
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1606922 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #540 on: March 16, 2009, 11:12:54 AM »
It was my aunt...but no she didn't invite us in the house, we stood on her porch and she slowly closed the door.

That's still mean, she was suppose to invited you guys to come in.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #541 on: March 16, 2009, 11:29:21 AM »
That's still mean, she was suppose to invited you guys to come in.
yea exactly my thoughts! but after hearing wat my SIL experienced... no thanks no invites no care now.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #542 on: March 16, 2009, 11:32:47 AM »
6 yrs ago before my uncle was killed by his wife; my cousins and i had a great time out at dejavu in mpls. we got home a little after 1 in the morning. we all went to bed right away. i had a real bad upset stomach. i woke up around 5ish or 6 in the the early morning before anyone did to use the bathroom.

i was sitting on the toilet lettin' it out, suddenly, i heard a knock on the door. i didnt say anything. i could care less. i was concentrating on lettin' it out. it was just one simple knock! dam, i thought to myself, just one knock, if someone was to use the bathroom in the middle of the night, he or she wouldve knocked several times or called out who was using the bathroom. i didnt think of anything more. i finished and walked out of the bathroom and went straight to bed.

when morning finally came, my uncle and aunt were up, and there were a crowd of people. they had a "ua neeg" scheduled for that day. we didnt know who the ceremony was for, or why they were doing. we had spring break that week and my cousin planned to spend the week with his family. we left before the ceremony ended.

two nights later, my dad got a call from an uncle from that my uncle was stabbed, and stabbed by his wife. he died early the following morning.

my mommy's the only person ive shared my bathroom incident with until now..

so yall were staying at your uncle's house, the one that got stabbed...i wonder what happened?

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Offline lost_forever

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #543 on: March 16, 2009, 01:25:41 PM »
why did your uncle's wife stabb him ?

  When I grew up, my mom told me that my dad passed away.  I was too young to remember what he was like. Only in pictures and by other's stories.  I dreamed about him waking up from the coffin a couple of times.  When I saw the pale face lying face up on the coffin, I recognized that it was my dad.  His eyes were closed and I was standing two foot away from his body.  There was a complete silence for 5 seconds, noone was there....Sudde nly, his eyes were open and he was sitting up in the coffin.  I was so scared....his pale face frightened me.  He grabed my arm but I pulled away and ran.  Ran as fast as I could...I woke up so scared.  It made me scared to look at coffins when I'm at the funerals.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #544 on: March 16, 2009, 09:34:16 PM »
This also happened before he'd gotten sick and died:  He saw three like mice tailing each other and going around the fire place as if they are playing.  He went and got a stick, and beat one of them to death while the other two escaped into a hole.  He showed it to my mom, and mom said it didn't look like your typical mouse, it was quite different and weird looking.  It was after that incident that he started getting really sick and died.

these kind of mice are called dab ntxaug (skinny ghost). I have no idea how they came up w/ the name... anyways in the daytime, they are in the form of mice but at night they become what looks to be "fireflies" flying around a fireplace. If you kill one of their kind, they will kill one of your kind. You should ask your parents about them.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #545 on: March 16, 2009, 09:35:38 PM »
You know what he should do, he should face his fear in his dream then it'll stop.

That's what I wanted to do everytime, but some of my dreams are just too scary that I gave into my fears.  And feel really disppointed when I wake up.

I believe if you can face your fears in your nightmares or will have an impact on your reality as well.

The other day I had dream that a relative died, and we were suppose to cut him up and clean his stomach out like a pig for his funeral ceremony.  I remembered I was so scared and horrified in the dream, I couldn't do and just hide away while others do it.  When I woke up, I felt so angry about it that I wasn't able to face my fear.  I have other scary dreams too that I wasn't able to face my fears. :-\

My husband's a brave person. More brave than I am. I guess he lost that's why he threw them away.

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No regret

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #546 on: March 17, 2009, 01:30:15 AM »
these kind of mice are called dab ntxaug (skinny ghost). I have no idea how they came up w/ the name... anyways in the daytime, they are in the form of mice but at night they become what looks to be "fireflies" flying around a fireplace. If you kill one of their kind, they will kill one of your kind. You should ask your parents about them.

Actually, to my understanding they could be in the forms many other things too. Cause my brothers were seeing a few different scary things going on while we lived in that house.

I've just asked my mom again about it the other day, and she told me the time it took from my brother being very sick to his death was not even three days.  It was only like 1 started today and by sometime tommorrow he was dead already.

She also told me, after we got out of that house, my dad still haven't ceased to underestimatin g these spirits.  He paid a few people to torned down the house and had them transfered some of the parts to be use on our new house.  After we started living in that new house, my mom had a dream about two strange persons coming to visit our home.  And they said to her, so this is where you guy are, we've been wondering where you guys have ran off to.  After that dream, she started getting really sick in the same way as my brother and almost died too.  She was pretty luck, her father was a shaman, he pleaded with the spirits and  burned them a lot of paper money for them to leave her alone.

The people that came to built their house on part of that area left too after they lost two of their family members.  But they did the same my dad did, they torned the house down and took parts from it to used on their new house also.  After they moved into the new house, one morning the wife got up early as usual to cook and get ready.  She heard loud stumping noises from outside like a Rhino running towards their house.  She was about to peaked out to see what it was, then suddenly this big hairy and scary looking hand pushed itself through the wall made out of straws and hay materials.  She was so scared, she ran to wake up her husband up but it was gone.

We were finally free from those evil spirits, not sure what happened to them from that point on.

« Last Edit: March 17, 2009, 01:37:50 AM by No regret »

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No regret

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #547 on: March 17, 2009, 01:41:21 AM »
why did your uncle's wife stabb him ?

  When I grew up, my mom told me that my dad passed away.  I was too young to remember what he was like. Only in pictures and by other's stories.  I dreamed about him waking up from the coffin a couple of times.  When I saw the pale face lying face up on the coffin, I recognized that it was my dad.  His eyes were closed and I was standing two foot away from his body.  There was a complete silence for 5 seconds, noone was there....Sudde nly, his eyes were open and he was sitting up in the coffin.  I was so scared....his pale face frightened me.  He grabed my arm but I pulled away and ran.  Ran as fast as I could...I woke up so scared.  It made me scared to look at coffins when I'm at the funerals.

That's a pretty scary shoud do Power Ranger on him next time. ;D

Seriously why would he wanna scared u like that?

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #548 on: March 17, 2009, 05:53:22 AM »
My grandfather passed away when I was about 10 years old. During the funeral, all the adults had gone to the funeral home. My cousins and I were home cleaning up and washing the dishes; out of nowhere I burst out in tears. Nothing they said could calm me down. My cousins were christians and started praying for me. After they said their prayers, I stopped crying and calmed down. When my parents came home, they told my parents about it. Of course my parents brushed it off because they were so busy with everything, and they figured I was just sad about my grandfather passing on.
A month after the funeral, we moved to an apartment in Clovis. I went to a new school and everything went back to normal. Until one night, I was doing my homework and I heard a soft voice telling me to hurry upand finish my homework. I looked up from my paper and there was no one there. I went back to doing my homework and I heard ir again. This time it was louder and more demanding. It said," Hurry up and do your homework!" It's funny now that I think about it, but at the time I was scared poopless.  I wouldn't sleep in my room for days. My parents decided to ua neeg for me and see why I was hearing voices and why I cried hystrically during my grandfathers' funeral. The shaman told my parents the reason why I was crying was because my spirit saw my grandpa and it was sad. The voice that I heard was a pob xtoog(spelling) calling for me to hurry and finish to go play with them.

Here's another:

For years after my grandfathers' death, I would have this one reoccuring dream. I would have once or twice a year. In my dream, we were doing my grandfather's funeral at our house in the livingroom. They had his casket on top of dining table. There was a long tablecloth that goes across the table and flows all the way down to the floor. It was getting dark, and all the guest were leaving. My mom told my sibblings and I to go and hide because grandpa was going to wake up and look for food. My sibblings all went to hide in the bedroom, and I went and hid under the dining table. In the middle of the night, my grandpa woke up and the first thing he did was reached under the table and grabbed me.
Everytime I have this dream, I do the same exact thing. I'll go hide under the table thinking that he won'tget me. He always gets me. I haven't had this dream in a long time. Ever since I converted to Christianity.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #549 on: March 17, 2009, 05:57:32 AM »
Here's another one: This happened in NC.

It was about two years ago when this happened at my parents house. Just to paint a picture for everyone. My parents house is built on top of hill. My parents house faces the main road. There is a big a tree down smack in the middle of the front yard and the drive way is on the right side of the house. On the left side of the house is a little wooded area.
Anyways, this happened in Nov. My dad works graveyard shift. Everynight before he goes to work, he would start his car to warm it up. One night he started his car, and came back into the house for about 15 minutes or so. He went back out and the car wasn't there. Now my dads car is a five speed. If it was to roll, it would roll straight down the hill to the main road. That's was the first thing he did. He ran down the hill to see if his car rolled down there. It wasn't there. When he came back up the drive he noticed that the car was parked along the left side of the house. My younger brothers car was parked in the front of the house. Somehow, my dads car manage to bypass my brothers car and the tree. Even if it somehow rolled to the left of the house, it would of hit my brother's car and or the tree. I told my parents that someone or something moved the car, in order for the car to miss my brothers car and the tree. My parents brushed it off saying it was nothing.
A few weeks later, my dad wasn't feeling well. My mom went to see a shaman and my mom asked about the incident with my dads car. She told my mom that it was my dads relative in Laos coming to ask for money, and that they've been there for 6 months. It was time for them to go back and they did that to get my dad's attention. That everynight they would stand on different sides of the house to get my parents attention, but it didn't work. Well, my dad burnt them some money and they were on their merry way. We haven't had any more problems after that.

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Offline lost_forever

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #550 on: March 17, 2009, 09:35:53 AM »
No Regret  -   I don't know,  I was the only one in our family that dreamed about him.  Maybe its because I missed him alot......

Dawm   -   Those are scary, especially the one about your grandfather. 

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #551 on: March 17, 2009, 09:57:36 AM »
hey no regrets,
This is similar to what you said about your story.  This isn't a story what more like facts and figures similar to your story. well i heard if from a friend who just came from thailand when we were going to a soccer tourney. He said that in thailand there is a hill going down slanted and there were these people that built their house at the botton of the hill. well after living there for quite sometimes their family memnbers starting complaining about stomach pain and stuff like that. we before they knew what hit them two of their members died and they moved to another area. Then not long after that another family moved in and had the same problems. Then they did shaman and he told the family that their house was built over a grave and that is why they kept on gettting sick.  They built it over the grave and it didn't want them on his property. Well the family got scared and moved.  I guessed noone live there anymore.

here is another story.
this is what i heard from my pop.  We have this one uncle who back in the days went somewhere and he saw two girls playing around. Well he thought to himself why would these two little girls be playing in the middle of nowhere. so he went to asked if they were scared to play in the middle of nowhere/ well as it turns out he was walking towards the girls and when he got close. He asked little girl aren't you scared, why are you?????and while he was saying he put his right hand on top of the little girls' head and the little girl got spook because they didn't know my uncle what behind them.  The little girl turn around and frozed there like a dumb person.  My uncle also frozed in motion because this was no girl. this was a little poj nxtooj girl with long hair and her face was pale and rotten. He had came close to the poj ntxooj and was scared. so he ran back home. 

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #552 on: March 17, 2009, 01:14:58 PM »
mary jane is some potent stuff...
hell yeah. laced with shroom u can see that silly rabbit! the rabbit is always right

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #553 on: March 17, 2009, 03:02:09 PM »
here's another tragic sighting before one of my college buddy passed away in a motorcycle accident.
he and his bro lived in a housing complex. he woke up one morning to a white man in white rope standing in the doorway. a few secs. later it turned away.

he told us about his encountered with the man in a white rope, then a few mons later he got into a motorcycle and passed away.

sad man, he was suppose to graduate the following spring.

Whose your friend? I have a friend who pass away in a motorcycle accident, too

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #554 on: March 17, 2009, 11:38:04 PM »
I had this real scary but really kool illusion experience one night.

This is very true.

I was sleeping and woke up at around 2 am in the morning.  As I opened my eyes and looked around, I saw this figure image standing by my door.  It startled me so I tried focusing my eyes to get a better look at it, then it turned out to be "The Virgin Mary."  She was standing by my bedroom door, bowing her head down, with her hands up to her chin in a praying position .  She was greyish white just like a statue and glowing in the moonlight coming thru the window.  What's even wierder was I thought I'm just seeing things because of my blurry vision, but the more I robbed my eyes and focus, the image only becomes more sharper and real.  I got all freaked out, but as I kept staring at it in horror and amazement.  Her form slowly change and change and all was left of her image was just my towel hanging on my door knob.
Even if it was just an illusion, it's still an amazing experience.  I'm planning on making a beautiful painting of her image from that experience.

It was so real but scary at the same time...I wish everyone of you could experience it too. 

My other question is of all the things the world, why was it her that I saw?

I should tell this story to all people who goes to church.

« Last Edit: March 17, 2009, 11:58:10 PM by No regret »

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