
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1606803 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #465 on: February 26, 2009, 09:47:21 PM »
Scary story.  Here's a comic relief for everyone  ;D

Three friends were courting girls in another town and was coming home when it started to storm hard.  They didn't want to be out in the storm and one of the friend said that he knew a cave nearby where they can take shelter.

They quickly ran to where the cave was and stayed there hoping that the rain would go away so they can go home before it's too late.  Well, one of the guy farted and they started to argue back and forth over which one did it.

One of the guy was angry cause the other two guy kept on blaming him for farting.

So he said,"Well I didn't fart so if it wasn't you two who did it than it must be a ghost who farted."

From behind them they heard a voice,"Oh, don't blame it on me I wasn't the one who farted".

--- just a little story my mom used to tell us whenever my brothers argue and blame it on ghost. ---

It's better told in hmong.

eeeeeeeeeeeeee eee... funny and scary at the same time

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #466 on: February 26, 2009, 10:12:46 PM »
I don't know.

movie title: khaus tes khaus taws

the main guy is npawg tooj.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #467 on: February 27, 2009, 05:09:51 AM »

« Last Edit: December 25, 2009, 11:22:55 AM by mlor »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #468 on: February 27, 2009, 01:25:51 PM »

Another story:
It was right after my mom's parents were murdered during the war; some relatives were greedy and shot them in their sleep. The morning after that happened, my mom took her youngest brother who was like 6 or 7 at the time and the baby of the family, and they ran away because they were the only kids left in the house; all the other siblings were either far away in school, the military, or married, and the jealous relatives were coming back to take their house, land, and animals. My grandparents never got a proper funeral T_T

Anyway, my mom and her brother ran away to the jungle and met up with some cousins. After about a week or so, the group was ready to leave their camp for a new one. That night, my mom had a dream where her parents came to her and said for her to take good care of her brother. She woke up uneasy and that feeling stayed with her all morning. When everyone woke up, her male cousins said they were going out to scout for a new location. They asked my uncle if he wanted to go but my mom said no 'cus she remembered what her dream about her parents. My uncle got mad and said he was going with them but that he'd be back soon. He slung on his gun and off he went, the whole time, my mom's instinct was to call him back to her! No more than 5 minutes later, a huge sound ricocheted throughout the forest, coming from the direction that my uncle had walked off in. As soon as my mom heard the explosion, she started running towards my uncle. But it was too late, he was already dead; someone in the group had stepped on a land mine and the whole group was killed. As my mom huged the remains of my uncle's body, the other relatives started running away; the noise was going to bring unwanted attention from enemies. They had to literally pry my mom off my uncle's body and drag her along with them. The whole time she was walking though, she kept hearing footsteps behind her, like the sound of a child's running. But everytime she turned around to look, there was nobody there. That night as they settled into the new camp, her brother came to see her in her dream. He was crying because he was sorry he didn't listen to her and he asked her why she didn't take him with her. She started crying and told him he was already dead and because of that, he couldn't go with her anymore, he had to go find their parents. Years later, my mom would give birth to a little boy who looked EXACTLY like the baby brother who had died in the jungle :X

Omg.... that's so sad.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #469 on: February 27, 2009, 01:26:58 PM »
movie title: khaus tes khaus taws

the main guy is npawg tooj.

I don't watch a lot of hmong movies... but I think I did saw a little of that now that you mention it.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #470 on: February 27, 2009, 10:33:58 PM »
When my mom passed away, I was still in high school.  It was very difficult for me to accept and process my grief/emotions.  Anyhow, without much communication, my father knew my plight and didn't urge me to go to the funeral home until much later. 

The night after her passing, she came to visit me and helped me understand death and dying.  When she left after we had our conversation, I looked and saw that she was wearing some strange clothes. 

When I went to pay my respect, I saw that she was wearing the clothes I saw in my dreams.  It confirmed the fact that maybe she did come and visited me. 

I didn't want to make this into a ghost story, but I believe ghosts do come back and try to resolve/answer whatever issues they left undone.
  That's pretty deep.  Thank you for sharing.  Not all ghost are bad.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #471 on: February 28, 2009, 06:40:13 PM »

Damn these stories are scary and creepy.  I shouldn't be reading them since I'm like 9 months pregnant and wake up like ten times in the middle of the night to use the bathroom.....s hould be due any day  Oh gives me that feeling of being scare and I kinda like it...hehehe.  Please keep the stories coming!!  >:D

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #472 on: February 28, 2009, 06:51:42 PM »
Who's got ghost stories from the old HLUB camp in Maranatha?  Creepy things used to happen there all the time.

I had an encounter one time during the night... not sure what it was, but it scared the poop outta me!  Anyone that's been there know they stuff you in a room with 6-7 other people.  Well.. it was really stuffy in our room so we propped the window open with a sturdy wooden stick under the windowsill.  Everyone soon fell asleep and I was the only one still awake.. I couldn't fall asleep and something kept making me think of all the ghostly stuff happening there.  Well, it was pitch black in the room and all the other girls were snoring in their sleep.  I tried to poke my cousin sleeping next to me to wake up, but she wouldn't budge.  Suddenly, I don't know if I saw or felt a SWOOSH go through the room and out the window!!  Then I heard a really LOUD noise like someone running their nails across the window screen.  Like a metal on metal screech.  THEN... the window slammed down with a really loud BANG!!  I thought it had shattered the glass panes!  HOLY CRAP... I was about to piss in my shorts!  The whole time.... not one of the girls in the room budged or moved.  They were sleeping peacefully.  Shiet... I pulled the covers over my head and prayed all night long... ahahahaha!  It was super stuffy and hot in the room and I was sweatin' like a dog the rest of the night, but I was freaked outta my mind!!!!

I don't have a story, but I remember going to Camp Maranatha and man that place was scary at night time.  I hated to get up really really early just to get a warm shower.  My brother inlaw was a pastor and he always went every year with my sisters and my dad and man the stories they have are hella scary.  I'll have to have them tell me sometime and I'll post them up.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #473 on: March 01, 2009, 08:36:27 PM »
My grandfather on my father's side died when she was just a child.  My grandmother never remarry and raised eight children on her own.  They were living in Thailand at this time.

One day my grandmother spent all day at the garden and had just returned home to find out that there was no firewood left.  She was tire and now she had to go find some woods for the fire.  She cried and asked why my grandfather had to leave them so soon.  Later she took my uncle, who was a child at this time, and they went cut enough wood for the night - planning to return the next day for more.

The next morning, very early, they heard loud THUDS coming from outside.  My grandmother hurried outside to find a pile of woods stacked neatly on top one another next to the door.  They asked their neighbors but no one knew where it came from.

After that they'll find meats outside.  Maybe a chicken or two lying around in front of the door.  One time they find some pork on the roof.  Sometimes the meat will start to reek until somebody finds it.

Later they found out that my grandfather was the one who brought them all those stuff.  He couldn't leave them yet for the children were still small.

There were other events that happen to.  One day my mom and aunt had to go garden alone.  As they were heading there they heard footsteps following them.  They stopped and looked back but found no one.  They were too scared to go alone and ran home. 

Later that night my mom dreamed about her father.  He came to her and told her that it was him following them to the garden.  He didn't mean to scare them, he just wanted to go along with them to make sure they're safe.  After that whenever my mom and aunt have to go garden alone, they heard footsteps but knew it was just their father watching over them.

This continued on to the day when my eldest uncle married his wife.  A while after that my grandfather came and told my grandmother in a dream that he must go now because the children are able to take care of themselves and don't need him anymore.  After that the incidents stopped.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #474 on: March 02, 2009, 08:35:01 AM »
My grandfather on my father's side died when she was just a child.  My grandmother never remarry and raised eight children on her own.  They were living in Thailand at this time.

One day my grandmother spent all day at the garden and had just returned home to find out that there was no firewood left.  She was tire and now she had to go find some woods for the fire.  She cried and asked why my grandfather had to leave them so soon.  Later she took my uncle, who was a child at this time, and they went cut enough wood for the night - planning to return the next day for more.

The next morning, very early, they heard loud THUDS coming from outside.  My grandmother hurried outside to find a pile of woods stacked neatly on top one another next to the door.  They asked their neighbors but no one knew where it came from.

After that they'll find meats outside.  Maybe a chicken or two lying around in front of the door.  One time they find some pork on the roof.  Sometimes the meat will start to reek until somebody finds it.

Later they found out that my grandfather was the one who brought them all those stuff.  He couldn't leave them yet for the children were still small.

There were other events that happen to.  One day my mom and aunt had to go garden alone.  As they were heading there they heard footsteps following them.  They stopped and looked back but found no one.  They were too scared to go alone and ran home. 

Later that night my mom dreamed about her father.  He came to her and told her that it was him following them to the garden.  He didn't mean to scare them, he just wanted to go along with them to make sure they're safe.  After that whenever my mom and aunt have to go garden alone, they heard footsteps but knew it was just their father watching over them.

This continued on to the day when my eldest uncle married his wife.  A while after that my grandfather came and told my grandmother in a dream that he must go now because the children are able to take care of themselves and don't need him anymore.  After that the incidents stopped.

Wow.  So sad that he had to pass away so soon.  Kudos to grandma for raising all 8 on her own.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #475 on: March 02, 2009, 10:17:53 AM »
It was April of 2002 when my uncle's daughter comitted suicide.  She was 14 years old.  She and I were pretty close , we always went everywhere together.  After a couple days that she was passed away, I kept having dreams about her.  In my dreams, we were still talking at family gatherings and it seems normal.  Then one of the people in my dream would say to her that "aren't u dead?" . She seemed confused and lost, like she wasn't really dead.  I woke up with a chill.  I still dream about her once in a while, sometimes I feel like she doesn't really want to leave this world yet. 

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #476 on: March 02, 2009, 03:06:13 PM »
My uncle used to live on an 80 acre farm out in the middle of nowhere.  It was at least 45 minutes out of town. 

The house itself was weird.  The front door faces the setting sun and the back door faces the raising sun - I believe my grandparents said that this wasn't right for some reason.  It was a creepy house - I rarely go inside all by myself if I can help it.

The barn was the creepiest place.  It was filled with piles and piles of hays.  I went in there once and refused to go in again.  My boy cousins and my brothers used to play hide and seek in the barn amongst the hays. 

Well one day my cousin and they were playing and my brother was the seeker.  Now my brother was 10 at that time and he's always got this sixth sense and sees weird stuff all the time.  He started to look behind the hays and couldn't find anyone - he didn't know that they were all outside while he was the only one in the barn. 

Later he told me that while he was seeking in the barn alone, he kept on hearing whispering voices and shouts of "over here".  When he go to the place where he heard it there was no one there.  He'll also hear footsteps running around and catch glimpse of someone running around from the corner of his eyes. 

He played like this for a while until he started to have this feeling as though something was wrong and ran out of the barn - where he found all the cousins hanging out underneath the apple tree.  None of my cousins went back inside the barn cause I was there with them while my brother was in the barn alone.  He didn't tell them about what he saw or hear in the barn.  After that he refuse to play hide and seek in the barn.

______________ _

My uncle has since moved from that house - there were other incidents that happened too that forced them to move .  The new owners - Hmong people too - thought that all the stories were garbage.  Couple weeks ago my aunt was talking to some people who knew them and they say weird things have happened to the family too at that house.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #477 on: March 02, 2009, 08:54:38 PM »
Omg, I just remembered something my cousin told me years ago.

My uncle and his family had moved down south and were looking for a farm.
They were living in Arkansas but had gone to see a farm in Missouri with another Hmong family.
Well, there was a farm and with some land and my uncle was going to offer for it.
But when his kids started asking the neighbors about the history of the place, he backed out because they found out that a white man had gone crazy in the house and killed his two girls. Later on, another Hmong family bought the farm and when they came to a family gathering, my cousin asked their kids if they ever saw any ghosts or anything. The kids said they heard little girls crying sometimes and one time, their baby went down to the basement and said he saw two little girls with blood all over. My cousin told him why they passed on that place and soon afterwards, that Hmong family sold the farm and moved away :X

Oh, and many of the little kids in the south tend to see Indian ghosts.
Usually, the ghosts want to play with them :X

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #478 on: March 03, 2009, 11:24:21 AM »
back in laos, there were this couples, the wife just gave birth to a baby gurl. the couples never take care of their baby gurl. they always leave the gurl with their grandma. a month later the gurl died. each time the wife gave birth it will just be a gurl again. they stilled do the same shit, leave the gurl with grandma than off the the farm. the 2 nd baby gurl died the 3rd died. then the mother gave birth to the 4th baby gurl, the couple decided to take good care of the 4th baby gurl. this time, the baby gurl was ok. one day the father want to bring some food for their 3 dead babygurl. they buried the baby gurl in order (exam. 1st 2nd 3rd). the 4th baby gurl went along with her father. when they got there the gurl look at the grave and point to it and say dad that my grave, that my grave and that is also my grave.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #479 on: March 03, 2009, 01:16:08 PM »
I was talking with a friend of mine a couple days ago and she started to tell me some creepy things that happened at her dorm.

Everything went well for the first couple weeks she was there.  Then one night she couldn't fall asleep because she kept on hearing doors slamming all night.  She said it continued on for hours.  The next morning she thought it was all just her imagination but out of the blue her roommate complained about the door slamming the night before.  The RA didn't know anything about it.

A couple nights later my friend heard people talking and running down the hall.  The talking was really loud as if it was right outside her room.  So she got up and went to the peephole thing.  When she looked out there was no one outside, everything was quiet, but as soon as she was back in bed the talking and running continued.  That night she couldn't sleep at all.

Some nights later she was sleeping and felt someone tugging on her blankets, she said that she didn't really think about it at that time, she just tugged it back and fell asleep again.  The next morning the experience creep her out cause her roommate went back home and wasn't there that night.  It was just her in the room, but she remember clearly that somebody tried to tug the blankets away from her.

A lot of other things happened.  But the creepiest was when she stayed up late studying for finals.  It was two almost three in the morning and she was up late studying.  Her roommate was fast asleep.  She finished studying and was getting ready for bed. 

She was walking to the bathroom and she saw some girls in the hallway with their backpacks on as though they were heading to class.  When she got to the bathroom it was crowded with girls - getting ready to start the day. 

She said she was tired, wasn't thinking much at this time, but as soon as she was out of the bathroom she felt shivers running down her spine and ran to her room.  She realized that no one could possibly be heading to class so early in the morning or getting up that early.

The next semester she changed dorm.  But every time she walked pass that dorm she always gets the feeling someone's watching.

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