
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1610310 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #975 on: October 29, 2009, 02:36:46 AM »
This is a story I heard happened in my hometown.

There was a family that lived in a haunted house.  The water would turn itself on and off, they would hear footsteps and strange noises.  One day everybody was out except a teenager.  He was making noodles when he heard the bathroom facet turn on.  Now, in this house, the kitchen is at one end, and the bathroom is at the end of the hallway.  He goes to check it out, finds the water running in the bathroom and turns it off.  Then he comes back and continues making his noodles.  He heard the facet turning on a second time, he goes and turns it off again, comes back and stirs his noodles in the kitchen.  The third time he heard it turning on, instead of walking down the hallway, he peeps out of the kitchen, and he sees....a female forehead peeping out from the bathroom back at him!

Creepy that he didn't see the whole face, just the forehead and the hair dangling around it.  I think that family moved out soon after.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #976 on: October 29, 2009, 09:31:35 AM »
This thread is very interesting.  Felt I had to respond with a story of my own.  I work in healthcare and I like to donate blood, so my mom told me this one strange story.

There were two sisters somewhere up in the twin cities.  They were both college students, and they donated blood to the red cross.  One sister got very sick, she lost alot of weight and got thinner and thinner, wasting away.  The doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong with her either.  One night her mom had a dream.  In the dream, her dad (who passed away recently or several years ago) came to her mom and said, "I don't know why you don't look over our daughters very well.  You need to tell them to stop donating blood.  The reason why our daughter is so sick is because she signed the paper work before donating, and now the donor who received her blood is dead.  Even in the afterlife Nancy (the deceased) keeps coming and taking our daughters blood.  Thats why she's sick all the time."  After that, the mom asked the daughters if they were donating blood, when they confirmed this was true, the family had to do a jingle.  Now the daughter is healthy again.

I don't think i'll be donating blood anymore.....

Thanks for sharing.  I used to donate blood but not anymore.  Will have to keep this in mind.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #977 on: October 29, 2009, 10:48:50 AM »

« Last Edit: January 14, 2017, 11:14:53 PM by Shadow »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #978 on: October 29, 2009, 12:48:04 PM »
remember how i told u guys i was goin hunting this weekend at a place that was "suppose" to be haunted, well, i just heard a new story about it from my uncle, he went there a few days ago to see if it was suitable(which means if their were a lot of animals for us to hunt, lol), heres his story

It was around 3 in the morning when he started tracking an animal, since it was dark he didnt really know what it was, he thought maybe a Doe or something. Well he followed it for about a good 10 minutes when he found himself in a clearing, and thats when the animal sprinted off, leaving him alone. Thats when he noticed he was in a place that he was unfamiliarized with. Scared, but still hmong, he decided to still follow the animal(which sprinted away, i knoe, wat an idiot). He looked for its track and when he found it, he said it was the strangest thing he has ever seen(okay, just to inform u, my uncle is just a few years older than me, hes not one of those old people who know all this ghost stuff), it looked like a paw/hand(this is the part where i got goosebumps), and as he followed it nearer the woods, the track started to look more and more like a human hand. He said he freaked out and ran back towards the trees he came from, and just kept running. He was super scared cause he didnt know where he was going, he kept running until(no joke at all), he ran into an indian(lol, i knoe), the other man seemed jsut as frighten as he was(just so u knoe, this wasnt an indian with only a small cloth blockin his penis, lol, this was an indian fully clothed, a modern indian). But anywaise, the man asked him what he was doing there. My uncle looked at him and just cried. The man took my uncle back to the mans truck and drove him to the mans home(a house not a TeePee). He sat my uncle down, and had his wife and kid go outside. That's when he asked my uncle again, what he was doing there. My uncle, now calmed downed, said that he was checking out the place for hunting. The man shook his head and told my uncle that this place was sacred(yeah right), and that animal spirits gaurd this place, and that the hunting ground is seperated from it by a fence. After a few more useless questions. my uncle asked him about the hand/paw print. This confused the man, since he didnt know of anything like that. But the man sent my uncle back to his car, and my uncle left the hunting place. My grandpa told my uncle that it was probably a pob txoog(or something like that), that was trying to take my uncle. But when it went past the indian boundary, it probably was defeated by the good animal spirits(he said it in hmnog, maybe it would make since if u translate it). But, we are still gonna go back there to hunt this weekend, lol, i wanna see the indian

you know that indians are a lot like hmong ppl. they are very supertitious, and very shaman-like.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #979 on: October 29, 2009, 12:56:58 PM »
remember how i told u guys i was goin hunting this weekend at a place that was "suppose" to be haunted, well, i just heard a new story about it from my uncle, he went there a few days ago to see if it was suitable(which means if their were a lot of animals for us to hunt, lol), heres his story

It was around 3 in the morning when he started tracking an animal, since it was dark he didnt really know what it was, he thought maybe a Doe or something. Well he followed it for about a good 10 minutes when he found himself in a clearing, and thats when the animal sprinted off, leaving him alone. Thats when he noticed he was in a place that he was unfamiliarized with. Scared, but still hmong, he decided to still follow the animal(which sprinted away, i knoe, wat an idiot). He looked for its track and when he found it, he said it was the strangest thing he has ever seen(okay, just to inform u, my uncle is just a few years older than me, hes not one of those old people who know all this ghost stuff), it looked like a paw/hand(this is the part where i got goosebumps), and as he followed it nearer the woods, the track started to look more and more like a human hand. He said he freaked out and ran back towards the trees he came from, and just kept running. He was super scared cause he didnt know where he was going, he kept running until(no joke at all), he ran into an indian(lol, i knoe), the other man seemed jsut as frighten as he was(just so u knoe, this wasnt an indian with only a small cloth blockin his penis, lol, this was an indian fully clothed, a modern indian). But anywaise, the man asked him what he was doing there. My uncle looked at him and just cried. The man took my uncle back to the mans truck and drove him to the mans home(a house not a TeePee). He sat my uncle down, and had his wife and kid go outside. That's when he asked my uncle again, what he was doing there. My uncle, now calmed downed, said that he was checking out the place for hunting. The man shook his head and told my uncle that this place was sacred(yeah right), and that animal spirits gaurd this place, and that the hunting ground is seperated from it by a fence. After a few more useless questions. my uncle asked him about the hand/paw print. This confused the man, since he didnt know of anything like that. But the man sent my uncle back to his car, and my uncle left the hunting place. My grandpa told my uncle that it was probably a pob txoog(or something like that), that was trying to take my uncle. But when it went past the indian boundary, it probably was defeated by the good animal spirits(he said it in hmnog, maybe it would make since if u translate it). But, we are still gonna go back there to hunt this weekend, lol, i wanna see the indian

Go and come back with a good/scary personal experience story. personal experiences are teh best stories.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #980 on: October 29, 2009, 09:53:51 PM »
The one with the forehead of a female staring back at him was scary. Back when me and my family use to lived in a duplex in the middle of a wooded forest right off of exit 107 on I-40 (if you're from NC you know where this is at) we had a relative family came and stay with us for awhile. Everything was fine at first, there were a lot of us kids at the time and we were always having too much fun to pay attention to anything else but ourselves until after one night.

Everybody had just finish taking baths right after dinner and it was bed time. My aunt and her family had been sleeping out in our living room since their arrival, well that night will be a night she'll always remember. She said that no-more than five minutes after the last light (which is the light in the hallway) was turn off, it turn back on and than off again. On and than off again, she said she thought it was probably either me or one of my brothers and sisters so she yelled for us to stop playing around an go to sleep. It stop for awhile and than it happened again, on and than off over and over again. My uncle got kind of mad so he told my aunt to walk over to the hallway and she who it was.

She got up and walk over toward the hallway but stop and slow down in her track when she heard tiny little voices giggling from the hallway. She said she was going to scream at us if she see that it's one of us but when she slowly peek from the end corner she saw two little hairy creatures looking like little kids and they were talking to each other. One of them was on top of the other one so they could reach the light switch because they're shorties and they where flicking the switch on and off, on and off. She got freak and ran back to my uncle and their kids but was too scared to even said a word.

My uncle, thinking that it maybe was still one of us got really mad and got up himself and walk over to the hallway but they were gone so he came into me and my brothers' room and kind of yelled at us to stop playing around and go to sleep. We didn't know what he was talking about than until the next day when my aunt told us kids to be more careful when we play and about what happened from the night before. I was like "WHAT?", because the switch was right out of me and my brother's room. All of us kids use to that baths with the bathroom door wide open for awhile after the incident. More strange things happened at that spooky place but I'll share it more later.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #981 on: October 30, 2009, 01:42:24 AM »
Share some more please.....I'd love ta hear

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #982 on: October 30, 2009, 05:29:37 AM »
Well, here's another one:

I bought myself a little baby monitor so I can hear my little girl. She was just about 2 months old when this happened. I closed my bedroom door and while I was walking out to the living room with my son, I heard someone cough through the other end of the monitor. Freaked the sh!t out of me! So, I don't use it anymore.  :o

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #983 on: October 30, 2009, 09:44:53 AM »
Havocrazy, that is creepy.  Share more please.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #984 on: October 30, 2009, 10:00:00 AM »
FS, that's why I never bother to own one.. During the time dad was still living a lot of weird things happen around the house.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #985 on: October 30, 2009, 10:05:08 AM »
FS, that's why I never bother to own one.. During the time dad was still living a lot of weird things happen around the house.

yeah same here, during the time fathernlaw was really sick.... before i married my hubby, he told me that he was home alone, and he heard someone walking up the stairs.  oooh, goosebumps! hubby was a manwh()re, lol, so he used to come home really late at night. and one night, he was so tired he knocked out. he woke up a bit later and thought his computer was on, but he looked across the room and it wasn't, he heard like someone laugh or giggle, then he felt a pillow hit him in the face. he used to sleep with lots of pillows, and he throws them on the floor when he's on the bed. i guess he was too tired to focus on waht happened, so he just fell back asleep.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #986 on: October 30, 2009, 12:05:48 PM »
speaking of monitors, i was thinking about getting one for my mom since she LOVES to scream for me. since she started getting sick 8 years ago, she's been seeing and hearing things. often, she'll see little kids playing around her or she'll see my dad. you don't even have to touch her, you just bump into a chair or something, she freaks out and calls for me or someone that she knows is home with her. Well, we live in a two story house. i'm usually downstairs  because the computer is downstairs. even with the tv on next to her, she still screams for me. i would often run up the stairs and see what she wants! as long as she hears my voice or anyone, she's ok. because my mom kept calling for me or for anyone, i thought to get a monitor just so i can let her know that i'm next to her or that i hear her. i even thought about getting her a bell because she can't do much for herself so whatever she wanted, i could get it for her. well, my nephew's wife told us not to get it. apparently, before her grandma died, they bought her one. Whatever her grandma wanted, she would ring that bell. after the grandma died, a few days after her death, they would hear the bell ring. even after they took out the batteries, they could still hear it so they just threw away the bell.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #987 on: October 30, 2009, 12:09:42 PM »
speaking of monitors, i was thinking about getting one for my mom since she LOVES to scream for me. since she started getting sick 8 years ago, she's been seeing and hearing things. often, she'll see little kids playing around her or she'll see my dad. you don't even have to touch her, you just bump into a chair or something, she freaks out and calls for me or someone that she knows is home with her. Well, we live in a two story house. i'm usually downstairs  because the computer is downstairs. even with the tv on next to her, she still screams for me. i would often run up the stairs and see what she wants! as long as she hears my voice or anyone, she's ok. because my mom kept calling for me or for anyone, i thought to get a monitor just so i can let her know that i'm next to her or that i hear her. i even thought about getting her a bell because she can't do much for herself so whatever she wanted, i could get it for her. well, my nephew's wife told us not to get it. apparently, before her grandma died, they bought her one. Whatever her grandma wanted, she would ring that bell. after the grandma died, a few days after her death, they would hear the bell ring. even after they took out the batteries, they could still hear it so they just threw away the bell.

when old people starts to get sick, they will start seeing things. :( I remember my FIL who keeps on seeing this lil girl who follow him time he saw her and thought it was my daughter... when he stared closely to it, it'sface was a rotten...... it manage to smile at my FIL too..

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #988 on: October 30, 2009, 12:13:13 PM »
speaking of monitors, i was thinking about getting one for my mom since she LOVES to scream for me. since she started getting sick 8 years ago, she's been seeing and hearing things. ...

that's a good idea. but beware of what you may hear at the other end. lol.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #989 on: October 30, 2009, 01:02:03 PM »
SL, talking about little girls, my mom saw a little girl. she thought it was my niece tapping her. she  didn't think anything. she just went back to sleep. a few months after that, my nephew's wife's mom saw a little girl playing around my mom and before my mom's cardiac arrest, my brother had a dream about a little girl wanting to take my mom. in his dream, it was my older sister.

i remember before my grandma died, she saw a white man standing at my oldest brother's door. it was one night where my grandma came to visit my brother at his home from the nursing home. i was there also visiting my brother. well, the nieces and I were playing in the living room when my grandma comes out of the room yelling at us saying in hmong, "why you guys let that white man inside!!! tell him to leave right now!" we looked at the door and saw no one. we told her that no one was there. she said, "he's right there! don't you see him?" we kind of freaked out so we ran to my brother's bedroom door. pounded on it and woke up my brother and SIL. my SIL went to check it out and again, told her that there was no one there. She put my grandma back to bed. a week or so after, she passed away.

after my dad died and my mom got really sick, like i said above, she would see things. i have so  many stories from it. i think i should be afraid of it but i'm not. i just used to of it. everytime she mentions that she sees soemthing, i just remind her that there's nothing there. i think that's why she's always screaming for me, too. she knows that if i do'nt see it, it's probably something paranormal. makes her even more scared.

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