
Author Topic: Worst job experience you ever had.. care to share?  (Read 4774 times)

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Offline YAX

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Worst job experience you ever had.. care to share?
« on: June 05, 2017, 04:26:54 PM »
I'll share mine.  My very first full time job ever was with a small HVAC company in the bay area.  The owner micromanaged and yelled a lot at his employees.  The company was small and had a high turnover rate.  Right after I was hired, he hired a CFO and placed me under that person's supervision.  The CFO made me sign a 3 year contract to work for them in exchange for training that the company would pay for.  After I finished my training and my 3 month review was approaching, the CFO was fired and the owner/CEO told me that I needed to research the going salary for my position and we could discuss my contract and see what we can do to match the going rate.  While researching, I also looked around for other jobs and was made an offer with a much higher salary than my current one.  I took the info I found and went in to talk to the CEO.  He was on the phone yelling and screaming because a project was going bad so I just waited at the door.  Finally he puts the phone on hold and asked me what I wanted.  I said, I'm just waiting to discuss my contract like he wanted and his response was "Get your half-assed contract out of my office, I'm busy!".  I felt so bad being that was my first job and I'd never been yelled at like that before from an employer that I went home that afternoon and thought about what I needed to do.  I also looked at the employee handbook and found that no contract shall be valid without the CEO's signature so I knew my 3 year commitment with the company was not valid.  I wrote that into my resignation letter and emailed it to everyone in the office the next morning stating that will be my last day and that email was my resignation letter.  Then I left the company and went on to start my new job.

Anyone else wanna share?

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Offline lexicon

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Re: Worst job experience you ever had.. care to share?
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2017, 07:18:46 PM »
First job. Ever. Washed the dishes. Cleaned the broiler. Collected and replaced the trash bins throughout the evening. Cleaned the bathrooms.

I was hired to be their cashier. I realized the other employees had me doing their duties because it was my first day and the manager was out.

I didn't feel too bad quitting after one shift. Or that I had broken the disposal. When I'm told "everything goes in the disposal", EVERYTHING went into the disposal.

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Offline Gucci K

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Re: Worst job experience you ever had.. care to share?
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2017, 10:04:14 AM »
my first job was in the meats department of a grocery store owned by a chinese couple.  the job was great as it was part time after school and near by.  since the store was in the middle of the ghetto, we dealt with a lot of thefts.  many times I had go out with the boss' son, chase down shop lifters and beat the snot out of them.  one time i took a knife to a thief's neck to drop whatever he took...another time I used a bat on a shoplifter...a few times, fighting in the parking lot with thugs (black gangsters, a few stare downs with laotion/viets) that came into the store.  done all this for $4.25/hr.  i didn't know any better, cops were often called but they never do anything about it.  this was how I was able to buy my first car.  you could say, I have good references and job history.  ;D ;D

« Last Edit: June 08, 2017, 07:27:23 AM by ZDN »

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wb Zaj Dab Neeg xaus lawm...

Offline lexicon

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Re: Worst job experience you ever had.. care to share?
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2017, 11:38:41 AM »
The other 3 interns said she offered them summer jobs. they all declined. I didn't get the offer.
Fast forward a whole year (last month). I emailed the big boss and asked her to be a reference for the job I was interviewing for. She asked me to stop by and say hello to the staff and new interns.  I said sure. Really, I don't care about the agency. I went back to see how the interns are doing and to keep things on good terms.

They wanted me there so they can offer me a job there.
They just barely started explaining the benefits (lack thereof anyway) and I already declined in my mind. But I told them, I want to see where this one goes first and then we'll go from there. (I did let them know when I was confirmed I got the job)

The one I was already interviewing for:
Licensed supervision
17.18 per hour + 25 something overtime.
35 something double overtime for oncall overtime emergency services.
work 40 hours a week. I decide if I want to start at 7 or 8.
Full health benefits.
a company phone
a company car (they pay for gas as well)
a handicap placard for transporting clients
Opportunity to move up to higher position or move around to other positions (Program Director, Program Coordinator, Therapist, etc.). and with proof as 2 staff just got promoted and they've only been here about 3 years.  My supervisor was only there 2 years before her promotion.

This is what was offered by the other one:
work 32 hours a week
full health benefits.
mileage reimbursement.
NO licensed supervision.
Nothing about other opportunities. 

That's as far as we got.  So basically it was career vs job. and obviously I picked the career over the job.

Treat people like shit.  Offer them a shitty job with shit benefits? No shit I'm not coming back.

btw. if you're wondering; license supervision is required to become a licensed clinician and I need to have supervision 1 hour for every something hours which equals up to like 100 licensed supervision.  Private supervision which is common, cost anywhere from $75 to $300 per hour. it's up to the person how much they want to charge you because it's private contracted work.
My current workplace pays for all of it. and I'm getting paid during the hour I am there too!

Starting salary seems a little low? ???

Of course, I know nothing about the field, just basing my assumption off geographical location. Higher cost of living and all.

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Offline azn-guy

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Re: Worst job experience you ever had.. care to share?
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2017, 11:45:06 AM »
i used to work at Staples, when i got hire they threw me in the copy and print department with no training what so ever, i never been so humiliated and embarrass because i didnt know how to operate the machines

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Offline Superan

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Re: Worst job experience you ever had.. care to share?
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2017, 12:16:37 PM »
Starting salary seems a little low? ???

Of course, I know nothing about the field, just basing my assumption off geographical location. Higher cost of living and all.

social field is not about big pay checks but caring in helping.

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Offline lexicon

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Re: Worst job experience you ever had.. care to share?
« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2017, 12:29:21 PM »

social field is not about big pay checks but caring in helping.

That's not what I was implying, but OK.

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Offline DuMa

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Re: Worst job experience you ever had.. care to share?
« Reply #7 on: June 06, 2017, 12:33:16 PM »
First job at pizza hut when i just got my driver license to drive their pizza around.  Had no idea how to drive but passed dmv behind the wheel anyway.  Well everyone in town knows about the loop hole n that is to make an appointment at a nearby cow town small city where the posted speed limit is only 25.  How can u not pass while driving slow?

Upon getting my license, i had money stashed away so went to a local drug seizure car auction n bought me a ricer toyota.  I had a good deal on it too.  It was a gem n saw potential and i went on a rainy day so less competition for the biddings.  Car was a tad muddy but after cleaning n flossing, her paint was shiny like glass mirror. I added a car seat cover for a reason.  It came with chrome spoilers.  Whoever owned that car b4 added extras so thank you drug dude. 

So not having much exp to drive, i took the delivery job to learn.  Not sure why they hired me either.  Maybe it was summer n production was picking up 4 that store. 

Added a muffler that goes vroom since every other car was a vroom car.  Yall old farts remember the pre auto tuning n hot import nights years?

I had cash for tips n i would put ones under my car seat.  I stapled money together because i had so many.  2 weeks and a check like i even needed the money.  Took the job just to cover gas but money stacking more than i could spend it. 

Nxt door was a Chinese massage parlor.  Liquor store nxt to that.  My other vroom vroom co worker who was 21 be on the fon with customers who requsted him to delivered their pizza.  I finally knew why as the guy upsell with a pack of beer with the order. 

Great job n i was nxt in line to get training to become a shift lead.  I'm like heck no im done n i went for another job.  By nxt summer, the massage parlor got raided n closed down.  My manager went to a different store, kids were running it the illegal way n skimming the cash register.  That store closes down as well. 

What a summer it was.  After wk i would drive to san jose to kick it with my internet viet gf.  All we did was learning how to fawk together.  But yeah, a summer worth remembering. 

Worst job for me is when these co workers were giving me a hard time.  I grad n with a degree, i got promoted.  As their boss, i find faults in them just to fired each n everyone of them m. After all was done as planned, i quit myself.  I went to work for corp america ever since.  Thank u for reading.

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Re: Worst job experience you ever had.. care to share?
« Reply #8 on: June 06, 2017, 12:56:30 PM »
Wanted to take a second job so i joined an agency n they placed me into jc penny logistic warehouse as a receiving personnel. 

Job is simple.  Opened up the container n get their stuff out.  Hot as hell in them containers during that one summer.  We lifted products weight like 70lbs seems like.  I have no problem with it cuz i was in shape that one year.  I got teamed up with a dumb cambodian guy who works really fast n seems like he was trying to impress someone.  There was another cat that wks there for 2 years and they wouldnt hire him permanent either.  I told the cambo dude about this whole working eithics by the viets.  When no one looks at us, wk slow.  You not going to get hired anyway. 

But the dude wks hard n fast n like a buffalo.  Good worker to keep if u want to pay peanuts n keep them there.  The dumbest cambodian i have ever met.  You get payed min n yet, you wk like a dog for what?  The stuff was heavy too.   I left by lunch time.  I did not even last a full day.  I saw too many bs stuff sadden me in the 4 hrs there.  Worst than 3rd world country labor n we have people who accepted their fate.  I even told the guy to apply at my bread n butter job.  He just doesn't seem to get it with no interest.

They did not tell us to wk fast.  They just say to look bz. This dumb dumb dude wks like he is the owner of the company to save his company a hefty penny. 

I can not wk with idiots like these.  They jacking up the standards and now the boss wants everyone to wk like the idiot who are so gung ho like he is trying to impress the boss.  Want to impress me?  Go sux the boss diick. 

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Offline w1s3m0n

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Re: Worst job experience you ever had.. care to share?
« Reply #9 on: June 08, 2017, 06:30:56 AM »
My "worst" job experience was working with a bunch of highly intellectual neoliberals.  I felt we would do some amazing R&D and be able to make an impact.  Turns out they made my life miserable by creating a culture of fear and exclusion (with-holding information) against anyone who didn't think like them, believe philosophicall y what they believe, and kow-tow to their supreme leader.  One would think neoliberals would be inclusive and tolerant but these particular neoliberals borderline fascism.  When I resigned so much weight were lifted.  My last month there they tried to shame me via isolation.  Nobody talked to me, not even my team that use to report to me who now reported to my slimeball boss.  The week before I left, Division CEO announced the business unit President to be retired and replaced.  The new President said he would break down barriers and improve communication across all functions.  A year later, my boss was fired.  I'm sure he fell flat on his face because didn't do jack.  I had to do his job and my job at the same time.  First time working with a group working on extremely cutting edge technology, and it made me question if the University culture have fallen into fascism given many of my colleagues held very high degrees and/or were professors from very prestigious academic organizations.  From a personal growth perspective, the worst experience really transformed me in many ways and I am thankful for their BS that became a catalyst for transforming me.

« Last Edit: June 08, 2017, 06:39:13 AM by w1s3m0n »

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Offline Dok_Champa

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Re: Worst job experience you ever had.. care to share?
« Reply #10 on: June 08, 2017, 12:30:43 PM »
I think my worst job experience happened in Thailand refugee camp.  This elderly hmong lady had a vegetable garden and she needed pigs/chicken manure to fertilized her garden - There was this particular sections in the camp where livestock were raised on a stilt house (house raised above the ground a little bit).  She instructed us to go underneath the stilt house, the part where the livestock lives, to collect pigs/chicken droppings.  In the hot sun, they became dry- and we would scoop them up into a large bag - The more we worked, the more dusty - Imagined:  hot, sweaty covered in pig/chicken manure.

Wage for the Day:  5 baht = 15 cents.

In the US:  I was a farm laborer in my teens - picked blueberries for the summer for a few summers.  Got up before dawn, walked a mile and half to get to pick up location.. Spend the whole day picking blueberries under the hot sun - carried the pickings to the weight stations to get pay.  My wage: $12 - $15 dollars per day (on a good day) but average $10 to $12

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Offline w1s3m0n

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Re: Worst job experience you ever had.. care to share?
« Reply #11 on: June 09, 2017, 01:41:34 PM »
I think my worst job experience happened in Thailand refugee camp.  This elderly hmong lady had a vegetable garden and she needed pigs/chicken manure to fertilized her garden - There was this particular sections in the camp where livestock were raised on a stilt house (house raised above the ground a little bit).  She instructed us to go underneath the stilt house, the part where the livestock lives, to collect pigs/chicken droppings.  In the hot sun, they became dry- and we would scoop them up into a large bag - The more we worked, the more dusty - Imagined:  hot, sweaty covered in pig/chicken manure.

Wage for the Day:  5 baht = 15 cents.

In the US:  I was a farm laborer in my teens - picked blueberries for the summer for a few summers.  Got up before dawn, walked a mile and half to get to pick up location.. Spend the whole day picking blueberries under the hot sun - carried the pickings to the weight stations to get pay.  My wage: $12 - $15 dollars per day (on a good day) but average $10 to $12

good choice.  :). Worst and best are in the mind of the observer.

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Offline thePoster

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Re: Worst job experience you ever had.. care to share?
« Reply #12 on: July 05, 2017, 09:57:28 PM »

Well since you put up a story, I guess I have too!

Anyways, this job was at mcdonalds.

I was like man... all these food around me!!!  I want to eat it!  But I know it'll just make me fat!

And cooking on the stove... it was so greasy... Man! everynight I get home I'd be just so greasy..

And we didn't have a washer and dryer and I just had two shirts... man!  I'd just have to wear the greasy shirt at work until laundry day comes.

Plus!  It was making my forehead greasey so I was breaking out in acne like on my forehead.

And then one day, I went to work and it seemed like everyong called out for the evening shift and the afternoon shift folks wasn't going to stay over, they helped out like for an hour or so and had to go home or go play(they're just a bunch of kids what do you expect)..

Anyways... so it was just me, the manager, and one guy... and we were doing ok but then we got slammed... 

The manager was doing the drive thru and she was taking orders in window 1, then giving out the food in window 2 and the customer's asked her if twins was working there!  I mean cheezez!!! Halarious!

Anyways... I was thinking in my head, why doesn't she just shut the store down.  I mean we only have 3 people working!  It wasn't like it was late and we could just work it out... it was like ... it was like from 4 pm to 10 pm!  I was like cheezez!

And then for some reason I just got fed up, there was just too many orders... and so I was like "man! I quit!  and I just walked out... customer's were upset and line was backed up...

I just didn't understand why she just didn't close the store down...  and it was like 5 pm... and then as I exited mcdonalds, I felt sorrie for the manager, she was a cute girl... we were friends and she was a good person too..

So I felt bad for leaving them in that spot like that...

I think I had something to do that night too... I cant remember..

But I felt bad for that girl so when I got to my car, I just turned around and came back and started cooking some burgers.

And one of the worst thing that happened to me there...anyway s, I was taking out the trash and I was bent over... and this girl she slapped my butt like so hard.. it wasn't even like a pat a or a playful slap... she winded her hand back and hit it with a lot of power and it made the "smack" sound like super loud.. it hurt! In my head I was like "what the funk?!!?"  I turned around and looked and she kept a straight face and didn't laugh or anything and said "i just had too"...

True story! 

And another time this guy bought a samura sword... I'm not kidding... I'm busy cooking burgers on the grill and he comes in(he worked there too) with a samurai sword, it was big too... I was like "dude, what are you doing with that thing at work!?!?!?? that's to big to be slicing up tomatoes!"...


And then when I quit that place,  I went to work at the grocery story across the place and I was working night shift stocking shelves.. anyways it was just me and another guy... and we decided to take like a 2 hour lunch because we were ahead of schedule.. so we climbed up onto the roof of the grocery store.. hung out up there and talk trash about co-workers and we saw mcdonalds and they had a little playland there with the ball pit, and we was like, "yo, lets go play in there" and so we ran across the street and climbed the fence and we was in there and sliding on the slide into the ball pit".

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I went through all 15k posts and those 2 quotes I found were the only ones so I guess that would make it "everytime".  Feel free to go through all 15k posts and verify by quoting them all.  You need to quote them all to verifying prove "everytime".   Please verify that Im wrong.

