
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1606865 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #870 on: September 27, 2009, 02:48:29 AM »
Here's what happen when the kid followed me there. When I got there in mm, I was up stair going through my bags. My cousins left with their mom to the store. My uncle went down stairs to check on the laundry. As I was going through my stuff. A dark figure kid walked in through the front door. I thought it was my cousin so I looked. It looked at me, turn the corner to the back door. Uncle came up the stairs and it just faded away. That night I had a dream. Me and my friends was driving somewhere. I was in the back of the driver side. All of a sudden a kid jump up on my window. It scared me, so I jump to the back passenger side where my friend is sitting. I told them that there a ghost by the window. My friend just laugh. I looked and it was sitting there already, I just decided to punch it. That first hit I took. It grab my arms and like I said before, super cold. All I felt was the coldness and then I black out that instance. I remember, seeing total darkness only and wandering around. I saw a light and I just followed it. When I got to the light. I walk in. In there I saw people wandering like they lost. All I did was stood there. Then a bright dude came to me with a book in his hand and ask me what's my name, how I got there. I told hiM my name and don't know how I got there. He said it not my time yet and I still got a very long time to got and that he'll take me back. So I woke up. I couldn't move cause my whole body was cold and tingly. I got up when that tingly thong went away. Went up stairs and my uncle just said 'damn, you sleep for a long time' I ask him what time was it. He just said that I sleep for one whole day and night. And that it 12 noon already. So basicly I woke up the day after tomorrow. All I can say is. Wandering in total darkness is like this. You have no feelings. You don't think about what's going on. You only see what's in front of you, which you don't and just keep on walking. You don't feel tire. All I can say is that it's very peaceful. 

are you saying you had a near death experience?

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #871 on: September 28, 2009, 08:49:55 AM »
are you saying you had a near death experience?

somewhat, yes. But I don't know. It wasn't like dream. It was like i'm lost in total darkness. Seeing total darkness. And not thinking about anything. That place that I went in. All I see was people being lost. People wAlking back and forth. Like they don't know where they're going.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #872 on: September 29, 2009, 03:19:35 AM »
somewhat, yes. But I don't know. It wasn't like dream. It was like i'm lost in total darkness. Seeing total darkness. And not thinking about anything. That place that I went in. All I see was people being lost. People wAlking back and forth. Like they don't know where they're going.

You prolly had a near death experience. Wow!

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #873 on: September 29, 2009, 12:26:55 PM »
somewhat, yes. But I don't know. It wasn't like dream. It was like i'm lost in total darkness. Seeing total darkness. And not thinking about anything. That place that I went in. All I see was people being lost. People wAlking back and forth. Like they don't know where they're going.

Or it could've been a vision. Prolly a vision it is since you didn't experience actually dying.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #874 on: September 29, 2009, 01:34:49 PM »

« Last Edit: January 14, 2017, 07:29:08 PM by Shadow »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #875 on: September 29, 2009, 01:56:53 PM »

« Last Edit: January 14, 2017, 07:29:00 PM by Shadow »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #876 on: September 29, 2009, 02:19:12 PM »
Or it could've been a vision. Prolly a vision it is since you didn't experience actually dying.

like I said, it could be. Remeber, When I woke up. I couldNt move till my blood was flowing. Let's just say i was sleeping tonight and didn't wake up until Thursday afternoon. 

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #877 on: October 01, 2009, 07:02:38 PM »
Im, new here but i got a story. It personally happened to me. A group of us decided to go camping for the weekend before school. It was around August, so it was still pretty warm. We went down south towards a small Oklahoma town. We got there set up camp and everything by noon and were just fishing and hanging out, and by nightfall, everyone was around the campfire talking, and just chilling. It was around 10 or 11, when suddenly out of nowhere,(Let me say this first. The place where we were camping is very secluded, i think the closest person to us were about a mile or more away so we didnt see them at all. Our tents were set up so that the forest was behind us, and to the right of us. And the lake was to the left of us. So we were facing the road that we drove in through.) But as i was saying, We were camping, then out of nowhere, in the forest, we hear foot steps, rustling the fallen leaves and branches breaking. We all grew quiet. It continued for a few more seconds and then stopped. We all looked at eachother. Us older guys yelled at watever it was, "Hey, are u another camper? If you are tell us." No answer, "If u dont respond, we are not responsible for ur safety"(a friend of ours brought his samurai swords for some reason) After another silence we through rocks at it, and my buddy tossed 2 of his swords in the direction. But still nothing, by now us older guys knew something was wrong, but we didnt want to scare the younger ones, so we just said it was probably a raccoon. Early the next morning, my cousin went to pee, and he said that he saw a lady in white floating along the water, next to the forest. We packed up our stuff the next morning and left. A few days later some of us guys were discussing it, because the forest was huge. We had checked it that afternoon, and here were no trails without leaves. And to the left of the forest was also the lake. So watever that thing was, it was able to get into the middle of the forest, and out of the forest with no more than a few steps. We later did a little research on this campsite, and found out that, it use to be an indian reservation.

scary! at least you guys went with a bunch of people! I would of left long time ago!

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #878 on: October 02, 2009, 08:12:46 AM »

« Last Edit: January 14, 2017, 07:28:53 PM by Shadow »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #879 on: October 03, 2009, 11:46:15 AM »
It's suck for the clerk to go back and work there every night.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #880 on: October 04, 2009, 12:03:41 PM »
It reminds me of the time when I was living off campus.  It was fall when we were losing daylight.  As I was walking home from work, I saw another student walking about twenty paces in front of me.  I didn't want to walk by myself because I didn't feel too safe in the dark shadowy weather, so as I paced up faster, she walked faster.  It was just so funny that she didn't slow down and I was walking faster.  Fear probably got the best of us both.  We both reached our building quick.   The dark can play tricks on our insecured minds. 

lol, either that, or something was following u, and she saw it

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #881 on: October 05, 2009, 12:53:22 AM »
Nothing was following  I was just afraid of walking in the dark and she was probably afraid of me walking behind her in the dark as well. 

More stories please, any story. This thread has been dead for a while, im bored

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #882 on: October 05, 2009, 08:03:15 AM »

« Last Edit: January 14, 2017, 11:15:31 PM by Shadow »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #883 on: October 05, 2009, 09:10:35 AM »
I just sat on this morning. And it's Been so long that I got sat on. I had a dream in this wierd place, I got very tired and decided to go shower. I closed my eyes and something grab me. I open my eyes and I saw a dark shadow holding me while I ran to the door screaming for help but couldn't, I felt the presence of a little girl. Got scare. Woke up and couldn't move. 

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Sapphire Moon

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #884 on: October 05, 2009, 01:24:50 PM »
These are all very interesting stories, but I don't really get scared easily.  ;D

This took place about a year a half ago. I had just moved into my home and many of my things were still in boxes.  It's just me and my son. We were in the bedroom unpacking our things.  My son was a year old at the time and he was sleeping on the bed.  As I was unpacking our stuff, I heard a box being dropped in the living room.  Being cautious I went out to see who or what it was.  One of the heavy boxes that was placed on the kitchen table had been pushed off and was lying partially open on the floor.  I checked the house and all the doors and window were locked.  No windows were open.  It couldn't have been someone who snuck in and left.  I have hardwood floors and usually you would hear footsteps if someone was walking around.  A couple of days later, while I was in the living room and my son watching TV.  Another box that was sitting on the top shelf in our bedroom closet was pushed off.  I went to check it out and like before, no one.  So I said with a sigh...."ok, this is my house now. Leave us alone".   It never happened again. :)

Another time, my cousin was visiting.  He spent the night on the living room sofa instead of the guest room because he wanted to watch TV. The next day, while we were having breakfast, he swore that last night, someone was whispering or blowing in his hear.  He got scared and without opening his eyes, he pulled the cover over his head quickly.  Whatever it was, he felt like it was standing or kneeling right next to him, breathing right on to him through the blanket.   ???

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