
Author Topic: Are you currently with a Female Sociopath?  (Read 6243 times)

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Are you currently with a Female Sociopath?
« on: November 29, 2016, 11:18:55 AM »
I have dated female sociopaths in the past and I'd agree with most of what was listed in here, particularly #8.  Don't expect a sociopath to land you are shoulder when you are in need of one.  She's in the relationship for herself.  Not you! 

« Last Edit: November 29, 2016, 09:45:24 PM by Blongforever »

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Re: Are you currently with a Female Sociopath?
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2016, 12:59:15 PM »
All she has to do is to give you that stare and that is enough for you to put that toy back on the counter. Ha

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Re: Are you currently with a Female Sociopath?
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2016, 01:30:27 PM »
Venue of a Sociopath:

1. She Will Be Eager to Data Mine You

If sociopaths are narcissistic, they must love to talk about themselves, right? Wrong. A female sociopath is more likely to keep directing the conversation back to a new acquaintance as much as possible. Unlike narcissists, who artlessly demand others’ approval, sociopaths have a will to power. Consequently, your sociopathic date would rather data mine you than discuss her day.

2. She Will Be Everything You Want Her To Be

For millennia, women have been using their powers of seduction to align themselves with strong, wealthy men. Old habits die-hard. If a sociopath targets you, she will attempt to ensnare you emotionally by conjuring the impression that she is your ideal mate. Like Goldie Hawn in the movie Housesitter, she will reveal personal information strategically, often to create a false sense of intimacy or trust: “You were a nerd in high school? Oh my God! I was such a nerd too!” Revelations of actual personal truths are very rare and probably won’t line up with her other stories. If her most emotional reactions feel like a slip of the mask, you may have reason for concern.

3. She Will Be Charming Until She Isn't

Sociopaths are chameleons. If keeping a low profile is not working for her, she can easily flip the switch and become the life of the party. In her role as performer, she'll easily win over large crowds with her confidence. Ultimately, she’ll vacillate between extremely charismatic and not. As one sociopath observer remarked: “You know how to dance and sing in just the right way in just the right key to make others mesmerized by you.” Once in a while, she may take it just a bit too far, however, perhaps flirting with your boss while his wife stares daggers at her or making hilarious but highly inappropriate jokes about deformed babies. If she’s becoming a hot mess, she might just be angling to be rescued.

4. She Will Always Want Something

Most people manipulate here and there; sociopaths do it constantly. Everything they do is calculated to achieve a particular effect with their audience, whether that effect is to make you feel loved, make you feel grateful and consequently indebted, or make you feel like you’re in the wrong and should grovel. Although the sociopath may have a few rehearsed lines as her classic go-to’s, most of her performance is improv. Consequently, you can sometimes pick up on “tells” that the sociopath is overthinking what should be a natural reaction. For example, sociopaths frequently hesitate before responding in a conversation. It will be unclear to you whether that means she is bored, annoyed, lying, or all three.

5. She Will Remain Calm

Sociopaths have a super-human power to stay serene in even the most upsetting circumstances. The world could be collapsing around your sociopathic girlfriend and she would calmly considering how best to profit. She will also never be embarrassed. A woman once walked in on me removing my tampon in a public toilet. She was mortified and I was in hysterics. Another time, after an intense cross-examination of a witness (I was previously a lawyer because of course I was), the judge remarked that he had wanted to come back to check my pulse because I seemed so unnaturally calm. Sociopaths are in constant need of stimulation, so they enjoy risky and novel situations. Shallow emotions blunt any impact of nerves.

6. She Will Give Zero Shits

Ever brought a girlfriend home only to have her get into a fight with your mom about how the government handled Benghazi? This will not happen with your sociopath girlfriend. She does not have strong opinions about politics. It doesn’t bother her in the slightest that the components of her phone were made by sweatshop child laborers. She is definitely not a vegetarian. She understands that certain things are considered right and other things are considered wrong. She may even have her own idea of what is good and bad behavior in herself and others. But she doesn’t do moral outrage, which can actually be kind of nice.

7. She Will Be Great in Bed

Lack of strong emotions plays out in the bedroom in a way that most find pleasantly surprising. Sociopaths have zero shame in the bedroom, no insecurities about their bodies, and no performance anxiety. Sex isn’t intimacy to your sociopath girlfriend. She doesn’t “make love”; She ducks. The goal is to draw you in deep enough that you’d rather feel pain from her than pleasure from anyone else.

8. She Will Be Emotionally Unavailable

If you have ever needed a sympathetic shoulder to cry on or have been that shoulder for someone else to cry on, you are probably not a sociopath. On the other hand, your sociopath girlfriend thinks you look ugly when you cry. If you’re crying because she’s hurt you, she will not apologize. She will get angry. She may even punch you in the face to give you something to cry about. Maybe you’ve noticed that she has a cold indifference to one or more family members? Seems awkwardly inappropriate at funerals? Somewhat resembles an android, like Data from Star Trek or that one guy from Alien? Be careful what you say in anger, because she has an unsettling tendency to take sarcasm or figures of speech literally. You probably don’t really wish that the guy who cut you off were dead, so you should clarify that for her. Otherwise she might make it happen.

9. She Will Be Hard to Describe

Is your girlfriend vaguely ethnic? Does she have an accent that’s hard to put a finger on? Do people spend a lot of time asking her where she’s from? As much sociopaths strive for conformity  there is something undeniably alluring about being “different” that many of us find hard to resist. If your girlfriend is the most singular person you’ve ever met, she might be a rare flower. She also might not.

10. She Will Be Unclear About Her Past

She’s wicked clever and not just a little bit wicked herself, and she seems to have had a thousand past lives and adventures that make you wonder whether she might not be lying about her age. With equal ease she moves seamlessly between taking charge and appearing to defer to your lead, all while anticipating your needs in a way that seems unrealistic outside a Mad Men episode. She’s not a “good girl," that much is clear to you, but you just can’t seem to put your finger on why she seems so bad. If this reminds you of your girl, you might want to consider how many other bells this list set off.

Now that is better! I like to see and compare what the thread is about. Clicking on links... meh.

Human beings display characteristic s according to need, want, and reciprocation. Some more than others and it isn't limited to just females but males as well, hard for males to believe huh? The list looks like a horoscope venue, don't you think?

And number 8 LOL, I do that a lot! Don't get me wrong but I only do it towards people I don't care about or show me the same respect in a relationship :D

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Re: Are you currently with a Female Sociopath?
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2016, 01:44:43 PM »
beware...giggles just confirmed she's a psycho!  :D :2funny: :2funny:

Yeah, only towards people I don't care for ;D, so people of the world, "WATCH OUT" :2funny:

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Re: Are you currently with a Female Sociopath?
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2016, 01:52:10 PM »
That list is not too bad.  Nothing on that list is a red flag to me.  Maybe because i am so used to it or that i am the male equivalent of a psychopath who kills all socialpath ha.

Give me number 10.  I hunt you mn n wis women this way.  I played the new guu in town who just got a job in the midwest hence my area code is from cali stance.  Plus women will not fall in love with you, knowing that your are a temp vacationer n without making her fall in love with you, you will not get any poocee. 

I remembered nancy.  Effed her good a few (#7) and she goes on facebook to let her family to know who you are and i be getting these hmong women at the clubs confronting n congratulating me.  They are so lucky i did not go after them too to create more drama among family cousins, sisters rivalry for my sweetest escape. 

It has been years but if i ever see them again, my psychotic mind will continue with the same fantasy game once again.  The reason why we lost touch is because i got locked up.  If she likes a jail bird, 99% im fawking her again and then leave.  Im not forfeiting my flight ticket for nobody. 

Nancy nou n pa.  I got more but i only remember the names of the ones that knows how to fawk. 

Maybe this is the reason why you hmong should warn your dearest families about me. Im still bad for business.  Ha

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Re: Are you currently with a Female Sociopath?
« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2016, 01:59:40 PM »
Venue of a Sociopath:
And number 8 LOL, I do that a lot! Don't get me wrong but I only do it towards people I don't care about or show me the same respect in a relationship :D

Ignoring someone you would die for with an ill intent or the lack of is what sociopaths do well.  tsk tsk...!!

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Re: Are you currently with a Female Sociopath?
« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2016, 03:42:27 PM »
Ignoring someone you would die for with an ill intent or the lack of is what sociopaths do well.  tsk tsk...!!

So are you telling me that if someone ignores me, I shouldn't do the same? Do onto others as you would like them to do onto you O0

I am  quick learner ;D The thing with me is, if you are ignorant, you will be forgotten quick, you will be vapor.

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Re: Are you currently with a Female Sociopath?
« Reply #7 on: November 29, 2016, 04:50:10 PM »
So are you telling me that if someone ignores me, I shouldn't do the same? Do onto others as you would like them to do onto you O0

I am  quick learner ;D The thing with me is, if you are ignorant, you will be forgotten quick, you will be vapor.

I kinda like the vindictiveness in you.  LOL

Are you true to #7 as well  :2funny: ?

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Re: Are you currently with a Female Sociopath?
« Reply #8 on: November 29, 2016, 05:32:07 PM »
I kinda like the vindictiveness in you.  LOL

Are you true to #7 as well  :2funny: ?

Do not believe a word she say.  I can proof it for you.  The fact that we are ignorant on ph and she still has to deal with us.

You want to try the stress test to see if a chick is a socialpath or not?  Just do this.

Giggles, you are a BIATCH   :2funny:

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Re: Are you currently with a Female Sociopath?
« Reply #9 on: November 30, 2016, 08:36:30 AM »
I kinda like the vindictiveness in you.  LOL

Are you true to #7 as well  :2funny: ?

I am only addressing #8 :)

Do not believe a word she say.  I can proof it for you.  The fact that we are ignorant on ph and she still has to deal with us.

You want to try the stress test to see if a chick is a socialpath or not?  Just do this.

Giggles, you are a BIATCH   :2funny:

Well, just so you know, everyone is a B if invoked or pushed to the brinks of bringing out the inner demon. I am sure you can be one yourself :P

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Re: Are you currently with a Female Sociopath?
« Reply #10 on: November 30, 2016, 10:38:01 AM »
I am only addressing #8 :)

Well, just so you know, everyone is a B if invoked or pushed to the brinks of bringing out the inner demon. I am sure you can be one yourself :P

As the old saying says: "Every roses has its thorn" 👍

Unfortunately, thorny sociopaths ruin marriage/family/life. A man who is dumb enough to get a female sociopath pregnant and his life would turn into hell from that day forward. :o :o  :o. I'm sure many PHerscan testify to this statement.  :D

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Re: Are you currently with a Female Sociopath?
« Reply #11 on: November 30, 2016, 10:54:03 AM »
I am only addressing #8 :)

Well, just so you know, everyone is a B if invoked or pushed to the brinks of bringing out the inner demon. I am sure you can be one yourself :P

U passed the stress test.  Real biatch gets offended while the fake ones congratulate one another.  I mean being a biatch is better than being a hoee but you didn't hear it from me though. 

Giggles, olive juice you girl.  You are the sociopath that everyone needs in their life.  A sociopath in heat ha

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Re: Are you currently with a Female Sociopath?
« Reply #12 on: November 30, 2016, 11:19:19 AM »
As the old saying says: "Every roses has its thorn" 👍

Unfortunately, thorny sociopaths ruin marriage/family/life. A man who is dumb enough to get a female sociopath pregnant and his life would turn into hell from that day forward. :o :o  :o. I'm sure many PHerscan testify to this statement.  :D

LOL, but I am no rose ;D I AM A DAISY. I rather blend in than stick out. Like most of my gentlemen friends tell me, "there is a diamond among the ordinary, the only trick is, you must find it".

U passed the stress test.  Real biatch gets offended while the fake ones congratulate one another.  I mean being a biatch is better than being a hoee but you didn't hear it from me though. 

Giggles, olive juice you girl.  You are the sociopath that everyone needs in their life.  A sociopath in heat ha

Not really, real B's either get super upset or walk away (ignore) the situation/person ;D

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Re: Are you currently with a Female Sociopath?
« Reply #13 on: November 30, 2016, 11:31:44 AM »
LOL, but I am no rose ;D I AM A DAISY. I rather blend in than stick out. Like most of my gentlemen friends tell me, "there is a diamond among the ordinary, the only trick is, you must find it".

Fair enough!!!!  You sound more normal now just becuz you have referenced "male friends" in your sentence.  ;) LOL!

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Re: Are you currently with a Female Sociopath?
« Reply #14 on: November 30, 2016, 11:36:54 AM »
Fair enough!!!!  You sound more normal now just becuz you have referenced "male friends" in your sentence.  ;) LOL!

Hahaha! And before I wasn't normal? Yes, I have male and female friends :D

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