
Author Topic: What is the best anime EVER?  (Read 46179 times)

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Offline saki saki

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Re: What is the best anime EVER?
« Reply #75 on: March 09, 2014, 01:57:40 AM »
tat is why his name is Sifu... Master Sifu from Kungfu Panada.

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Re: What is the best anime EVER?
« Reply #76 on: March 09, 2014, 03:22:35 AM »
For a guy of your caliber, I would have never thought you would like watching ANIME.  I thought it was all Christian comics and holy prayers.  To think you would like ANIME is something interesting because Anime came from Japan and they are Shinto.  Amazing....... .how someone who wants to eliminate cultures would enjoy such Anime from other cultures.  But oh well, You should watch Naruto. It is getting to the good part.  Tobi is Obito and the sage of six path has emerge.  Guy is going 8th gate mode.  Stay tune.

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Re: What is the best anime EVER?
« Reply #77 on: March 10, 2014, 11:47:54 AM »
Dude, stop butt raging.  There are plenty of Asian directors that have directed Hollywood movies.  Really, go look!  It's pretty sweet!  You have the internet at your disposal and you still haven't checked.  This is sad.  Do you need to hold my hand?  Do you want me to provide links, books, movies, music, television, studios, etc.  Are you just inept to think that there's this big movie studio called Hollywood Big F'ing Pictures and that ALL American movies come out of it?  That only true Asian directors that live in Hollywood and film there are the REAL Asian directors and all the others are fakes.  Well done man, well done.  Put on your tin foil hat and go back to hiding.
Hollywood is like Champagne or Cognac.  A geographical location that had its name adopted into mass media from that said locations products.  Hollywood still have giant studios and sets but its not the only location in the world (let alone the US) that makes movies.  Seriously?  Are you blind or have you been locked up for the last 80 years?  Hollywood is international.  It follows money.  If it sees or hears an idea that may make money they will try two things.  They will purchase the rights to expand the movie, television, music, etc or they will do their own version.  With big Hollywood stars and big budgets.  This is why the studios fight and WE the audience GET stupid reboots and what not.  You even pointed that out about how you preferred one story over the other?
I just did and it was horrible. It wasn't as good as Batman. It's better than the old one, I have to say, but the storyline is not as good as the old one.
I mean c'mon man you're trippin' all over the dance floor here.  The sad thing is you're just making a big scene and then you will have to play the part because you're in fist deep.
Do you like to eat crow?  I only ask this because I'd like to know your response after you do some more research because your post about Asian directors is incorrect.  I'm only here to inform others that your statement should not be condoned.  If you can't or don't want to admit it is your prerogative; debating with you is like fighting with a 5 year old.  The thing is that 5 year old needs to be disciplined regardless.
SO before we even get to Asian directors we should be on the same page so there is a debate because this isn't how you have debates in real life.  Define Hollywood in your own words.  You can use references just don't cut and paste.  Seriously.  Do it.  Put it here so everyone can follow and maybe learn a few things.  Hell if I'm wrong I'll eat crow but I'll do it only if you're going to sensibly do it or just go about your POV and pretend nothing happened and all these different opinions are wrong.  I would like to hear your definition because you owe it to everyone at this point to give your version of 'Hollywood'.  Everyone is rather baffled by your opinions and the reasons behind them.  'Story sucked, too long, too flashy, not Hollywood Hogan enuff for me'. Come on man, give reasons and back them up.  It's like I'm in grade school having a grade school fight but really the worse part is that you don't believe there are any good Asian directors (Hollywood or not but baby steps first).
Maybe if you gave us more insight then we would be able to read you more like a book.  So go ahead and start.

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Why So Serious

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Re: What is the best anime EVER?
« Reply #78 on: March 10, 2014, 11:53:45 AM »
i'm not gonna read through everything... i just don't care.

from my opinion, sword of a stranger is a great anime stand alone movie whereas attack on titan was a great anime, but due to how it just ends, i'm left wanting more... sword art online was cool until they ended the first game and a new game happened... wtf?!?

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Re: What is the best anime EVER?
« Reply #79 on: March 10, 2014, 11:54:38 AM »
Are they in Hollywood? Because the last time that I checked, they don't work for Hollywood. Go check their logos in the beginning of the movie since I know that Bruce Lee DID work for hollywood; however, it wasn't an asian movie. Go rewatched their logo of the movie if THEY ARE in the name of Hollywood. Again, like I said, there's very, VERY, little pops of asian directors is because they can't write english. I have never seen Bruce Lee winning an oscar before.

John Woo doesn't work for Hollywood. Most of his movies are Chinese movies.

Your quotes will come in handy later.

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Re: What is the best anime EVER?
« Reply #80 on: March 10, 2014, 12:01:33 PM »
Sweet Wisconsin Guy,

I am a die hard Christian and I like Anime... I watch for the story lines and the human lessons.  Religion is religion.  My faith in God is solid, and so is that of my kids.  It does not hurt us to learn about other religions.  I also watch a lot of Bollywood movies too, so I am also exposed to Hinduism... and we love the Harry Potter series as well... so we are also exposed to witchcraft... and voodoo... Skeleton Key was an excellent movie.

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Re: What is the best anime EVER?
« Reply #81 on: March 10, 2014, 12:47:22 PM »
Holy crap how did a thread about anime turn into a debate about movies?  Anyways I’m surprised nobody mentioned Galaxy Express 999.  It’s the most quintessential steam punk anime EVAR.

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Re: What is the best anime EVER?
« Reply #82 on: March 10, 2014, 01:34:59 PM »
I heard they were going to do another animated one and Hollywood was possibly doing a live action.

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Offline dogmai

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Re: What is the best anime EVER?
« Reply #83 on: March 11, 2014, 12:41:03 AM »
I don't need to laugh as your post already proves you know little.  Asian directors may not have a large audience but they are available and quite market able. 
You mentioned Ahn Lee. - Broke Back Mountain
You forgot
- Bruce Lee - Way of the Dragon
- M Night Shyamalan - The 6th Sense
- Justin Lin - Fast and Furious 6
- John Woo - Face Off
- Tarsem Singh - Immortals
- Wanye Wang - Last Holiday
- Joan Chen - Autumn in New York

Are they in Hollywood? Because the last time that I checked, they don't work for Hollywood. Go check their logos in the beginning of the movie since I know that Bruce Lee DID work for hollywood; however, it wasn't an asian movie. Go rewatched their logo of the movie if THEY ARE in the name of Hollywood. Again, like I said, there's very, VERY, little pops of asian directors is because they can't write english. I have never seen Bruce Lee winning an oscar before.

Out of those directors and their movies listed, Bruce Lee is the only one who didn't direct a Hollywood movie.

PS  Christopher Nolan never won an Oscar either.

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Offline dogmai

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Re: What is the best anime EVER?
« Reply #84 on: March 11, 2014, 01:09:03 AM »
BTW. Ang Lee is the only person to won 2 Golden Bear Awards.

Both movies actually had gay characters in them too.

« Last Edit: March 11, 2014, 01:13:19 AM by dogmai »

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Re: What is the best anime EVER?
« Reply #85 on: March 11, 2014, 06:59:31 AM »
Bruce directed "Enter the Dragon.". It was his idea, his movie.  This movie was the first Asian directed, acted and fully funded by an American Hollywood studio.  A big deal for Asian actors for Americans but remember that Akira Kurosawa and many others had already gained worldwide audiences without the help of Hollywood.  Don't forget how many great movies and genres that came out due to Kurosawa.
Back to the OP.
Many Hayao Miyazaki movies are great story driven animations.  Not every story requires an epic battle or cut scene actions.  Sometimes the imagery, characters and story are more than enough to keep you entertained.

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Re: What is the best anime EVER?
« Reply #86 on: March 11, 2014, 07:20:20 AM »
Kung Fu, wasn't that Bruce Lee's idea too?

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Offline dogmai

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Re: What is the best anime EVER?
« Reply #87 on: March 11, 2014, 08:53:11 AM »
Bruce didn't direct Enter the Dragon. He was just the director for the opening scene and some action sequence. Robert Clouse is the director.

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Re: What is the best anime EVER?
« Reply #88 on: March 11, 2014, 09:23:45 PM »
Bruce didn't direct Enter the Dragon. He was just the director for the opening scene and some action sequence. Robert Clouse is the director.
Hm.  I was thinking Return of the Dragon.  He only did the fight scenes for Enter the Dragon and produced it.

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Re: What is the best anime EVER?
« Reply #89 on: March 13, 2014, 08:28:51 PM »
Hollywood is racist.  Has been, always will be.  I'll tell you this though; Hollywood prefers to make money versus being racist.  There's money in it but the backlash isn't worth it to them UNLESS the money is there.    As for the actor/actress physical beauty I could care less.  An actor/actress should be graded on their ability to act and not how they shake their ass.  That's just being shallow (not that I don't mind some eye candy; it's not what I would spend any money or time just to look out for).
Do you have Netflix?
There are many reasons why I agree with what you said.  The problem is that Hollywood has both overtly and subliminally kept pushing the same stereotypes and continues to do so.  Now you can see that having Asian directors is a good thing along with Asian actors.  The problem is that the Asian community (worldwide) is growing and the ONLY way I see Hollywood really making an effort is to  first milk the Asian audience of their money and then maybe give them an opportunity.  Hollywood just wants the Asian community as a market and not so much as a partner or influence.
If you really want to try to make a difference then go support your other Asian directors from other countries.  For real!  There are so many great classics; both animated or live action.
As for Gran Turino it wasn't bad but it wasn't great either.  In terms of a movie with Clint Eastwood it was a typical movie with Clint Eastwood playing yet again a savior.  Historically it's inaccurate but so are most movies, books, television shows, etc.  In defense of the actors you can't blame them; it was probably their first time acting. 
So how about that definition of Hollywood?

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