
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1604507 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #675 on: May 15, 2009, 09:14:56 AM »
 a long time ago in the city of champasak, laos. there was this man named fang-dee kouger. he was a strange man, worked odd jobs, and lived by himself. one day kids from around the neighborhood started disappearing, bodies of kids being murdered started showing up. the bodies had been slashed up like with sharp knives or claws. people were scared and they suspected that fang-dee was behind it. months of investigation into the crimes led them to bring fang-dee to trial. however, during the trial there were mishandling of evidences and the jury found fang-dee to be innocent. but the parents of these murdered children knew that it was fang-dee who killed their kids and decided to take matters into their own hands. one night they followed fang-dee to his house on M street and set it on fire. they blockaded all his entraces so he couldn't get out. fang-dee died, burning to death.

years later, some teenage kids living in the neighborhood started disappearing too. they complained of nightmares and seeing this man with a striped hmong outfit with sharp steel claws for fingers and a very burnt face. kids wouldn't go to sleep cuz if they did they'd see him and some disappeared after seeing him. the parents thought the kids were just being childish and that the disappearances of these other kids had nothing to do with the dreams.

a group of friends decided that the need to help themselves, so they all decided to fall asleep and do battle with fang-dee in their dreams. they believed that if it is your dream, you can control it and have powers in it. so they fought with freddy, freddy killed all but one of them. the one that was left was a girl named nasee. did battle with fang-dee and was able to defeat fangdee with the help of the souls of the other ppl he killed.

since then everyone has moved from M street. i think they renamed the street to be like N street now. and ever since then, there hasn't been any kid disappearances in the area or nightmares of fang-dee kouger.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #676 on: May 16, 2009, 09:39:39 AM »
Dude, how can you waste your time typing that fake stuff down on here. You should be kick out. It was funny the first time, it's just annoying now.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #677 on: May 24, 2009, 06:02:51 PM »
any new stories??

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #678 on: May 24, 2009, 11:15:19 PM »
I went to the soccer tournament today and stumble upon a shaman item booth while was walking around being bored. They actually sell some wooden dildos and there were small baby like wooden hands (freaky). I asked the dude about his products and he answer, the wooden dildo are for guys so that girls will be drawn to like them more and the hands are to keep those small little hairy creatures away. I walked away.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #679 on: May 26, 2009, 01:14:13 PM »
Small hairy little creatures, the one that smells and get really soak when it see me.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #680 on: May 27, 2009, 11:27:41 PM »
HA HA HA, what small hairy little creatures?. Stay with the topic babe, if only your brain was as big as your boobs were.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #681 on: May 30, 2009, 02:12:32 PM »
Here's a story. An ucle and aunt of my husband's bought this really nice house in East St.Paul close by Phalen Park. They have 3 teenage daughters. One day one of the girls were washing dishes there a girl helping her she though it was one of her sisters but than when she turned around it wasn't her sisters but another hmong girl she didn't know the girl she thought maybe it was one her sisters friends. After she was done she went to the living asked her sisters who was the girl in the kitchen but they said they didn't know what she was talking about. The next day the second sister was cooking and there was a girl she was helping her yet she thought it was her sisters but when she turned around it was a hmong girl she didn't know. So she asked the girl where u are from the girl didn't answer her. She asked the girl who are u the girl didn't answer her so she got scared and called her sisters into the kitchen. All three of them stood there staring at the girl. So the girl started crying she told them that she was murdered and that she was buried under the tree in the backyard. The girls got scared. They told the aunt and uncle about it but they didn't believe the girls. So the girl continue to come and help the girls everyday. She'd tell the girls she needed help because she was stuck in the backayrd. They aunt and uncle still didn't listen or believe the girls because they didn't see the girl. One night the uncle heard someone walking around the house so he woke the aunt up and they went to investigate. They didn't see anything when they walked in the the living there was no one but tv was on they'd turn it off it'll go into the kitchen and turn on the water they'd go and turn it off. It'll into the bathroom and flush the toilet. It went on the whole night. The next morning the uncle called his cousin from the STP police department and told what his daughters were telling him. The STP police department came out and dug around the tree sure enough there was a black trash bag with human bones in it. It turned out to be a hmong her girl who has been missing for over 10 yrs. After the bag of bones were removed from the backyard the girls never saw the ghost girl again.

Here's another one my husband's cousin and his wife bought a house in Minneapolis it was a big 5 bedroom house. They only have 3 kids. The strange is that whenever they go some where and come back there would be extra shoes on the shoe rack that didn't belong to them. And another thing when people come and visit they would see white kids running around the house the guess would ask them why do they have white kids running around they'd they don't. This happened for while until one day of the the kids he was 4 years old was taking a bath and almost drowned he was crying telling his parents the someone was holding his head in the water. The cousin yelled at his wife saying it was her fault she didn't watch the kid. They got into a big fight. The next day the wife got mad so she went to county clerk's office and asked for the records of the house come to find out a white man murdered his wife and children in the house. They were scared so they moved out and sued the realtor for not disclosing this information to them when he sold them the house.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #682 on: May 30, 2009, 09:17:43 PM »
You can't sued a real estate agent for not confirming a hunted house. The judge don't believed in ghost.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #683 on: May 31, 2009, 01:02:14 AM »
wow thanks everyone for all the great stories really do enjoy reading it.... very scary too... but then again i loved it...  thank you all... that's enough for me i'm chicken out..... j/k keep it coming...

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #684 on: June 01, 2009, 08:32:36 AM »
It's not suing because of the ghost it's disclosure of information that could cause the buyer to not buy a house. We all know white people don't believe in ghost..

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #685 on: June 01, 2009, 12:24:57 PM »
It's not suing because of the ghost it's disclosure of information that could cause the buyer to not buy a house. We all know white people don't believe in ghost..

so how much did they make for "suing" the realtor?

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #686 on: June 02, 2009, 09:48:06 PM »
Never sleep with married men, they'll mess you up funny.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #687 on: June 03, 2009, 11:10:52 PM »
The point is there is no such information of the house being haunted because like you said, white people don't believe  in ghost. So the information doesn't really exist for any reason to share with customer(s) or client(s).

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #688 on: June 03, 2009, 11:41:05 PM »
I heard this story from an old friend, back when we use to kick it. Him and another buddy went out one night cruising, for some odd reason they just kept on driving through this NC country road into nowhere. One of 'em got spook by just not knowing where they're going and recommend a u-turn but the other wanted to see where the road lead to so they kept on driving into the darkness of a very wooded country side location.
It wasn't long until they decided it was enough exploring for the night so they make another trip back to town. Everything was fine, they've got back to the city already and stop at a gas station not too far from one of 'em's house. Back than not everybody had a cellphone so one of the friend went to a payphone stand and make a call to see what everybody else is doing.
Just as he hung up the phone his buddy in the car yelled out to him to hurry up and get in the car. He looked toward that direction and to his surprise he saw a little hairy creature sitting on top of the car looking back at him smiling with sharp white fangs. He got really scared and wanted to tell his friend because it seem his friend didn't see it but he can't even make a sound.
It was hot so they got that four doors Accord's windows down, and the thing was sitting on top of the car swinging it's little hairy feet back and forth in and out of the window behind the passenger's seat staring and smiling at him with that big white fang smile. His friend call out to him again to hurry but he was frozen in fear, he could move even if he wanted to at that very moment. Than finally his friend drove the car toward is direction from the gas pump and the little creature jump off the car and disappear, he jump into the car and they drove off really fast.
His friend asked him "dude, what are you doing just staring at me?", "when I said come on lets go, I mean come on lets go". He was peeing his jean and couldn't answer but at the same time he said he was also thinking to himself "why is he in such a rush to get away from that gas station, he didn't see anything. It was only me and I haven't told him anything yet, or did he?".
They drove to one of 'em's house and finally the driving told him that while he was on the payphone, the driver saw two little hairy creatures sitting on top of the booth he was using and they were staring at the driver smiling with those big nasty white fangs and that's why he was yelling out for him to hurry and get in the car.
The two buddies told their parents about the whole situation and after all the rituals was done they found out that it was because they drove out way too late, way too far from civilization and their windows were opened the whole time. Those little creature was out looking for foods and as the two were making a turn those thing jump in behind them in the car and went with them all the way to that one gas station. The good thing was those thing didn't mean any harm but just want to scare the living dropping out of them for staying up so late at night and have a little fun.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #689 on: June 04, 2009, 04:31:12 PM »
Scary NC stories ... here's one my mom told me while she was visiting.  My parents live out in the boonies in NC.

She and my sister were driving home from my uncle's house.  There's this little graveyard by a church that they drive by.  Anyways my mom says they stopped at the stop sign and right before they were ready to make a left turn, out of nowhere this wind blows really hard and knocks my mom back against her seat.  She didn't think much of it at the time.  A few months later, weird stuff started happening at home.  My sister says there's was some white lady sitting at the foot of her bed making noises ... lights would turn on, the tv.  Forgot what my mom did but she got rid of this ghost.

My mom was also telling me about why she no longer sleeps alone.  I thought she was just being silly because that's how my mom is but there was a reason why...

It was late night and she and my dad were listening to MN radio over the net.  They were broadcasting about Tswv Xyas and my mom makes this comment about how he was siab phem for taking away all the good/capable people instead of helping the hmong people.  That night they went to sleep and my mom hears this male voice talking unclear so she asks my dad what he was saying or if it was him talking and my dad goes, "Nothing, go to sleep."  The next night they're listening to MN radio again and when they go to bed she hears a dog growling at the foot of her bed.  She asks my dad again and he's like "Nothing, go to sleep."  3rd night, still listening to MN radio, my moms sleeping on the bed, my dad's in the bedroom too but sitting on the side of the bed.  My brother is in the hallway doing homework.  My dad gets up to get something from the kitchen (closeby to their bedroom) and next thing my mom says she felt a black cloth cover her.  She can't move, can't see who did it, hears the dog growling.  She screams ... blood curdling scream and wakes the whole house.  There's no black cloth, no dog.  She went to a shaman and had him do something (I don't know) but it's never happened since.  During the whole time she was visiting, my sisters slept with her in the bedroom or she slept on the couch in the living room where we were making a lot of noise.  My mom does not sleep alone anymore.

None of this weird stuff ever happened while I was living with my parents.  So I don't know what's up - time for them to move!!  One of my younger brothers has this female ghost that "visits" him at night and in his dreams.  He fights her in his dreams and if he wins he gets sick ... don't know what would happen if he lost.  But he sleeps with a knife under his pillow because of this.

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