
Author Topic: what about the other religion?  (Read 15779 times)

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Offline hmgROCK

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what about the other religion?
« on: April 25, 2016, 02:07:23 PM »
like buddha, muslim, mythology, baptism, jews, latter day saint, etcc....?

are they're all wrong?

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Re: what about the other religion?
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2016, 02:19:27 PM »
Religion is a choice, if you believe in it, it will up lift you and guide you through life. No religion is a wrong religion in the eyes of a believer. You can argue until you are blue in the face, a true believer will care less of your thoughts and opinions but it doesn't necessarily means they will degrade you or your religion. No self respect individual will do that.

Perhaps an activist would though :D

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Re: what about the other religion?
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2016, 05:04:52 PM »
freedom of religion means freedom to pick and choose your religion to your liking. 

Just don't violate my rights not to have a religion.   O0

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Offline dogmai

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Re: what about the other religion?
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2016, 09:04:05 PM »
Religion is a choice, if you believe in it, it will up lift you and guide you through life. No religion is a wrong religion in the eyes of a believer. You can argue until you are blue in the face, a true believer will care less of your thoughts and opinions but it doesn't necessarily means they will degrade you or your religion. No self respect individual will do that.

Perhaps an activist would though :D

So is it wrong for a person to degrade you or your religion if his/her religion demand them to do it?

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Offline dogmai

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Re: what about the other religion?
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2016, 09:19:56 PM »
I can't think of established religions that says it's okay to degrade people.  And that doesn't include people who misread/misinterpret what they are being taught.

But, is it wrong?

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Re: what about the other religion?
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2016, 10:07:27 PM »
1099 - The Roman Catholic Army kill over 70k Muslims.

And if you are thinking that this is too long ago, then try...

1941 – 1945 The Roman Catholic Ustashi kill 1 million Serbians.

And if you are thinking that these examples do not count because they fall under "misread" or "misinterpretat ion," then also consider that the Pope also has Papal Infallibility.

The list of oppression really goes on and on...

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Re: what about the other religion?
« Reply #6 on: April 27, 2016, 08:01:30 AM »
So is it wrong for a person to degrade you or your religion if his/her religion demand them to do it?

Degrading a religion if your religion demands it, hmm... in a communist perspective this scenario would exist, but I am sure people in their right mind would not do it openly.

If your religion calls you out to degrade other religions, I would definitely say it is morally wrong but if you believe it will provoke your faith by all means. Perhaps in their eyes, they are trying to finding solitude and cause to still believe.

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Re: what about the other religion?
« Reply #7 on: April 27, 2016, 08:55:28 AM »
1099 - The Roman Catholic Army kill over 70k Muslims.

And if you are thinking that this is too long ago, then try...

1941 – 1945 The Roman Catholic Ustashi kill 1 million Serbians.

And if you are thinking that these examples do not count because they fall under "misread" or "misinterpretat ion," then also consider that the Pope also has Papal Infallibility.

The list of oppression really goes on and on...

To say that Religion was responsible in 1099 is just being ignorant. Who led the the primary army that captured Jerusalem? It was Hugh I, he was a younger son and did not have the throne of France. What else could a man do but to go out and try to establish his own Kingdom. Raymond IV, Count of Toulouse, established the County of Tripoli in what is now Lebanon. Many of the leaders of the First Crusade were not established in their own countries. They had ambitions of their own, hence they were part of the First Crusade.

It is no more than a land grab by the lords of Europe , using Religion as the primary catalyst. The only "misread" or "misinterpretat ion" is by you.

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Offline hmgROCK

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Re: what about the other religion?
« Reply #8 on: April 27, 2016, 09:40:22 AM »
With so many religion
How do you know which one is right or wrong?

Are they all right?
Are they All wrong?

Do we just go with the favorite

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Re: what about the other religion?
« Reply #9 on: April 27, 2016, 10:08:14 AM »

Your boundaries are set by yourself.

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Re: what about the other religion?
« Reply #10 on: April 27, 2016, 01:37:52 PM »
1099 - The Roman Catholic Army kill over 70k Muslims.

And if you are thinking that this is too long ago, then try...

1941 – 1945 The Roman Catholic Ustashi kill 1 million Serbians.

And if you are thinking that these examples do not count because they fall under "misread" or "misinterpretat ion," then also consider that the Pope also has Papal Infallibility.

The list of oppression really goes on and on...

This is an attack on one religion.  You pretty much pulled the Catholic religion out for its crimes yet you forget that the Catholic people were nearly wiped out in 300 by the Roman Empire.

I am not standing up for the Catholic religion.  They have done their wrongs.  Every religion has.  So really, it's not the religion that does these horrible things.  It's the people who use religion for their own purposes and power and every religion will have people like that.

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Re: what about the other religion?
« Reply #11 on: April 27, 2016, 01:47:13 PM »
I believe King James I and Henry VIII killed a ton of Catholics when they were bringing up the Protestant faith.  Of course, when Henry's daughter, Mary became Queen, she killed a ton of Protestants.  I read that it was one of the bloodiest cleansing years in England.  Then when Mary died, her half sister, Elizabeth was next in line, Queen Elizabeth was Protestant and I'm sure she got rid of a lot of Catholics.  Elizabeth was one of the longest reigning queens so it is only natural that there is a large Protestant community in the UK.

FYI: Queen Elizabeth is the daughter of Anne Boleyn.  Anne was the wife whom Henry converted from Catholic to Protestant for because the Catholic church would not annul his marriage to his first wife, Queen Catherine.  Of course, later on, Anne was beheaded when she was found guilty of cheating.

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Offline hmgROCK

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Re: what about the other religion?
« Reply #12 on: April 27, 2016, 02:20:23 PM »
I believe King James I and Henry VIII killed a ton of Catholics when they were bringing up the Protestant faith.  Of course, when Henry's daughter, Mary became Queen, she killed a ton of Protestants.  I read that it was one of the bloodiest cleansing years in England.  Then when Mary died, her half sister, Elizabeth was next in line, Queen Elizabeth was Protestant and I'm sure she got rid of a lot of Catholics.  Elizabeth was one of the longest reigning queens so it is only natural that there is a large Protestant community in the UK.

FYI: Queen Elizabeth is the daughter of Anne Boleyn.  Anne was the wife whom Henry converted from Catholic to Protestant for because the Catholic church would not annul his marriage to his first wife, Queen Catherine.  Of course, later on, Anne was beheaded when she was found guilty of cheating.

With so many religion
How do you know which one is right or wrong?

Are they all right?
Are they All wrong?

Do we just go with the favorite

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Re: what about the other religion?
« Reply #13 on: April 27, 2016, 02:43:44 PM »
But lets not stop at religion between Catholics, Muslims, and Protestants trying to gain power over the other.

We see it in other areas that may or maybe not be religion related but it is power related.  For instance the Hmong people lost all of their culture to China's Emperors.  A whole culture wiped out.  Was it religion?  Maybe.  Maybe not.  But definitely power. 

Japan almost had Korea until WWII when Russia and China stepped in and then led to Korea splitting into North and South.  Lots of Korean-Japanese died just because they owned land that the Japanese had originally claimed then released.  Lots of South Koreans died too, fighting, and some believed North would be better than South only to learn once they moved into North territory that they would end up doing hard labor for the rest of their lives and never have the opportunity to move up...go to college, make more money, join the military, etc.

And the Jews.  It's religion related but it was vicious and cruel and so many innocents died just for their faith.

And then you think about your own country, the USA.  The Civil War killed more US soldiers in one war than international wars.

It's really good to know that we are free to believe what we want to believe without fear that we would have to die for it.  And when I say believe, I mean non-believers as well because that is in essence a belief something.

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Re: what about the other religion?
« Reply #14 on: April 27, 2016, 02:57:48 PM »

With so many religion
How do you know which one is right or wrong?

Are they all right?
Are they All wrong?

Do we just go with the favorite

It's like everything else.  Why don't you like the same car I like? Is it wrong to like one kind over the other?  Do we just go with our favorite?  Or do we find one that fits our lifestyle?  If a car doesn't matter to you and you can drive anything as long as it takes you from A to B then religion is the same.  If it doesn't benefit you in anyway, then it doesn't matter if you don't believe or if you kind of believe or believe sometimes and other times don't.  It doesn't matter.  But for some, it matters because like a car, some people will only buy one brand because they trust in it.  Religion is similar.  It has helped them in their struggles.  It has helped them deal with hard and difficult times.  It has helped them see the good in themselves and in others.

I personally struggle with believing that I am a good person and deserving of a good life because I was brought up very negatively.  If you are constantly told that you will not get very far in life and that because of how dark your skin is or how not-so-smart you are, or how ugly your teeth are, etc., it leaves a lasting scar.  I don't fight that every day like I did as a kid and teenager but once in awhile I will fall into that gloom, and when I pray and read the scriptures, and attend mass, it helps me realize that the world doesn't revolve around me. We all have our struggles and we all need something or someone to believe in to keep going.  I feel good when I do good for others and I naturally have a hard time finding that spark where I do good for others.  My religion and prayers open my eyes to those things that I have a difficult time finding on my own.  I need that strength from God or that energy source and in order to get it, I have to open up myself to it.  Otherwise I become this selfish, bland, boring, depressed person that I don't like.

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