
Author Topic: Hot Topic: Abortion  (Read 2857 times)

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Offline lilly

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Hot Topic: Abortion
« on: May 17, 2019, 02:36:31 PM »
Let me first begin by saying that I believe it is not our place to tell others that their beliefs are wrong.  Everyone has a right to their beliefs, views, and opinions, even if others think those beliefs, views, and opinions are wrong.

With that said, when it comes to abortion, I can see the argument from both sides, and I believe each side is sincere in their position to support or not support abortion.  There are strong opinions on both sides, and I don't think either side can be persuaded when it comes to abortion. 

However, personally, when it comes to abortion, it is not so much that I am for killing an unborn baby.  I just believe that everyone has a right to personal autonomy.  Everyone should get to decide what happens to their body.

There will be those that say, "Then an unborn baby has the right to choose life over death because a baby is a person from the point of conception."  I understand this viewpoint, I truly do.  But my thoughts are that an unborn baby does not have the capacity to make that decision for itself.  The woman gets to make the decision because the baby is inside HER body.

The baby may be a soul from the moment of fertilization but the baby’s right to life does not override the mother’s right to control her body.

We each own and control our bodies and no one should decide what we do with our bodies but each of us individually.  If a woman decides that she wants to carry a baby to term or does not want to, it must be HER  choice.

A stranger should not have the right to decide for a woman what she does with her body.

I just wanted to share my thoughts.  Feel free to give your thoughts on this topic.

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Offline hmgROCK

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Re: Hot Topic: Abortion
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2019, 02:46:56 PM »
im an independent voter

so i will chip in some unbias view
that is my view

1-20 week.
.... sure, go ahead and do the abortion if you like
20+ week up..... when the baby is almost done growing, fully form and have yet to come out of the va jay jay

unless the mother life is in danger

since both party can't decided
gotta meet each other half way

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Offline Yebleng

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Re: Hot Topic: Abortion
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2019, 06:49:56 PM »
From a business point of view....Yes I'm all pro life. Bring those kid into the world. More welfare=more programs=more taxes O0 ;D

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Offline autumnbreeze

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Re: Hot Topic: Abortion
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2019, 08:14:51 PM »

i completely agree with everything you said 100%! you took the words right out of my mouth!

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Offline YAX

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Re: Hot Topic: Abortion
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2019, 06:45:37 AM »
I also say, if all life are precious as the Republicans claim, then a criminal has the right to life as well and he chooses life, but the same people who say all life are precious will punish him with death.  It's call capital punishment.

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Re: Hot Topic: Abortion
« Reply #5 on: May 18, 2019, 11:33:45 AM »
Let me first begin by saying that I believe it is not our place to tell others that their beliefs are wrong.  Everyone has a right to their beliefs, views, and opinions, even if others think those beliefs, views, and opinions are wrong.

With that said, when it comes to abortion, I can see the argument from both sides, and I believe each side is sincere in their position to support or not support abortion.  There are strong opinions on both sides, and I don't think either side can be persuaded when it comes to abortion. 

However, personally, when it comes to abortion, it is not so much that I am for killing an unborn baby.  I just believe that everyone has a right to personal autonomy.  Everyone should get to decide what happens to their body.

There will be those that say, "Then an unborn baby has the right to choose life over death because a baby is a person from the point of conception."  I understand this viewpoint, I truly do.  But my thoughts are that an unborn baby does not have the capacity to make that decision for itself.  The woman gets to make the decision because the baby is inside HER body.

The baby may be a soul from the moment of fertilization but the baby’s right to life does not override the mother’s right to control her body.

We each own and control our bodies and no one should decide what we do with our bodies but each of us individually.  If a woman decides that she wants to carry a baby to term or does not want to, it must be HER  choice.

A stranger should not have the right to decide for a woman what she does with her body.

I just wanted to share my thoughts.  Feel free to give your thoughts on this topic.

I’ll play devil’s advocate here in regards to the bold highlighted... .

If you feel that everyone should get to decide what happens to their body, how about the individuals who have to take medication for certain feelings/emotions/actions?  Do they have the same options?  If not, why the exceptions because you can’t or shouldn’t have it both ways?

People know how not to have a child.  You don’t want one, then abstain.  :P  Rape/sexual assaults/abuse excluded in these cases.   ;D

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Re: Hot Topic: Abortion
« Reply #6 on: May 18, 2019, 12:53:22 PM »
Let me first begin by saying that I believe it is not our place to tell others that their beliefs are wrong.  Everyone has a right to their beliefs, views, and opinions, even if others think those beliefs, views, and opinions are wrong.

With that said, when it comes to abortion, I can see the argument from both sides, and I believe each side is sincere in their position to support or not support abortion.  There are strong opinions on both sides, and I don't think either side can be persuaded when it comes to abortion. 

However, personally, when it comes to abortion, it is not so much that I am for killing an unborn baby.  I just believe that everyone has a right to personal autonomy.  Everyone should get to decide what happens to their body.

There will be those that say, "Then an unborn baby has the right to choose life over death because a baby is a person from the point of conception."  I understand this viewpoint, I truly do.  But my thoughts are that an unborn baby does not have the capacity to make that decision for itself.  The woman gets to make the decision because the baby is inside HER body.

The baby may be a soul from the moment of fertilization but the baby’s right to life does not override the mother’s right to control her body.

We each own and control our bodies and no one should decide what we do with our bodies but each of us individually.  If a woman decides that she wants to carry a baby to term or does not want to, it must be HER  choice.

A stranger should not have the right to decide for a woman what she does with her body.

I just wanted to share my thoughts.  Feel free to give your thoughts on this topic.

Basically, you are pro choice. 

Like hot or cold, you chose neither

If this is how the world's work then life would be blend.  You do what you like mentality. 

Before you answer such question, ask yourself this simple one.  Would you blame your own mother had she would abort you?   O0

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Offline lilly

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Re: Hot Topic: Abortion
« Reply #7 on: May 18, 2019, 02:25:18 PM »

i completely agree with everything you said 100%! you took the words right out of my mouth!

Hi, Autumnbreeze!!!  Long time no see you!!!  Hope you've been well!

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Offline lilly

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Re: Hot Topic: Abortion
« Reply #8 on: May 18, 2019, 03:27:54 PM »
I’ll play devil’s advocate here in regards to the bold highlighted... .

If you feel that everyone should get to decide what happens to their body, how about the individuals who have to take medication for certain feelings/emotions/actions?  Do they have the same options?  If not, why the exceptions because you can’t or shouldn’t have it both ways?

People know how not to have a child.  You don’t want one, then abstain.  :P  Rape/sexual assaults/abuse excluded in these cases.   ;D

Non-threatening individuals who have to take medication for certain feelings/emotions/actions also have a choice whether or not to swallow the pill.  It is their body and they should make the final decision.  The exception is when individuals pose a threat to other human beings that have already been born.  If they are a threat to other born human beings and the only way to prevent the threat from occuring is to neutralize these threatening individuals via tasers or forced medication, then it makes sense... because their actions no longer have a direct impact on themselves but on others. 

What a person chooses to do with their body (e.g. an abortion, self-harm, or ending their life), should be entirely their decision and no one else's.  As much as we may hate their decisions, their body is their right to do with as they please.  Other people don't get to decide.  But causing physical harm to other "born" human beings is a different matter entirely.

As far as abstinence, it's a nice idea but we're all human beings and we all have needs.  If only we can choose to not feel certain desires but human beings are not wired that way.  What I think needs to happen is, before intercourse happens and especially if they do not want to get pregnant, men should get vasectomies and/or women should go on birth control.  That is a decision between a couple to decide between the two of them which one should get the birth prevention.  But adding to this thought, I think the scale has been less balanced in this respect, because more women than men have been the ones expected to get on birth control.  Not all women do well with birth control medications or procedures.  I'd like to see more men take responsibility and think about the consequences of their actions, and make a conscious decision every time they have intercourse and know whether or not they are ready to bring a child into the world.  Most times men get women pregnant without thinking through first and then the burden becomes the women's to bear.  I think women have been treated unfairly for a long time throughout history, but more so in the pregnancy area, women have had less say and have had to carry more of the weight.

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Offline lilly

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Re: Hot Topic: Abortion
« Reply #9 on: May 18, 2019, 03:35:55 PM »
Basically, you are pro choice. 

Like hot or cold, you chose neither

If this is how the world's work then life would be blend.  You do what you like mentality. 

Before you answer such question, ask yourself this simple one.  Would you blame your own mother had she would abort you?   O0

Yes, I am pro-choice.

I would not blame my mother one bit if she had aborted me.

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Offline w1s3m0n

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Re: Hot Topic: Abortion
« Reply #10 on: May 18, 2019, 06:47:36 PM »
The only sensible way to argue for abortion, in my opinion, is to argue from the 1st amendment.  The 1st amendment grants every citizen the right to free speech.  Free speech is the underpinning of free choice.  Without speech, we would not have a choice.  I argue for pro-choice because it is the right of the woman to express their speech with the action of choice.  No government or person can take this away from a citizen.

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Offline lilly

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Re: Hot Topic: Abortion
« Reply #11 on: May 18, 2019, 10:02:54 PM »
Should men have an opinion on this?

If you mean Should men have an opinion on whether a woman can or cannot have an abortion... yes, you can have an opinion but I don't think you should enforce your opinion on her.

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Offline Gucci K

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Re: Hot Topic: Abortion
« Reply #12 on: May 20, 2019, 08:56:03 AM »
im an independent voter

so i will chip in some unbias view
that is my view

1-20 week.
.... sure, go ahead and do the abortion if you like
20+ week up..... when the baby is almost done growing, fully form and have yet to come out of the va jay jay

unless the mother life is in danger

since both party can't decided
gotta meet each other half way

there will be a time when someone as intelligent as a rock will make a good sense...and this is one of them...ha!

with regards to abortion, a woman should have the right to their own body and choice but with an expiration time...meaning no late term abortion.  late term can be clarified as the last trimester of a pregnancy.  a sound woman should already know if she wants the baby or not within the first 24 hours or 1st week, upon discovering that she is pregnant.  She should be forced to make a decision within a month or two.  this enforces responsibility ...if you don't want to have a baby to use protection, birth control and especially enforces a healthy family unit (having the baby because you want it).  with this allotted time, it also gives the man, the opportunity to voice his opinion...if he should chose to want the baby, he will be obligated to cover medical expenses and future care of the child. 

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Offline hmgROCK

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Re: Hot Topic: Abortion
« Reply #13 on: May 20, 2019, 09:24:27 AM »
there will be a time when someone as intelligent as a rock will make a good sense...and this is one of them...ha!

with regards to abortion, a woman should have the right to their own body and choice but with an expiration time...meaning no late term abortion.  late term can be clarified as the last trimester of a pregnancy.  a sound woman should already know if she wants the baby or not within the first 24 hours or 1st week, upon discovering that she is pregnant.  She should be forced to make a decision within a month or two.  this enforces responsibility ...if you don't want to have a baby to use protection, birth control and especially enforces a healthy family unit (having the baby because you want it).  with this allotted time, it also gives the man, the opportunity to voice his opinion...if he should chose to want the baby, he will be obligated to cover medical expenses and future care of the child.


im a reasonable guy

the middle man

you have 20+ weeks AKA 4 months to decided if you want to keep the baby or not
once it reach that last trimesters 26 week whatever
that's a NO NO for me (unless the mother life is in danger)

the baby at this time is already fully developed and just need to come out of the pussy

that's plenty of time for you to decided and pick and choose

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Re: Hot Topic: Abortion
« Reply #14 on: May 22, 2019, 10:58:42 AM »

As far as abstinence, it's a nice idea but we're all human beings and we all have needs.  If only we can choose to not feel certain desires but human beings are not wired that way.  What I think needs to happen is, before intercourse happens and especially if they do not want to get pregnant, men should get vasectomies and/or women should go on birth control.  That is a decision between a couple to decide between the two of them which one should get the birth prevention. But adding to this thought, I think the scale has been less balanced in this respect, because more women than men have been the ones expected to get on birth control.  Not all women do well with birth control medications or procedures.  I'd like to see more men take responsibility and think about the consequences of their actions, and make a conscious decision every time they have intercourse and know whether or not they are ready to bring a child into the world.  Most times men get women pregnant without thinking through first and then the burden becomes the women's to bear.  I think women have been treated unfairly for a long time throughout history, but more so in the pregnancy area, women have had less say and have had to carry more of the weight.

I agree that both should have equal say in wanting a pregnancy. But I would have to disagree on the part about your thoughts on birth control. Both are equally expected to use birth control, if not equal, then men are actually expected to use birth control more than women.  When it comes to having sexual intercourse and preventing a pregnancy, condoms are the most common form of birth control.

And you're wrong about women being treated unfairly when it comes to pregnancy. You don't get to say women are treated unfairly then blaming men of being more responsible for getting the woman pregnant. In a consensual pregnancy (meaning not from rape), both men and women are equally responsible. Getting pregnant is not the same as maintaining pregnancy. You are pro choice, so like you said, it's the women's choice to get an abortion and not the men's. That's makes the burden falls on the women alone. Can't have it both ways. The mother made the decision to continue with the pregnancy so responsibility falls on her. I'm talking about child support laws nor am I saying that the father shouldn't help.

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