
Author Topic: Darksyde's Drunkin Adventures  (Read 11759 times)

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Re: Darksyde's Drunkin Adventures
« Reply #15 on: June 10, 2015, 01:11:38 PM »
Alright.  Gather up around the campfire boys and girls as I get ready to tell my next drunkin adventure.  This will be my last story for awhile but don't worry.  I'll be out and about on new adventures with new stories to tell when I come back.

This next story about me goes way back into my teen years when awesome was just learning to be awesome.  It is a story about Darksyde and his crush and the battle between his very own broseth to win her heart.  Does The Hot Guy get the girl?  You'll have to wait and see.

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Re: Darksyde's Drunkin Adventures
« Reply #16 on: June 10, 2015, 01:22:18 PM »
*giggles*..... :D I AM READY!

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Re: Darksyde's Drunkin Adventures
« Reply #17 on: June 10, 2015, 02:22:21 PM »
So there I was...
Hanging out with the bro's on a Friday afternoon talking about what's going down for the night.  It's my buddy Peng's birthday and we are planning a huge party for him.  All the boys are gonna be there.  And of course; there's going to be a lot of girls!  Being the young hormone filled dudes we are, we immediately start discussing who's going to hook up with who.  Everyone is naming possible candidates.  Some are battling for certain ones.  Some are battling for more than one.  Being the simpleton that I am, I only have one girl on my mind: "Mai".  (That's not an average name right?)  I don't say anything for awhile and then my man Tou looks and asks who I'm going to try for.  I say her name and immediately, my dude Kou is giving me crap about it.  He goes to say, "Dude, you have been crushing on that for the longest time.  When are you going to man up and just talk to her?  And she's pretty hot too and I almost forgot she was going to be there.  I think I'm going to go for her instead.  If you want to get with her, you're going to have to beat me bro.  Good luck!"
I'm almost enraged by his stupid challenge and kind of want to punch him.  But you don't violate the bro code of fighting your buddy over a girl; especially one you hardly knew.  I keep my cool and didn't say too much.  My best man, Tou, talks to me after the huddle and asks me, "You're not gonna let him beat you are you?  That dudes a d!ck and I'm sure you can get her to talk to you tonight."  This is the younger "Hot Guy" and he's not quite on that level of awesome quite yet so the confidence level isn't so gleaming.  I look and give him an unsure nod of approval and he pats me on the back and we carry on.
Fast forward to the night.
We're at my buddy Peng's house and we've just got done getting everything in place.  We set up in the garage with tables full of snacks and alcoholic beverages.  We also have two kegs at the ends of the table.  I'm thinking to myself, "Dude, your parents are cool as hell for letting you do all this."  The garage is quite large too and we have it setup with a small stereo system.  It's about to go down!
It's about 30 minutes to show time so those of us that are there start the night out by sipping on some beers.  People start to show up.  We're standing outside, smoking our cigarettes and drinking as we wait for the ladies of the night to show up.  It's 30 minutes past show time and finally our first group of girls show up.  Eventually they all get there and the ratio is looking pretty good.  We have about 30 people there total and the ratio of guys to girls is slightly above 2 to 1.  Everyone introduces themselves and we eventually move inside the garage.  We put on the stereo and everyone goes back to doing what they were doing a second ago.  All the dudes are on one side and all the girls are on the other.  It's the typical high school dance scene.  All the guys are waiting for liquid encouragement to kick in and the ladies are waiting for the dudes to man up.  Eventually, a few of the guys make their way over there to start conversing with the girls.  Kou takes this opportunity to go over there right away to talk to Mai.  I'm like, "Damn!"  I tell myself I'll just wait till they're done talking and I'll go over there and talk to her afterwards.  Time goes by.  Guys are dancing with girls now; slow dancing and/or getting their freak nasty on.  Meanwhile Kou has been talking to her this whole time.  They even got in a slow dance or two.  My confidence now is extremely low.  I might have just lost my chance by not taking the initiative.
I'm over by the table still.  I'm drinking with all the not-so-lucky guys slamming beers trying to look cool.  I glance over at her from time to time and I think I see her glancing over at me.  I'm unsure of myself but somewhere deep inside I think she likes me too.  I ask myself, how can she be talking to my buddy Kou and dancing with him while she's been frequently looking over my way.  There's just no way she likes him.  She wants to be with the man, The Hot Guy.  My man Tou breaks away from the girl he's been talking to and comes over and talks to me.  He says to me, "Dude; what have you been doing this whole time?  Go over there and talk to her!  You can't lose to him."  I tell Tou I can't because Kou has been over there the entire time talking to her alone.  I can't just intrude.  Can I?  Tou tells me to just cut in and talk to her.  He tells me he's not leaving my side until I go over there.  We stand there for another 15 minutes and all I can do is keep drinking.  I'm quite buzzed now and still liquid encouragement has done nothing to help me out.  Tou gets a little agitated by my weakness and he starts to walk away.
I finally look down my red cup and see a reflection of myself and he says to me, "Stop being a b!tch and get out there and get it!"  There it is!  I've found it.  Now I just have to place my timing right.  I turn around now and begin to look her way.  I'm sure she has been looking my way the entire night and I wait for it.  And there it is.  I see it.  I see her looking my way.  She sees me looking at her while Kou is over there talking her ears off.  She goes back to looking at Kou as they carry on the conversation.  I slam every last bit of beer I have left.  And I wait again.  She looks again, only this time I'm not waiting.  The time is right and I'm making my move.  Tou catches me in motion and he sees the look in my face, my eyes.  He knows I'm not playing around.  Our eyes are locked and I don't know what I'm going to do when I get there but I know it's going to be something.

I finally get over to her and there are no words to say.  Our eyes still locked, I step in in-between the two.  I wrap my right hand around her waist.  I take my left hand and tilt her chin up.  And I kiss her.  We lock in for just a moment and I pull back.  She pulls me back in and now we're kissing passionately.  Meanwhile, my man Tou is in the background cheering me on like a mad man.  He applauds and yells out, "Hell yeah!  That has got to be the baddest move I've ever seen.  It was like straight out of a movie."  I don't care.  I keep going.  My heart is calm and I know then that it was never about the stupid challenge.  It was about overcoming myself and believing in what my heart told me.  Many stories were made that night but mines would be the one that will forever be known as the story of the night.

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Re: Darksyde's Drunkin Adventures
« Reply #18 on: June 29, 2015, 05:07:53 PM »
Karaoke night!  Another night in the making.  :)

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Re: Darksyde's Drunkin Adventures
« Reply #19 on: July 09, 2015, 08:44:01 PM »
It's another drunkin night, starring yours truly.

Taking it one sip at a time,
The Hot Guy

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Re: Darksyde's Drunkin Adventures
« Reply #20 on: July 13, 2015, 09:39:59 PM »
So it's been awhile since I've posted a drunkin tale of love, sex and danger.  Well get ready because tomorrow night, you're finally getting a new story!

My next story will involve me once upon a time in Never Never Land where I partied like a rock star with the Croatian Army and encountered the odds of going up against their Soldiers one on one...  at the bar!

Tune in sometime tomorrow afternoon/night (depending on whether if I'm drunk or not) for another crazy adventure in Darksyde's Drunkin Adventures!

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Re: Darksyde's Drunkin Adventures
« Reply #21 on: July 13, 2015, 10:06:21 PM »

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Re: Darksyde's Drunkin Adventures
« Reply #22 on: July 14, 2015, 05:51:04 PM »
So there I was...
We had just gotten out of the field from doing some joint training with the Croatian Army.  They had come stateside to train with us in preparation for their deployment to Afghanistan.  They had only about 1 1/2 weeks left here in the US before they would fly back home and get their things ready to deploy out to combat.  And normally your last week before flying back out of anywhere in the military is a drunk fest.
So me being me, I thought I'd go to the bar on base and get me something to drink.  I saw two of my buddies there already so I was at a good start.  We began talking about our war stories of being in Iraq and that's when they showed up.  A posse of Croatians came in and sat along the bar rail across from us.  Things got very quiet and nobody said a word.  So once again; me being me, I decided to break the air of silence using the only tool I knew how.  Shots!

I asked them what they wanted to drink.  And they responded with a no thanks.  Well I felt that wasn't good enough so I ordered anyways.  In Eastern Europe, the preferred alcoholic drink most of the time is Vodka so I ordered some Vodka for all of them.  They asked what it was and I told them.  They thanked me for it and the next thing you know, I had a shot of Vodka sitting at my stool.  They looked over at me and said that's for you.  So now the game was on.  I ordered another round of Vodka and they drank.  I drank.  They drank.  I drank.  They drank.  I drank.  And I finally realized that it had to stop.  It was only about 9 PM at night and I was gonna go to sleep by 10 at this rate.  I finally walked over to them and asked for their names and shook their hands.  They thanked me personally for all the shots I bought them and I did the same for them.  We got to know each other personally and learned about each other's cultures and customs.  I eventually noticed that one of them was an attractive 5'4 blonde.  She didn't say much which is probably why I didn't notice her.  I asked them if they were gonna be around tomorrow night and they said they were thinking about heading out to town tomorrow night.  I told them I would be here at the same place again if they were interested.  We parted our ways around 2 in the morning and I was supposed to be awake by 5.

I woke up still drunk.  I got to work and chugged down as much coffee as I could.  I knew today was going to be a long day.  I told everyone at work about the Croatians and that we should all go meet them up tonight to have some drinks together.  They weren't about it.  Who wants to hang out with dudes right?  Finally I mentioned that, "Well, there is this one cute blonde chick they have with them.  I think she might be the only one they have in their formation."  Everybody's eye lit up like a Christmas tree and now they were dialed in.  All these American boys wanted was a chance and I just gave it to them.

Fast forward to the night.  We ended up going to the same bar.  We waited wondering if they were ever going to show up.  About an hour and a half went by and sure enough, they did.  This time they came in force.  There had to be about at least 50 of them.  And of course the dudes and one dudette that were with me the other day told them about me.  So of course, everybody wanted to buy me drinks.  Folks, if you've ever been the groom or best man at a Hmong wedding; your worst nightmare just walked right into the door and it's about be a rollercoaster.  I began to prepare myself mentally after the first three waves of shots came pouring in.  Of course I gave mines in return but a small ripple has no effect in water when encountered by a tsunami and I was getting flooded with drinks.  I tried walking away or going to the bathroom but these dudes would wait on me if I went anywhere remote within the bar.  And there were many of them so all I could do was take and give.  I tried getting some of my Soldiers to help but they looked at me like I was crazy.  All in the meanwhile, every other US Soldier that was in that bar had one target in mind only; the cute blonde girl that was with the Croatians.  I was on my own.

Finally, it stopped.  Their Commander wanted to see me and my buddy Staff Sergeant Deidrich.  He wanted to know our names, what our ranks were and what kind of experiences we had in relations to war.  According to his men, this guy was a war hero.  He was a sniper during the Serbian Wars and had a lot of confirmed kills.  He clearly had the respect of his men.  No one would buy me shots because I was talking to the man himself.  Eventually, he stopped asking questions and offered to buy us a round of shots.  We both agreed.  I tried to buy the man one but he absolutely refused because it was against his policy to ever let someone he outranked buy him a shot because he felt his pay grade made him obligated through respect and honor to always offer that gesture to them rather than him.  I honored and respected his words.  It was clear that this guy was a man amongst men.  He then began to tell me and my buddy how much he liked our warrior spirits and asked us if he could, ask if we deploy with him and his men to Afghanistan.  I didn't know how to respond and I was drunker than sh!t so I agreed.  He took down our names.

I was then pulled away by one of his junior Officers.  I forget his name but I know he was a Lieutenant (LT).  The good LT had something he wanted to tell me in private outside so we went outside to have a smoke.  We went outside about 20 feet beyond the main doors and standing next to us now was the cute blonde haired girl.  He started to talk to me; asking me about my interests.  He asked me what I liked to do on my free time, what my job and rank was.  I told him what I could.  But I could tell there was more he wanted to ask and soon he did.  And this was our conversation:  (keep in mind he kind of speaks like Borat so try to understand the verbiage I'm using)

LT:  Sergeant, I have sometink I vould like to tell you.
Me:  What is it sir?  You're good.
LT:  She vould like to tell you sometink.  I not so sure how say this.
Me:  It's okay.  I don't mind really.
LT:  Vell... she likes you.
Me:  Yeah.  It's quite alright.  I tend to have that way around other Soldiers.
LT:  No, no, no.  She likes you.  She vould like to know more about you.
Me:  She likes me?
LT:  Yes.  Vould you like to be vith her?
Me:  Woah, woah, woah.  I have a woman.
LT:  A voman?  I don't understand.
Me:  A woman.  A lady.  A girl.  We're together.
LT:  Ohhh.  It's okay.  I have one too.
Me:  No.  We are together.  We don't do stuff like that.
LT:  It's okay.  I von't tell.

As you can see.  I wasn't going anywhere with this conversation.  I had managed to gain the attention of the one girl that each and every swinging d!ck in my unit was trying so hard to get with.  Of course I wanted nothing to do with it but how was I supposed to let her know I wasn't interested.  Improvise and adapt.  It's what they teach us in the Army.  I knew what I needed to make this work and it would require a key player in my team, my star c0ck blocker: Specialist Koepler (Kep).  Kep had a way with woman that wasn't really a way at all.  It was just straight out rude and to the point.  But I knew that I needed that now, more than ever.  It just so happens that he was outside having a cigarette when I needed him.  And of course he was already drunker than sh!t so I knew I could rely on his expertise.  As I was talking to the LT about our arrangement with his female Soldier, I called for Kep so I could introduce him to them.  Kep instantly replied, "What do you need Sarg?"  I glanced over at the girl as he watch my eyes look over there and he realized real quick what was going on.  He then laughed and said, "So you're the lucky girl that's wants to bone my Sarg?"  She didn't know what he was saying but the LT explained to her what he said.  Kep went on to say things that I can't regurgitate without turning this post into the adult forum but one can only imagine.  She eventually got disgusted and stormed herself back into the bar away from me and Kep.

I high fived my man and went back inside and got extremely stupid drunk.  I ended up drinking with the Croatian Army until 4 in the morning knowing that I had to get up at 5.  Regardless to say it was a long day afterwards but I knew that I had won my battle with the Croatians at the Battle of the Shots.

« Last Edit: July 14, 2015, 05:53:59 PM by Darksyde »

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Re: Darksyde's Drunkin Adventures
« Reply #23 on: July 06, 2016, 02:04:29 AM »
Getting drunk at the airport in Amsterdam.  Almost sounds like another story in the making but I'll keep it chill until I get home.  Lol.  ;D

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Re: Darksyde's Drunkin Adventures
« Reply #24 on: July 06, 2016, 08:56:44 AM »
LOL! Drunk times is unforgettable or is it forgettable ??? they both make sense. :D

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Re: Darksyde's Drunkin Adventures
« Reply #25 on: July 13, 2016, 09:54:54 PM »
Stacking on more drunk stories at Checkers.  Lol.

Where the ladies at?  ;) ;D

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Re: Darksyde's Drunkin Adventures
« Reply #26 on: July 14, 2016, 09:45:45 PM »
Your above post about kep being your wingman and gloating about it.  Such a cowardly thing to do. How about just being honest and telling the girl that you're flattered however you were in a happy relationship?

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Re: Darksyde's Drunkin Adventures
« Reply #27 on: July 15, 2016, 02:24:04 AM »
Your above post about kep being your wingman and gloating about it.  Such a cowardly thing to do. How about just being honest and telling the girl that you're flattered however you were in a happy relationship?

It's a story.  Get over it.  ;)

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Re: Darksyde's Drunkin Adventures
« Reply #28 on: July 28, 2016, 03:34:36 PM »
Where are your drunken stories! I heard you came to town?

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Re: Darksyde's Drunkin Adventures
« Reply #29 on: July 31, 2016, 03:23:08 PM »
I'm sure he has plenty of d then some.   ;D   :D

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Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are. ~ John Wooden

