
Author Topic: why the gop is the current laughing matter?  (Read 4139 times)

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why the gop is the current laughing matter?
« on: August 12, 2016, 02:35:10 PM »
Heard that a large amount of republicans are signing a pledge bill to stop trump from using the rep campaign fundings. 

Trump said,  he builds that money and you reps are eating it n now you want to exclude me out of the rake?  Who is the one raising that money and why now, 6 months later. 

I guess you can say that they are doing everything from stopping trump to win this one. 

Im not a hilary supporter either.  Im a no vote kind of a guy but this news is just too funny to not pass along.  Your own party is against you by the numbers.   :2funny:

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Offline theking

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Re: why the gop is the current laughing matter?
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2016, 03:00:33 PM »
I don't remembered ever seeing such a dysfunctional family from start to end as the current GOP family when it comes to politics.  :-\

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Re: why the gop is the current laughing matter?
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2016, 03:09:34 PM »
Trump must have said something great to have gone this far.  If you were leading at one point, shush you big mouth because what you say can be your set fall. 

Dude is back in the news with his 2nd amendment issues while clinton is leading in the current polls in a few states like florida colorado n nc. 

They feared trump because he is a business man and in business, you take risk.  This is what makes him dangerous.  America is already great as they calling it but America to me is like a steady growing mutual fund that rakes in an 8% steady return.  Trump is going to risk it and put America at the risk to get me that 80% return or bust.  He is taking what consider is working and flip it while not giving regards to all the presidential forefathers and their mantra.  It is like your grandfather and ancestors have builded up a great plantation but you come in and turn it into a trump resort.

Trump supporters are tired of the slow growth that america has been building upon.  Bush sr jr sons all looks the same.  They want big changes so they can enjoy their life better.  Like in business, it is a risky move and only a sales con artist like trump can double down on such bets to make America different again. 

Im actually scared of this thus why trump is a dangerous guy with who knows hidden agenda of his own.  I don't like clinton either because sr. Bill and Obama have not done a cot dang thing for me. 

If clinton wins, america will feel the same at the 8% gradual growth.  If trump wins, he might pick on us minorities next.  Obama wins, we see a big rise in the kaydoo field.  If trump wins, rednecks rise to make America a redneck country again.  That would mean no promotion for me because a redneck who got hired after me will jump over me on the seniority level. 

Bringing jobs back to America?  Yeah so the rednecks can have jobs but what about the nike factory in Vietnam that feeds my viet people? 

Something to pounder about. 

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Offline DuMa

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Re: why the gop is the current laughing matter?
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2016, 03:28:59 PM »
This got me thinking. 

You know that issues about the lao government doing genocide on you native hmong folks over there in the mother country?  Under the clinton n Obama administration, there are fundings to get a political team to tackle this humanitarianis m issue. 

I feared what trump will do.  He might take away their fundings and considering those small timer foreign policy as a joke.  If i know something about them rednecks, it is domestic issues first and over sea issues are not their problems.  He said he builds a wall to reject the illegals and stop the flood of good Muslims from entering this minority infested country. 

Now you think of this here.  If trump was president during the vietnam war, non of us will be here.  He would call all of us as a sleeper Vietcong.  This is ignorant redneck traits here.  Trump will make America a redneck country again.  We are not on his list but we are next. 


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Re: why the gop is the current laughing matter?
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2016, 03:45:27 PM »
I don't remembered ever seeing such a dysfunctional family from start to end as the current GOP family when it comes to politics.  :-\

If he was losing by a landslide, there is no need for the fear.  They feared him for some cot dang reason.  He might be the anti Christ that will lead us to a great war that will nuke half of this country. 

The 1% of the wealthy? Trump name is on it and it will soon be 0.5%.  Even worse on how the money in america is being distributed.  Clinton wants to take them tax dollars n and distribute it other organization that benefits the lower tier, that's you and i. 

Im a business man like trump by nature.  If i vote for trump, it is not because i like him, it is because of changes and America wants changes.   I need trump to make this country poor again with high unemployment rate and housing prices to go down.  I will save all of my money by then to buy me a few more investment houses.  Then they will kick trump out of office and have a real leader to play clean up again.  America will be great again and so will the values to my investments. 

I have lived through such phases but too young n poor to understand how things are being played.  Had i got the smarts n capitals when the housing market crashed that first time around, i would of been a trump myself. 

My mentor did just that.  He bought a lot for 30k.  Years later, a developer offered him 300k to take the lot so they can build a road through it. 

Right place right time so be ready to see a jacked up nation once again. Ha  :2funny:

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Offline theking

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Re: why the gop is the current laughing matter?
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2016, 05:08:48 PM »
As I've said many times in the past, I'm not really a fan of politicians regardless of which isle he/she is in but this GOP family drama is just nutty and it started from the beginning of the election year and it's still going... ;D :idiot2:

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Re: why the gop is the current laughing matter?
« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2016, 05:13:19 PM »
Heard that a large amount of republicans are signing a pledge bill to stop trump from using the rep campaign fundings. 

Trump said,  he builds that money and you reps are eating it n now you want to exclude me out of the rake?  Who is the one raising that money and why now, 6 months later. 

I guess you can say that they are doing everything from stopping trump to win this one. 

Im not a hilary supporter either.  Im a no vote kind of a guy but this news is just too funny to not pass along.  Your own party is against you by the numbers.   :2funny:

Yep... the fall of the GOP will be their undoing. They should learn from Dems... no matter who their candidate is or what he/she had done, they just support that person like rank and file. And you have to pander to public in each of their little own clique.
e.g. at the DNC, they brought on stage to speak a Muslim father(son killed in action) for the Muslim votes, "illegals" for the Latino votes (I don't why because illegals include all race), mothers of police victims (even though these victims were criminals) for the black votes, PPH for the women votes(abortion is women), transgender for the LGBTQIP votes, etc.

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Offline DuMa

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Re: why the gop is the current laughing matter?
« Reply #7 on: August 13, 2016, 06:14:51 PM »
Trump said the only way he loses is if the election is rig.  Trump n his mouth, big laughing matter.  Don't forget that you are voting for a guy who talks like this.  I like comedy.  I want to see him win so i can continue to hear more funnies coming from the mouth.   :2funny:

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Re: why the gop is the current laughing matter?
« Reply #8 on: August 13, 2016, 09:49:25 PM »
Yep... the fall of the GOP will be their undoing. They should learn from Dems... no matter who their candidate is or what he/she had done, they just support that person like rank and file. And you have to pander to public in each of their little own clique.
e.g. at the DNC, they brought on stage to speak a Muslim father(son killed in action) for the Muslim votes, "illegals" for the Latino votes (I don't why because illegals include all race), mothers of police victims (even though these victims were criminals) for the black votes, PPH for the women votes(abortion is women), transgender for the LGBTQIP votes, etc.

This is actually why I detest the DNC. They are just like the devil. They sweet talk people by distorting truths and buttering up lies. The truth is, they do not give a s.hit about people like you or me, either. And they are RACIST as f.uck. Just look at all their policies. It is always targeting and benefitting specific groups. THAT IS RACISM, RIGHT THERE.

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Re: why the gop is the current laughing matter?
« Reply #9 on: August 13, 2016, 09:53:16 PM »
Trump said the only way he loses is if the election is rig.  Trump n his mouth, big laughing matter.  Don't forget that you are voting for a guy who talks like this.  I like comedy.  I want to see him win so i can continue to hear more funnies coming from the mouth.   :2funny:

Trump is the best comedy the republicans could pick for this election. now they are hiding and crying they picked the wrong person.  :idiot2: :2funny:

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Re: why the gop is the current laughing matter?
« Reply #10 on: August 13, 2016, 09:54:17 PM »
Trump said the only way he loses is if the election is rig.  Trump n his mouth, big laughing matter.  Don't forget that you are voting for a guy who talks like this.  I like comedy.  I want to see him win so i can continue to hear more funnies coming from the mouth.   :2funny:

If Trump wins it is more comedy for the country. However, Trump is not as dangerous as Clinton. She knows the political game too well and has been cheating it for years and years.

At the end of the day, all these social issues are just distractions. Trump is small time. He is only thinking about policies and issues that directly affect Americans and businesses. Clinton is much more poisonous. She is thinking globally and trying to usher in a whole new type of global empire. This empire will not be good for anybody but the elites. This is why they want to dumb down the population through public education. They have been indoctrinating the youth to think that "kumbaya" is a good thing. They basically want to usher in liberalism (aka "socialism/communism") around the world.

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Re: why the gop is the current laughing matter?
« Reply #11 on: August 13, 2016, 10:00:35 PM »
Trump is the best comedy the republicans could pick for this election. now they are hiding and crying they picked the wrong person.  :idiot2: :2funny:

Meanwhile, the DNC pretty much cheated and put in Hillary who would've lost to Bernie if the voters had their way. Bernie is a smelly, senile hippie but at least he's honest and likable. Hillary is just out to exploit the down-trodden so she can advance herself.  ::)

The GOP can be mad as hell but at the end of the day, the voters voted and they want Trump. The same cannot be said about Hillary. Democrats should be pissed but they prove again that they are hypocrite sheep who can be bought and silenced. The fact that E. Warren and B. Sanders endorsed Hillary does not show unity at all, but that they are all talk and no walk. This is why liberals can NEVER BE TRUSTED because they will always submit to the establishment.

So don't complain about the elite when you're the one who keeps doing their bidding. You people are the same ones who complain about minimum wage but don't hesitate to buy $4 coffee at Starbucks.  :idiot2:

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Re: why the gop is the current laughing matter?
« Reply #12 on: August 13, 2016, 10:11:06 PM »
The GOP will continue to lose for as long as they fight fair and stand up for good. This world is not a good place. People no longer win because they are good. They win because they lie, cheat, and steal. Just ask Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party. The Democrats have continually shown that they can't be trusted when it comes to elections. For example, George Wallace used to rig the elections all the time by intimidating black voters. The modern-day Democrats are no different when it comes to cheating. They just do it differently. It's no wonder why Republicans push for Voter ID.

The sad reality is that too many people drink the Kool-Aid and when they think of the Republicans all they can think about is racism because it's a false narrative the Democrats have successfully pushed to hide their own racist past (and current policies). But as the impoverished who live in these liberal cities already know, they continue to be poor because of liberal policies and ideology.

The Democrats do not fight fair. They use mob mentality, the court of public opinion, political correctness, and fear tactics to censor truth and open dialogue. This is why Trump won the GOP presidential nomination. Conservatives do not support Trump on every issue, and many of them do not even view him as a Conservative, but they know that in this evil world being spearheaded by regressive leftists they need an outspoken leader like Trump who will call out the stinky bulls.hit wafting from the left.

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Offline DuMa

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Re: why the gop is the current laughing matter?
« Reply #13 on: August 13, 2016, 10:11:07 PM »
Trump did it again.  He's my hero because his mouth is the best. 

He now said he is not running against crooked Hilary but against the crooked media.   :2funny:

If he lose, it is rig. 

By the way.  To be a crook, one need to be prosecuted.  Under trump, no need a prosecuter.  You are crooked because my name is trump and if you don't like it, get the fawk out and i will build a wall to keep you out.   :2funny:

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Re: why the gop is the current laughing matter?
« Reply #14 on: August 13, 2016, 11:52:18 PM »

So don't complain about the elite

I am the elite. that's why I proved you wrong and you're chasing me all over.  :idiot2: :2funny:

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