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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3675 on: November 19, 2012, 08:52:56 AM »
One of my buddies had a cousin who was attending school in southeast wisc. Don't remember which one but I believe it was uw platteville. I just remember this story and I heard it from my buddy, so all the details might not be accurate since I heard it a while back. So school was over for the summer and my buddys cousin was driving back home to wausau late at night. It was really foggy and a chilly night. He drove a little slower than normal just in case there were deers on the road or what not. He was getting really tire and fatigued. It was getting harder and harder to keep his eyes open. Out of nowhere he hears a loud screeching noise from within his car. Right next to his ears. He looks around, kinda awake now and freaked. My buddys cousin said the screeching came again and again. But unlike a physical noise, the screeching sounded like it was coming more in his mind, if that makes sense. Then, he had an overwhelming desire to get off the highway. He explained it like it was an instinct. So he exits the next exit and finds himself in a small weird town. Because it was dark and foggy, he got lost for a bit before backtracking to the hwy. By this time, the screeching was fine and he was wide awake now. He managed to get back onto the hwy and made it home safely within the hour.

The next day, he talked to shaman uncle about the incident. His uncle said it was because a spirit hitch hiked with him. The "screeching" he kept hearing was actually the spirit telling him to exit the hwy because it wanted him to drop it off at the town that he exited off to. His physical body couldn't comprehend what was going on, but his spirit knew so it, you can say, "took over" unconciously to help the ghost on its way. Fortunately, the shaman uncle said it was a friendly ghost and they didn't need to jingle bell for him.

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3676 on: November 19, 2012, 09:29:27 AM »
I'm bored. Read a couple of pages back where peeps were writing about zajs so ill add one in.

Anybody live close to wausau, wisc? If you do, I'm sure you'd hear a park name Sunnyvale. It's notorious for zajs and all that good stuff. And fishing. Can't forget the fishing. Anyways, I personally know one person who drowned there when I was a senior in hs and know of a couple of buddies and relatives who had close calls.

My story is about three of my buddies. I'll just call them friend a,b, and c respectively.
One day during the summer of 05 or 06(its been a while lol), I went to go kick it with friend a who lived just a couple of blocks down from me. So we were chilling and all friend b calls me up and was wondering what we were up to. Told him we were chilling at friend a's house. Friend b says he's gonna stop by with friend c, who is also his cousin.

So they both stopped by and were just chilling upstairs in friend a's room gaming. It starts thundering real hard and raining cats and dogs. During this time we heard movements and doors closing and stuff. Didn't think much of it because friend a said his sisters were home and all. We went downstairs to eat coz my buddy was cooking. I noticed movement coming from upstairs again but didn't care. After we finished, friend b said he wanted to go cruising in his Supra, so were like aite. Friend a said he was gonna run upstairs real quick to grab a jacket. So were downstairs chit chatting and friend a just literally half jumps half dashs down the stairs freaking out. Were like wassup, and he said "dude there ain't no one upstairs!" Were like yea so? So he says..if my sisters and them ain't home, and were alone this whole time, who was walking around making noises and closing doors and stuff? That's when it hit the three of us that stayed downstairs and we all freaked lol. Ran out of friend a's house and into the superdupra lol.

Anyways so we went cruising and ended up at Sunnyvale. It was still thunderstormin g and as crazy as it sounds, there were some white folks swimming lol. The crazier part was that my buddies want to also now that they saw people swimming LOL. But we didn't bring any swimming gear so we ended up driving back home to grab some. Friend b, the driver dropped all of us off and went home to grab a more convenient car. So there I was at home SECRETLY packing up swimming gear. I say secretly because the mention of just going there gets me a good itching. Well. Musta been fate or some other force because my mom came into my room and caught me packing my stuff. As soon as she saw my towel she knew what I was up to. I got a good butt itching from her and a big butt lecture about zaj this and zaj that. So when the guys called, told them I couldn't go anymore. So they went without me. This is where MY story ends. The next part I heard from all three of them.

So after I told them I wasn't gonna go anymore, they headed to Sunnyvale. When they got there, all the white folks were gone. They got there stuff on and got in the water. They just chilling and sitting shallow part of the lake. Remember its still thunderstormin g. Friend a and friend c are sitting down. Friend b got up and just right as he did, according to all of them, lightning struck a tree other side of the lake. It was strong enough that they felt a little bit of the electrocution. Friend b started running out while hilariously, friend a and b just looked at each other. Friend b had to yell at them to hurry the F up LOL.

Anyways, friend b and c went to go see one of their uncle who was a shaman. He looked into it and, I'm sure after itching them out, told them the zaj that lived in that lake was gonna come get them, but my buddies were lucky because god(dk how to spell it in hmong) wouldn't allow the zaj to take my buddies. So he sent that bolt down to not only scare my buddies away, but to also stop the zaj.

The more I think about it, man we did some stupid AZZ shizznizz back when we were younger lmao O0

I live kinda close there but I haven´t really consider fishing that far. I live in Oshkosh which is a good 1 hour and 30min drive depending on how fast you drive. I usually get to Wausau like in 2 hours cause I like to stop at the Mobile gas station in Stevens Point(just to play that coin dozer game) anyways. There are a lot of ¨Zajs¨ in Wisconsin. I don´t know if anyone has been to Manitowac, WI but the light house there has a zaj guarding that area. Like if you go fishing or swimming there the water rises and you get freak out. Sometimes I wonder if there is really a gate or door to the Zajs land? But other times i get the chills that something wants to pull me in when i go fishing. Now I don´t really spend time fishing anymore cause I do that a lot when I´m with my cousins and little brothers. We don´t go anymore cause we had too much encounters will fish not biting, weird things happening, strange looking fishes, and our parents yelling at us for going fishing too much.
Well if anyone got anymore ¨zaj¨ stories please tell cause i´m very interested in hearing about them.

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3677 on: November 21, 2012, 03:34:39 AM »
i havent gone there for a long long time. usually when we go fishing now, we go to various other places or else we go to Lake Dubay, about halfway to Stevens Point(which, by the way, is also notorious for ghost encounters; lots and lots of stories from there).  Sunnyvale itself is a man made lake. its on the outskirts of wausau, going to Marathon City if you take hwy 29 west.

there's a road/trail that encircles around the whole lake and back. when you walk on the road/trail, around the lake, there are various trails that lead deeper into the woods. when you follow these trails, they lead to various parts of a secluded river. im not really sure how popular it is anymore to fish there, but i know some of my buds still go there during the daytime to fish for small mouths and the such when the season is right.

its quite creepy at night. after all, some trails lead pretty dang deep into the woods. sometimes during the spring, some of those trails can become flooded. there's been more than one time where we followed a trail for a good 15-20 mins, only to find it submerged, and having to backtrack. in the dark lol. there's also been sightings of shadow peoples, bigfoots and pooj ntxoj deep in that part of the woods. a personal buddy of mine went camping with his older brothers late at night one time. they created a small campfire to keep warm and light the small surrounding. at one point, they noticed another fisherman who was sitting down on a fallen tree trunk. they never noticed he was there nor had they hear him coming. all of sudden he was just there. the tree trunk is pretty far into the river. the river itself isnt that wide though. a little wider than a creek. but you had to climb up at the base of the trunk from land, and carefully traverse to the where this "fisherman" was. all of sudden he was just there lol. you gotta understand its at 1-2 in the morning so its very dark, and as fishermen are, they become so concentrated at what theyre doing, sometimes they dont notice their surroundings. yet my buddy swore there was no way this guy coulda gotten on the trunk without any of them noticing since they were just a few yards from it. and of course, after a while, he disappears. they called it a night after that lol.

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3678 on: November 25, 2012, 09:13:05 PM »
Forgot to add this, it happened a few weeks back to my friend. If any of you are related to the Xiongs in Lompoc or Santa Barbara, you will know that there were two funerals just in the last month. One was a grandma distantly related to us.

The house where the grandma lived is about two blocks away from my house. Behind their house is another home of a Thao family where my friend lives.

A few nights after the grandma passed away at the hospital, my friend posted on Facebook at around 3am her puppy starting wimpering and barking at one spot in her room. It wouldn't calm down and just kept being really scared of one corner. So my friend got spooked and went outside her room and found that the lamp in the hallway was flickering on and off. She thought that her older brother left the light on so his kids could use the bathroom in the middle of the night but when she went to turn it off... and I am not lying... the lamp was in the OFF position! To make it worse, when she went back to her room the light out in the front yard, which is a motion sensor light, kept turning on and off. She wrote, FML.

Of course I teased her about it, and she'll probably kick my ass hahaha.

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3679 on: December 07, 2012, 02:55:42 PM »
we need more stories in here. stop going on FB! jk! lol.. well, since i'm already here, i guess i'll share a couple of stories.

this happened to me about a few weeks ago this day. It was just my toddler great-nephew(GN) and I home. the GN was playing and watching TV while I was reading some ghost stories on FB. All of a sudden, the door that leads to the garage suddenly closes. It was as if someone closed it. I kind of freaked out but shrugged it off. I usually do that so i don't scare myself. After maybe an hour and a half, the great-nephew and I move a few feet to the kitchen/dining area. I was on my laptop and he was just playing around me. He was getting ready to climb on the dining table when he started crying and saying, "owwie." I asked him what was wrong and he showed me his hand. I looked at it and it there were fresh teeth marks. It was as if someone bit him really hard on his hands. The teeth marks looks small so I pressed it against his mouth to see if he did it. It looked small enough so I just ignored it.

A couple of hours later when his uncle came home, I told him to watch the GN while i went out to run some errands. I don't know what prompt me to do it but before I left, I checked his hands. there were no evidence that a bite was there so I left. About an hour and a half later, i come home to his father, his mother and uncle asking me if something happened to his hands. I thought they saw the bite but what they told me was they saw blisters around his fingers. Then we all started sharing stories about what's going on in our house. The day before, the mother was home with the GN. She was hearing the cabinets in the downstairs bathroom open and close. She knew no one else was home. She ignored it and went on with her day. The father kept hearing the garage door open and close. then of course, i shared what happened that day. we went on with our evening. didn't care for it anymore.

during the night, i had a scary dream. In my dream, i was driving on a dark road at night. All of a sudden, i feel a dark and scary enitity right behind my chair. It knew I that I knew it was there so it tried to push my chair forward against the steering wheel. It didn't work so It got a hold of the steering wheels and was trying to make me lose control of the car. I fought it as much as i could but we crashed. Once we crashed, it got a hold of me and tried to strangle me. I kept trying to fight it and as I was doing it, I yelled out for God in Hmoob. Just as i got to Vaaj, it would block my throat or my mind from saying it. I did it again and yelled really loud, "VAAJTSWV!!" the funny thing was, i said it in a really low and sinister voice. It eventually got off of me and then i woke up within another dream. that dream wasn't as scary so i'm not going to share that part. however, i did wake up after those dreams because i had to use the bathroom. i didn't want to because i read somewhere that paranoramal stuff happens right at 3 am.  i looked at the clock and realized that i had about 15 minutes to use the bathroom. I quickly got up and went. I used it, washed my hands and ran back to my room. I jumped on my bed and tried to sleep. just as I was about to sleep, i hear a tapping noise. As i was trying to listen for it, it hit me that it was coming from my window!! Where i positioned my bed is right up against the window. Ever since we moved into this house, my bed has always been up against it. this was the first time i heard the tapping. I did get scared. I grabbed my phone and pretended to watch Youtube but suddenly exhaustion took over. throughout the night, i heard it but ignored it.

Even until this day, it comes and go. I think it was a week or so ago, I heard it and instead of getting scared, I smacked my window. Earlier today, I just turned my body and continue sleeping. LOL...

this night though, the weirdest thing was, our dog kept barking. My nyaab, the GN's mom, told me that the neighbors or someone kept shooting fireworks so it would drive the dog crazy. not only that but the GN kept crying throughout the night.

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3680 on: December 11, 2012, 11:37:35 AM »
i havent gone there for a long long time. usually when we go fishing now, we go to various other places or else we go to Lake Dubay, about halfway to Stevens Point(which, by the way, is also notorious for ghost encounters; lots and lots of stories from there).  Sunnyvale itself is a man made lake. its on the outskirts of wausau, going to Marathon City if you take hwy 29 west.

there's a road/trail that encircles around the whole lake and back. when you walk on the road/trail, around the lake, there are various trails that lead deeper into the woods. when you follow these trails, they lead to various parts of a secluded river. im not really sure how popular it is anymore to fish there, but i know some of my buds still go there during the daytime to fish for small mouths and the such when the season is right.

its quite creepy at night. after all, some trails lead pretty dang deep into the woods. sometimes during the spring, some of those trails can become flooded. there's been more than one time where we followed a trail for a good 15-20 mins, only to find it submerged, and having to backtrack. in the dark lol. there's also been sightings of shadow peoples, bigfoots and pooj ntxoj deep in that part of the woods. a personal buddy of mine went camping with his older brothers late at night one time. they created a small campfire to keep warm and light the small surrounding. at one point, they noticed another fisherman who was sitting down on a fallen tree trunk. they never noticed he was there nor had they hear him coming. all of sudden he was just there. the tree trunk is pretty far into the river. the river itself isnt that wide though. a little wider than a creek. but you had to climb up at the base of the trunk from land, and carefully traverse to the where this "fisherman" was. all of sudden he was just there lol. you gotta understand its at 1-2 in the morning so its very dark, and as fishermen are, they become so concentrated at what theyre doing, sometimes they dont notice their surroundings. yet my buddy swore there was no way this guy coulda gotten on the trunk without any of them noticing since they were just a few yards from it. and of course, after a while, he disappears. they called it a night after that lol.

Woah! I drive on Hwy 29 to ST. PAUL,MN all the time. I always pass Marathon City and use the gas station right next to the highway. I never thought about it but sometimes if you drive late at night and stop there I get spook out from reading all these stories. I would pass these two Lakes because the highway goes right through them. I always pay attention to the road but i never know whats in those lakes.

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3681 on: December 12, 2012, 10:58:38 PM »
hey guys, it funny reading about HWY 29 because my friends were telling me that they had some encounters on that HWY.  If your car runs out of gas then better flag somebody because there isn't a gas station for miles.  Also he said that hmong people used to hunt on the side of that HWY, but due to ghost encounters they don't anymore.  Scary huh?

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3682 on: December 13, 2012, 08:32:04 AM »
Is there really no gas station on that highway? I don't what gas station im using now. Maybe its a ghost gas station, but i swear there was a hot hmong girl working there. She sometimes wear a sweater but sometimes I see her in hmong clothes. Maybe she was getting ready to go to the New year? :o

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3683 on: December 13, 2012, 09:57:48 AM »
Funny you mention that. A couple of my npawgs are really into learning and hais txiv xaiv. One day I got a call from one of them asking if I can send them a good size sumac branch. I asked what they needed for, and he told me to make swords. First I was thinking to myself why they needed sumac to make swords, then I recall the old people saying poj ntxoog ntshai ntaj huab txhib.

My brother came to visit, and I sent along with him two good size sumac branch.

How do you know which sumac branches to get? I'm planning on stocking them up. I'm just afraid to stock up the poisonous ones and then I die instead of the ghost.  >:D

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3684 on: December 13, 2012, 10:24:51 AM »
Earlier this week I was driving home from work. I was driving an old truck that belonged to a co-worker. We were suppose to watch the Pacman and the MMA fights so I was suppose to pick him up the next day. Well I had to drive pretty slow with the windows down to prevent fogging up the windows and skidding on ice. It was about 8PM. I was driving and got close to a bus stop, all of the sudden my horn went off "BEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEP" and my stick was popped to neutral. I stopped, hit the steering wheel a few times and turned off the engine but the horn went on for about 15 seconds then finally died. I passed the bus stop and again it went BEEEEP, this time it went on about 30 seconds. I hit the horn and it sounded like "bep." I had it checked out and there was nothing wrong with the truck.

I didn't think nothing of it then but now as I think about one of the stories in here, I think some ghost caught a ride with me.  O0

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3685 on: December 13, 2012, 12:18:26 PM »
We need more Hmong ghost stories please.

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3686 on: January 07, 2013, 11:15:26 AM »

I live kinda close there but I haven´t really consider fishing that far. I live in Oshkosh which is a good 1 hour and 30min drive depending on how fast you drive. I usually get to Wausau like in 2 hours cause I like to stop at the Mobile gas station in Stevens Point(just to play that coin dozer game) anyways. There are a lot of ¨Zajs¨ in Wisconsin. I don´t know if anyone has been to Manitowac, WI but the light house there has a zaj guarding that area. Like if you go fishing or swimming there the water rises and you get freak out. Sometimes I wonder if there is really a gate or door to the Zajs land? But other times i get the chills that something wants to pull me in when i go fishing. Now I don´t really spend time fishing anymore cause I do that a lot when I´m with my cousins and little brothers. We don´t go anymore cause we had too much encounters will fish not biting, weird things happening, strange looking fishes, and our parents yelling at us for going fishing too much.
Well if anyone got anymore ¨zaj¨ stories please tell cause i´m very interested in hearing about them.
hey, i went to visit tat place a long time ago, wen my wife was still my GF. We went to see tat light house. and i feel the same way like wat you said" feels like ur drawn to tat spot like sumting/ one wants you to jump in tat water". how ever wen we got there, there was sum meeka fishing there and he caught tis big white fish. of course i was far away and did not see wat kinda fish it was. but sumhow i had a vibe tat it had a strange mouth and was not a fish tat i had seen before. anyways i didnt want to walk tat path to to lighthouse. cuz i had a weird vibe.

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3687 on: January 07, 2013, 11:24:02 AM »
sumac branch? wat the heck kinda tree is tat. i never heard trees/ branch of tat kind before.

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3688 on: January 07, 2013, 11:25:44 AM »
I was kind of mad at my two little brothers because they ran ahead of me with my other cousins. I had a weird feeling like something was wrong but just kind of didn't think much of it. We walked down the paths to the light house but I didnt go far i just stopped half way because on that day we went the water was really clear and you can see the fishes swimming. I stopped half way because I was looking out into the lake and saw this like weird looking area in the water. I was like a round circle about the size of a car, it was very dark looking too. I got freaked out after that and then I shouted at everybody to come and lets go home. When got it the car and about to leave, it started raining super hard. It was hella scary as shitz cause I was the driver.

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3689 on: January 07, 2013, 11:29:56 AM »
sumac branch? wat the heck kinda tree is tat. i never heard trees/ branch of tat kind before.

sumac branch looks like these

these are small but when they grow big you can cut them down and use it as a Hmong sword to ware off poj ntxoog

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