
Author Topic: FFIX MMORPG on PS4  (Read 4308 times)

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Offline lexicon

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« on: February 20, 2017, 10:49:27 AM »
Couldn't pass up this weekend's sale. Purchased the Game+Heavensward Expansion Pack for under $20.00. No experience playing an MMO. What should I be expecting?

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« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2017, 11:08:28 AM »
Which server are you on?

It's a lot of fun.  Especially after you get a chocobo and can freely roam the map.  Run up all the way north for the Svari quest.  There will be lots of people taking on the giant dragon, pretty epic.  It's an all server quest so lots of people below level 60 will be there.  Try not to die and get into whichever party you can.

The other really awesome fate, server quest, is Odin and Behemoth.  Hella' hard but it's fun seeing everyone go at them.  Fates are quests that happen on the open map so everyone can attend regardless of level.

The dungeons can be pretty fun in the beginning.  Your first 24 man dungeon will be amazing as you infiltrate the final base and defeat Ultima Weapon.  If you've ever played FF7 think of the bombing mission except on a huge scale.

Don't worry about which class you're going to choose as you can switch back and forth freely, the only thing that you won't be able to change is your race.

Dungeons are hard to get into if you're not playing a healer/tank, servers are bloated with dps class types.  I mainly played as a tank and healer, you'll have more responsibiliti es as a tank since you need to control the flow of the battles.  The healers just need to pay attention to healing the tank and everyone else once in a while.  It's more difficult playing tank since you could really screw up the run, a lot of ****s will give you shit if you do screw up which is why there aren't a lot of people playing that class.  Pressure is there.

Once you get better try to create macros for combo attacks/buffs.

Items from dungeons can be competed for via a random roll, so you people don't have to compete for the finishing blow or camp out at certain places.

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« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2017, 11:10:54 AM »
Sorry, to entertain your question about what you'll be expecting: a lot of interaction with other players.  Co op to defeat dungeons and giant monsters; join a "family" as soon as you can to have companions to play with.  It's a lot more fun playing with others, but just by yourself is fine too.

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Offline lexicon

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« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2017, 11:35:52 AM »
Cool beans. I was thinking of soloing until lvl 10 maybe.

I was leaning towards the Paladin eventually but not sure since they have the Rogue out with the expansion pack. I'm new to MMO's and the lingo and "rules" are still completely foreign to me. Nothing like little 12 year olds cussing people out when playing though.

Do the different servers offer different gameplay? Can you "switch" severs?
I understand you can't switch Worlds (atleast until you level up to a certain point)?
Btw, the game took forever to dl even with my 50mbs (last saw the speed at 8bms). Is this common?


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« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2017, 03:58:53 PM »
Yeah, it's pretty common for it to take that long.  Your connection may be fast but it's bottle necked by the Square's server speed. 

Try out the rogue if you want, you can switch classes easily.  It's best to play all classes anyways; you'll learn some skills from that class that can be used in other classes.  I believe the final class of the rogue will have a lot of skills that will benefit a paladin.  I remember my paladin had some skills like an HP drain from some class, a really useful skill from a healer class that helps with aggro, and the barbarian's weapon throw which is the best in game for aggro'ing monsters from a distance.

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Offline lexicon

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« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2017, 07:58:30 AM »
Decided on the lancer (always loved his jump ability from other game in the series).

Ended up on Famfrit server because none of the other servers were accessible even after multiple refreshes. I completed 5 quests and had to call it a night. The HUD is a little confusing. Any recommended shortcuts? I had a difficult time locating all the individuals on the fetch quests. The map is a jumbled mess.

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