
Author Topic: What's wrong with Hmong people...  (Read 21910 times)

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Re: What's wrong with Hmong people...
« Reply #15 on: September 27, 2016, 09:33:03 PM »
You're right. You can't control other people's action. I understand what you are saying - that doesn't invite anyone to invade her sexually especially when under the influence of a substance. But isn't that why we lock our car doors, our house doors, and most of us make the decision not to go for walks at 3:00am alone? Just because you don't want to be raped while drunk, doesn't mean there aren't monsters out there waiting to take advantage of an intoxicated person. Just because I don't want someone to rob me, doesn't make me immune to robbery. This isn't victim blaming. This is pointing out the fact that when you go to a college drinking party, just because in your mind you're just there to have fun and have a few drinks, doesn't mean you won't end up with your panties missing.

This isn't the same as walking down the street and getting struck by a drunk driver. If that had happened, the intoxicated driver was there IN SPITE of his drinking and driving, not BECAUSE OF IT. But when you're a young woman and you go to a college drinking party, people aren't there to talk about how to play a better midlane in League of Legends or easy steps towards becoming vegan. You KNOW why people are there. Not to say all men at parties are going to rape at first opportunity. Throw in alcohol, impaired judgement, peer pressure, testosterone, voila! It's the perfect equation for something like this to happen.
we're not supposed to jusy accept that we need to lock our doors and be afraid to go out at night.  We're supposed to be working towards a better world where we don't have to lock our doors and we can go out at 3am without fear of predators.

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Re: What's wrong with Hmong people...
« Reply #16 on: September 28, 2016, 02:29:06 PM »
we're not supposed to jusy accept that we need to lock our doors and be afraid to go out at night.  We're supposed to be working towards a better world where we don't have to lock our doors and we can go out at 3am without fear of predators.

Who doesn't want a perfect world? I do! I wish I wouldn't have to lock my doors. As a hardcore cat fisherman, I wish I could go all-night fishing along the Minneapolis downtown/U of M Mississippi shorelines with accessible parking and concrete walkways. But we don't live in that world. We live in our world.

Quote from: HUNG TU LO
Just because I don't want someone to rob me, doesn't make me immune to robbery.

I think 99.9% of the human population wants a perfect crime-less world. But avoiding the fact that we still have a looooong way to go and it ain't going to happen in our generation's lifetime would be a grave mistake to you, your family, and others around you.

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Offline theking

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Re: What's wrong with Hmong people...
« Reply #17 on: September 28, 2016, 02:39:44 PM »
fault do lie on the person in control of their actions,  this case is comparable to a person petting a dog and got bit.  sure, she knows the dog, it may never bit her before but maybe this one time at band camp, she may have pat him a bit too hard, so he bit back.  she didn't scream nor take any recourse of action at that moment....days later after still feeling the pain, she then claims that the dog was vicious and it should be locked up or put to sleep.  ummm hellooo...who's the biatch now!

Not a very good analogy as a dog is not human...

Blaming the girl for getting rape just because she happens to be there is like blaming kids that have been abducted by other humans while walking home from school or hanging out in their neighborhood.

Now if her intention was to get raped then I can see blaming her...

I can't believe the raper would even considered marrying his victim in this case...remind me of the case where the dad drove his daughter to meet her raper so he can forced his daughter's raper to marry his daughter.. :o

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Offline theking

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Re: What's wrong with Hmong people...
« Reply #18 on: September 28, 2016, 03:40:41 PM »
View points are different and it's alright but I personally just can't see blaming the girl in this case unless she gave the raper consent.

Remind me of Hmong girls that got raped during Hmong New Year celebrations. Guess those that blame those girls can say things like, 'if they didn't attend the Hmong New Year, they wouldn't get raped'... Or the girls that got raped at colleges are blamed just because they attended college.

Unless those girls asked for it, they can't control others' actions..

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Offline nightrider

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Re: What's wrong with Hmong people...
« Reply #19 on: September 28, 2016, 05:58:41 PM »
Whether it's kids or driving at midnight and getting kill by a drunk driver or kids getting abducted for walking alone. They are all totally different from this rape subject. The kid walking alone may have influence motive for abduction but he/she doesn't know the perpetrator, just like the abduction scenario, the dead driver has no relations with the drunk driver and plus, there's no motive on the drunk driver side to kill, unlike this woman. This woman put herself in a position that influence motive, involves alcohol, she knew the rapist, was an adult and was supposed to be intelligent. Same goes for your new years analogy. Find me one article that proofs this happened before? Whatever happens after 6PM has nothing to do with new years but a night party branded as new years. And yes, they are to blame too if they're irresponsible for their own personal safety.

« Last Edit: September 28, 2016, 06:01:32 PM by nightrider »

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Offline theking

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Re: What's wrong with Hmong people...
« Reply #20 on: September 28, 2016, 07:49:57 PM »
Whether it's kids or driving at midnight and getting kill by a drunk driver or kids getting abducted for walking alone. They are all totally different from this rape subject. The kid walking alone may have influence motive for abduction but he/she doesn't know the perpetrator, just like the abduction scenario, the dead driver has no relations with the drunk driver and plus, there's no motive on the drunk driver side to kill, unlike this woman. This woman put herself in a position that influence motive, involves alcohol, she knew the rapist, was an adult and was supposed to be intelligent. Same goes for your new years analogy. Find me one article that proofs this happened before? Whatever happens after 6PM has nothing to do with new years but a night party branded as new years. And yes, they are to blame too if they're irresponsible for their own personal safety.

Are you saying that if those kids know/have "relations" with their abductors then it's their fault for getting abducted as there are cases of that too?

Are you saying that if a driver that gets hit by another driver he/she knows/has "relations" with then it's his/her fault for getting hit by the other driver as there are cases of that too?

Well you hear it here women, if you want to hang out with your friends at a "night party" whether it be a house party or  a new year's party and get raped, you will get blame for it. So since the New Year celebrations are coming up, don't go and let those New Year's  "night party" be a sausage fest if you don't want to get blame because you are in total control of others' actions. In fact, don't even attend the day time New Year's festivities as there are also cases of women getting violated during those events. So yeah, you would get blame by some just because you happen to be here even if you didn't ask to get violated...

And oh, if you choose not to go out due to fear of getting blame for others' actions, you can throw a party at your own homes but if you still get raped, it's still your fault because you happen to be there and you are in control of others' actions...

« Last Edit: September 28, 2016, 08:02:33 PM by theking »

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Offline thePoster

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Re: What's wrong with Hmong people...
« Reply #21 on: September 28, 2016, 10:04:14 PM »
I want a perfect world too!

I too want to go fishing everyday.

I wish the temp was a cool 75.

And the sun not always out.  Partly cloudy is fine.  Maybe just a slight slight breeze like 1-2 mph.

And that theres always fishbait!   The big sized one. 

And that id never get my line stuck.

Man!  I could fish all day!

You know whatd be cool?  If they had a know how in new york they got those vendors on wheels on the corner...

Itd be cool if they had boat!  Thatd be awesome...go fishing then ger hungry and drive the boat to a boat that sells food!

Have yalls seen those like...giant boathouses...d ang!  If i could have one of those and take it fishing in tampa!  Man o man!  Id just stay out in the lake for a week! 

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I went through all 15k posts and those 2 quotes I found were the only ones so I guess that would make it "everytime".  Feel free to go through all 15k posts and verify by quoting them all.  You need to quote them all to verifying prove "everytime".   Please verify that Im wrong.

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Re: What's wrong with Hmong people...
« Reply #22 on: September 29, 2016, 09:10:48 AM »
a rape victim would fight tooth and nail, scream and shout, and cry like the wolf.  it didn't happen, she let it continued, she didn't fight back or push him away, she didn't scream in the course of action, and she certainly did not report it right away.  He didn't pose no threat to her, unlike real rapers who would do harm to their victims if they made any sudden moves.  this girl was more concerned about her reputation, so much so that she would sell out her friend...and now, she knows what price to pay.

to be honest, most rapes can be prevented...we may not be able to control others but we can control ourselves.  the unfortunate thing is that most rapes are done by people they know, ones that they trust and they don't always know when it will happen.  what can you do in this instance?  minors, we can understand, they're powerless and perpetrators who commits such act on children should be punished by getting hanged by their D&balls until it separates from their body or pierce through the P on a stake. But if you're an adult and it happened, you should be held partially responsible.  1) for not speaking out, often times a verbal command or even "NO!" would deter a perp from proceeding with the act. 2) making themselves vulnerable to the people and/or environment.  putting themselves in a situation that has a higher percentage of getting raped (in the this case). 

we can argue all day with the blame and faults or whatnot but if you don't want to get rape, you do what you got to do not to get raped...unfort unately for me, if a woman can get me hard, I'm done for!  :D ;D

Guess you missed the part where she's passed out...because of that, your point is invalid. And no "most" rape cannot be prevented because we still cannot control the actions of others...

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Re: What's wrong with Hmong people...
« Reply #23 on: September 29, 2016, 11:36:29 AM »
This whys Hmongs no havening a country.

Trouble excites me!

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Offline theking

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Re: What's wrong with Hmong people...
« Reply #24 on: September 29, 2016, 12:26:01 PM »
so who's fault is it for passing out?  she's knows she's in a hostile environment with a bunch of drunk horny men (who will likely make poor decisions).   

So do you support going around violating vulnerable people? I mean do you rob the elderly, do you beat up kids, etc., just because they are easy targets?

A person in a vulnerable state doesn't give you the right to violate him/her...especially without consent.

Let's say you were passed out or just aware, and someone took advantage of you, would you blame yourself?

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Offline thePoster

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Re: What's wrong with Hmong people...
« Reply #25 on: September 29, 2016, 01:34:19 PM »
Heres my story...

I too couldve been a victim, although not as severe..

Im not saying whos right and whos wrong here or whos to blame in this young ladys incident.

But im going to tell my story how i couldve been a victim as well.

Anyways...frid ay and my boys was like "yo lets hit up the club"...

I was like "cool, lets do it"..

So to the club..drank a bit too much...

I kept telling myself i need to keep it together!  I cant pass out!  I better not pass out, if i do someone might steal my wallet.  I kinda already knew the risks if i passed out.  Anyways, i got escorted out of the club becuase theres "no sleeping in the club"...i kept putting my head down...

Then as i was escorted out and was outaide the club now, i sat on a bench, i kept telling myself i cannot pass out!  Someone might run my pockets if i do!

So yeah, i couldve been a victim, my wallet couldve or could not have gotten stolen but i knew the risk involved if i passed out. 

If i did pass out and got my wallet stolen, i woyldve been mad at myself for putting myself in that position in the first place.  I didnt have to go to the club.  And if i did, i didnt have to get almost passed out drunk.    Yes its a crime i got my wallet stolen too but i have to put some of the blame to myself too for putting myself in tjat situation.

The world isnt full of nice people and isnt full of people thats not out to get you. 

I always tell people who end up getting in trouble alot or in bad predicaments that theu should have never put themself in that kind of position in the first place.

Avoidance is key.

Oh i got a story!

House party, college party...anyway friend was like "yo come through!"  Basically he didnt know anyone so he wantes someone to hang out with.  Anyways so im there...and this guy bumps me, and i bump into this girl, i had a cup of jungle juice in my hand and it spilt all over her shoes.  She was upset.  I left the party shortly after that, i didnt kniw if she had a bf or not but i wasnt going to get my butt kicked!

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I went through all 15k posts and those 2 quotes I found were the only ones so I guess that would make it "everytime".  Feel free to go through all 15k posts and verify by quoting them all.  You need to quote them all to verifying prove "everytime".   Please verify that Im wrong.


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Re: What's wrong with Hmong people...
« Reply #26 on: September 29, 2016, 07:09:31 PM »
So do you support going around violating vulnerable people? I mean do you rob the elderly, do you beat up kids, etc., just because they are easy targets?

A person in a vulnerable state doesn't give you the right to violate him/her...especially without consent.

Let's say you were passed out or just aware, and someone took advantage of you, would you blame yourself?

He wouldn't. But a criminal would. Having laws doesn't change deviant behavior. Morality doesn't change deviant behavior either. If it did, all modern societies would be crime-free. "Hey look! It's illegal. I guess I shouldn't rob people because it's not legal. And I guess I shouldn't rape that drunk girl passed out. She has her whole life ahead of her. I should be mindful of my actions." If only the world worked that way.

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Offline nightrider

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Re: What's wrong with Hmong people...
« Reply #27 on: September 29, 2016, 07:25:15 PM »
Are you saying that if those kids know/have "relations" with their abductors then it's their fault for getting abducted as there are cases of that too?

Are you saying that if a driver that gets hit by another driver he/she knows/has "relations" with then it's his/her fault for getting hit by the other driver as there are cases of that too?

Well you hear it here women, if you want to hang out with your friends at a "night party" whether it be a house party or  a new year's party and get raped, you will get blame for it. So since the New Year celebrations are coming up, don't go and let those New Year's  "night party" be a sausage fest if you don't want to get blame because you are in total control of others' actions. In fact, don't even attend the day time New Year's festivities as there are also cases of women getting violated during those events. So yeah, you would get blame by some just because you happen to be here even if you didn't ask to get violated...

And oh, if you choose not to go out due to fear of getting blame for others' actions, you can throw a party at your own homes but if you still get raped, it's still your fault because you happen to be there and you are in control of others' actions...

You don't seem to be able to differentiate the different circumstances in any given scenarios. The abduction scenario? No, a kid still a kid, not a grown up, not educated, whether he knows the abductor or not is absolutely at no fault. As for the drunken driver scenario, the fact that both party knew each other, the victim is also not at fault, besides the drunk driver have no intent unlike the rapist, he does. You're mistaken my position, I'm in no ways saying that both the victims in your given scenario are at fault, responsible for their own well being. I merely high lighting your weak arguments in defending this "NO FAULT" woman. This woman is by no means an innocent angel, she has her faults.

And by the way, hmong people don't call that rape. It's called pulling a  "sneaky-stalk-cold-shit". :2funny: It's only consider rape when the victim is still conscious & tries to fights back.

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Offline theking

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Re: What's wrong with Hmong people...
« Reply #28 on: September 29, 2016, 09:21:47 PM »
You don't seem to be able to differentiate the different circumstances in any given scenarios. The abduction scenario? No, a kid still a kid, not a grown up, not educated, whether he knows the abductor or not is absolutely at no fault. As for the drunken driver scenario, the fact that both party knew each other, the victim is also not at fault, besides the drunk driver have no intent unlike the rapist, he does. You're mistaken my position, I'm in no ways saying that both the victims in your given scenario are at fault, responsible for their own well being. I merely high lighting your weak arguments in defending this "NO FAULT" woman. This woman is by no means an innocent angel, she has her faults.

And by the way, hmong people don't call that rape. It's called pulling a  "sneaky-stalk-cold-shit". :2funny: It's only consider rape when the victim is still conscious & tries to fights back.

And you are not very consistent just like the perv in the case. There goes your "relations" point down the toilet. I mean you were the one that brought it up because according to you, if the victim and the perv know each other or have "relations", the victim is at fault. But now that I've proposed the questions because there are also cases like that, you all sudden change your tune to those victims are not at fault. So far your argument is still pretty "weak"..

And yep, she bears "NO FAULT". It's very easy and simple to see as she didn't asked to get raped. Why do you think the perv was trying to marry her? Because he knew he's at fault and once he earned that felony record, his life is pretty much done. 

Doesn't matter what the Hmong call it, violating another person without their consent will put you down as the laws of the land rule here. Therefore, I hope that perv enjoys his newly registered felony title of "sex offender"...

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Offline theking

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Re: What's wrong with Hmong people...
« Reply #29 on: September 29, 2016, 09:28:27 PM »
He wouldn't. But a criminal would. Having laws doesn't change deviant behavior. Morality doesn't change deviant behavior either. If it did, all modern societies would be crime-free. "Hey look! It's illegal. I guess I shouldn't rob people because it's not legal. And I guess I shouldn't rape that drunk girl passed out. She has her whole life ahead of her. I should be mindful of my actions." If only the world worked that way.

That's why they're "criminal" in the first place. When caught they'll do everything they could to wiggle out of the incident they initiated like the Her guy in this case. He knew he was in deep sh!t so in order to save what's left of him, he asked his victim to marry him...Good thing, the victim said no.

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