
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1607489 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #795 on: September 05, 2009, 10:01:47 AM »
Drowning is one of the most fear thoughts for Hmong people due to the beliefs that dragon really do exist. And many stories claimed to be dragon related. But one advice from me to anybody out there "don't go swimming if you don't really know how to". Now here in NC, fishing regulation requires all anglers to wear life jacket while near any body of water. Yes, because of a lot of Hmong men drown while fishing here in NC. Actually back than when a lot of Hmong men and boys where falling into the water and drown nothing was done about it 'til some white drown too and that's when the law of life jacket was drawn. No body cares about our Hmong people so I'm warning you guys as a fellow Hmong. And yes, there's stories about this one lake here in NC but I'll tell you guys about it later. I'll share one at a time.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #796 on: September 05, 2009, 07:07:03 PM »
Yea Hmong boy just drowned at local river here in Cali. My mom is so scared that she forbids us to go fishing anywhere. Well the thing is that  the hmong boy was a farmer and didn't know how to swim. He was also snorkling and probably drowned by swallowing water accidentally though the tube. Other thing is that he'd seen "Hmong witches" a few times already at his farm.....he told his parents and they accused him of lieing cause he was lazy and didn't want to work in the evening. So they never jingle bell for him and now they took him......Yea that day, he ditched farming and told his older bro to take him for a swim

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #797 on: September 06, 2009, 06:15:09 PM »
That's what happened!, the old people always said that when someone claim they're seeing things. Don't ever let them go anywhere or do anything until the problem is solved. In my family we have codes, my mom always assure us kids to said "hey, I feel shy here" when ever we go fishing, haunting, camping, or swimming and see or notice something out of the ordinary. And if one of us use the code than the other should follow alone and said "okay, lets go to a different area" but than instead of going to another location, just head straight home to be safe. The reason of not describing what you saw than will keep everyone calm, and to said to go somewhere else will trick what ever it is to go and wait at that location and go home. I hope this make sense to some of you guys.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #798 on: September 06, 2009, 11:33:40 PM »
I've heard of that.  Like never saying lets go...meaning you're not only telling your friends/family to go but also any entity around you.  Rather just get up and leave or say you're going somewhere else.

For Cali people, have you guys heard this story.

About a year ago something happened to this distant cousin of ours in Cali.  They said him and his wife went fishing and caught a strange creature.  It was said to have arms and legs and didnt look like a fish.  I believe the story went that they let it go or something but 3 days later they both became very ill.  They died soon after.  After this story the OGs didnt want us fishing too much anymore.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #799 on: September 06, 2009, 11:39:49 PM »
This story was about a guy and his family.  One day they went boating and fishing in at this one lake.  They were having their share of fun and what not.  So happens that they caught this carp (a kind of fish).  Well instead of letting it go, they decided to tie a milk carton onto the fish.  This impaired the carps ability to swim because it couldnt pull down the carton.  Well sadly enough, the fish drowned and died (yes fish can drown).  About a month or 2 later the same guy and 2 of this sons went back to the same lake.  Something happened to the boat causing it to flip over and they all drowned.

« Last Edit: September 07, 2009, 02:56:43 PM by tokio »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #800 on: September 07, 2009, 02:23:15 PM »

About a year ago something happened to this distant cousin of ours in Cali.  They said him and his wife went fishing and caught a strange creature.  It was said to have arms and legs and didnt look like a fish.  I believe the story went that they let it go or something but 3 days later they both became very ill.  They died soon after.  After this story the OGs didnt want us fishing too much anymore.

Never heard it but that's freaky ass hell.....

Well on our last day of camping......a ll the boys went for a swim. We were having lots of fun swinging from a rope tied to the bridge. Some guys aren't good swimmers so they ask us swingers if the water was deep. My cousin was hyper cause it was very fun ( Hmong guys talk slang when it's fun ) so he said, "Yes it's deep, there's even dragons". Right after he said that, we all just stared at him like, "OMG, you did not just say..."........He knew right then that he opened his mouth at the wrong time so he just stood there with his head down and nobody said anything until 15 seconds later.

Despite his mouth, we all kept on swimming cause the water was not that deep and there's not current. There girls came and join us and one of them had a little boy. Everyone was in one spot but all of a sudden, the little boy slipped on the slippery rocks and fell in. He was panicking and everyone saw it but only my closest cousin jumped in and got him. He is safe.....but yea just to say that keep your mouth shut like the OG's tell ya

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #801 on: September 07, 2009, 02:45:51 PM »
Lol iPhone!  me too... sometimes.

Someone's been trying to take you.  I heard when we're sick, we're vulnerable.  Or that thing was making you sick at the time.  I heard of stories about them kidnapping lil kid's spirit that they like.  

My Aunt told me a story about a kid who passed away.  They held his funeral at either yuba city or marysville.  during that weekend a relative from sacramento was coming to his funeral.  on the way, this relative saw the boy sleeping on the side of the road.  the relative stopped, got out of his car.  he woke up the boy and told him (in hmong) "your parents told me you died and i'm on my way to attend your funeral."  the boy said that the two female pov ntxooj told him to hold a leaf and not to fall asleep.  the two pov ntxooj went to his funeral to get some food to eat.  well the boy fell asleep and he dropped the leaf.  this broke the invisibility spell.  at the same time, the boy's corpse at the funeral turned into a pig.   :o

How come I never heard of that one?  But when we were younger there was this out of control kid that lived down the street from where we live now.  He was always out riding his bike and stealing anything he can.  One day my dad was coming home from a funeral, he saw the kid lying on the sidewalk by the side of the road.  My dad just thought to himself why was that boy doing that in the middle of the day.  The following Sunday during Sunday school, my dad asked the boy why he was lying on the sidewalk that day.  The boy said he never done that and it couldn't have been him.  My dad didn't think much of it then a few months later the boy got hit by a car and died.  Weird!

« Last Edit: September 08, 2009, 01:26:37 AM by Mizsta_EZ »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #802 on: September 07, 2009, 03:10:04 PM »
Yes. They have vertical eyes but they are open. People say that their eyes are red, but there not. It's just a dark color. When they walk. It's not like they gangster walkin or beboppin. Its a up and down kinda walk. I never really ask why I've seen it. All I know is that it didn't do anything to me. So why bother asking. Oh. After Brooklyn park, I moved in with friend in north mpls.

North Minneapolis is very spooky.  I used to live there with some friends and we had our share of ghostly experiences in the little house.  Some of them would get sit on.  Some of us would see shadows, usually huge Indian looking.  The dog is kept in the basement and sometimes he would bark and cry loudly as if he was getting beat up.  I heard someone brushing their teeth in the bathroom one night we just got off work.  I got home before the other guys did.  The bathroom door was open and the light was off.  But I could hear someone brushing their teeth.  One of my friend was playing video games in the living room.  He heard it too.  We both knew nobody else was in the house.  I went to stand by the bathroom door and listened.  Sure enough it was coming from in there.  Then I quickly took a peek and there was nobody but the brushing sound stopped.  Another incident there, my friend was sleeping on the couch.  He woke up and heard someone flipping thru pages of a book like they were reading right above his head.  He looked at the clock at the wall and it was almost 5 a.m. but he couldn't move.  He kept hearing the pages flipped though.  He tried really hard to move and when he finally did, the flipping of the pages stopped and there was no one there.  This same friend always gets sit on when he sleeps in the basement.  He said, the harder he tried to fight it, the more often it comes.  He works 2nd shift so he comes home pretty late.  One night he decided not fight it anymore.  He was tired from work and said, do what you got to do and get it over with.  After that, he doesn't get sit on anymore.  My friends were already living in the house before I went there.  They told me that when they first moved in, in the basement were these little teepees that hung all over the basement.  They tossed all of them out but there's one particular one that they didn't touch.  That one would move around by itself with nobody touching it.  One day it'll be in the corner.  The next day it would be in the center.  There were more incidents that happened in that house but we were young and stubborn.  It never really bothered us.  I guess we were more of a nuisance to them than they were to us.   ;D

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #803 on: September 07, 2009, 08:14:01 PM »
How come I never heard of that one?  But when we were younger there was this out of control kid that lived down the street from where we live now.  He was always out riding his bike and stealing anything he can.  One day my dad was coming home from a funeral, he saw the kid lying on the sidewalk by the side of the road.  My dad just thought to himself why was that boy doing that in the middle of the day.  The following Sunday during Sunday school, my dad asked the boy why he was lying on the sidewalk that day.  The boy said he never done that and it couldn't have been him.  My didn't think much of it then a few months later the boy got hit by a car and died.  Weird!

Freaky azz hell........I hope you don't live near Frog Town cause im gonna go live with my sister up there

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #804 on: September 08, 2009, 01:25:47 AM »
No... I live in California...

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #805 on: September 08, 2009, 02:58:07 PM »
I mean the city where the haunting took place?

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #806 on: September 08, 2009, 04:27:56 PM »
It took place here in California.  In my opinion, there's hauntings everywhere.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #807 on: September 08, 2009, 05:01:27 PM »
North Minneapolis is very spooky.  I used to live there with some friends and we had our share of ghostly experiences in the little house.  Some of them would get sit on.  Some of us would see shadows, usually huge Indian looking.  The dog is kept in the basement and sometimes he would bark and cry loudly as if he was getting beat up.  I heard someone brushing their teeth in the bathroom one night we just got off work.  I got home before the other guys did.  The bathroom door was open and the light was off.  But I could hear someone brushing their teeth.  One of my friend was playing video games in the living room.  He heard it too.  We both knew nobody else was in the house.  I went to stand by the bathroom door and listened.  Sure enough it was coming from in there.  Then I quickly took a peek and there was nobody but the brushing sound stopped.  Another incident there, my friend was sleeping on the couch.  He woke up and heard someone flipping thru pages of a book like they were reading right above his head.  He looked at the clock at the wall and it was almost 5 a.m. but he couldn't move.  He kept hearing the pages flipped though.  He tried really hard to move and when he finally did, the flipping of the pages stopped and there was no one there.  This same friend always gets sit on when he sleeps in the basement.  He said, the harder he tried to fight it, the more often it comes.  He works 2nd shift so he comes home pretty late.  One night he decided not fight it anymore.  He was tired from work and said, do what you got to do and get it over with.  After that, he doesn't get sit on anymore.  My friends were already living in the house before I went there.  They told me that when they first moved in, in the basement were these little teepees that hung all over the basement.  They tossed all of them out but there's one particular one that they didn't touch.  That one would move around by itself with nobody touching it.  One day it'll be in the corner.  The next day it would be in the center.  There were more incidents that happened in that house but we were young and stubborn.  It never really bothered us.  I guess we were more of a nuisance to them than they were to us.   ;D

hey! That was us. Remember when you ran into the livinroom with a spoon in your month. Lol! And I looked at you. Remember when I got up and start yelling at Tony when i was getting squash. Yeh you know?

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #808 on: September 08, 2009, 08:08:02 PM »
 :2funny:  You know there's more of us lurking on this site than you think...   :2funny:  Try to figure out everyone...  Remember when I saw the Indian shadow in the bathroom.  That shit was no joke.  I ran to the living room with the spoon in my mouth because I was by the sink and I looked out the window.  There was a reflection of someone walking right behind me but it was the figure of a lady.  The hair on my head and neck stood up so I jumped all the way to the living room and was standing on the couch.   ;D

« Last Edit: September 08, 2009, 08:18:01 PM by Mizsta_EZ »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #809 on: September 08, 2009, 08:25:07 PM »
WhiteBoy, does your little ghost buddy still come in your dreams and help you?  :D  We have a lot of stories because when we were younger, we were rowdy and always out.  Some of the experiences were unexplainable but I guess like the old folks say, peb siab loj so they could never get to us.  I know I have a guardian angel.  It's hard to explain, you just know it.  There's evil spirits too, that's always willing to test you and your faith.  I'm a Christian.  One time I was sleeping in my room, suddenly I heard a voice that said, "Koj puas ntseeg hais tias qhov no yog power?"  It didn't feel like a dream either.  I was thinking to myself, who the hell would say that.  I answered, "What do you mean?"  Suddenly, I felt someone's knee pressing on my bed and then a hand covering my mouth.  The fingers were long and the fingernail was long.  I knew this was probably an evil spirit.  I bit the hand really hard and woke up instantly.  I didn't see anything but the dogs outside were barking.  I felt a little chill then just went back to sleep like nothing happened.  :D

« Last Edit: September 08, 2009, 08:37:59 PM by Mizsta_EZ »

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