
Author Topic: How I met my husband on PH, of all places!!  (Read 6446 times)

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Offline YAX

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Re: How I met my husband on PH, of all places!!
« Reply #15 on: December 07, 2017, 11:57:00 AM »
big and tall (and i'm making an inference that he's hmong too?) where they be at? does your hubby have an older bro? hook a gf uupppp.. hah
Big and tall for Hmong men is about 5'5".  ;D

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Peachy Fish

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Re: How I met my husband on PH, of all places!!
« Reply #16 on: December 08, 2017, 08:26:46 AM »
Serendipity. That was a lovely read. Thank you for sharing.

I too believe in fate. May your love for one another only prosper with each day gracing by.

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Offline YAX

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Re: How I met my husband on PH, of all places!!
« Reply #17 on: December 11, 2017, 11:47:32 AM »
He's actually 6'.  ;)
Dang! Wish I was that tall.  ;D

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Re: How I met my husband on PH, of all places!!
« Reply #18 on: December 14, 2017, 02:11:39 PM »
Serendipity. That was a lovely read. Thank you for sharing.

I too believe in fate. May your love for one another only prosper with each day gracing by.
then why are you or your sis not fated to be with me?

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Offline lifemystery

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Re: How I met my husband on PH, of all places!!
« Reply #19 on: December 16, 2017, 10:30:41 AM »
Wow, this is going to be a long story because I wouldn’t know how to tell it otherwise without explaining things to be understood, but I’ll try my best to shorten it. I was married for 20 years, my freedom was taken away at age 14. I’ve struggled and fought for it, but mostly my marriage just didn’t work out and then we divorced in 2013. Very content with my new life, not needing a man and enjoying my independence, (and no, I was not lonely and looking for someone) I was aware my desire to stay single forever may not be possible but I really thought I’d wait for a long time before dating/marriage. So it’s because of that, I became quite busy, carefree, even spontaneous, and thought I was invinceable. Don’t get me wrong, I held onto my responsibiliti es and met my priorities- only giving credit to God, because I myself would never be able to do that. Anyway, I was planning to go on vacation to San Francisco and so decided to join PH (having absolutely no clue what I’m doing online and where social media has been) to look for a blind date in SF, of course being mindful to be careful, that this will be emotionally harmless on both sides and nothing serious (PLEASE PLEASE anyone reading my story, don’t do something stupid and dangerous, and fall into crazy traps without really knowing what you’re doing and having a backup). A few days pass and no response, I went on my vacation. About a year goes by and my birthday was in 2 days. I go onto PH and see a screen name (I don’t think he’ll let me share his name) that caught my attention him being a singer, I stalked his profile a little- he didn’t have much to offer, not many posts, here thinking he’s probably from the south or east coast somewhere. I’m in WI. So I made a post asking him to sing a song for my birthday. Not coming on PH much, it was odd he checked his email and saw my message. He then asked me what song I’d like him to sing, us private messaging back and forth and then realized it was kind of ridiculous messaging this way, so we thought we’d exchange phone numbers so it’d be easier to text. And then boom- he has the same area code as me, what the heck!!! No way!! I have this rule to not meet or get to know anyone in my same town or area. Because I always do things in a way where I’m protected and cannot get too close to the person since I have no intentions of getting anywhere. He picked a song (we realize later this song reeaally matches our story) to sing, and posted it on PH. I don’t think I’ve heard this song before. We don’t know much about each other, he asked a family of his who knew me and then realized he may know some of my friends. He had an idea I was a busy woman but then decided to call me after my 2nd shift job the day after my birthday. He tells me it’s my turn to sing for him because his 40th birthday was the next day, wow!! (I’m glad he called because I really don’t believe in getting to know someone or dating online. I much prefer voice to voice talk on the phone or physically meeting). We didn’t talk too long, talked about who we knew, our current life/status, I told him I have NO intentions of dating, only becoming friends with anyone I meet. I was stunned that this bachelor, never been married and no kids, have been living in this city longer than I have, which is over 2 decades, and I did NOT know him. I mean this is kind of a small city. But he knows a lot of people I know. The day of his birthday came, and I changed the course of his anticipation. I am going to share with you, the post that I shared to my FB friends a few months ago. I will include his side of the story as well (deleting his name/screen name, he likes privacy, whereas I’m an open book)

My Story:

How S…. came to be my life partner, cannot simply be told in just how we met. I believe many things in life happen for a reason that prepares us for greater things and connected us together at the right time. I've made many mistakes in my past that hurt others. I had trouble overcoming the blame I placed on the world for hurting me as well. Shame imprisoned me and brought me to my last breaths. I became helpless and couldn't fight anymore. However, what was about to happen to me gave me no regrets at all for all I've experienced and learned. One day, when I was ready to give up, I went to a beach up North by myself and wrote a letter to God. I wanted to end my life, but am glad I was still able to consider giving my life to God. I wanted to get rid of me, but instead decided I might as well just ask God to take my life. So I made God my last choice. And guess what? He loves me anyway, regardless of who I am and of all the mistakes I've made, he forgave me. The next day, the pain went away and I felt like a new person. I couldn't comprehend what was going on. Soon God revealed himself more and more to me each day and I was just blown away by his love for me even after I made him my last choice. He gave me such a joy that I can never imagine. I was complete and life will never be the same. After that, I made many changes in my life that I alone would never have the strength to do. I then thought I was going to be single forever. However, I've encountered some experiences and met some people that I believe paved my path to putting God 1st in my life, to letting go of my pride and of what I thought was right, and to instead ask God what is right and what his purpose is for me. He's always answered my prayers in ways where I cannot doubt him. He made sure I knew that when I ask and have faith in him, he knows so much more what my needs are and will provide so much more for me than I can ever imagine. So when I met S…., I just went with the flow (which is so unlike me).

When you meet someone you like, you will either choose to walk away out of fear and protection or you take a risk but in my case, I had nothing to lose. I already have the whole world when I have God. I can give my whole heart to S…. and if it's not returned, I still have my whole heart because I am protected by God and I told S….  I was already content before meeting him. After all, love is a choice. I was not looking for him and he was not looking for me. Before I met up with him, I believe I already loved him as a friend. Nothing I will come to find out about him will change that.

So here's our story: I even broke the 3 nevers in my life. Never meet someone online. Because I thought I would never end up with someone online, I felt it was harmless for me to contact him on a Hmong forum I was on. My birthday was 2 days away, and I see his name "……". Hmmm…. this guy must be from the South somewhere, so I randomly made a post asking him to sing me a song for my birthday. He tells me he normally doesn't check his messages but he happened to. We then message eachother back n forth in search of a song and he found one to sing for me and posted it on time for my birthday. While we were messaging we find out we live in the same town, nooo way! That's my second never- Never date someone in the same town! S….'s birthday was 2 days after mine, so he decided to call me for the 1st time the night before to ask me to sing for him. We talked for an hour and realize we know a lot of the same people. I was astonished why he's been living in … forever and many people around me knows him except for me. What a mystery. We hung up after deciding I will sing for him (I cannot sing) for his birthday. The next day comes 3/13/15, and it's his 40th birthday. I begin to think of what he told me that he never really celebrates birthdays. I thought he was so thoughtful to sing a song for a stranger he doesn't even know. I also thought maybe I should do something more for his 40th. Per our conversation, he understands I am not looking for any kind of relationship so I'm not worried about what I'm going to ask him to do this day. Half way through the day I texted him to see if he'd like to do something crazy and meet me for a 1hour blind date at 10:30pm at a karaoke place. He agreed (really? can this guy put up with me lol) I am afraid and hope to not be a bad influence on other women for doing this but I trusted my instincts, and set it up safely. I told him to not look for me but I'll look for him and that I have to work right after which was only a block away.

So I went there early, told random people what I'm doing, talked to the DJ guy and got support, found some random guy to sing for us. This guy went around the corner to look for a big and tall asian guy and came back to tell me he thinks he's here. At 10:30 I went on stage and took over the mic, announced that I was nervous cuz I am here tonight on my very 1st blind date only cuz it's his 40th birthday. I asked S…  to come meet me on the dance floor, people cheering and wishing him a happy birthday. The other singer went on stage to sing for us. We met, held hands (awkward, not a handshake but more like a matrimonial stand lol) introduced ourselves with my 1st response as "I'm sorry for having you do this but you really don't have to if you mind dancing." But we started dancing right away and he told me he was scared. I can feel him shaking. It was a really sweet moment. I cannot describe how safe and warm I felt in his arms. After the dance we talked some more, walked outside, and came back inside to eat a delicious birthday cheesecake. We had an instant & natural connection. We said goodbye, him giving me a hug and a kiss on each cheek. I went to work and later he stops at my workplace to bring me food. He later tells me he went home that night and prayed gratefully to God for giving him this moment with me and would like more but even if not, he felt complete and he can now die a happy man.
I then realized the song he sang for my birthday, "For the first time" by Kenny Loggins really matched us this night. My 3rd never was "Never date a smoker" (sorry for my bias, just my preference)  A couple weeks go by after I've kissed him a few times, he tells me to excuse him for being a 20+ yr smoker but that he decided to quit the day he met me. Wth!!! No way.... I kissed a smoker and didn't have a clue? Wow, I really cannot tell and can't even smell it in his car. I am so glad he decided to quit though.

As time went by, I was faced with challenges of whether I should be serious with him or not. I know I am a very stubborn person, there's no way I'd let a man conquer my heart. A few weeks passed and I sent him some photos. He asked me if I noticed something on a picture I took in San Francisco. I said no and went to look at it, and then noticed the street name. It's the same name of where he's currently living. Ok cool... it was already pointing me in his direction. But I kept thinking there was something more. For some odd reason, my mind was wondering and in suspicion. Hmmm... when did I actually go to San Francisco? I remember a couple days before I went there, I actually posted on that same Hmong forum looking for an innocent vacation blind date while I was there. Of course I didn't get anyone, but the day I went to SF looking for a silly blind date was also 3/13 (his bday), but year 2014, what!!! That's weird... I then meet S…  for a blind date same day, but a year later. I would never have connected this if S….   hadn't noticed my picture. A couple weeks go by and I was organizing some papers and came across a birthday card that I bought and brought to San Francisco with me. I did that cuz with me and my crazy ideas, I was going to give it to whoever I meet there and have that person open it when their birthday comes. What the heck!! How did I know I was going to meet S…  later and it also be his birthday, so I gave him that card and told him I was 1 n so years late.

A few more weeks go by, and we thought we should do a criminal check on each other just for fun. He then asks me "did you notice something unusual on your background check?" What? So I go on Ccap to check, and noticed my divorce filing date 3/13/13. Other things kept revealing to us we're meant to connect (I won't disclose all) such as long ago when I was 15 and ran away, I stayed with my gf for one night. S…  was living next door to her. Hey I could've said hi to him. We talked about where we went when we ran away (separate moments of course) and it was the same area. We also used to work together back in 1999 and he remembers seeing me once, asked a coworker at the time who I was but was told I'm married with kids. I don't remember ever seeing him.

People who have known me for a long time can see how different I am now, and am doing things I would not normally do but I hope they can accept my changes and just be happy for me. After learning what a holy covenant really is, I am ready to give all my love to S…. until death do us part. I thank God for all my blessings, surrendering my life to be used for his purpose and giving him all the glory.

His story:

It was Wed., March 11th 2015 when I sent her the song “For the First Time” by KennyLoggins.  She had requested “Danny’s Song” which I didn’t know very well. This stranger replied to a thread I placed online. I was asking people to please listen to some of my YouTube karaoke songs. Not knowing who or where she was, I decided since it was her Birthday I would. Knowing my Birthday was two days after hers, I requested the same in return. I had no idea where this person was from. We maybe messaged each other two or three times via E-mail. To make communicating easier she included her number for texting. When I saw the area code, I was shocked. Finding out we were both from the same town was scary. Assuming she’d know some of the same people I did.

I called her Thurs., March 12th for the first time around 11:30pm. She was an EXTREMELY busy person. School and working third shift. We talked for an hour on the phone.
 Friday March 13th 2015 my 40th birthday. Yes I’m that OLD!
 With plans already made I received a text from her, “please meet me here at this time”, “Don’t find me I’ll find you” and for only a half hour cause she works third shift. I walked into a crowded …. ’s Pub downtown (city). Karaoke was going on. There were no Asians that night except her. I saw her come around the corner to peek if I had arrived on time. She walks as if she’s floating on air. First impression. Long black hair, short and petite. I waited at the bar telling the two bartenders I’m here on a blind date. Right on time.. some random guy (Steve) asks me if I’m S…. He goes back around the corner to the other side of the bar where she’s hiding. Then I see her floating again to the center of the dance floor microphone in hand. Thinking to myself she’s going to sing me a song in return for the one that I sent her. Instead she announces to the whole bar that she’s on a blind date and will her blind date S….   come to the dance floor. We danced. Steve was singing us “The Dance” by Garth Brooks. I held her in my arms for the first time. We were the only ones dancing. Applauded by the crowd we sat down at little table in the back. I found myself talking and standing very close to her. As if I had no fear ever of talking to a woman.  60 degrees it was that night. Unusually warm for the middle of March. Even some motorcycles were riding and parked across the street. We went outside to enjoy the weather. She was sitting so close to me, so comfortably yet I wasn’t scared. Her arms were touching mine. I felt like a 13 year old boy holding hands with a girl for the first time. She said. “wanna walk me to my car”. I was thinking that’s it.. our dates already over???.
“I have a Strawberry cheesecake in there” she said. I love cheesecake!!!. After getting the cheesecake we went back into the restaurant part of the bar. Instead of sitting across from her I sat next to her side by side eating that cheesecake. With her hand holding mine, we walked back to her car. She had to go to work and I was meeting up with my cousins and brothers. I leaned in to hug her goodnight. Our embrace was none like any other. My arms can easily fit around her twice. And I have to bend down half my height to hold her. All I can tell u is I’ve never held anyone else like this before.

 Now with my cousins and brothers, enjoying a few drinks. All I could think about was her.
 I texted her.. Do you like Jalapenos. She said yes.. can I bring you a Bahn Mi Sandwich and a Mango Boba Tea from TT. Jalapenos are inside Bahn Mi Sandwiches. No I wasn’t drunk from alcohol. I was drunk on love. I was ok to drive. I went to see her again that night at her work place. Leaving her with Food I left not being able to hug her goodnight because she was at work. I simply waved and smiled and I could see she felt the same.

 Love is wonderful when you find that someone. As we begin to know each other. I found out it wasn’t on our blind date that was the first time I saw her. We once worked at the same place. I remember seeing her pushing a cart, she didn’t see me or even know who I was. She once stayed with a friend who lived right next door to me. She sent me a picture of her vacationing in San Francisco exactly a year prior to us meeting. The street name in the background you could clearly see “Taylor St.” I lived on the same name street - Taylor when we first met.

 Lying in bed the night I first met her. I prayed and thanked God for all that I have in my life as I did every night. I thanked him for allowing me to feel what is meant to be felt by everyone in life. Love and Joy. I told God if he decided to take me I’d be ok with that since he allowed me to feel unselfish love from someone so wonderful. Glad he didn’t. I’ve never been married and I have no children. I was always afraid to become someone I once knew. With God’s help I will succeed. This is merely the beginning to our life. I pray our life together will fulfill God’s will. I pray I will be a great Husband and try my best to do what is needed of me.

 Thank You everyone who is here to celebrate our unity. Family and friends are what makes your life complete.
 Thank You God.  S….

I just read a novel.  When is the next chapter coming out?

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Offline YAX

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Re: How I met my husband on PH, of all places!!
« Reply #20 on: December 19, 2017, 10:01:30 AM »
/looks around for these supposed 6' Hmong guys...  :dontknow:
On the other side of the spectrum, I have a girl cousin who's 6'2".  I'm 6' and have to look up to her. 

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Offline Gucci K

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Re: How I met my husband on PH, of all places!!
« Reply #21 on: January 04, 2018, 02:05:37 PM »
Whoops... Didn't know that it would be that large.  ;D
dang...what's that term, they often use?  oh, yeah!


« Last Edit: January 04, 2018, 02:24:45 PM by ZDN »

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wb Zaj Dab Neeg xaus lawm...

Offline SummerBerry

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Re: How I met my husband on PH, of all places!!
« Reply #22 on: January 05, 2018, 05:24:08 PM »
Wait, if he's steve then she must be ..Oh lord!  ;D  Story makes sense now.

I thought it was going to be Steve Thao son of Su Thao.  If him.... I already know how it start and how it end.....

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