
Author Topic: Love in Autumn  (Read 149388 times)

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Offline cwjmemdub

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Re: Love in Autumn
« Reply #165 on: June 14, 2010, 11:25:19 PM »
Hmo no hli twb nra
Cas kuv ho los kua muag ntshav
Ua tsis taus pa
Ib ce twb yuav txhav

Puas yog lub ntuj
Tau tsim daim ntawv khaub hlab
Txhom kuv tus ntsuj
Mus kaw rau dej nyab

Kuv lub siab thiaj lwj dhi
Tsis muaj ib hnub yuav kaj
Txawm duab qaim hli yuav ci
Ua rau kuv lub siab tshiab cuag vaj paj

Tsuas hnov lub plawv mob
Nco txog tus neeg kuv hlub
Xav yaj kom tau nrog nws nyob
Pw nraim ua ib khub

Thov lub hli xav
Kuv txoj kev tshua rau nws
Thiab thov pab nqa
Kuv tus ntsuj mus rau nws plhws

Kom lub kua muag tu taus
Ntshav thiaj li tsis los tag
Txoj sia thiaj tsis xaus
Ntws nrog tej dej nag

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Re: Love in Autumn
« Reply #166 on: June 18, 2010, 09:14:55 AM »
Kuv twb tuaj lawm
Tig los kuv so koj lub kua muag
Cia kuv mam ua tus cawm
Yuav tsis pub koj tuag

Yeej tsis yog tim lub ntuj
Yog tim neeg lub siab
Pheej xav yuj
Thiaj ua rau koj poob kua muag iab

Yog tsis xyeej
Tig los kuv mam hlub koj
Yuav nrog koj koom ib lub neej
Mus tsis muaj hnub ploj

Yav tag los cia dhau mus
Koj tseem yuav tos
Los nws yog luag tus
Nws yuav tsis rov los

Txhob xav txog nws lawm mog
Thiaj tsis ua rau koj plawv mob
Koj lub kua muag thiaj tsis nrog
Twb tseem muaj kuv nrog koj nyob

Kuv txawm tsis yog koj lub hli
Los kuv mam ua lub hnub
Mam ua tus duab tshav ci
Rau koj os mi-nraug daisiab Cwjmemdub

Txob quaj txhob seev lawm mog
Yav tag los cia nrog dej tshoob
Lub kua muag nrog
Cia tu nrho txij hnub no mus os kuv me nraughmoob tus ntxim hlub

Hmo no hli twb nra
Cas kuv ho los kua muag ntshav
Ua tsis taus pa
Ib ce twb yuav txhav

Puas yog lub ntuj
Tau tsim daim ntawv khaub hlab
Txhom kuv tus ntsuj
Mus kaw rau dej nyab

Kuv lub siab thiaj lwj dhi
Tsis muaj ib hnub yuav kaj
Txawm duab qaim hli yuav ci
Ua rau kuv lub siab tshiab cuag vaj paj

Tsuas hnov lub plawv mob
Nco txog tus neeg kuv hlub
Xav yaj kom tau nrog nws nyob
Pw nraim ua ib khub

Thov lub hli xav
Kuv txoj kev tshua rau nws
Thiab thov pab nqa
Kuv tus ntsuj mus rau nws plhws

Kom lub kua muag tu taus
Ntshav thiaj li tsis los tag
Txoj sia thiaj tsis xaus
Ntws nrog tej dej nag

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Offline cwjmemdub

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Re: Love in Autumn
« Reply #167 on: June 23, 2010, 04:52:52 PM »
Kuv twb tuaj lawm
Tig los kuv so koj lub kua muag
Cia kuv mam ua tus cawm
Yuav tsis pub koj tuag

Yeej tsis yog tim lub ntuj
Yog tim neeg lub siab
Pheej xav yuj
Thiaj ua rau koj poob kua muag iab

Yog tsis xyeej
Tig los kuv mam hlub koj
Yuav nrog koj koom ib lub neej
Mus tsis muaj hnub ploj

Yav tag los cia dhau mus
Koj tseem yuav tos
Los nws yog luag tus
Nws yuav tsis rov los

Txhob xav txog nws lawm mog
Thiaj tsis ua rau koj plawv mob
Koj lub kua muag thiaj tsis nrog
Twb tseem muaj kuv nrog koj nyob

Kuv txawm tsis yog koj lub hli
Los kuv mam ua lub hnub
Mam ua tus duab tshav ci
Rau koj os mi-nraug daisiab Cwjmemdub

Txob quaj txhob seev lawm mog
Yav tag los cia nrog dej tshoob
Lub kua muag nrog
Cia tu nrho txij hnub no mus os kuv me nraughmoob tus ntxim hlub

Nyob rau lub nriajteb no tsuas muaj koj ib leeg
Uas kuv ntseeg muaj lub siab ncaj ncees
Rau txoj kev lees tias yuav hlub kuv
Mus kom puv txoj sia ntuj tso
Wb kev sib nco qhia tias wb sib hlub
Txhua txhua hnub yeej tuaj zov rawv
Seb puas pom koj tus duab sawv ntawm wb thaj chaw tshua
Txawm kev txuas lus tu ncua los tau ib ntus
Los lub siab yeej tsis mus zov rawv thaj chaw sib nco
Hmo no thaum lub hli nra
Tab tom ntsa mus thoob qab ntuj
Tso koj tus ntsuj tuaj nram ntug hiav txwv
Kuv mam tuaj xwv kom koj tsaug zog
Muab wb ob lub plawv log nyob ua ke mus ib txhis
Cia wb qiv noog daim tis ya kom thoob nriajteb
Mus tsaws rau lub pobzeb siab tshaj nyob qab ntuj
Sib hlub kom tsim nuj rau hmo tshwj xeeb
Thiaj tsis muaj neeg txeeb wb daim ntawv txij nkawm
Thaum txog lub sijhawm wb los sib sau
Mam muab zib ntab los tsau wb ob lub plawv
Cam ua ib tug duab sawv los ua pov thawj
Yuav tsis pub koj txhawj wb txoj kev sib hlub
Kuv yuav ua ib tug zoo txiv leej tub hlub koj mus ib txhis os nkauj dai siab

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Offline cwjmemdub

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Re: Love in Autumn
« Reply #168 on: June 24, 2010, 07:52:34 PM »
Muab txoj nkauj nov rau koj mloog os me Nkaujntxheedej .

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Re: Love in Autumn
« Reply #169 on: June 25, 2010, 01:54:28 PM »
Hmo no qaim hli nrig
Lub ntuj tig tus duab hli ntsa
Twb ci ntsa iab txog sab ntuj kuv nyob lawm
Txawm lub sijhawm wb sib cuag
Tsis zoo li luag txhua hnub txhua hmo
Txoj kev nco thiab kev hlub
Tseem zoo li qub tsis tau hloov
Yuav tsis hloov lub siab mus li
Hmo no lub hli twb nra nra
Kuv thiaj xa lub siab rov tuaj
Ua hauv tshuaj cawm koj lub plawv
Xav tias kuv sawv ntawm koj ib sab
Tuav rawv koj sab mi npab
Saib hnub qub sib cab puag saum ntuj
Saib noog luj ya ua npoj ntws
Dej ntws sis los npog wb tej hneev taw
Thaj mi chaw no yog wb chaw tuaj sib cuag
Tauv kua muag daws txoj kev lwj siab
Thaum hnub ci iab maj ntug maj teb
Yuav tuaj seb puas tau ntsib koj ib pliag
Kuv mam npliag koj lub siab kom nyob luag ntxhi
Cia lub hli ua puav pheej rau wb txoj kev hlub
Cia cov hnub qub ua lub qhov muag
Coj wb tuaj sib cuag daws wb txoj kev nco
Tag tiam no yuav hlub koj ib leeg xwb
Yuav tsis muaj hnub wb sib nrug
Kuv yog koj tug koj yog kuv li
Ua neej luag ntxhi mus tag ib sim mog mi-nraug daisiab
::) :)

Nyob rau lub nriajteb no tsuas muaj koj ib leeg
Uas kuv ntseeg muaj lub siab ncaj ncees
Rau txoj kev lees tias yuav hlub kuv
Mus kom puv txoj sia ntuj tso
Wb kev sib nco qhia tias wb sib hlub
Txhua txhua hnub yeej tuaj zov rawv
Seb puas pom koj tus duab sawv ntawm wb thaj chaw tshua
Txawm kev txuas lus tu ncua los tau ib ntus
Los lub siab yeej tsis mus zov rawv thaj chaw sib nco
Hmo no thaum lub hli nra
Tab tom ntsa mus thoob qab ntuj
Tso koj tus ntsuj tuaj nram ntug hiav txwv
Kuv mam tuaj xwv kom koj tsaug zog
Muab wb ob lub plawv log nyob ua ke mus ib txhis
Cia wb qiv noog daim tis ya kom thoob nriajteb
Mus tsaws rau lub pobzeb siab tshaj nyob qab ntuj
Sib hlub kom tsim nuj rau hmo tshwj xeeb
Thiaj tsis muaj neeg txeeb wb daim ntawv txij nkawm
Thaum txog lub sijhawm wb los sib sau
Mam muab zib ntab los tsau wb ob lub plawv
Cam ua ib tug duab sawv los ua pov thawj
Yuav tsis pub koj txhawj wb txoj kev sib hlub
Kuv yuav ua ib tug zoo txiv leej tub hlub koj mus ib txhis os nkauj dai siab

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Offline cwjmemdub

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Re: Love in Autumn
« Reply #170 on: June 28, 2010, 03:33:55 AM »
Hmo no qaim hli nrig
Lub ntuj tig tus duab hli ntsa
Twb ci ntsa iab txog sab ntuj kuv nyob lawm
Txawm lub sijhawm wb sib cuag
Tsis zoo li luag txhua hnub txhua hmo
Txoj kev nco thiab kev hlub
Tseem zoo li qub tsis tau hloov
Yuav tsis hloov lub siab mus li
Hmo no lub hli twb nra nra
Kuv thiaj xa lub siab rov tuaj
Ua hauv tshuaj cawm koj lub plawv
Xav tias kuv sawv ntawm koj ib sab
Tuav rawv koj sab mi npab
Saib hnub qub sib cab puag saum ntuj
Saib noog luj ya ua npoj ntws
Dej ntws sis los npog wb tej hneev taw
Thaj mi chaw no yog wb chaw tuaj sib cuag
Tauv kua muag daws txoj kev lwj siab
Thaum hnub ci iab maj ntug maj teb
Yuav tuaj seb puas tau ntsib koj ib pliag
Kuv mam npliag koj lub siab kom nyob luag ntxhi
Cia lub hli ua puav pheej rau wb txoj kev hlub
Cia cov hnub qub ua lub qhov muag
Coj wb tuaj sib cuag daws wb txoj kev nco
Tag tiam no yuav hlub koj ib leeg xwb
Yuav tsis muaj hnub wb sib nrug
Kuv yog koj tug koj yog kuv li
Ua neej luag ntxhi mus tag ib sim mog mi-nraug daisiab
::) :)

Me nkauj daisiab tus neeg siab zoo
Nco ntsoov tuaj nroo rau Tswv Ntuj
Nws thiaj pom wb kev hlub tsim nuj li luag lwm tus
Lub siab puas tsus wb tau sib nrug
Thov Tswv Ntuj muab lug los kom sib ze
Thiaj tau ua ke sib hlub sib tawb
Ua qhov chaw txhawb wb ob lub zog
Kom kev npau suav rhais los yog lub neej tiag
Koj tej lus npliag kuv lub siab
Koj tus ntxhiab nqa tuaj kuv hnia
Yuav nco ntsoov khaws cia rau hauv nruab plawv
Kom dej hlub txhawv ywg thaj chaw no
Thaj chaw sib nco ntawm wb ob leeg
Kuv lub siab ntseeg tias thaum hli nra
Nws yuav pab nqa kuv lub suab saub
Tuaj qhia koj paub tias kuv hlub koj
Hnubqub tsis ploj ces kuv lub plawv
Yeej tsawm nyob rawv nrog koj lub siab
Nyob mus ib txhiab tsis muaj hnub ncaim li os me nkauj daisiab

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Offline cwjmemdub

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Re: Love in Autumn
« Reply #171 on: July 04, 2010, 03:33:54 PM »
Me nkauj dai siab

Happy 4th fo July rau koj os.
Enjoy your day, hun.

Love you.

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Re: Love in Autumn
« Reply #172 on: July 06, 2010, 07:34:53 AM »
I can't wait for Autumn to be back
Cause Summer lacks that cool breeze
That can weave a person's heart
To start feeling love
Watching doves fly side by side
Over tides of the ocean
My heart yearns for you, dear
To be near every second
The passion of your kisses
From the abyss of your heart
Touches every part of my body
And makes the sea changes color
Fall flowers bloom every where
With you there watching the sunset
I know I've met my true love

« Last Edit: July 08, 2010, 07:48:08 PM by cwjmemdub »

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Offline cwjmemdub

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Re: Love in Autumn
« Reply #173 on: July 07, 2010, 03:09:59 AM »
Me nkauj Hmoob dai siab,

kuv nco koj os.

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Re: Love in Autumn
« Reply #174 on: July 08, 2010, 03:44:25 PM »
Mi Nraug Daisiab,

As I sit here and daydream
Of the first day we met
I can still see your eyes gleam
And I feel as if I won a bet
You're mine to keep
For now and forever

I love you with all my heart,
Our love is so deep
It's as if we are a piece of art
So I'm yours and you are mine

Thanks for the beautiful song.

Me nkauj Hmoob dai siab,

kuv nco koj os.

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Offline cwjmemdub

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Re: Love in Autumn
« Reply #175 on: July 08, 2010, 10:25:03 PM »
Mi Nraug Daisiab,

As I sit here and daydream
Of the first day we met
I can still see your eyes gleam
And I feel as if I won a bet
You're mine to keep
For now and forever

I love you with all my heart,
Our love is so deep
It's as if we are a piece of art
So I'm yours and you are mine

Thanks for the beautiful song.

Me nkauj dai siab

Without you, the day seems so long
The night seems forever
I know that I belong
To a daydreamer

Count Dracula
Chalenges God cause of love
He makes God bleeds like a spa
And drinks the blood to defy above

If I can't have you
As a life long partner
I swear to be true
Let my life leave the earth forever

Only you
Can comfort my soul
And give me the love that's long due
The most precious thing in the world

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Re: Love in Autumn
« Reply #176 on: July 09, 2010, 11:06:45 AM »
Mi Nraugdaisiab,

Our life is like a television show
I am not sure about life, but his one thing I know
I will love you forever, and never leave, or never go
I will be by your side day n night til the day we grow old

Your one of the thing in life that make me smile
Sit down here, listen, and stay awhile
Bad days disappear when I am with you
That is one thing that I know makes our love true

Right now we are so far away and can’t be together
But when the day come you n me will be forever
I need you in my life in order to make it a whole
You’re my total mind, body, and soul

I promise to you that I will hold you tight
Put your trust in me, follow me, I’ll show you the light
I will love you forever, never hurt you, never leave
I’ll put my feelings out there, place them on my sleeve

For I want everyone to know
I’ll love you forever, and never leave, or never go

Me nkauj dai siab

Without you, the day seems so long
The night seems forever
I know that I belong
To a daydreamer

Count Dracula
Chalenges God cause of love
He makes God bleeds like a spa
And drinks the blood to defy above

If I can't have you
As a life long partner
I swear to be true
Let my life leave the earth forever

Only you
Can comfort my soul
And give me the love that's long due
The most precious thing in the world

« Last Edit: July 09, 2010, 11:11:32 AM by Nkaujntxheedej »

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Offline cwjmemdub

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Re: Love in Autumn
« Reply #177 on: July 10, 2010, 06:54:46 PM »
Mi Nraugdaisiab,

Our life is like a television show
I am not sure about life, but his one thing I know
I will love you forever, and never leave, or never go
I will be by your side day n night til the day we grow old

Your one of the thing in life that make me smile
Sit down here, listen, and stay awhile
Bad days disappear when I am with you
That is one thing that I know makes our love true

Right now we are so far away and can’t be together
But when the day come you n me will be forever
I need you in my life in order to make it a whole
You’re my total mind, body, and soul

I promise to you that I will hold you tight
Put your trust in me, follow me, I’ll show you the light
I will love you forever, never hurt you, never leave
I’ll put my feelings out there, place them on my sleeve

For I want everyone to know
I’ll love you forever, and never leave, or never go

Me Nkauj dai siab

Loving you
Is the reason I was born for
My love is true
Cause each day I love you even more

Together or not
I'll always be yours
We'll connect all the dots
We've gone through on our tour

The Island of Love
And the Land of Passion
The creek with the rainbow above
And the lake that makes every thing silent

Being by your side
Is my ultimate goal
Trying to decide
To love you forever never got old

One day
Our dream of togetherness will come true
That day
The world will be making wishes for me and you

This time
The place will be at the altar
When the clock chimes
I'll kiss your lips forever

« Last Edit: July 11, 2010, 12:37:40 AM by cwjmemdub »

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Offline cwjmemdub

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Re: Love in Autumn
« Reply #178 on: July 15, 2010, 04:30:16 PM »
Nyob zoo os kuv me nkauj dai siab

The stars so bright and sparkling
The night belongs to you and me
Moonlight shines over the ocean
My heart's filled with passion
I feel the breeze caresses my lips
Your hands grabbing my hips
Heavy breathings interrupted the silence of the night
Yet there's only you by my side
When you take my breath away
I see myself wondering and pray
I want this moment to last forever
Encountering famines or calamities I can endure
As long as you're with me
And we both chase the same dream
Love and happiness
The world'll be priceless

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Re: Love in Autumn
« Reply #179 on: July 27, 2010, 05:36:59 PM »
Me nkauj Hmoob daisiab
Nov yog nraug Hmoob daisiab tsab ntawv kawg
Tiamsis yeej yuav nco koj mus ib txhiab
Vim wb tau sib ncawg

Nraug Hmoob nyob kho siab khuav
Kua muag poob tsis muaj neeg paub
Thiaj yuav mus nyob ua npau suav
Seb puas muaj tus neeg hlub tiag tuaj saub

Deev nraug Hmoob siab kom kaj
Kom lub suab seev tu mus
Ntawm wb ces cia ua ib zaj
Dabneeg qhia rau Hmoob txhua tus

Yog tias koj nyob es lub ntuj kaj
Ces nco txog nraug Hmoob thiab
Txoj kev nws yuav taug thiaj ncaj
Thiab tsis raug nag raug tshav ziab

Yog thaum twg koj lub ntuj tsaus
Tuaj seev rau koj me nraug daisiab
Nws mam nqa lub me kaus
Nyiaj kaus kub tuaj cug koj tus me ntxhiab mog

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