
Author Topic: Life with the iPad Air 2  (Read 6147 times)

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Life with the iPad Air 2
« on: July 26, 2015, 07:17:54 PM »
I have a love/hate relationship with Apple.  There are some things I love about Apple products, and there are some things I hate about Apple.  I generally settle for Windows because it's easier to mod my way through.  I always seem to have a tougher time with Apple.  Of course, the same thing could be said about Windows.  Maybe I am just used to dealing with Windows' bullsh!t...pardon the French.   :P 

Through a series of strange events, I bought myself an iPad Air 2.  Thus far, I have been using Android tablets, but they have been annoying me lately as well.  I figured I would give this a try.  I've used older versions before, but I've never actually tried to use it as one of my daily devices.  So, here it goes...

I got the 16GB 3G version.  And of course, I got it in gold. 

« Last Edit: July 26, 2015, 07:27:40 PM by bulbasaur »

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Re: Life with the iPad Air 2
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2015, 07:19:11 PM »
My first impressions

It looks and feels nice.  The screen looks really good.  The only other screen that might look as good might be the newer Samsung tablets.  It is also quite light.  I wish it would be as light as the Sony, but it still isn't heavy.  The only downside is that it feels fragile.  I went a week before actually buying a case.  I was careful with it, but it still got some smudges on the back.  Oh well...

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Re: Life with the iPad Air 2
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2015, 07:25:28 PM »
The Aspect Ratio

I was a bit worried about not liking the aspect ratio, but I soon grew to like it more.  On many of the narrower Android tablets, webpages don't look quite right in portrait, so I am forced to use them landscape.  But in landscape, the page might be too wide or not long enough.  The good thing about the aspect ratio on the Air 2 is that browsing the web is much nicer in both orientations.  I find myself using it more for web browsing.  With my Android tablets, I sometimes just don't even bother browsing the web on them and instead just use my phone. 

On the flip side, the Air 2 doesn't look as good playing video.  The screen is very nice, but you get bars.  I don't like it, but I can live with it because I don't really watch a lot of movies on tablets anyways. 

« Last Edit: July 26, 2015, 07:29:42 PM by bulbasaur »

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Re: Life with the iPad Air 2
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2015, 11:04:50 AM »
The Hard Drive Space

So it says it is 16GB, but less than half of that is actually available.  I am sure there is a 16GB stick in there, but less than half!  Come on!  I expect the OS to take up some space, but 8GB is a lot.  The FCC or someone needs to get on top of this "over reporting."  The iPad Air 2 is one of the motivating reasons why I am setting up a cloud.

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Re: Life with the iPad Air 2
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2015, 08:12:09 AM »
I know its unfair to compare the two but 16gb on a mini is nothing.  My kids fill that up easily and I'm sure I would too.  I see why you want to try your own cloud.  Updating iOS isn't always fun because there isn't enough space so I always have to delete apps, update then reinstall apps.  ITunes is painful to use...

« Last Edit: August 06, 2015, 08:14:51 AM by Sifu »

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Re: Life with the iPad Air 2
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2015, 07:41:40 PM »
I hate iTunes.  I am going to rant on that in a bit.  And you're right about 16gb.  I would have gotten the bigger one, but I wasn't even sure I wanted an iPad.  I just got a good deal on it.  If I find that I like using an iPad daily, then I might upgrade.  iPad Air 3?  Hopefully my little cloud would solve the memory problem.

Are you using any iTunes alternatives?  I am currently checking some out...

I know its unfair to compare the two but 16gb on a mini is nothing.  My kids fill that up easily and I'm sure I would too.  I see why you want to try your own cloud.  Updating iOS isn't always fun because there isn't enough space so I always have to delete apps, update then reinstall apps.  ITunes is painful to use...

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Re: Life with the iPad Air 2
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2015, 10:11:03 PM »
I have Apple products (Macbook Pro, iPhone, iPads) but try not to use iTunes.  I'll use MediaMonkey to tag and still on Winamp for listening.  I'm not a sucker for itunes music or their radio.  Personally I use MediaMonkey for .mp4 tagging but it also has most of itunes synch functions but at least it isn't bloated and ironically it is leaps and bounds better than itunes tagging.  Sheesh that thing is a joke for personal music.

« Last Edit: August 06, 2015, 10:15:46 PM by Sifu »

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Re: Life with the iPad Air 2
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2016, 06:32:13 PM »
Been using this for a few months....

I used it for work.  I traveled internationall y with it.  I really tried to use it as my primary tablet.


Having to signup for everything

So do I like it?  Yes and no.  It does not do everything I want, but it is not another device out there that does either. 

« Last Edit: January 02, 2016, 06:34:15 PM by bulbasaur »

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Re: Life with the iPad Air 2
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2016, 09:20:07 PM »
Have you tried a Surface Pro series?  I'm waiting for the 5 to be released so the prices for the 4 will drop.  I'm running on the Pro 3 and it is beautiful.  I can use it for work, travel, leisure and side jobs.  Every program (Adobe, 3dMax, Solidworks, games, etc) works and for light gaming it's not bad.  Just don't expect great graphics but it could replace my work laptop because I regulary bring it to meetings and at customer locations.  Unbelievable toy if you use it and I try to.

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Re: Life with the iPad Air 2
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2016, 02:31:48 PM »
I wanted to get a Surface a few months ago, but I got this iPad Air 2 instead for cheap.  I couldn't justify having two new tablets. 

I would like a Windows tablet because it would do everything I need.  Ports.  Apps.  Etc.  With a Surface, I wouldn't need to worry about little things.  For example, it's such a pain to just transfer a file onto the iPad.  Some workers still use a USB drive, and that simply doesn't play nice with the iPad.  With a Surface, I could just plug it in. 

I'll probably look into a Surface this summer if the price is right.  I just wished the Surface was thinner. 

Have you tried a Surface Pro series?  I'm waiting for the 5 to be released so the prices for the 4 will drop.  I'm running on the Pro 3 and it is beautiful.  I can use it for work, travel, leisure and side jobs.  Every program (Adobe, 3dMax, Solidworks, games, etc) works and for light gaming it's not bad.  Just don't expect great graphics but it could replace my work laptop because I regulary bring it to meetings and at customer locations.  Unbelievable toy if you use it and I try to.

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Re: Life with the iPad Air 2
« Reply #10 on: January 09, 2016, 02:21:31 PM »
I wasn't sold on the Surface series until the 3 but it is incredible.  Every program, every project, digital art, video, music, entertainment, productivity can be done on a tablet.  I would have never believed it but I believe now.  Only gripes are the battery life (understandable), the keyboard works (wish it was harder so it wouldn't bend or hop around) and 1 USB.  But damn everything in tablet form with the ease of a Windows OS. 

Its painful going back to an iPad or Android tablet.  Trying to transfer documents or working through an app is novel.  Working with the full blown software on the other hand is... Intoxicating.

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Re: Life with the iPad Air 2
« Reply #11 on: January 14, 2016, 09:33:14 PM »
Why did you go with the iPad?  You did mention games but what else do you use it for? J/C 'cause I have a hard time understanding iPads and tablets similar to it.

I have a 21.5" MacBook and a 11" Macbook Air.  The first one I use it for photoshop stuff, photo editing, etc.  The second one I use it for writing only.

I have iTunes on both and I like it..  They share the iTunes music so that makes it easy.  It's nice to be able to just download once and have it on both.  Husband is also connected to the iTunes so whatever he buys, I get it too, vice versa.

I also have an  My husband has a Samsung for his phone and he loves it.

We are not an Apple exclusive family though.  Daughter wants Windows for gaming.  We're still thinking about it.  Her last Windows PC stopped working a couple of years ago so they are using a really old MacBook from the mid 2000's.  I think it was husband's before he upgraded.  He's got a 15" Macbook Air or something.

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Re: Life with the iPad Air 2
« Reply #12 on: January 15, 2016, 12:09:01 AM »
I got it because I got a good deal on it.  I was renewing my phone contract, and the guy offered me a new phone.  I said I didn't need one, so he offered me the Air 2 for about $100.  This was about the same time I was going to buy a Surface.  But, considering that the Air 2 and Surface were similar devices, I couldn't justify buying a Surface anymore.  I got a couple of phone plans, so it's not the first time I got something for cheap or free.  I just got a new tablet for simply upgrading to 4G.  Kinda cool that I keep getting free stuff. 

I don't actually play games on my computers and tablets.  Even on my gaming desktop, I don't play games that much.  I usually only play games on my Vita or 3DS.  And even then, it takes me months to finish a game.  If you look at my Gaming Revival thread, I haven't posted a completed game in a long time.  Not enough time in the day to play games.

I've been trying to use the Air 2 for work and travel.  Is it good enough for productivity?  Is it good enough for leisure?  Obviously, a laptop would be great for productivity, but I don't want to take out a laptop on a plane.  A tablet would be great for leisure, but it is limited in productivity.  In the case of the Air 2, it doesn't seem right for me.  Not everyone at work is on the cloud.  The Air 2 doesn't interface easily with other devices, such as work computers, monitors, projectors, other tablets, etc.  Plus, if you're not online, the Air 2 is incredibly crippled.  16gb is small.  I can't even store files on the device.  For example, the Air 2 is great for reading comics, but I can't actually put any comics on it! 

I hate iTunes because it is a pain to use, especially while traveling.  Then, I have my own collection of music.  Then, what if I wanted share some music with my friends or vice versa?  It's a pain.  There are workarounds, but a simple drag and drop system would be better. 

I can see the Air 2 working in some situations, but it is not working for mine.  I am probably going to get the Surface 5 later this year if it is any good.   

Why did you go with the iPad?  You did mention games but what else do you use it for? J/C 'cause I have a hard time understanding iPads and tablets similar to it.

I have a 21.5" MacBook and a 11" Macbook Air.  The first one I use it for photoshop stuff, photo editing, etc.  The second one I use it for writing only.

I have iTunes on both and I like it..  They share the iTunes music so that makes it easy.  It's nice to be able to just download once and have it on both.  Husband is also connected to the iTunes so whatever he buys, I get it too, vice versa.

I also have an  My husband has a Samsung for his phone and he loves it.

We are not an Apple exclusive family though.  Daughter wants Windows for gaming.  We're still thinking about it.  Her last Windows PC stopped working a couple of years ago so they are using a really old MacBook from the mid 2000's.  I think it was husband's before he upgraded.  He's got a 15" Macbook Air or something.

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Re: Life with the iPad Air 2
« Reply #13 on: January 15, 2016, 01:37:02 AM »
I got it because I got a good deal on it.  I was renewing my phone contract, and the guy offered me a new phone.  I said I didn't need one, so he offered me the Air 2 for about $100.  This was about the same time I was going to buy a Surface.  But, considering that the Air 2 and Surface were similar devices, I couldn't justify buying a Surface anymore.  I got a couple of phone plans, so it's not the first time I got something for cheap or free.  I just got a new tablet for simply upgrading to 4G.  Kinda cool that I keep getting free stuff. 

I don't actually play games on my computers and tablets.  Even on my gaming desktop, I don't play games that much.  I usually only play games on my Vita or 3DS.  And even then, it takes me months to finish a game.  If you look at my Gaming Revival thread, I haven't posted a completed game in a long time.  Not enough time in the day to play games.

I've been trying to use the Air 2 for work and travel.  Is it good enough for productivity?  Is it good enough for leisure?  Obviously, a laptop would be great for productivity, but I don't want to take out a laptop on a plane.  A tablet would be great for leisure, but it is limited in productivity.  In the case of the Air 2, it doesn't seem right for me.  Not everyone at work is on the cloud.  The Air 2 doesn't interface easily with other devices, such as work computers, monitors, projectors, other tablets, etc.  Plus, if you're not online, the Air 2 is incredibly crippled.  16gb is small.  I can't even store files on the device.  For example, the Air 2 is great for reading comics, but I can't actually put any comics on it! 

I hate iTunes because it is a pain to use, especially while traveling.  Then, I have my own collection of music.  Then, what if I wanted share some music with my friends or vice versa?  It's a pain.  There are workarounds, but a simple drag and drop system would be better. 

I can see the Air 2 working in some situations, but it is not working for mine.  I am probably going to get the Surface 5 later this year if it is any good.   

I C.  Thanks.  I can understand the limit-ness of iTunes if you want to share music.  It's impossible.  I don't share my music so that's probably why it's not an issue for me.

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Re: Life with the iPad Air 2
« Reply #14 on: January 15, 2016, 11:15:54 AM »
iPads (and iPhones) have good internal systems... my only thing with them is there is no Back button.  Super annoying that that feature is lacking.  You have to double-tap on the Home button to access your previous screens.   >:(

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