
Author Topic: So the US knew about the virus back in January, when did we take it seriously?  (Read 2438 times)

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Offline YAX

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Trump finally acknowledged it on March 17th.  That's less than half a month ago. Now death tolls are rising exponentially and he's blaming China and Obama.  Before that, those who watched Fox news believed it was a simple cold and a media hoax.

Here's why, watch the video, no left winged media spin, just historical quotes from Fox news' mouth. Stuff that Fox watchers already forgot about, good thing it's on video:

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Offline hmgROCK

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I used work in healthcare billing for a bit
I will tell you something that will make your blood boil

You know how NEW YORK need more doctor and nurse????
Well, there ton of doctor and nurse working at the insurance companies
Doing paperwork

Yeahh i know this
Cuz i talk to them all the times

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Offline hmgROCK

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Like real legit doctor and nurses
Doing billing paperwork at healthcare insurance company

Instead of taking care of patients

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Offline YAX

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Offline hmgROCK

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And now Fox news'fear is being realized as Washington files a lawsuit against them for broadcasting false information.

Full article:

yax, real talk man
i used to do healthcare billing

they have a tracking system in place that track disease and sickness (i forgot what its call)
it get report to the state and from the state to the federal level, instantly too and fast

JANUARY<<<< that is already too late man
the top brass already know about this back in DECEMBER and NOVEMBER


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Offline hmgROCK

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i try to warn yall about the HEALTHCARE system
how it's a joke/scam for years now

making all these money $$$
CONVINCE THEMSELVES we are the best healthcare in the world

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Offline hmgROCK

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the US has a really good tracking system that track, record, and prevent disease outbreak
if you get covid 19

you will be counted and added as a statics during the 6 o clock news
that's how good and fast it is


they know back in DECEMBER and NOVEMBER

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We haven’t taken it seriously yet.

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Offline YAX

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They're trying to say they never said any of the things they were saying about this virus being a hoax.


After spending weeks downplaying the deadly virus that now has nearly the entire U.S. under some form of lockdown, several Fox News stars are now attempting to gaslight viewers by claiming they sounded the alarms over the coronavirus all along while it was actually the media and Democrats who dismissed it.

The network’s most-viewed primetime host Sean Hannity has recently devoted much airtime to insisting he has “always taken the coronavirus seriously,” despite no less than a month ago suggesting the pandemic might be a “deep state” plot to hurt the economy or, at another point, claiming concerns over the novel virus was a “new hoax” designed to “bludgeon” Trump.

Like many of his Fox colleagues, Hannity suddenly changed his tune late last month on the virus after President Donald Trump finally pivoted to treating it seriously. The Fox star and unofficial Trump adviser has since taken aim at Democrats and critics who have rightly called out his previous coverage, claiming that all along he was the one warning of the coming disaster while they were the ones turning a blind eye.

But despite Hannity’s perceived confidence in his coronavirus coverage, video and audio recordings do exist. The Fox star spent weeks misleadingly comparing the deadly virus to the seasonal flu while claiming Democrats were “politicizing and actually weaponizing an infectious disease” to “bludgeon” Trump. (Those comments throughout February and March that Democrats were nearly identical to those infamously made by now-former Fox Business host Trish Regan, who, on March 9, with an on-air graphic blaring “Coronavirus Impeachment Scam,” insisted the outbreak was “another attempt to impeach” Trump and “demonize and destroy the president.” Weeks later, Regan was let go by Fox.)

Comparing the novel virus to the seasonal flu, meanwhile, was a tactic Trump and his allies adopted for weeks on end to downplay the deadliness of COVID-19 and excuse the president’s slow response. But that misleading comparison was thrown in Hannity’s face last month during an interview with top infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci.

« Last Edit: April 04, 2020, 06:43:13 PM by YAX »

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Offline Hung_Low

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Trump finally acknowledged it on March 17th.  That's less than half a month ago. Now death tolls are rising exponentially and he's blaming China and Obama.  Before that, those who watched Fox news believed it was a simple cold and a media hoax.

Here's why, watch the video, no left winged media spin, just historical quotes from Fox news' mouth. Stuff that Fox watchers already forgot about, good thing it's on video:

Under the direction of Trump:
- Azar declared a public health emergency for the novel coronavirus on Jan. 31, and announced the travel restrictions to and from China, effective Feb. 2.
- Azar announced that any U.S. citizen returning to the U.S. who had been in Hubei Province in China in the previous 14 days would be subject to mandatory quarantine and health screening. U.S. citizens returning from mainland China outside Hubei Province were ordered to undergo health screenings and up to 14 days of monitored self-quarantine to ensure they’ve not contracted the virus and do not pose a public health risk.
- The World Health Organization cautioned against the overuse of travel restrictions, but stopped short of saying that Trump’s decision in the U.S.
- three experts were called by Democrats at a House subcommittee hearing on Feb. 5 questioned the decision of the travel restriction:

       Nuzzo, Feb. 5: [W]e need to seriously reexamine the current policy of banning travel from China and quarantining returning travelers. All of the evidence we have indicates that travel restrictions and quarantines directed at individual countries are unlikely to keep the virus out of our borders. These measures may exacerbate the epidemic’s social and economic tolls and can make us less safe. Simply put, this virus is spreading too quickly and too silently, and our surveillance is too limited for us to truly know which countries have active transmission and which don’t. The virus could enter the U.S. from other parts of the world not on our restricted list, and it may already be circulating here.

    The U.S. was a target of travel bans and quarantines during the 2009 flu pandemic. It didn’t work to stop the spread, and it hurt our country. I am concerned that by our singling out China for travel bans, we are effectively penalizing it for reporting cases. This may diminish its willingness to further share data and chill other countries’ willingness to be transparent about their own outbreaks. Travel bans and quarantines will make us less safe if they divert attention and resources from higher priority disease mitigation approaches that we know are needed to respond to cases within the United States.

    … We often see, when we have emerging disease outbreaks, our first instinct is to try to lock down travel to prevent the introduction of virus to our country. And that is a completely understandable instinct. I have never seen instances in which that has worked when we are talking about a virus at this scale.

    Respiratory viruses like this one, unlike others–they just move quickly. They are hard to spot because they look like many other diseases. It’s very difficult to interrupt them at borders. You would need to have complete surveillance in order to do that. And we simply don’t have that.

    Dr. Jennifer Bouey, chair of China policy studies at the Rand Corporation, agreed saying that the policy to restrict travel “doesn’t help that much in this–the current situation.”

 - Biden and several Dems politician called Trump's decision as xenophobic and prejudice, etc.

Just some facts

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Offline YAX

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Under the direction of Trump:
- Azar declared a public health emergency for the novel coronavirus on Jan. 31, and announced the travel restrictions to and from China, effective Feb. 2.
- Azar announced that any U.S. citizen returning to the U.S. who had been in Hubei Province in China in the previous 14 days would be subject to mandatory quarantine and health screening. U.S. citizens returning from mainland China outside Hubei Province were ordered to undergo health screenings and up to 14 days of monitored self-quarantine to ensure they’ve not contracted the virus and do not pose a public health risk.
- The World Health Organization cautioned against the overuse of travel restrictions, but stopped short of saying that Trump’s decision in the U.S.
- three experts were called by Democrats at a House subcommittee hearing on Feb. 5 questioned the decision of the travel restriction:

       Nuzzo, Feb. 5: [W]e need to seriously reexamine the current policy of banning travel from China and quarantining returning travelers. All of the evidence we have indicates that travel restrictions and quarantines directed at individual countries are unlikely to keep the virus out of our borders. These measures may exacerbate the epidemic’s social and economic tolls and can make us less safe. Simply put, this virus is spreading too quickly and too silently, and our surveillance is too limited for us to truly know which countries have active transmission and which don’t. The virus could enter the U.S. from other parts of the world not on our restricted list, and it may already be circulating here.

    The U.S. was a target of travel bans and quarantines during the 2009 flu pandemic. It didn’t work to stop the spread, and it hurt our country. I am concerned that by our singling out China for travel bans, we are effectively penalizing it for reporting cases. This may diminish its willingness to further share data and chill other countries’ willingness to be transparent about their own outbreaks. Travel bans and quarantines will make us less safe if they divert attention and resources from higher priority disease mitigation approaches that we know are needed to respond to cases within the United States.

    … We often see, when we have emerging disease outbreaks, our first instinct is to try to lock down travel to prevent the introduction of virus to our country. And that is a completely understandable instinct. I have never seen instances in which that has worked when we are talking about a virus at this scale.

    Respiratory viruses like this one, unlike others–they just move quickly. They are hard to spot because they look like many other diseases. It’s very difficult to interrupt them at borders. You would need to have complete surveillance in order to do that. And we simply don’t have that.

    Dr. Jennifer Bouey, chair of China policy studies at the Rand Corporation, agreed saying that the policy to restrict travel “doesn’t help that much in this–the current situation.”

 - Biden and several Dems politician called Trump's decision as xenophobic and prejudice, etc.

Just some facts
Right.  All that, while claiming this was a hoax and people shouldn't worry about it.  It will magically disappear and the numbers were under control, right? 

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Offline YAX

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I blame this crisis on the democrats.  The president had been deterred ever since being office, from day 1; russia hoax, the muller report to the "perfect" phone call with Ukraine and impeachment process. 
america was doing great without the help of the democrats.  they distracted him from his duties...we could have saved the economy, the country and more importantly the people from coronavirus... :2funny: :2funny:

  I know right.  Like how he almost didn't have time to play golf with all the things the Dems were doing to deter him.  Afterall, golf doesn't just play itself, right?

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Offline w1s3m0n

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Trump does not want to take this seriously because he doesn't want to ruin the economy and his chance for re-election.

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Reports of the virus came out in December but looks like you forgot that YOU, the Dems, and the liberal media was too focused on fake impeachment.

If you don't die from Coronavirus, I'm not going to sweat that it's all that serious. You'd have to die for me to even think that the virus could affect me.

As of now, only New York and liberal stats like CA really getting it so it doesn't bother me. Their leaders failed them.


Why didn't YOUR governor and YOUR liberal media tell you to be prepared?

People like you who always wait for the government always get screwed. Me, I prepped back in January and February.

Plus, Trump did take preventive measures. He banned travel from China but you said it was too racist.

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Offline YAX

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Dems can't even do anything these days and they're still to blame?  Let's see.  Trump's got the Senate.  He's got the Executive branch, he's got the Judicial branch now with his new Republican loyal judges, he's got the DOJ, he's got the military leaders now too, and he's got new laws giving him more power and yet, it's still the Dem's fault?  When are people going to wake up and see how dumb they sound whenever they blame Democrats for anything?

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