
Author Topic: confessions to zoey  (Read 5052 times)

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confessions to zoey
« on: July 19, 2010, 10:05:50 AM »
I confess zoey, I confess. I confessed that I am not a good person, that I don't deserve happinest, that my life's downward spiral from a once joyest and fruitful beginning is now slowly and surely coming to an end. And these happenings are caused by my own inability to adapt to the changes around me; I'm hard headed and refuse to allow myself to be a better person; maybe to be a more loving person. But how I can I love someone who is a torturer to me? Who constantly delievers me to pain and feed me poison. Zoey, I'm not kidding, I feel that way. No, I'm not playing, I'm serious. Maybe I'm exhausted so I'm wasted and say things untrue, so maybe I'm not that horrible of a person but I know I'm lieing when I say that so what should I do? I'll just take it one day at a time and see what tomorrow brings right? If tomorrow has its own sorrow to worry about then what kind of future does that hold for me?

Date noted. Signed.

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Re: confessions to zoey
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2010, 03:29:48 PM »
Dear Zoey,
So I've decided to let her go. I know, I know. We tried and we tried and we tried but it always seemed to fall apart. I hope things get better for us. I hope that her freedom does not equal my destruction because she nearly killed the last time; how fortunate I was or how unfortunate I will be if it all comes tumbling down over my roof again. I nearly killed myself before, I hope u will be there for me again if things go sour. Let this not be my mistake, let her new found freedom bring to both of us life; a new sense of happiness and joy. A new zeal for everyday thanks. Fingers crossed.

Dated noted. Signed. 

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Re: confessions to zoey
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2010, 06:15:55 PM »
so zoey, i think i'm at a point where ive been walking this long, long path and im so so tire. how'd it even all started? im not even sure when or why i walk these empty steps into an empty land full of only empty houses. i am so tire. i just wanna lay down underneath a tree somewhere and rest. my feet are so sore and my body is so drained of life, some sleep will help. my mind is beyond repair, i fear ive become thoughtless. i dont care what people think of me, yet, how i would love it for someone to finally whisper those words ive longed to hear to me, i may just find the strenght to pull myself out of this ditch i've been pitting myself in. im standing there, all alone, looking at this fork in the middle of the road, zoey, what should i do? guide me. help me make the right choice. help me choose the right path.

Date noted. Signed.

« Last Edit: July 21, 2010, 02:17:54 AM by Darkplanetasia »

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Re: confessions to zoey
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2010, 07:19:16 AM »
i know the things i do now may often upset you. i'm upset at myself too. like, why do i continue to do it? why can't i just leave it alone? why must i often need it? why can't i just stay away from it? doing things i know i shouldn't. no more drinking. no more beer cans, no more bottles, no more outings. no more smoking. no more blazing. no more fights. no more hate. no more. no more. what happened to that drive--that zeal i use to have?

you ever get that feeling? 'cause you miss that feeling--that fire, that zeal, that passion for something. Life should not be about living in the comfort nor in the tranquility of our luxurious estates but it should be about living life full of enthusiasm. Live for something. Or die for nothing. that is definite.

i remember writing that down zoey (jan 27 of 09) i have to live that, have to get that! zoey, i do miss that. i do want that feeling for living life again.

Date noted. Signed.

p.s. guess i must love to not breathe. guess i must love to kill my body, feed it with nasties. feed it with liquids that will kill me later. feed my lungz poison that will suffocate me in the future. you are forever hopeless, man.

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Re: confessions to zoey
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2010, 09:38:14 PM »
what's wrong with me today? i'm so out of it. it's like i don't want to do anything, don't want to talk to anyone. mom just called and i wanted to yell at her, didn't want to answer her, didn't want to talk to her though i haven't seen her in over a year now. zoey, i'm so upset at myself today. what's wrong with me? i don't want to go anywhere, just want to lay in bed and just bum out all day. maybe it's this heat we're having? it is extremely hot today and i feel like i was forced out of my comfort zone rget it

maybe it's my diet? i did just totally ignore working out and watching my diet today, pretty much just pigged out and ate anything and everything. i should do something. want to clean up but just don't want to clean up enough. should clean the fish tank but just don't care for it. i should check on the dogs but i don't care either.

what is wrong with me today? it's like i just don't care to do anything at all today. i feel to weird.

zoey, help me. give me patience and keep me a cool head. i don't want to blow up on people and piss off the wrong perosn. grrrrrrr! i know i shouldn't show this ugly side of myself to you but...forget it.

Date noted. Signed.

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Re: confessions to zoey
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2010, 09:32:19 AM »
so today is a new day, yesterday didn't count. i feel refreshed, still somewhat lazy but not like yesterday. today i'll walk with my head held up high and smile, today is going to be the day i refuse to let it bother me. i'm up to the challenge and i hope i can make you proud of me, zoey. thanks for everything, thanks for never judging me and never losing faith in me. i'm smiling for you!

Date noted. Signed.

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Re: confessions to zoey
« Reply #6 on: August 05, 2010, 11:55:04 PM »
so i went for a drive after work today zoey to ease my mind. thanks for listening and thanks for being there.

Dated noted. Signed.

« Last Edit: October 30, 2010, 01:21:58 PM by Darkplanetasia »

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Re: confessions to zoey
« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2010, 08:19:08 AM »
yesterday gave me a lot to think about. i guess i'm just going to phases again zoey. not sure where i'll end up being in the next few months but at least i know you'll still be there for me. strange though, what was it that i was looking for anyway when i was out there? maybe it was just the fact of getting away from everything, or was it me trying to get somewhere? not sure what it was but i do feel better now. i feel a little be at ease. a little bit rested. i hope i can continue to find this peace, this sense of joy i so long for. thanks again.

Date noted. Signed.

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Re: confessions to zoey
« Reply #8 on: August 07, 2010, 10:06:49 AM »
how can things go so wrong? everything was perfect; we were smiling, we were enjoying life, we were happy. and now, now, look at us. we don't even want to speak to each other anymore. how could it have turn so sour? how can the morning bring so much joy then suddenly the night bring nothing but madness? why is it that i can never find this peace? i feel like happiness is taunting me, forever and ever. everytime i get close to it, my happiness is taken away from me. everytime i take one step foreward, Peace takes 10 steps. why is it always beyond my reach? why is that when i feel i've finally caught up to it, it leaves me in despair. why does it forever mock me? if this is my fate, then i do not want it. i want to smile, i want to laugh, i want to be able to just enjoy the moment. why zoey?

Date noted. Signed.

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Re: confessions to zoey
« Reply #9 on: August 08, 2010, 03:19:30 PM »
so if it's true, than it's true and we've moved on....will this be the last time we fight? is this our last moment together? will that be the last night i hold her? iono what to do zoey, i love her. i just don't understand us right now. i'm so lost. i'm so confused. i'm so stupid. zoey, please help me. give me the answer. help me out of this, put me on the right path. i don't know what to do. just the other day i felt so full of life, and we were so much in love and now, look at us, just torn apart. today maybe the last day i'll ever get to see her again. we're moving on and i'm at a stand still. please help.

Date noted. Signed.

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Re: confessions to zoey
« Reply #10 on: August 08, 2010, 03:35:02 PM »
yeah, exacty how i feel

Date noted. Signed.

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Re: confessions to zoey
« Reply #11 on: August 08, 2010, 10:38:54 PM »
it hasn't even been a day and i already missed her like crazy. i want to see her. i want to be with her. i want to hold her and never let go. i miss her scent, i miss her laughter, i miss her. i want to joke with her, i want to sit down and have dinner with her. i want to lounge around all day and just be lazy with her. i want to rent a movie and enjoy it with her. i miss her, zoey. i do. i can't let her go. i'm so lost without her. i want to call her. i want to tell her that i love her and that it is a mistake for us to not be together. zoey, help me.

Date noted. Signed.

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Re: confessions to zoey
« Reply #12 on: August 09, 2010, 02:52:30 AM »
what do i do? "this is the last time" i keep doing this to us. we must enjoy the pain. we must fiend for the hurt. she keeps doing it to me and i'm stuck doing it right back to her. why? first time, i forgave you. second time, i left you...i disapeared and came back. third time, we're both at a stand still. what do we do now? do we just let 10 years of intimate feelings go? friends, family, memories, us...just gone...out the window. i rather die than experience this. if tonight is the last night that i breathe than let it be. if i sleep tonight and i don't wake up, it was fate that commanded me so and i am just a worthless pawn being played by a force i cannot understand nor control; manipulated by a selfish being bent on tormenting me for his enjoyment....i exhale...i'm maxed out. i'm exhausted. i'll take another pill. and another one. and one more for good measures. how many was that? i've lost count. i just wanna sleep and if i wake up, i hope this was all just a bad dream. if i don't, then i'll finally get to see you zoey. and this maybe my last day on earth, my last statement to the world. my legacy... find peace my dear, find love, find the joy i couldn't give you. find hope and most of all find yourself. love you always.

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Re: confessions to zoey
« Reply #13 on: August 09, 2010, 09:46:32 AM »
i was startled this morning when my phone rang, thought it was you. i jumped out of my bed and ran to my phone. i was just about to pick up til i saw the caller i.d., i decided to bury my heart, ignore the phone call and go back to bed. breathe. just breathe. 3rd day. still no visits. no calls. no texts. no nothing. just a feeling that i hate. an empty void. just breathe. and breathe i will. 

Date noted. Signed.

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Re: confessions to zoey
« Reply #14 on: August 10, 2010, 11:15:48 AM »
she left me a text that said she loves me and wishes me a fun day at work...

Date noted. Signed.

« Last Edit: August 14, 2010, 03:53:27 AM by Darkplanetasia »

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