
Author Topic: Does Hmong Shamanism have any foundation of itself?  (Read 52701 times)

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Does Hmong Shamanism have any foundation of itself?
« on: November 02, 2013, 08:12:50 PM »
I have debated against Hmong Shamanists on this website for quite awhile. Almost none of them can bring a good philosophical evidence to prove their logic is true. Also, about all of the truths in Shamanism are relative since there is no God in that realm. It all goes back to Buddhism where who is the mediator that will send them to Heaven or Hell. Some of this beliefs comes from China since I know that FACT that in the ancient times, all Chinese and other asians were pagans. Therefore, if there are other Shamanists who would stand and fight for their belief, I would like to see your philosophical evidence to disprove Christianity by its doctrine, not by the Christians and their behavior.

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Re: Does Hmong Shamanism have any foundation of itself?
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2013, 08:18:30 PM »
There is no need to debate with one who's cup is already full. Actually, it is not a debate at all but a shouting match. In a debate nobody wins or loses, if there is a winner or a loser then you are not debating but arguing. Please do not try to taint the sacredness that is debate. A debate, as dictated by the ancients Greeks, is a quest for knowledge. Two people have a debate to have a better, deeper knowledge of their own respective ideas and belief. Socrates taught his pupils through debate, trying to prove someone wrong is not debating it is arguing. Kind of hard to take someone seriously if they cannot even fathom the medium they are using to express themselves is it?

Shamanism does not have any set, or at least not any uniformed, philosophical principle. Like every religion, it has to be taken by itself, not in comparison with anything else. Trying to compare two religion is like blindfolding two people and having them feel the same thing and then having them explain it. Like the story of the blind village and the elephant.

A belief in a religion requires faith, blind faith. We do not know what happens when we die, but we trust in our respective faith that what we were told in life would be true. Who knows if it is, nobody has lived to tell the tale, pun intended. Thus, it requires blind faith, trust that what we are being told about what happens when we die is true.

Jesus Christ, if he was real, taught that Christians should be accepting of other religions because he knows Christianity is not the only religion out there. He taught that one has to win converts over through goodwill and kindness, not ridicule and force. You, my friend, have stray too far from the correct path. Jesus would not approve.


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Re: Does Hmong Shamanism have any foundation of itself?
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2013, 09:23:01 PM »
I don't think MOST HMONG SHAMANISTS cares about religion.  We are bored spiritually and with our sense will guide us to enlightenment.  If seem like you're the only one who cares about religion.  You are really hurting your own race.  Shame on you for trying to create a religion war.  So far I haven't seen any attack on Christianity in here, but you.  You're the black sheep, the problem maker, the bully, and the outcast.  Hmong culture has guided Hmongs through the generations, the decades and we were able to maintain our traditions, cultures, customs, our peace and our survival.  Don't be someone you're not or wannabe because you're making a fool out of yourself...... ....... ;)

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Re: Does Hmong Shamanism have any foundation of itself?
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2013, 12:45:18 PM »
you guys are funny.

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Re: Does Hmong Shamanism have any foundation of itself?
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2013, 01:22:22 PM »
I only bully the Hmong Shaman by shoving 2+2 is four.

I am like Bryan, the dog from Family Guy, being a self-righteous jerk by telling you that the stair isn't a slide:

So, how am I the black sheep when I told you the reality of truth? I hate to step on your toes, but I must. In God's world, there is no such thing as race. It is just ONE. By the time when Shamanism goes extinct was caused by science and Christians. I see ignorance of not accepting knowledge and therefore, I find shamanism to be more like North Korea, not accepting ANYTHING but have an empire of one of those ancient dynasty.
Yet you cry when an atheist tells you 2+2=4, and that 2+2 does not equal 5 just because your God said it does...The irony.

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Re: Does Hmong Shamanism have any foundation of itself?
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2013, 03:51:55 PM »
I only bully the Hmong Shaman by shoving 2+2 is four.

I am like Bryan, the dog from Family Guy, being a self-righteous jerk by telling you that the stair isn't a slide:

So, how am I the black sheep when I told you the reality of truth? I hate to step on your toes, but I must. In God's world, there is no such thing as race. It is just ONE. By the time when Shamanism goes extinct was caused by science and Christians. I see ignorance of not accepting knowledge and therefore, I find shamanism to be more like North Korea, not accepting ANYTHING but have an empire of one of those ancient dynasty.

Well I'm pretty sure if you got to a KKK church they will tell you there are different races.  Until you can prove that the KKK church believes what you believe it doesn't make sense because the bible is open to whoever is interpreting those words.  Knowledge is something that can be proven, until you can prove GOD exists with facts it's really just a belief(theory).  At the end of the day this is America, everyone believe what you want to believe because it's a free country! 

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Re: Does Hmong Shamanism have any foundation of itself?
« Reply #6 on: November 08, 2013, 02:01:10 AM »
You know what.  Ask me if I was afraid of going to hell.  I bet you are so afraid of hell that you will try to do whatever you think is right such as ethnical cleansing to set you to heaven.  For most of us people, we already know where we are going.  We don't need the church to tell us where we are going.  I'll tell you where I am going.  I am going to the place where I was born, I am going to see my parents, my ancestors then when the time comes.  I'm am going to the portal or recarnation.  That is where I will be going.  FYI.  I heard that god followers and shamanists both go the same direction.


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Re: Does Hmong Shamanism have any foundation of itself?
« Reply #7 on: November 08, 2013, 02:08:57 AM »
I only bully the Hmong Shaman by shoving 2+2 is four.

I am like Bryan, the dog from Family Guy, being a self-righteous jerk by telling you that the stair isn't a slide:

So, how am I the black sheep when I told you the reality of truth? I hate to step on your toes, but I must. In God's world, there is no such thing as race. It is just ONE. By the time when Shamanism goes extinct was caused by science and Christians. I see ignorance of not accepting knowledge and therefore, I find shamanism to be more like North Korea, not accepting ANYTHING but have an empire of one of those ancient dynasty.

Read this
"So, how am I the black sheep when I told you the reality of truth? I hate to step on your toes, but I must. In the Spiritual's world, there is no such thing as race. It is just ONE. By the time when God goes extinct was caused by science and spirituality. I see ignorance of not accepting knowledge and therefore, I find Christianity to be more like North Korea, not accepting ANYTHING but have an empire of one of those ancient dynasty." Very True
I find it that most shamanists are very flexible with other religions and can co-operate with any race out there.  Christianity wise are always looking at race.  Most Africans are Christians, but yet they are dislike by most white Christians.  Tell me why now. Come join me and my spirituality Afterlife.  You might be able to go see your ancestors.  Then you will know that you have reached the land of your ancestors.  The ones with the happy face are not your ancestors, but the ones with the sad frown smile are your ancestors.  To the place where you were born, the shirt you were born with, the path all Hmongs goes.  Then you will see the path we must follow.

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Re: Does Hmong Shamanism have any foundation of itself?
« Reply #8 on: November 08, 2013, 09:40:30 AM »
By the time when Shamanism goes extinct was caused by science and Christians...

You mean like how 1 billion Chinese are still non-(organized)religious and still practice ancestral worship? The first dynasty was established ~200BC. Hmong have been around since then as well. Here we are in 2013.

It's ironic you should mention that Hmong animism/shamanism will go extinct and yet, you fail to realize that all religions, including your beloved Christianity, and religious-like belief systems are all in danger of going the way of the dinosaurs. Modern societies and the future will move more towards a secular model. I shit you not, your children and/or grandchildren will not be wishing to be baptized or believe in the Holy Spirit. And guess what...there's nothing wrong with that.

Even European people are having a renaissance of sort to rediscover the pagan traditions that are now lost. This was the land of the crusades and currently, the modern "Mecca" for Christianity.

You don't see the reality. But then again, I wouldn't expect someone like you to be interested in reality. A highly evolved, super-intelligent lifeform known as modern homo sapien, believing that there is a single supreme creator God and that the only way to God is to accept that it bore a child in a virgin woman and become Christian? If alien lifeforms were to come across us today, they would marvel at our technological advancements and human rights policies, but laugh to death at our religious zealous.

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Re: Does Hmong Shamanism have any foundation of itself?
« Reply #9 on: November 08, 2013, 11:44:35 PM »

Remember that Christianity teaches grace, not contempt.

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Re: Does Hmong Shamanism have any foundation of itself?
« Reply #10 on: November 09, 2013, 03:00:48 AM »
Where on earth did you find that?
Not on earth, on PH.

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Re: Does Hmong Shamanism have any foundation of itself?
« Reply #11 on: November 10, 2013, 05:26:09 PM »
I only bully the Hmong Shaman by shoving 2+2 is four.

2+2 doesn't always equal 4. Take for example, 1+1=1, in the case of Mary (1) + Roman soldier (1) = Jesus (1)

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Re: Does Hmong Shamanism have any foundation of itself?
« Reply #12 on: November 10, 2013, 09:28:26 PM »
Wow, your believing such in a big cult. Even Dr. Eben Alexander, a nearologist have seen Heaven after he died. Again, I am showing philosophical proof AND spiritual proof that God exist. If you don't wanna worship Him, that's fine. But just remember the consequences when you meet Him. Because you can't even PROVE shamanisticall y of where did we come from? Again, I find you to be an atheist, not a shaman. If you want to go atheist, then be one. Again, you're arguing from an atheist point of view, but not a shaman point of view. Therefore, you have lost because it's a red herring.

Dr. Eben Alexander's experience has been criticized by other neurologists. This however isn't saying that he is lying or not. We will never know. I haven't read the book yet, but it sounds interesting so I went and looked at some reviews.

After reading some reviews of the book, I noticed something familiar. His description of the experience sounds a lot like what my dad told me when I was a kid. He was telling me of the Hmong traditions and beliefs. Alexander's experience of seeing green fields and being guided by an angelic being. He met his sister in the afterlife. He even talks about reincarnation. This all sounds like the Hmong traditional belief.

Dr. Alexander, to my knowledge, has no idea of Hmong beliefs and yet he wrote a book about it. For him not to know the Hmong belief, and experience what they believed in is really something. There might be some truth to Hmong beliefs after all.

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Re: Does Hmong Shamanism have any foundation of itself?
« Reply #13 on: November 10, 2013, 10:35:15 PM »
I have debated against Hmong Shamanists on this website for quite awhile. Almost none of them can bring a good philosophical evidence to prove their logic is true. Also, about all of the truths in Shamanism are relative since there is no God in that realm. It all goes back to Buddhism where who is the mediator that will send them to Heaven or Hell. Some of this beliefs comes from China since I know that FACT that in the ancient times, all Chinese and other asians were pagans. Therefore, if there are other Shamanists who would stand and fight for their belief, I would like to see your philosophical evidence to disprove Christianity by its doctrine, not by the Christians and their behavior.

Do you feel insecure about your beliefs that you need to put down others to make yourself feel more validated?    :idiot2:

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Does Hmong Shamanism have any foundation of itself?
« Reply #14 on: December 19, 2013, 10:23:16 PM »
I only bully the Hmong Shaman by shoving 2+2 is four.

What 2+2 is four??? And all this  time I thought is was three. Dam...LOL J/K.. I couldn't help but this was calling for a joke. Hee

2+2=3. 1 for GOD the father. 2. the son Jesus and 3. for the HOLY SPIRIT.  HAHA My GPA jumped up to 4.1 Yeh..

« Last Edit: December 19, 2013, 10:27:04 PM by saki saki »

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