
Author Topic: The type of man that will make a good husband  (Read 475 times)

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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The type of man that will make a good husband
« on: April 15, 2024, 04:17:42 PM »
A lot of relationship sites tend to list off character traits that point to what makes a man a good husband, but what they don't list is that a man needs to be a "builder" - a term that relationship coach, Jonathan Aslay, uses.

Men who are looking to build a stable life tend to want marriage, are more committed to their wife, and make a better husband. They realize that in order to have a happy, peaceful and successful life, one needs to build it. Therefore, they place a lot of value in the things that they've built and are least likely to sabotage it. For lack of a better word, one can look at it this way: builders are creating and acquiring assets. They see value in marriage because they are looking for a trusting partner to help them oversee these possessions.

So if you're dating a man who doesn't express interest in putting down roots followed up with actions, this could mean that he doesn't have it in him to be in a marriage. Even if he enters one, it doesn't mean he knows what to do or will keep it because he isn't building anything so when the relationship sours, he doesn't feel like he has anything to save.

There are men who want to spend time and behave like a husband because they like the comfort it brings BUT they don't have it in them to actually be in a commitment and they will discard you when it no longer feels good to them. These are men who are in the relationship because of how the woman makes them "feel" and the benefits he gets from her. These are not men looking for a life mate to help them build and protect assets. 

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Offline Dok_Champa

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Re: The type of man that will make a good husband
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2024, 06:15:20 PM »
For sure one that loves, respect, and value you.   Yes marriage is building  a life together but no matter how busy you are building this life (school, work, communities services, your reputation in the community, raising children, etc) do not forget each other, the needs of each others. Sometimes in life, married couple are so busy building everything else at the expense of neglecting their own needs an want.  In the end, you gain everything but loses each other.

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Re: The type of man that will make a good husband
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2024, 02:48:52 PM »

This is an interesting article about why men marry some women and not others. However, the female friend in the article is right. A man doesn't marry a woman simply because of what she does and doesn't do. A man marries a woman because he wants marriage. Sometimes a man picks a good mate, and sometimes he doesn't. ***Whenever I hear men complain about their ex(es), the first thing that comes to my mind is, "You're the one who pursued her and chose her. There were great women but you didn't choose them." Again, men are the pursuers so if they get a sour one then they only have themselves to blame.

Anyways, the link confirms everything our mother, grandmother and aunts have been telling us for years.

- older men who have been bachelors most of their lives are least likely to marry
- men whose been in at least one long-term relationship without marriage is a stringer and least likely to marry
- divorced men are more likely to (re)marry than never before-married men
- there is an age window when a man desires to get married

There are a lot more key points in the article. It doesn't mean that men don't want to have relationships. They do, but they just don't want the full commitment. However, a woman's biological clock is different so they can't allow a man to waste their best years.

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Re: The type of man that will make a good husband
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2024, 02:53:52 PM »
However, I will add that we may start to see more cohabitation arrangement among our age group as people age into their 70s. A lot of women may not want a man to have legal rights to the wealth and other assets that she accrued either on her own or with her late/divorced husband.

I know a childless grandmother who moved a boyfriend into her apartment. They are both nearing their 90s. A lot of it is for companionship only. I hear the guy is a drunkard and his adults children feel burdened by him. Therefore, they did not hesitate to help pack up his stuff and move him out of state to be with this grandmother. The two did not formally marry or anything.

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Offline JonniJacko

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Re: The type of man that will make a good husband
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2024, 07:25:34 PM »
Many marriages has last the test of time by being and living simple. Simple jobs,careers, okay house, okay cars, enough to survive, a little to save up. This is how the older generations view a marriage. It's about the simple things, the memories, time spent together. Going through the hard times together..this is the backbone that keeps them together. It is what keep them together.

Today's marriages is mostly base on assets, materilistic stuffs. Trying to impress others, competing with others. In other words, it's very business like. What can I do for you and what can you do for me type of thing. This is what is killing marriage. It's lost its true meaning.

A good partner wants nothing but to be love and to love in return. They give their love to the one they feel most deserving and connected to without anything else but feelings from within, not to the one they can get the most in return. LIke all business contracts, the odds of someone breaching the contract is very likely, and very high...and its proven time and time again, with the divorce rate we see today......

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Re: The type of man that will make a good husband
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2024, 11:18:21 AM »
Every couple has their secrets, but assuming that the problems aren't too big, the couples I know who have good marriages are builders. What that means to each couple can be different things. But in the end they always have a goal that they're trying to reach as a couple.

The ones who have a lot of dysfunction aren't building together. They don't work as a unit. They just exist to exist.

This is why I believe, as do marriage counselors, that it's so important to find a man who has goals and wants to build. Otherwise, he'll just end up stringing you along until he's no longer excited about you. Now there are men who will keep a woman around even though he's no longer excited about her because she does the work for him. These are men with niam loj, niam yau. I actually know a dude who never married his girlfriend of 10 years. He claims to not be in love with her but it looks like he doesn't plan to move out of her house either. She has given him a lot of stability over the years, and he's already bonded with her family. He keeps his options open and has initiated relationships, claiming that he would marry if the right one comes along. Obviously, it never works out because he intends to keep the girlfriend in the picture - kind of like a niam loj.

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Offline JonniJacko

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Re: The type of man that will make a good husband
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2024, 04:41:57 PM »
Si, men gotta look at it from a different angle. We want our sisters, daughters and nieces to be with a man with vision and missions.we can't expect one thing, and expect to get another.

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Re: The type of man that will make a good husband
« Reply #7 on: May 07, 2024, 01:49:55 PM »
One of my older sister-in-law says that a man will never get rid of a good woman who keeps sticking around. Good, meaning that she does the cooking, cleaning, pay the bills, etc. He might not love her or find her all that exciting anymore, but he has a use for her and if she keeps staying despite the fact that he's lost all affection and is courting other women, then that is on her. The guy I'm talking about is definitely keeping this woman around as an unmarried niam loj. lol She is his main supply while he gives affection and attention to other women, whom he most likely has no intentions of committing to either.

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Offline JonniJacko

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Re: The type of man that will make a good husband
« Reply #8 on: May 08, 2024, 06:04:12 AM »
One of my older sister-in-law says that a man will never get rid of a good woman who keeps sticking around. Good, meaning that she does the cooking, cleaning, pay the bills, etc. He might not love her or find her all that exciting anymore, but he has a use for her and if she keeps staying despite the fact that he's lost all affection and is courting other women, then that is on her. The guy I'm talking about is definitely keeping this woman around as an unmarried niam loj. lol She is his main supply while he gives affection and attention to other women, whom he most likely has no intentions of committing to either.

Suppose to tell her to kick his ass to the curb and make him pay child support. lols People gotta understand, for most couples, that butterflies have a very short life span. And that there are phases in a partnership. If we all lived up to 200 years old, most couples will probably eventually hate each other's guts by 150 years old at best..Those who really like each other..Some don't even last 6 months...lols So its a good thing we only live up to 100, even still that is too long for butterflies to live. Gotta take it slow and steady to make sure it outlasts time..Beat it before all else goes to hell .lols

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