
Author Topic: Mushoku Tensei: Episode 12 (Moral of the Day)  (Read 319 times)

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Mushoku Tensei: Episode 12 (Moral of the Day)
« on: December 26, 2021, 02:45:57 AM »

People who bullies to no ends, your payment on Earth is suffering. Once you have a child, you will abuse that child from your failures or from your spiritual failures.

The reason why demons in Hell bullies other human beings who are turds is because it reminds them of THEIR own failure with God. I understand why demons will grab you by the hair, sock in you in the face, and shame you in front of everyone because you remind them of their failures.

With their hate, they find you disgusting because of your sins. Bullying creates a monster. The more monsters we have, the more we want to bully a bully who is too toxic to be loved. Nobody likes Eli's two horrible kids. They were bullies; they didn't care.

Lesson of the day: Forgive your enemies if they want to be forgiven. Forgiven isn't free. Sometimes, forgiveness can insult to someone who doesn't ask for your help. When they rot and see, they will not acknowledge their wrongs.

Hmong people...DON'T FAWKING BULLY! If you do, I will be quite racist and a pharisee to you! Scums should be hated to where I believe that they don't deserve to have a spouse, a friend, or ANYONE! I believe that abusive scums shouldn't have a job and be an outcast for eternity until they YIELD on their KNEES to ask for forgiveness. King David did that. About 10% will do that while the rest don't. I hear stories about bullies in Hell, getting their butts turn into ground meat with once punch. The demons gets to decide what cell you belong to since prison on Earth and Hell are quite similar.
I understand that most people won't agree with me to bully a bully. If they don't like being bullied, then why begin from the start? Why be stupid? I find evil people to be REALLY stupid and not very brave. The more evil they get, the more of the problem. Why put soooo much headache onto yourself? Why marinate your face with your feces that comes out from your own asss? Some people like it, which explains why we stay away from you and spread rumors about you. Why can't anyone be like Schindler who talks sweet to enemies in order to save his Jews?

Schindler is the Donald Trump; yet, he saved soooo many. A piece of shiet is a piece of shiet...and they are known as devils on Earth who pretends to be human. They aren't human since they don't behave like a human. They're animals, scums, and devils. What's best is that you give them a rope. What for? It's for them to decide if they want to kill themselves in solitude.

« Last Edit: December 26, 2021, 02:48:13 AM by TheAfterLife »

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