
Author Topic: The MSM desperately tries to defend Brandon...  (Read 670 times)

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Offline Hung_Low

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The MSM desperately tries to defend Brandon...
« on: February 16, 2024, 08:38:37 AM »
The Special Counsel appointed by DOJ Garland which in essence is a stooge of Brandon claimed they can't prosecute Brandon for having classified information - the same charges they went after Trump - because he believed the jury would just brush it off as Brandon being an old man with memory loss - don't know what he was doing. You can read all about Special Counsel Hur's report in google.

After this little titbits came out of the special counsel about Brandon's brain rotting away... MSM and even late night show hosts are coming out defending him...

LATime wrote a piece called "Age Matters - Which is Why Brandon's Age is His Superpower"  :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: I guess they mean that he can F*cked up anything he wants and there will be no prosecution because he's no control over his action since he's practically brain dead.

CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, etc etc all coming out with guesses claming that Brandon's sharp, focused, bright... same description from all these guests. It seems like they were given a script on what to say when ask about Brandon's cognitive decline.

Yet, they were quick to point out that Trump's cognitive is in decline "Trump slur during one of his speech" they claimed... but ignored the thousands of time Brandon couldn't put a sentence together or stood at a loss on stage :2funny: :2funny:

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Offline lexicon

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Re: The MSM desperately tries to defend Brandon...
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2024, 08:56:18 AM »
The Special Counsel appointed by DOJ Garland which in essence is a stooge of Brandon claimed they can't prosecute Brandon for having classified information - the same charges they went after Trump - because he believed the jury would just brush it off as Brandon being an old man with memory loss - don't know what he was doing. You can read all about Special Counsel Hur's report in google.

After this little titbits came out of the special counsel about Brandon's brain rotting away... MSM and even late night show hosts are coming out defending him...

LATime wrote a piece called "Age Matters - Which is Why Brandon's Age is His Superpower"  :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: I guess they mean that he can F*cked up anything he wants and there will be no prosecution because he's no control over his action since he's practically brain dead.

CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, etc etc all coming out with guesses claming that Brandon's sharp, focused, bright... same description from all these guests. It seems like they were given a script on what to say when ask about Brandon's cognitive decline.

Yet, they were quick to point out that Trump's cognitive is in decline "Trump slur during one of his speech" they claimed... but ignored the thousands of time Brandon couldn't put a sentence together or stood at a loss on stage :2funny: :2funny:


On the other hand, the Evangelicals have been touting Trump as "God's Chosen" for 8 years now  >:D

I'd defintely choose the lesser of two evils.

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Offline hmgROCK

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Re: The MSM desperately tries to defend Brandon...
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2024, 09:17:19 AM »
bunch of old ass meeka fart
who don't know where they place the TV remote controller

don't know why they don't just retired and eat their 401k

already wayyy past SSI age 62 and more

 :D :D :D :D :D

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Re: The MSM desperately tries to defend Brandon...
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2024, 10:00:39 AM »
The Special Counsel appointed by DOJ Garland which in essence is a stooge of Brandon claimed they can't prosecute Brandon for having classified information - the same charges they went after Trump - because he believed the jury would just brush it off as Brandon being an old man with memory loss - don't know what he was doing. You can read all about Special Counsel Hur's report in google.

After this little titbits came out of the special counsel about Brandon's brain rotting away... MSM and even late night show hosts are coming out defending him...

LATime wrote a piece called "Age Matters - Which is Why Brandon's Age is His Superpower"  :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: I guess they mean that he can F*cked up anything he wants and there will be no prosecution because he's no control over his action since he's practically brain dead.

CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, etc etc all coming out with guesses claming that Brandon's sharp, focused, bright... same description from all these guests. It seems like they were given a script on what to say when ask about Brandon's cognitive decline.

Yet, they were quick to point out that Trump's cognitive is in decline "Trump slur during one of his speech" they claimed... but ignored the thousands of time Brandon couldn't put a sentence together or stood at a loss on stage :2funny: :2funny:

The evidence continues to show that the Left are evil. I actually don't care much that they are evil. What I do care about are the stupid people like hmongRock, lexicon, YAX, lily, and the rest of their ilk who INTENTIONALLY want to drag the rest of us down with their stupidity.

If they want to live in crime-ridden cities, let them. If they want to pay high inflated prices, let them. If they want violent and criminal illegals storming their neighborhoods and beating up cops without consequences, let them. If they want to live in delusions with made up gender pronouns where a man can pulverize a woman in a fighting ring, let them.



They're under the impression that we're trying to change their minds. They think we're trying to impose our views and laws on them.

WRONG.  :idiot2:

We're basically saying "Get out of our areas, go burn in the misery you created for yourselves, and LEAVE US OUT OF IT. Our money, and children, too."

When people want to destroy themselves, like the LEFT, I let them. But they don't get to destroy me along with them.

Was it any surprise that the LEFT came out battling for HAMAS after the October 7 massacre? Of course not.

Those on the LEFT have never stood for anything righteous and godly. They stand for whatever their puppet master tells them to stand for. Sometimes the puppet master might stand for a conservative POV if if benefits it. But even a broken clock gets the time right twice a day.  ::)

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Re: The MSM desperately tries to defend Brandon...
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2024, 10:36:41 AM »
Let's be clear. Anybody who votes for Biden doesn't do so because they support what he's turned the country into. It is all about their ego.

These are people who will cut off their nose to spite their face. I've lived among Democrat voters long enough to know what kind of people they are. These people would rather see their child dead just so they can prove a point. This is very common in the black community and that's why we don't see improvement. For example, black leftists in black communities demand safety but want to defund the police department at the same time? These are the same people who buried George Floyd in a golden casket after Floyd committed a crime against another non-white business owner.  ::) :idiot2: They also came out to support Jacob Blake after he failed to comply because his assaulted wife called the cops on him. If anything, their communities have devolved.

The LEFT cannot be trusted to make sound judgments when it comes to creating safe and sound communities for a diverse population. And when I say diverse, I mean all economic levels, political and religious views, so on - NOT SKIN COLOR OR GENDER ONLY. Their solution is to force everybody into the same box. Well, that is not freedom.

Leftist ideology is inherently evil and without conservative values to keep them in check, the left will destroy freedom as proven throughout the history of Communism and Socialism.

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Offline hmgROCK

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Re: The MSM desperately tries to defend Brandon...
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2024, 10:47:00 AM »

yall a bunch of crazy mental hmong folks
i’ve been hating on hamas and israel since oct 7

yall watch too many tv
and read too many fake news

 :D ;D :D

nobody in PH even defend hamas

you are mentally ill
and delusional

 ;D ;D

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Re: The MSM desperately tries to defend Brandon...
« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2024, 12:00:47 PM »
Did I specifically say that you support HAMAS? I said the Left does support them by deflecting. You empower the Left to carry out lawlessness when you elect them to be in positions of power.

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Offline hmgROCK

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Re: The MSM desperately tries to defend Brandon...
« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2024, 01:13:36 PM »
Did I specifically say that you support HAMAS? I said the Left does support them by deflecting. You empower the Left to carry out lawlessness when you elect them to be in positions of power.

sure did
you say above
you group us with them

we don't want nothing to do with them hamas

 ;D ;D ;D

you act like TRUMP is a young buck...
im sorry but the dude is 77

 :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

they both old ass fart

but whom to vote for???

whom is the lesser evil

 :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

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Offline theking

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Re: The MSM desperately tries to defend Brandon...
« Reply #8 on: February 16, 2024, 01:49:06 PM »
nobody in PH even defend hamas


Everything Satanyahu and his IOF said about Hamas did that and Hamas did this is bunch of craps. Always Hamas, Hamas, Hamas.

And this is why the neutral PH members nominated hmgLIAR as the:

Maybe I should hire a dumbest person on the planet to argue with him. hmgROCK is definitely hired for the job.

"SEEING IS TRULY BELIEVING YO" ...per the "legit" ..."ALL CATTLE" PROOF quotes above...

 ;D ;D ;D

hmgLIAR should've taken his own advice per the "legit" .."ALL CATTLE" PROOF quote below:

maybe learn to speak nice
think before you open your mouth

« Last Edit: February 16, 2024, 01:51:42 PM by theking »

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Re: The MSM desperately tries to defend Brandon...
« Reply #9 on: February 16, 2024, 02:11:38 PM »

There is a thing called the Left - these are the powerful people who control it. Then there are weak-minded people who vote for said powerful people in the Left. You are one of such people. You are voting for things that you claim you don't support, but is actually a very important issue of theirs.  :idiot2: You are nothing but a useful idiot to the Left. See my post in "debate" forum.

The majority of you Democrat voters don't understand the abortion issue at all. They think it's about a woman's right to abort her baby. They're too cultish to be reasonable and refuse to listen. Those on the right already accept that abortion is NOT going away. It is going to stay forever because we are a fallen race. However, we do believe there should be limits. The Democrats don't want any limits whatsoever. If a mother elects to have an abortion, they want the abortionist to go ahead and kill the baby if the abortion fails. That means a baby who survives an abortion will not be treated. The abortion doctor will take measures to end it's life. In fact, in states like Colorado a full-term baby can be aborted.

As for the trans debate, people like you are only looking at feelings. "Oh, isn't it great? If a 6 year old identifies as the opposite sex, let them get the surgery so they can feel happy! It's better for the surgery to occur when they're younger because won't their bodies conform and heal easier?"

NO. It doesn't.

So who is responsible when the child changes their mind OR worse, suffers a lifetime of medical issues from botched and irreversible surgeries? Are you aware that as of now, transpeople who suffer from such incidents cannot even sue their surgeon for malpractice? These include transpeople who do not want to de-transition but just want compensation. Under the current law, they can't sue UNLESS the medical community makes a statement that the procedures were performed INCORRECTLY and UNSAFE, OR that they cannot be performed on minors. NO medical professional is willing to do that because they fear the woke leftist coming after their careers. PLUS, the majority of these procedures are still in testing mode. Yes, that means these children are simply guinea pigs.

But their feelings, right?  :idiot2:


« Last Edit: February 16, 2024, 02:53:47 PM by Believe_N_Me »

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Re: The MSM desperately tries to defend Brandon...
« Reply #10 on: February 16, 2024, 02:21:39 PM »
It seems many Dem voters are clueless as to how industries operate.  ::)

It is all about protecting oneself from a major lawsuit, folks.

For example, when hospitals take a pro-abortion stance, that means no medical care/treatment for a baby who survives an abortion. Depending on the viability of the baby's life, the doctor will either just let it die on its own OR manually end the baby's life. Nonetheless, the end goal is to END THE BABY'S LIFE or what you folks call "abortion". It is NOT what YOU naive people think. Staff do not want to be in a position of uncertainty, what should or should not be done, etc. etc. etc. based on a bazillion different potential scenarios.

I know it's hard for the looney left (hmongRock) to grasp this because they don't have standards other than what they're currently feeling at that moment.  :idiot2: This is why leftists can go from feeling like a 6-foot blue-haired, pansexual, black man one day, and then the very next minute s/he/they are a Mexican chihuahua.

Then they want to sue you because you're still calling them a blue-haired pansexual "he" when you should now be addressing them as Fifi because they're now a chihuahua.

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Re: The MSM desperately tries to defend Brandon...
« Reply #11 on: February 16, 2024, 02:33:19 PM »

I highly doubt it.

You thought it was just about being inclusive.

Here is another example, NOT that your cult will listen but I'll share anyways.

Awhile ago our school district invited a Gender Inclusive spokesperson to present their curriculum program to parents, staff, community members, etc.

"Gender Inclusive" - sounds great, right? Who doesn't want to include everybody and stop bullying transkids, right?

Well that is NOT what Gender Inclusive is. It's about revising the school curriculum, specifically language and terminologies in content areas like biology. They want biology teachers to omit the terms "male" and "female". They also want biology teachers to glaze over any unit on sex (meaning the actual reproductive system). Any areas in the school where sex (meaning male or female for those of you who are confused) is central - like sports - should be neutralized.

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Re: The MSM desperately tries to defend Brandon...
« Reply #12 on: February 16, 2024, 02:35:17 PM »
The BLM website was pretty sickening as well. Their mission has nothing to do with improving black lives and communities OR even equity. They basically want black lawlessness to go unchecked, even if those crimes are committed against other blacks, black communities, businesses, organizations, etc.  ::)

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Offline hmgROCK

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Re: The MSM desperately tries to defend Brandon...
« Reply #13 on: February 16, 2024, 10:27:37 PM »
you are just making up shyt and just pinning it on us (me)


 ;D ;D ;D

like i say
we don’t say shyt

it was YOU, yes YOU, who say it and blame us (me)

 ;D ;D ;D

what i say and you can quote me “TRANS ARE TRANS

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Re: The MSM desperately tries to defend Brandon...
« Reply #14 on: February 17, 2024, 12:22:32 AM »
you are just making up shyt and just pinning it on us (me)


 ;D ;D ;D

like i say
we don’t say shyt

it was YOU, yes YOU, who say it and blame us (me)

 ;D ;D ;D

what i say and you can quote me “TRANS ARE TRANS

Who cares what you said or didn't say. You clearly vote and support the powers at be who prioritize these issues. Not only do they prioritize them but make it punishable to be against them.

I don't have to quote you. Your voting record is the receipt.

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