
Author Topic: Thoughts and Feelings  (Read 3467 times)

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Offline w1s3m0n

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Thoughts and Feelings
« on: July 18, 2017, 03:35:33 PM »
Too often we pick a group (or man of a group) and feel safe about this group.  Then we become brainwashed and become a foot soldier of that group led by a wo/man.  Rarely do we ever question the group and the underlying thoughts and assumptions of the group.  We march like an obedient soldier.  We sing the tune like a good choir girl/boy.  All in all, we are social engineered by the masters of the group.  All in all, we accept because thinking about the thoughts of the group is very difficult proposition to sort all the knots and entanglement of thoughts.  Yet, it is in this very sorting out part, the tension, the conflict, the feeling of lost, and ultimately the resolution which nurtures us into a new level consciousness and understanding.  Many times we don't want to do these things because change is scary and we are afraid of who or what we might become if we try.  Sometimes our action based upon the group think feels wrong but we put these voices in a box and say to oneself, be obedient, don't deviate.  Why?  If we do, we might lose our belonging and togetherness with the group.  So instead of being a free thinker, a truth seeker, we actually become a group thinker, and group preacher because it's easier and less risky.  Who cares about being free or morally right.  We just need to be on the right side of the war.  Pick your horse and place your bet because your future depends on it.  How about your children's future?  The bets you place, and the horses you pick have huge ramification on your children's future outcome.  Pick a winner who screws them over, and all may have been for naught.  History is littered with those who place their whole future on the horse.  For a very long time the horse wins many races and all seems jolly and happy.  Then suddenly the horse becomes lame and your fortune crashes with this lame horse.  Horses are non-durable concept.  They may run many great races but eventually the horse becomes lame.  We must place our hopes and future on a much more durable concept.  We must root our future and children on thoughts and feelings.  Although they are fleeting at times, when rooted in sound reasoning, they are the most durable concept we have in society.  Keep your mind open and your heart open.

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Offline w1s3m0n

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Re: Thoughts and Feelings
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2018, 11:26:22 PM »
When I was young I was taught one person can change the world.  I was given examples like MLK, Jesus, Gandhi, Mandela, and etc...  For a time in my youth I naively believed it.  Then I grew up and failed miserably in life at changing anything.  The world changed me, and for a very long time I stopped believing a person can change the world.  In my regression I merely existed.  A shell of my youth.  What a miserable world this place is.  The drudgery of this life.  Why must I wake up every morning to solve these meaningless problems.  The job pays me, keeps food on my table, and enable me to help my family.  Even with all the promotions and upward nothing seems fulfilling because it all seems meaningless and pointless like all the shit I've read...  In my weakest moments the whisper would say this is meaningless hit the reboot and re-roll the dices, why have all these ideas and no means to achieve them?  I would hit the close button and lock it up again.  These days I've been thinking perhaps I'm not resilient at all.  I'm merely existing.  My resiliency is not mine, but the good Lord, for the FEAR OF LORD disciplines me, and His warmth and love sustains me.  Thank you to my Lord for lifting me up.  I often wonder what I would be, who I would be, if I did not have such an anchor like faith.  I may die never knowing.

« Last Edit: February 24, 2018, 11:28:29 PM by w1s3m0n »

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Re: Thoughts and Feelings
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2018, 09:11:17 PM »
Sadly religion has fallen and her children shall bear the burden.  The red shall rise and cleanse them.

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Offline w1s3m0n

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Re: Thoughts and Feelings
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2018, 07:20:15 PM »
If the idea of a democracy is so critical to the stability and peace of the world, why are they not more present in corporations?  Should corporations become democratic where all stakeholders have a say in the direction of an organization?  Given the power of a corporation have that are now rivaling a government, doesn't this idea then begin to make sense?  Theorist, FA Hayek argues no, democracy is not necessary for corporations because members are volunteers?  Will the theorist argument hold ground when the robots can do 40% to 80% of human capability?  Then what is the purpose of a laborer if he cannot earn to live?  We know if a man cannot earn to live then he will disrupt and bring chaos.  Will the next 50 years be so peaceful?

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Offline w1s3m0n

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Re: Thoughts and Feelings
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2018, 07:17:27 PM »
Last week I took another personality test called discovery insight for team building and learning team communication strategy.  Having done this with Myers-Briggs and etc... I figured I knew myself quite well.  I'm the engineering-logical type aka cool-blue.  In addition, I am a bit of earth green (support) and fiery red (competition).  You cannot be in a manager role without some support and drive...  Turns out all my peers and direct reports thinks I am sunshine yellow (persuasive and inspiring).  Have I been all wrong about myself my entire life?  I'm no cheerleader... I am an engineer.  This 360 feedback has given me a shock, a moment to pause and reflect...I wonder if I only aspire to be an engineer but I'm no engineer.   :'( :'( :'(

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