
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1606615 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1215 on: December 30, 2009, 03:10:29 PM »
More from the same friend ... only this time, they went to a remote farm house.

There were 5 of the youngsters, sent out to farm on one of the family's remote farms.  The way they built their farm house is, it's on stilts.  The entire sleeping quarters are on 10- or 12-foot stilts.  The fire pit is on the ground below the sleeping quarters, with a removable ladder that goes up to the sleeping quarters.

That night, the 5 youngsters went upstairs and pulled the ladder up with them.  The fire was still burning, not so big, but still burning nonetheless.  Just a few minutes later, they noticed it was getting darker downstairs.  They slowly looked down and can tell that something was pulling logs out of the fire, one by one.  They couldn't make it out, but they knew what it was.  It was a tsov liab, which translates literally to "red tiger" (or "tiger red", depends on how technical you want to be). 

The kids were all scared, so they just kept very still and stayed alert for the night.  Because the thing took out all the logs, it got very dark, so they couldn't see what had happened.

The next night, they expected the same thing to happen.  They hung a grill (like a BBQ grill) just above the fire and connected it to a container that had lots of dried chile peppers in it.  If anything touched the grill, it would tip the container over so it spilled the peppers into the fire.

After setting up the grill and peppers, they went up into the sleeping quarters and pulled up the ladder again.  Almost immediately, the tsov liab came back and attempted to pull out the logs.  But as soon as it stuck its head close to the fire, it knocked down the grill and the entire lot of chile peppers poured into the fire.  There was so much chile pepper smell in the air that all the kids started to choke.

The tsov liab choked too and started coughing and just ran off.  It did never come back after that.


I asked the friend what does a tsov liab do.  He said it will pull out the logs from your campfire one by one until it's completely dark.  Then once it's dark, he will come for you.  There's normally more than one and there are usually spirits poj ntxoog with them too.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1216 on: December 30, 2009, 03:23:16 PM »
Okay, here is the one I just thought of when Sweet_luvin said "scary cat".  Also, this one is for Hil because this one is indoors ... well, kinda sorta.

Quite a while back, I was talking to this person whom I met online.  We hit it off pretty good, so I decided to go and see her.  Anyway, she told me where to go and rent a motel room, and I did.

After work, she would come over, and we would go have dinner, and she would stay with me.  In the early hours in the morning, she would go home.  The next day, she would come back before she went to work and return on the way home.  Anyway, she did that for one night.

I'm a scardy cat when it comes to strange new places.  I can never get a good night's sleep until I feel comfortable with a new place.  This is why I hate traveling for work.  I always keep the TV and lights on while I try to sleep.  But since I am a pretty light sleeper, I can never fall asleep with the TV on.  So what usually happens is, I am up the entire night until 3 or 4AM.  When my body or my mind gives out, then I just crash.  But because it's a new place to me, I wake up early too, so I am often up by 5AM.  So that leaves me about 1 or 2 hours of sleep, if I am lucky.

Anyway, back to the story.  On the second night, she came over after work, we went and had dinner, then we came back to the hotel room.  She stayed a while and because I was a scardy cat, she stayed with me until 2AM or so.  But she was getting tired, so she went home.

That night (or early morning), I fell asleep shortly after she left, for some reason.  I had a vivid dream that I still remember to this day.  I had a dream that I was right there in that room, lying down in that bed, with the lights on and everything.  The only thing different was that she was still in bed with me, with her turned away from me.  I was holding her from behind (in the spoon position).  In my dream, I wanted to say something to her, so I slowly turned her towards me.

As she turned towards me though, she was this horrifying rotten person, with partial skeleton showing.  I freaked and woke up.  I couldn't fall asleep again.  I just stayed up the rest of the night.  That dream got me thinking, was this person who was seeing me, a real person or was she a ghost?  I'm sure the first night was really her, but I wasn't so sure about the second night.

I left in the middle of the third day.  Of course, that was our plan anyway.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1217 on: December 30, 2009, 03:43:26 PM »
just keep telling!

Okay ... I'll wait for the cuddling up part later.   ;)

Speaking of light sleepers ... that reminds me of 2 more stories.  Dayem!  How many do I have???  Has anybody been keeping count?   ;D ;D

It was my Senior year in high school.  I was staying with my uncle to finish up high school because my parents had moved out of town.  I wanted to graduate from the high school that I was at.

We were staying on the lower level of an apartment complex.  Just outside our bedroom window was this walkway that came from the parking lot in front to some buildings of the complex behind our building. 

One night, I was sleeping with the sliding window cracked about 1 inch open.  The cousin, with whom I shared the room, was away at college.  Way late into the night while I was asleep, I can hear a cat in heat.  It wasn't close to the window, but I can hear it clearly.  I woke up, but nothing else happened.  The cat in heat was meowing loudly for 10 or 15 minutes, keeping me up.  But after it stopped, I was able to fall asleep again.

The next night, same thing.  I can hear the cat in heat again.  But this time, after the cat stopped, the loud meows slowly turned to a sobbing lady.  I can hear footsteps coming from the parking lot direction, then close to the window, then towards the rear apartments.  I didn't think much about it other than the fact that the cat's loud meows transformed into the lady's crying.

The following day, I asked my uncle.  He said he heard it too.  I went to school.

Later that evening, he told me what it was.  Apparently, he asked around and the other tenants told him the story.  They said some years ago, there was a lady who was beaten up badly but not to the point where she died immediately yet.  Anyway, she was able to walk back to her apartment from the parking lot.  So every year, the same time and day that she died, her spirit (or xyw) would come back and take reenact that same walk before she died.  What I heard was the reenactment of her spirit.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1218 on: December 30, 2009, 03:47:35 PM »
The other story involving my light sleeping took place at the apartment where I lost my DVD's.

It was a hot summer night, and I didn't have central heating and air (you northern people may not know what this is), so I had my bedroom window opened all the way.  The blinds were closed, of course.  I can't sleep without closed blinds.  Some cool air was coming in, but the blinds blocked most of it.

Anyway, one night while I was sleeping, I heard the eeriest cat in heat.  The cat's meowing sounded like the cat in heat at first.  Then later, it sounded half-way between a cat in heat and an infant's crying.  I got the goosebumps.  I wanted to get up and close the window, but I was so chicken to get behind the blinds to do it that I just layed there still.  That sound lasted for close to an hour.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1219 on: December 30, 2009, 04:12:51 PM »
omg!! scarryyyyyyyyy yyyyyy

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1220 on: December 30, 2009, 04:15:09 PM »
Hunneydew- poor uncle.. its like he's being torture

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1221 on: December 30, 2009, 04:49:58 PM »
waaa! I keep wanting to reply to each story before I even get through the other ones!
Hehehe ... I have been told I have that kind of affect on women.   ;) ;D

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1222 on: December 30, 2009, 04:57:04 PM »
Man, that place gave me a lot of stories.

One night, I was working on my car outside in the parking lot.  It was my second car, so it wasn't like I had to finish it.  But I was too lazy to pick up everything and then come back in the morning with all the stuff.  So, I just kept working into the whea hours of the morning.  At first it was okay, because the other tenants were still up.  A couple hours later though, everybody went to bed and everything became quiet.  I can hear crickets and feel the cool breeze.

About 1AM after midnight though, I smelled a slightly rotten stench from the breeze.  The crickets' chirping stopped and the hairs on my back and arms stood up.  I tried to ignore it because I was not at a good stopping point on my car.  Besides, I couldn't just go to sleep -- I had to pick up my stuff and take a shower, before I can sleep.  How would I even fall asleep.  Hehehe.  So I decided to keep working.

I tried to ignore my hairs standing up and continued working.  The only problem was, the crickets never came back and my hairs standing up just got more and more intense.  It got to the point where I just couldn't work on my car anymore.  Any time I looked down at my engine bay, I just felt like something was lurking behind me.

Finally, I called up my gf and asked her to come over.  She was already asleep, but she was the understanding type, so she got up and came over.  It took her a very, very long hour to get to my place.  She then helped me pick up my stuff and we went inside.  She stayed with me the whole night.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1223 on: December 30, 2009, 05:24:35 PM »
There is a lake about an hour's drive away from where I live that has some pretty large trout.  Some of the people I know, know about it.  A couple of them are my nephew and his brother-in-law.  They told me about it, then wanted me to go with them fishing. Hehehe ... smart of them.  Yeaaaaaaaaaaaa ah.

To get there, you need a 4x4 vehicle.  From a sharp turn on the road that leads up to it, there is a steep and extremely bumpy dirt road that climbs up a hill about 300 feet long.  Once you get up though, the dirt road isn't too bad, even a regular car can drive it.  The only problem is, the drive up the hill can't be done without a 4x4.

Anyway, to get to the lake, you need to drive up that climb, then about 2 miles on the dirt road which then dead-ends at a cliff that leads down to the lake.  Anyway, on that 2 mile stretch of dirt road, there is a section that passes by the shore about 50 feet to the left.  You can't see the shore if you don't know it's there though, because there are some pretty thick woods up there.

If you are familiar with that stretch of road, you know though, that when you pass that area, you should not look left towards the shore.  If you do, you will see an older man staring back at you.  He is of a white figure, with shadows of a bluish skin.  Most people who want to go fish up on that lake just look to the right side of the road when they get to that part.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1224 on: December 30, 2009, 05:34:35 PM »
Speaking of climbing hills ... I had a Mexican co-worker tell me this one.

Back when he was in high school, or dropped out of high school for that matter, he and his friends used to hang out at a park late at night.  The park has a pretty big hill in the middle of it, with a pathway sidewalk that led to the bathroom on top of the hill.

One night, the guys were hanging out at the park, drinking booze -- nothing to get them overly drunk, but just drinking beers socially.  When the guys needed to urinate, they decided to go up to the bathroom.  The three of them raced up to the bathroom.  I guess back then, they didn't lock the bathrooms at night like they do nowadays.

The guys went inside to urinate in the almost completely dark bathroom.  They can see very little from the lights outside.  After the guys did their business, they decided to hang out in the bathroom for a little bit.  One of them decided to dare the others to play "Bloody Mary".  I didn't know what it was, so he told me.  He said it's where you say "Bloody Mary" three times and knock three times subsequently on the mirror.  And if you did it right, Bloody Mary would come out.

So the one friend dared the other two to play "Bloody Mary".  At first, the guys didn't want to do it.  Finally, my co-worker said he'll do it if nobody will. 

He said "Bloody Mary" and knocked on the mirror three times.

He said it again and knocked three more times.

He said it the third time and knocked three final times.

Before he can finish saying, "See?  It doesn't work," the mirror started glowing from behind.  You can see the outline of the mirror.  Before he can turn around to the other guys, they took off on him.  He scrambled out of the bathroom and they all ran down the hill to the car and took off.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1225 on: December 30, 2009, 05:48:25 PM »
There are lots of hunting stories. 

The first one is told from one of my cousins. 

One of my cousins and another cousin went hunting.  I'm not sure what they were hunting for.  That night, they spent the night in the truck.  Usually, we don't camp outside in a tent if there are only a few of us.  My cousin slept in the extracab part of the pickup truck, while the other cousin slept in the bed (it had a camper shell on it).  They had the truck's rear cab window (the window that separates the cab and the camper shell area) open, so the two can two to each other.

Halfway through the night, my cousin who was in the front got cold, so he woke up.  Low and behold, the cab was filled with flies flying all over the place.  Both front windows were rolled down, which was strange.  We never sleep with the windows down, for security purposes.  He swatted all the flies out of the cab and rolled up the windows.  They went back to sleep.

About half a sleep later, he woke up again.  The windows were down again and there were flies again too.  They swatted the flies out again, and again, rolled up the windows.  This time, they didn't fall asleep, but started to wonder what was happening.  Right then, something started rocking the truck.  It was as if an elephant came up and was rocking the truck with its side.  They couldn't see anything outside.  They just tried to ignore it, because they were scared stiff, they didn't know what to do.  They waited the whole night while the truck was being rocked.  Towards the morning, the rocking stopped.

When it was daybreak, they came out expecting the truck to be damaged or something, but found the truck was just the way it was before.  Well, they did find some things interesting -- there were small handprints (about the size of a toddler kid's) all over the truck and camper shell. 

Later, they found out that their incident wasn't the only incident.  The area where they slept was known to be haunted by a phiv nyuam vaim, and other Hmong people experienced the same thing.

This next one is from a different cousin, and is quite short.

On the way to their hunting spot, the dirt road they drive on would be quite dusty.  When they arrived at their spot and went to the rear to open up the truck's tailgate, they saw small handprints all over the bumper and truck tailgate.

This next one is similar, but different.

Same thing as above, except they saw some saliva dripping from the bumper as if something was trying to gnaw away at the bumper.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1226 on: December 30, 2009, 06:03:14 PM »
Another hunting story, from my gf's brother-in-law.

The two brothers-in-law got ready to sleep in the camper shell of their truck.  They put the lantern on top of the camper shell to light up the area while they sleep.  This is something I do too when I camp.  As soon as they layed down to sleep, the younger bil started snoring.  The older bil layed there thinking how he's going to fall asleep with this snoring.

A few minutes went by and he still can't sleep because of the snoring.  Then he noticed the lantern went out.  Then about ten seconds later, it came back on.  Another few minutes go by, then the lantern went out again.  A few seconds later, it comes back on.

He then noticed a beam of light coming from the canyon below them.  The beam went up beyond their truck.  The next thing he knew, the lantern went out completely this time.  The beam of light disappeared, then he saw an orb of light come from the canyon, and came up above their truck.  The younger bil started convulsing and breathing eratically.  He rocked the buy and he woke up.  The light then disappeared.  He told the younger bil what he saw, and they both got out and relit the lantern. 

They went back into the truck's camper shell and went back to sleep.  The younger bil started snoring again.  The lantern went out again, and the orb of light came back.  The younger bil started convulsing, throwing his arms around.  The guy rocked the younger bil and woke him up.  Again, the orb disappeared.  The two then decided to get the hell out of there.

They drove to a different part of the forest, but this time parked underneath a tree.  They asked the tree to be their host, that they were going to be its guests, and for it to shelter them for the night.

They lit the lantern again, and the younger bil started snowing as he slept again.  The older bil saw the fog rolling in around the forest and around the truck.  Then he saw the tree swaying.  Wherever the tree swayed, the fog cleared.  It was as if the tree was clearing the fog away.  He never did get any sleep that night, but nothing else happened either.

When morning came, they just went home.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1227 on: December 30, 2009, 06:04:09 PM »
Man!  I'm getting goosebumps typing up these stories.  Eek!  Where are you HunnayDew?  I could use some company now.    >:D

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1228 on: December 30, 2009, 09:52:07 PM »
Here's a story from my team lead. This happens in marysville in the early 90s. If your a vue. Then you should know or heard of it

He's cousin was walking back from school on the train track one day, a skunk jump right in front of him and sprayed him. So he stayed home for a weeks till the stinch went away till he could good back to school. When he went back to school cause the smell went away. He walk home again on the same train track. As he was walking, and this time a Jack rabbit just jump right into his arm and he held it. He didn't think much about it and took it home. I forgot, but I guess he was taking care of it for 2-3days. So his dad questioned him where he got that rabbit from, and he just told his dad that it just jump right into his arm. So his dad told that no animal would jump into someones arms like that and for him to kill it.    He didn't kill the rabbit, but let it go. So that night he had a bad dream and woke up to hear some pig squealing outside. He think much about it till his brother starts hearing it.

They did the jingle bell. And the shaman just told em that it was a poj ntxooj and that they have to kill it   

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1229 on: December 31, 2009, 12:10:49 AM »


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