
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1606542 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1185 on: December 29, 2009, 06:39:47 PM »
Okay... so this is freaking scary and it still freaks me out sometimes...

.... [excerpted]

Since the name change everything has been calm and my dreams and nightmares went away.

Yep.  The elders say you should never answer if you hear someone calling your name but don't see who it is.  That is also why whenever we go hunting, you should never call out anyone's name.  If you see someone, wait until they are within speaking distance to talk.  Never yell out their name, even if you want their attention.  You can just do an, "AHEM!" or just say "Hey!" but never call out their name.  It is believed that if there is anything out there, they will remember that person's name and use your voice to call them even when you're not there.  As soon as that person answers, bam!  That thing is attached to them.

Also, about things falling ... whenever you mention someone who is dead by name and something falls, you are to stop immediately.  It means that person does not want you to be talking about them.  If you continue, you they will make it known.  In your case, you even went out and answered your friend.  That's a big no-no, but now I see you know it already.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1186 on: December 29, 2009, 06:48:20 PM »
If you've ever had kids or been around kids who haven't lost their teeth yet, you will know that elders say they can see things we adults cannot.

My ex-wife and I were living in a two-bedroom apartment with our two young boys.  This was before we had our daughter.  Anyway, the older son was 3 and the younger son was 1.  The younger son had just started walking. 

One day we were in the living room watching TV.  The way the living room was setup, the TV was in the corner farthest away from the hallway leading to the bedrooms and the bathroom.  We were all seated on the floor, turned towards the TV except for the youngest son.  He was seated facing us, in the direction of the hallway.

He was playing, sucking on his bottle, looking at mommy and daddy, when all of a sudden he frowned and started crying.  He pointed towards the hallway.  Knowing that there was nobody else in the apartment, my hairs immediately started standing up.  I turned around towards the dark hallway and grabbed my son at the same time to comfort him.  Of course, I didn't see anything, but he was frightened stiff and shaking.  I tried my best to comfort him and staying calm at the same time.  After a couple minutes and turning him away from the hallway, he stopped crying.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1187 on: December 30, 2009, 12:24:17 AM »
Okay... so this is freaking scary and it still freaks me out sometimes...

When I was in my high school years, I had this friend, who was a lesbian and at that time it wasn't really widely as accepted as it is today.  Anyhow... she was in love with her girlfriend and they wanted to get married, but of course both families refused. So they decided to tie eachother up and jump into the dam, I believe it's called "Shaver Lake"or something. The night that they killed themselves, I felt a cold chill down my back and the hair on my hair and arms were standing up. I felt weird that night, but I couldn’t understand why. I asked my family and everyone was like, “No, we’re okay it’s not cold in here”. So I brushed it off and made nothing more of it, but the next morning while I was getting ready for school, I saw that on the news they’ve found 2 bodies at the dam and it was 2 Asian girls and they gave a slight description of them. When I heard it on the new, it caught my attention when they mentioned her belt and I knew that it was them. I had this cold feeling that it was them. After it was confirmed that it was them everything started…

The First Incident…
My mom was asking me about it and I told her that I knew the girl I mentioned her name and we had a little discussion about it. Well, where my room is, there’s this really big pine tree and we’ve lived in our house for 4 years and nothing has ever happened, but that night I heard something on the roof and it freaked me out. I couldn’t sleep so the next morning when I looked outside I saw that a really big branch from the tree broke off. A few nights after that everything went well and nothing weird happened, then I mentioned her name again to my cousin and that very night another branch broke off and hit my roof again.

The Second Incident
After the 4x that it happened, I started to get scared so traded rooms with my sister and in this room had a sliding door to the back yard. Everything was fine at first then like 3 days after I moved into that room, I hear a cat meowing at my window. The next night, I couldn’t stand it anymore, so I went outside and made a lot of commotions like slamming things, pounding on the fence, and throwing soda cans, but the cat kept meowing. The 5th night, I hear a voice calling for my name… so I went out side and nothing thinking... (I thought it was one of my friends) I asked who in the “HELL” is calling for me this late at night. I know, my mom has always told me that you don’t answer to anything unless you see someone where or know who’s calling you. As soon as I answered, everything was silent and the next night nothing happened, but the nightmares started. I kept having repeated dreams of a fish-like scaly person chasing after me and always almost getting me. I began to get really sick and as the Hmong’s call it, yellow ears.

The end
I finally told my parents what has happened and it’s because we promised to always be the best of friends and we’ll stick together to the end, no matter what. Even in life or death. Look I was young, I didn’t believe in what my parents has ever said until this happened to me. My parents instantly got a Shaman to come over and killed a pig for me. While doing what she does as a Shaman I notice that each time she kept screaming louder and louder. It didn’t seem too good and I knew too because it lasted for a very very long time. I didn’t know anything, but after she was done, she told my dad that there was nothing else that she can do because the spirits were too strong and she can’t do anything else for me, unless she changed my named. Since the name change everything has been calm and my dreams and nightmares went away.


That story happened a pretty long time ago. I believe it was Millerton Lake, Friant Dam. Anyways, lots of creep stuff happens in Fresno. Lost Lake

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1188 on: December 30, 2009, 12:28:35 AM »

great stories, you just revived a dead thread

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1189 on: December 30, 2009, 07:03:39 AM »

great stories, you just revived a dead thread

I applaud you to!!  The thread seemed like it WAS dying.  But not no more!!  ;) ;) ;)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1190 on: December 30, 2009, 10:35:59 AM »


That story happened a pretty long time ago. I believe it was Millerton Lake, Friant Dam. Anyways, lots of creep stuff happens in Fresno. Lost Lake

yup... almost 10 years because I think that it happened when I was a Freshman or Sophomore and now I'm 25 so it was a long time ago. Yea... I'm also banned from going to Millerton Lake. That's right... that was what the Lake was called.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1191 on: December 30, 2009, 10:41:23 AM »
Anyone on PH who ever lived in those apartments on Farmington Streets in Stockton,CA? If so, there's lots of ghost stories about those apartments. ;D

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1192 on: December 30, 2009, 10:42:08 AM »

great stories, you just revived a dead thread
Thank you.  I think this is a great thread, so I'm glad my stories were taken well.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1193 on: December 30, 2009, 10:57:21 AM »
Yep.  The elders say you should never answer if you hear someone calling your name but don't see who it is.  That is also why whenever we go hunting, you should never call out anyone's name.  If you see someone, wait until they are within speaking distance to talk.  Never yell out their name, even if you want their attention.  You can just do an, "AHEM!" or just say "Hey!" but never call out their name.  It is believed that if there is anything out there, they will remember that person's name and use your voice to call them even when you're not there.  As soon as that person answers, bam!  That thing is attached to them.

Also, about things falling ... whenever you mention someone who is dead by name and something falls, you are to stop immediately.  It means that person does not want you to be talking about them.  If you continue, you they will make it known.  In your case, you even went out and answered your friend.  That's a big no-no, but now I see you know it already.

Yup... Growing up my parents has always taught us many things and tried to keep us as traditional as they can. They did what mostly all Hmong parents did and told us stories and what to do and not to do, but I was always the black sheep of the family. Besides the cooking and cleaning, I didn't really believe in any of the things that they told me about until it happened to me. I was never superstitious, but now since I've experienced it I know that there are real ghost out there. Some to hurt you or to guide you. Now... I'm always freaking out abuot every little thing that happens. I can't even watch scary movies like how I use to.

Oh yeah... I forgot to mention, but I was in class during all this was happening and on day in chemistry, I felt something, like a hand, on my right shoulder and for a few days after that I should shoulder was in so much pain. Massaging it didn't even help it. I, now, believe that she came and visited me and put her arm on my shoulder and has been there until the day I changed my name.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1194 on: December 30, 2009, 10:59:17 AM »
Anyone on PH who ever lived in those apartments on Farmington Streets in Stockton,CA? If so, there's lots of ghost stories about those apartments. ;D

Yeah, there is a lot of ghost stories there. My sister use to live there and she use to tell me all these crazy things about that place. About dead people being sighted walking around and etc...

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1195 on: December 30, 2009, 11:04:30 AM »
Yeah, there is a lot of ghost stories there. My sister use to live there and she use to tell me all these crazy things about that place. About dead people being sighted walking around and etc...

My cousin lived in one apartment that this old lady passed away in there and her spirit never left the apartment. At night the old lady would come and mess with my cousin. The thing was a lot of hmong families knows that apartment was haunted but I don't know why my cousin decided to move in there. Anyhow, it wasn't long before they moved out.. heheh She said she would hear the old lady talking to her and scaring her.

« Last Edit: December 30, 2009, 11:06:54 AM by Sweet_luvin »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1196 on: December 30, 2009, 11:37:15 AM »
If you've ever had kids or been around kids who haven't lost their teeth yet, you will know that elders say they can see things we adults cannot.

My ex-wife and I were living in a two-bedroom apartment with our two young boys.  This was before we had our daughter.  Anyway, the older son was 3 and the younger son was 1.  The younger son had just started walking. 

One day we were in the living room watching TV.  The way the living room was setup, the TV was in the corner farthest away from the hallway leading to the bedrooms and the bathroom.  We were all seated on the floor, turned towards the TV except for the youngest son.  He was seated facing us, in the direction of the hallway.

He was playing, sucking on his bottle, looking at mommy and daddy, when all of a sudden he frowned and started crying.  He pointed towards the hallway.  Knowing that there was nobody else in the apartment, my hairs immediately started standing up.  I turned around towards the dark hallway and grabbed my son at the same time to comfort him.  Of course, I didn't see anything, but he was frightened stiff and shaking.  I tried my best to comfort him and staying calm at the same time.  After a couple minutes and turning him away from the hallway, he stopped crying.

My youngest sister is proof this because before she lost her baby teeth, she use to be the same way, but it's not that scary though. When she was younger she would play by herself in the family room while we were all in school and my mom would be sewing in her bedroom or the living room, which is separated by the kitchen from the family room. While the house was at peace, my mom would hear my sister playing and laugh and gibberish talk and then after a few hours, she'd stop and come running to my mom with a pale face and would tell my mom that she saw a monster. At first my mom thought that it was nothing, but it kept happening over and over again. So finally one day, my mom asked my sister, "How does did monster look like?" and my sister answer, "Like you, mom, it's big like you and has long hair". After hearing that she freaked out so she told my dad about and we overheard so then my dad asked my sister how this monster looked like, while in the living room, and my sister pointed to my grandma's picture and said, "daddy, that's grandma, who plays with me then she turns into a monster". That also made my dad uncomfortable because that was my real grandma who passed away a long time ago and no one in the family knew this at that time, expect for my parents, middle sister, and I. My dad stopped for a little while and then told my sister, "That's not grandma because grandma lives with grandpa in Laos". My sister then told him that she's our real grandma and the one in Laos is fake. After that incident, my dad called a uncle who was a shaman and he did what he did and then told my dad that my real grandma is worried about us so she's watching over us and that we needed to rebuild her grave in Laos. So we killed some chicken as an offering, rebuilt her grave sight, and my uncle said that if it happens again then just say that WE'RE SHY. He said that instead of saying Grandma, you're scaring us, just tell her that we're shy and spirits will leave. Shortly after all this happened, everything returned to normal and my sister's paranormal experience ended.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1197 on: December 30, 2009, 11:45:12 AM »
My cousin lived in one apartment that this old lady passed away in there and her spirit never left the apartment. At night the old lady would come and mess with my cousin. The thing was a lot of hmong families knows that apartment was haunted but I don't know why my cousin decided to move in there. Anyhow, it wasn't long before they moved out.. heheh She said she would hear the old lady talking to her and scaring her.

yeah.. I think my sister told me a story about that apartment to that there an old lady who died there and she's haunting that apartment and every tenant that lives here. She also told me about people hearing footsteps and voices too.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1198 on: December 30, 2009, 01:19:35 PM »
I met this lady whose got so many freaking ghost story about her but I don't remember half of what she told me. I wish I can get her to come on PH to tell her stories. It's more freky than some of these other stories on PH. ;D :D Cuz it all started when her sister died and she wed to her BIL. :o

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1199 on: December 30, 2009, 01:21:41 PM »
Hey HunnayDew, since you're so pretty, I can stay here all day and tell you ghost stories.  But ... only if you get scared and cuddle up with me.  :D

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