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Stigmatism in the Sugar industry and other areas.....
« on: September 21, 2022, 02:33:09 PM »
Lets talk about them sugar babies first. 

Imagine your daughter comes up to you and say... .Hey daddy, I'm getting payed by this guy and I'm giving him some emotional support and if the money is right, I'll have to have sex with him too.  He's older, has a wife and kids or he can be like your boy G, not married, no kids and I'm milking his easy money about half of his paycheck.

Know any daughter would go to their dad and be saying that chit?   :2funny:

Now lets talk about them sugar daddy. 

IF he's older, with his own wife and kids but he is still lacking that emotional support and sex from his wife, he may reach out to a sugarbaby to fill in such void.  Poor wife got cheated upon.  You think this is ok? 

Now your boy G's turn.  He's like a chump guy who wants a hot hollywood dime and can't get it so he can either go the incel route by hating all beautiful women or worse yet, get a gun and go shoot them all with murder suicide case.  He can pay the sugar baby industry to fill in his void as well. 

Notice something here.  I remembered our boy G made his first posting about how he got a hot date with a dime.  Now no where in such posting he said he got her through the sugar dating website.  Why?  I'll tell you why.  It is the true fact that he knows what he is doing is not universal sound or accepting.   There is a stigma that is ugly about it just like a guy who goes and pay for sex, that such guy will never be proud to accept the feat of paying for sex unless he's a loser and he doesn't care. 

There are a lot of layers to these bad stigmatize fascist if you want to see it that way.  I'll name a few and some, we are guilty of it.  The world is slowly accepting it but some may never. 

1.  Paying for sex, escorts , prostitution (sex only)
   Sub layer would be the Sugar baby/sugar daddy route.  (emotion involved and sex)
  Sex club
Strip club

2.  Having internet friends or finding a gf on the internet or social media sites or apps.  I'm a loser because I have no real friends so I make friends online.  Other people say how you guys met and how am I suppose to answer to this? 

3.  Marry an oversea wife.  No one I know that is proud to say that they went oversea and go ta wife there.  Most if all will try to fake the funk by not bringing it up and pass her as a local grown wife that I married.

4.  May not apply to you guys but if I marry hmong.  I'll be proud to marry her but knowing what my people will say, I don't know how to explain it to them.  If you see me saying that she's thailand or from laos, you know the stigma that still bothers me. 

Many More but you know the Stigma is there. 

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Offline Gracified23

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Re: Stigmatism in the Sugar industry and other areas.....
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2022, 04:32:22 PM »
My SBs introduced me to their parents already. Ashley parents knows I’m helping her financially. Her mom is Korean and her dad is White. I got kudo points because her mom like me. Her mom made me tacos 2 weeks ago. She has a close relationship with her dad but she talk about me more to her mom.

Love is also help too. Here’s a passage to prove it:

James 2:15 Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food.

James 2:16 If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it?

James 2:17 In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.

« Last Edit: September 21, 2022, 04:46:38 PM by Gracified23 »

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Offline DuMa

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Re: Stigmatism in the Sugar industry and other areas.....
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2022, 05:57:08 PM »
My SBs introduced me to their parents already. Ashley parents knows I’m helping her financially. Her mom is Korean and her dad is White. I got kudo points because her mom like me. Her mom made me tacos 2 weeks ago. She has a close relationship with her dad but she talk about me more to her mom.

Love is also help too. Here’s a passage to prove it:

James 2:15 Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food.

James 2:16 If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it?

James 2:17 In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.

Well good luck to you and your case.  Her parents being ok with it is also disturbing unless she is not telling the whole truth to them. They might think you guys are just friends or traditional bf/gf without asking where you guys met. 

If my daughter comes up to me and tells me about your situation,  I'll straighten her out by telling her to leave the sugar industry and start paying for her tuition and what not.  A young girl has no business in the baby industry if she still has her parents to support her though her young adult life.  Only reason why she should be in the sugar industry is if I'm a loser of a parents myself and I'm pimping her as well. 

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Re: Stigmatism in the Sugar industry and other areas.....
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2022, 06:41:46 PM »
My SBs introduced me to their parents already. Ashley parents knows I’m helping her financially. Her mom is Korean and her dad is White. I got kudo points because her mom like me. Her mom made me tacos 2 weeks ago. She has a close relationship with her dad but she talk about me more to her mom.

I also would like to add the idea of this type of hustle by your baby.  She knows the game well enough to keep you entice. She has to keep you on your toes, makes you believe and to enhances your emotional senses.  What I may say may not get to you because you are delusional in love.  It is what all babies want out of such arrangements.  They are hoping that you stay with the same status of not having a real gf for as long as possible to keep that allowance to continue to flow.  I mean who to say or stop you from one day to run into your true love right?  If this happens, you would rather put that allowance on your real gf instead of some sugar baby and by then, your baby would be older so an upgrade is needed. 

I appreciate the hustle but I tend to read further than what meets the eye.   O0

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Offline Gracified23

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Re: Stigmatism in the Sugar industry and other areas.....
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2022, 07:34:22 PM »
I also would like to add the idea of this type of hustle by your baby.  She knows the game well enough to keep you entice. She has to keep you on your toes, makes you believe and to enhances your emotional senses.  What I may say may not get to you because you are delusional in love.  It is what all babies want out of such arrangements.  They are hoping that you stay with the same status of not having a real gf for as long as possible to keep that allowance to continue to flow.  I mean who to say or stop you from one day to run into your true love right?  If this happens, you would rather put that allowance on your real gf instead of some sugar baby and by then, your baby would be older so an upgrade is needed. 

I appreciate the hustle but I tend to read further than what meets the eye.   O0

Sounds like you can’t maintain a sugar relationship. That’s just how broke men tell me they are broke lol.

That’s just somebody that can't afford to provide for the people they care for justifying their inability to provide.

You don’t think those babies have to put in effort? I mean they still have to show up, put makeup on, get dolled up, getting intimate  etc. Most SBs aren’t successful at doing this. There are more SBs that exceed the number of SDs. I think the ratio was like 10:1 or something like that. It isn’t like Tinder where women has the advantage. To be a successful SB they have to be the best of the best. The ones they are successful are attractive to their daddy, they have to be attentive, keep an open mind and be affectionate. Sugar dating isnt without risk. Lots of scammers and rinsers. You think a daddy will just blow up tons of money on someone just like that? Lol. 

« Last Edit: September 21, 2022, 07:58:01 PM by Gracified23 »

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Offline DuMa

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Re: Stigmatism in the Sugar industry and other areas.....
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2022, 08:39:09 PM »
Sounds like you can’t maintain a sugar relationship. That’s just how broke men tell me they are broke lol.

That’s just somebody that can't afford to provide for the people they care for justifying their inability to provide.

You don’t think those babies have to put in effort? I mean they still have to show up, put makeup on, get dolled up, getting intimate  etc. Most SBs aren’t successful at doing this. There are more SBs that exceed the number of SDs. I think the ratio was like 10:1 or something like that. It isn’t like Tinder where women has the advantage. To be a successful SB they have to be the best of the best. The ones they are successful are attractive to their daddy, they have to be attentive, keep an open mind and be affectionate. Sugar dating isnt without risk. Lots of scammers and rinsers. You think a daddy will just blow up tons of money on someone just like that? Lol.

I don't want that stigma of being a daddy pimp to some daddy baby who milks me of my hard earning money.   Do you not see why people are laughing at you for spending big money per week on a delusional relationship with some chick that goes no where? 

Maybe you are from a wack foundation family background.  I know the hmong OG goes to thailand to cheat but with them, the stigma is there.  Why don't you go to your family and tell them that you pumps hundreds of dollars to be with some chick that is not even your GF.   :2funny:

The fact that you are doing it on the low, hidden is the fact that the stigma has owned you.  Nothing is proud of what you are doing and who knows what types of reputation you have within your community once your own community knows of what you doing.  Sketchy at best but play on bra.  It is your life but whatever you do, do remember that I spoke with you and please do not allow me to say that I told you so.  I want you to be successful and you better marry this girl or they will laugh at your azz even more.   :2funny:

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Offline Gracified23

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Re: Stigmatism in the Sugar industry and other areas.....
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2022, 09:51:46 PM »
I’d rather guys do the passport and or improve themselves and level up, rather than to use game and cold approach a hundred women just to get rejected.

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Re: Stigmatism in the Sugar industry and other areas.....
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2022, 11:21:25 AM »
I’d rather guys do the passport and or improve themselves and level up, rather than to use game and cold approach a hundred women just to get rejected.

I challenged you to go to your Christian pastor n tell him your story.

He'll biatch at you even more.  Wanna bet?  Stigmatized is the message here.

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Re: Stigmatism in the Sugar industry and other areas.....
« Reply #8 on: September 22, 2022, 12:13:04 PM »
Pros of sugar relationship
1.  No tough arguments or fights
2.  Can be easily stopped at any time
3.  No strings attached
4.  Gives exactly what you seek

Pros of vanilla aka traditional relationship
1.  Based on real feelings and commitment
2.  Requires a lot of self-work and helps improve character
3.  Brings emotional fulfillment
4.  Always includes a sexual part
5.  Brings sense to one`s life

cons of sugar relationship
1.  The only satisfaction for sugar babies is money
2.  No long-term attachment
3.  No real feelings
4.  Can sometimes lead to harassment and financial manipulation

cons of vanilla relationship
1.  Might be hard to find and maintain
2.  Sometimes leads to arguments and big fights
3.  Breakups can be bitter

Regular aka vanilla dating
1.  Good for independent girls
2.  Sex is not a compulsive thing
3.  Equality in relationships
4.  Socially accepted

Sugar dating
1.  Good for ladies who need material support
2.  Sex is a normal thing
3.  Sugar babies commonly have no choice
4.  Socially judged

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Offline DuMa

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Re: Stigmatism in the Sugar industry and other areas.....
« Reply #9 on: September 22, 2022, 12:25:19 PM »
Why they calling it SUGAR? 

Because it follows the coin phrase  "Taking Candy away from a baby

Stigmatism, Shame on you for preying on the weak   :2funny:

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Offline Gracified23

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Re: Stigmatism in the Sugar industry and other areas.....
« Reply #10 on: November 15, 2022, 12:53:02 AM »
She puts in time and effort and enjoys being with me because I’m taking care of her. Simple as that.

We have a highly reciprocated relationship which makes us want to invest more into each other. This is actually what a healthy relationship looks like, it is mutual beneficial. I’m not saying that you’re wrong. What you describe there is an imbalance arrangement. It’s like tik for tat which is why the arrangement/relationship suffer.

Just look at it this way. That men are providers. It’s not difference than a married couple where the man provides and she’s giving him intimacy and sex.

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