
Author Topic: Really Ivanka? Is that how Republicans see poor people?  (Read 3160 times)

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Offline w1s3m0n

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Re: Really Ivanka? Is that how Republicans see poor people?
« Reply #15 on: March 13, 2019, 07:44:28 PM »
You're falling too much for Fox news.  Here's a Republican who says $174k is hard to live on and you all still expect people to live on $7/hr.

So typical of coastal liberals.  I cannot believe they control the party and it's NO WONDER TRUMP WON.  You people are completely disconnected from the rest of America.  Don't cry me a river about how hard it is to live with 200k earning.  You get no sympathy.  We make 45k in the Midwest and we live off that comfortably.  No lavishness and we get by.  You coastal liberals are complaining about making 5x a Middle American.  Just STOP.  There is no SHAME with the coastal liberals and their CONSTANTLY demand for MORE-MORE-MORE.  There is no HUMILITY.  Trump will continue to win until people like you wake up and understand how half the Americans are living.

Honestly, I'm so sick of voting's just that I cannot stand the Republicans.

Lastly, I don't watch the news.  Everything I write is based upon careful analysis within our system and outside of our system.  I'm pretty damn sure my mental model of America is quite right...If I was a tall white American man or a female Asian from a well to do family, I would run for some office but we all know too well white privilege exists, and the Asian man is the subservient beta male -- thank you liberals Hollywood for promoting the idea in all of your movies.

« Last Edit: March 13, 2019, 07:50:11 PM by w1s3m0n »

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Offline YAX

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Re: Really Ivanka? Is that how Republicans see poor people?
« Reply #16 on: March 14, 2019, 08:43:46 AM »
Maybe you misunderstood.  You got a Republican who said he couldn't live off $174K/year salary; while thinking that others can live off wages lower than $7/hr.  Think about it.  Every Republican on here has no empathy for others, just like the people they vote for.  No empathy means, you have no clue that you're hurting others with your policies that only benefit yourself.  I knew a republican once who had Muscular Dystrophy.  Yes, I hired him part time to speak to children with similar issue, but his whole thing was how he disagreed with SSI, eventhough he's on it and its the reason he has a home.  He disagrees with it because Fox tells him that it's being misused, but when it came to him, oh no, its okay for him because he's the exception.  Pretty much the mindset of all Republicans.  You can have it, you're entitled to it, but no one else is.  Just look at The Trumps.  Trump's grandfather can own a brothel and that's okay but no one else can. Trump can fck as many hooker as he likes and it's okay, but no one else can. etc.  Trump can bully anyone else, but no one can bully him, that's not okay.

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Offline w1s3m0n

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Re: Really Ivanka? Is that how Republicans see poor people?
« Reply #17 on: March 14, 2019, 08:08:49 PM »
Maybe you misunderstood.  You got a Republican who said he couldn't live off $174K/year salary; while thinking that others can live off wages lower than $7/hr.  Think about it.  Every Republican on here has no empathy for others, just like the people they vote for.  No empathy means, you have no clue that you're hurting others with your policies that only benefit yourself.  I knew a republican once who had Muscular Dystrophy.  Yes, I hired him part time to speak to children with similar issue, but his whole thing was how he disagreed with SSI, eventhough he's on it and its the reason he has a home.  He disagrees with it because Fox tells him that it's being misused, but when it came to him, oh no, its okay for him because he's the exception.  Pretty much the mindset of all Republicans.  You can have it, you're entitled to it, but no one else is.  Just look at The Trumps.  Trump's grandfather can own a brothel and that's okay but no one else can. Trump can fck as many hooker as he likes and it's okay, but no one else can. etc.  Trump can bully anyone else, but no one can bully him, that's not okay.

Neither party in the past 30 years has done well.  Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton, Bush Jr., Obama, Trump, etc...  Why is that?  Because the damn politicians care more about their next election than they do about governing.  There is a black conservative movement because of why?  Every four years the DFL comes asking for black votes, and after that, they forget about them.  In Wisconsin, Governor Doyle won the election with Hmong votes to support.  He promised the Hmong community a center and nothing happen.  Sounds familiar to the black issues eh?  Do you know why black people have high incarceration?  It's because of CLINTON's policy on the war on drug.  He needed to do that to win the election again.  Great idea but it became an issue with incarcerating young black man and destroying the young black family.  Clinton did more damage from social policy to black people than any of the Presidents after him.  A black President is voted into office.  What did black people get?  A cell phone and some money for community rebuilding.  It still doesn't address the underlining issue of the black crisis - lack of family value, high teen pregnancy, and lack of opportunity in the inner city.  Why is the inner city becoming blighted?  High taxes.  The DFL raises the taxes and the business leaves.  The business leaving reduces the demand for labor in the inner city, and it in term reduces the house value in the inner city, that in turn reduces the city revenue, that in turn reduces the quality of the school, and etc...  Business WILL ALWAYS LEAVE FOR LOWER TAXES.  It's why Texas is a hot growing job market.  Sure it's not Silicon Valley but once Silicon Valley reaches a certain price point, they can no longer be profitable and will have to leave.  These are just off the top examples, if we think through the policies, the path to hell is paved with good intentions.  As a nation we have to THINK MULTI-FACTORIAL ANLAYSIS, and not these singular concepts like raise taxes, or minimum wage.  They are simply not effective at governing.

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Offline theking

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Re: Really Ivanka? Is that how Republicans see poor people?
« Reply #18 on: March 14, 2019, 10:37:08 PM »
As I've said, Politicians AKA professional liars just suck in general based on my observations in the last few decades...Lots of talk but no many gardless of party affiliation.

« Last Edit: March 14, 2019, 10:41:09 PM by theking »

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Re: Really Ivanka? Is that how Republicans see poor people?
« Reply #19 on: April 03, 2019, 02:14:23 AM »

If poor people want a guaranteed minimum wage then why are they trying to raise it to $15?

I mean after all, they are guaranteed $7.25 as of now. Isn't that what YOU AND YOUR dummy pals want? A guaranteed minimum wage.

This is why you don't want guaranteed minimum wage because it doesn't compel employers to pay more.

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Offline YAX

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Re: Really Ivanka? Is that how Republicans see poor people?
« Reply #20 on: April 03, 2019, 10:31:59 AM »

If poor people want a guaranteed minimum wage then why are they trying to raise it to $15?

I mean after all, they are guaranteed $7.25 as of now. Isn't that what YOU AND YOUR dummy pals want? A guaranteed minimum wage.

This is why you don't want guaranteed minimum wage because it doesn't compel employers to pay more.
You got that backwards.  Companies do pay more than minimum wage to some people.  The minimum just guarantees that workers don't make $10/day like they do in Thailand and Laos.  ;)

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Re: Really Ivanka? Is that how Republicans see poor people?
« Reply #21 on: April 03, 2019, 06:40:59 PM »
You're a typical west coast dummy. How you found anything offensive in what Ivanka said says more about you then what it does about her.

Minimum wage is just that ----> minimum. It's entry-level pay for entry-level skills. Ivanka is CORRECT.

As people gain work experience and skills they become more marketable in the workplace. People typically start moving up to better paying jobs that require more skills.

You dummies are fighting for a wage that you have not earned when you demand a $15 minimum wage.

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Offline YAX

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Re: Really Ivanka? Is that how Republicans see poor people?
« Reply #22 on: April 03, 2019, 09:17:28 PM »
That's not what she said, BTW .

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Offline DuMa

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Re: Really Ivanka? Is that how Republicans see poor people?
« Reply #23 on: April 04, 2019, 03:51:14 AM »
Increasing the min wages will benefit the government.  Her father wants to build a wall but has no money for it.  He even wants other people to pay for it.  That is exactly what he is going to do.  Get your employers to pay you $15 an hour which then disqualified you for low income goodies.  This will save the government tons of money and with money, here comes your wall. 

The thing with trump is that he's an egotistical guy.  You think he wants to be your president because he needs money?  A whistle blower said recently that trump is a cheater in the game of golf.  He will do whatever it takes to win.  He is in the game to win, no matter what. 

Trump care is next.   Coming to you after the next election. 

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Re: Really Ivanka? Is that how Republicans see poor people?
« Reply #24 on: April 05, 2019, 05:08:48 AM »
That's not what she said, BTW .

You find what she said offensive because you're looking to be offended. Candida growth in the vajayjay again?

What she said is correct.

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Offline YAX

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Re: Really Ivanka? Is that how Republicans see poor people?
« Reply #25 on: April 05, 2019, 08:40:23 AM »
You find what she said offensive because you're looking to be offended. Candida growth in the vajayjay again?

What she said is correct.
I take no offense to what she says.  I am offended that dumb people actually thinks she's correct and not only one or two dumb people, a bunch of dumb people and they call themselves Republicans.  There, I said it.  ;) 

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