked ahead and saw a Hmong girl standing by the intersection.  She looked beautiful and was actually smiling at him.  He called out to her and was very excited and surprised to meet someone--especially a woman alone, so late at night.  She didn't answer him at all but just smiled and pointed her finger to the village that he just walked back from.  Suddenly, fear started to grip him and he started to wonder if this lady is a ghost or a witch.  He looked at her again and then started to scream when he smelled the rotten stench that was coming from her.  He ran and scream all the way past a couple villages (waking everyone up) before he arrived back at his.  Our grandpa came out and ask my uncle what the hell is wrong with him?  He told the story to my grandfather and the rest of the family members on what he encountered.  Another of my uncle became really pale and said that the intersection was where they buried a girl that committed suicide (overdose on opium) when she couldn't marry the guy she loved.  Everybody said that my "Pimp" uncle never went out late at night again and he decided it was time to settle down.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #38 on: September 18, 2008, 04:54:11 PM »
wow!scary stories..
i wouldn't read it when
im home alone though..

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #39 on: September 23, 2008, 03:42:48 AM »
Last time I read ghost stories online, I slept with the lights on all night.   :-[


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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #40 on: September 23, 2008, 03:51:30 AM »
Some months ago, my man told me over the phone that he was sitting or laying on his bed at night, ready to sleep, when the bed starts to shake or vibrate a little and he felt pressure on his bed as if someone were walking or sitting on it. He even saw the bed go down a lil. And he once saw a "shadowy figure", as he put it, in his room (it coulda just been his big head...LOL jk..JK JK).  I was scared for him but he seem to be calm about it and still stayed and slept in there.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #41 on: September 23, 2008, 03:53:40 AM »
If I see a ghost in real life.  I'm gonna jump at it and say "RAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!"   >:(  (I'm not knocking on wood either)  FukK  this, I ain't living in fear!  I live to face them.  If I encounter a monster, I'll fight with all my might.  I'll make 'em mutha fukKaz die two lifetimes!   >:( >:( >:(

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #42 on: September 23, 2008, 04:01:25 AM »
If I see a ghost in real life.  I'm gonna jump at it and say "RAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!"   >:(  (I'm not knocking on wood either)  FukK  this, I ain't living in fear!  I live to face them.  If I encounter a monster, I'll fight with all my might.  I'll make 'em mutha fukKaz die two lifetimes!   >:( >:( >:(

Are you sure? I'm scared for you already.  :'(

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #43 on: September 23, 2008, 04:33:02 AM »
Are you sure? I'm scared for you already.  :'(

I'm serious.  I'll spit at it, cuss at it, throw rocks, shoot it with dirty bullets, burn the place down....  I'll use every tactic and artifice of warfare I know.  I'll pray, call air support, call the cops, whatever I have it the moment, I'll use to my advantage.  But I ain't running away and leave my spirit/soul behind.  I'm not gonna die without a fight.  I'm not afraid, they thrive on fear.  I hate the thought of being scared and hopeless.

My last encounter was this one time I was sleeping.  In my dream, me and my Buddies were in a garage, we heard something on the other side of the wall.  One of my Friends said "what was that?"  --and I said "BOOO!"  We were making fun of it.  It was one of those dreams where you can control what happens.  ---Then in reality something got on top of me in bed.  (I WOKE up)  I fought it but I couldn't move.  I yelled for my younger brother 'cause he slept in the same room but as hard as I yelled, nothing came out.  Something had me by the legs and arms and embarrass to say but my balls too.  Then it let go.  Just like that, it was gone.  I got up, turned on the lights, grabbed my guns and closed the window.  I wasn't even scared.  I was just mad. (It was a lesson learned not to mess with them)

« Last Edit: September 23, 2008, 04:44:33 AM by FORCE_MULTIPLIER »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #44 on: September 23, 2008, 04:43:14 AM »
I'm serious.  I'll spit at it, cuss at it, throw rocks, shoot it with dirty bullets, burn the place down....  I'll use every tactic and artifice of warfare I know.  I'll pray, call air support, call the cops, whatever I have it the moment, I'll use to my advantage.  But I ain't running away and leave my spirit/soul behind.  I'm not gonna die without a fight.  I'm not afraid, they thrive on fear.  I hate the thought of being scared and hopeless.

My last encounter was this one time I was sleeping.  In my dream, me and my Buddies were in a garage, we heard something on the other side of the wall and everyone was making fun of the noise.  It was one of those dreams where you can control what happens.  ---Then in reality something got on top of me in bed.  (I WOKE up)  I fought it but I couldn't move.  I yelled for my younger brother 'cause he slept in the same room but as hard as I yelled, nothing came out.  Something had me by the legs and arms and embarrass to say but my balls too.  Then it let go.  I got up, turned on the lights, grabbed my guns.  Ahaha...  (a lesson learned not to mess with them)

i can agree about them thriving on fear.
ive had those happen to me too...where i cant move...i dont understand it and why they do it though...after a while i got used to it and it was just im ok.
but yea good luck should become a ghostbuster  ;)

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