
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1609089 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1275 on: January 05, 2010, 09:54:03 PM »
the last time we went to J4, when we returned, I told my husband to stop at a rest area so he could sleep. After he rest, we can continue cause he was falling asleep. It was night too when we made our way back home. He would not stop. He kept on passing all the rest area. I told him I was worried about him falling asleep behind the wheel and i kept insisting that we should stop. We kinda got into an argument. He wouldn't tell me why he didn't want to stop. Once we got home, he told me about haunted rest area. He didn't want to say it while we were still on the road.

Some of the rest areas from St. Paul, MN to SE WI were haunted. It's ok to rest in daylight but not at night. Once you open the door, it was like inviting the lost soul there in. If you drive a van and you have kids in the back, after stopping at the rest area, the children will keep saying there's not enough room for them. That's cause the lost soul is sitting next to the children and it's getting squishy. Some will see a dead corpse in the back if they look in the rear view mirror. It will sometime get attach to that person, making them sick, hallucination, etc.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1276 on: January 06, 2010, 10:46:58 AM »
genuinely, what if were were pretending to be scared only to make these story scaries...

LOL.would you really do that?

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1277 on: January 06, 2010, 11:02:32 AM »
i'll contribute a's not like one of my usual ones...

a long time ago, there was this girl named joua moua. she was the only daughter in her family. she was a strange girl to begin with, always a loner and never talked much to anyone. she didn't have any close friends, but she was always friendly. also, she always wore a green hmong scarf around her neck.

this boy named peng xiong lived in the same village as joua. he grew up with her and always had a secret crush on her. he found her solitude sexy and mysterious. he also thought her green scarf was stylish tho everyone else thought it was odd. now in their teens, pang decided he'd make a move on her and see if she had the same interest he had for her. he started visiting her late at night and talking to her through the crack of her wooden house. he even composed a song from a blade of leaf for her. one day pang decided to ask her why she always wore a green scarf around her neck, even when it was hot outside. she said when the time came, she'd tell him. he thought it was a bit strange too, but he thought to himself, whatever, i love her and i'll just remove it on our honeymoon.  ;)

 time passed on and they fell in love. they eventually got married. during their honeymoon, pang tried to remove her screen scare but she wouldn't let him. he thought it was wierd but again, he didn't need her neck for the love making so he stoppe with the scarf. after many tries, it was clear that joua couldn't have any kids. but being a good husband peng decided not to get a second wife and just wanted to spend the rest of his days with her. many more years passed and they became old. joua was sick and in her deathbed, she called for her husband peng to come to her side. she held his hand and said, you've always wondered why i wear this green scarf..i will tell you know. she slowly unravelled the green scarf from her neck and as soon as the scarf came off her head fell to the ground.

this is a true story. if you are a xiong or a moua and lived in laos, in the small village jamoukai between the borders of laos and france, you would know of this story.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1278 on: January 06, 2010, 01:26:04 PM »
whew. ok, i've finally caught up.

here is my extensive review of these new authors...

lady k, he's an interesting fellow. some of his stories are up to par with the goosebumb series by R. L. Stein. the rest are just like midocre fright stories that you can find on the internet meant to be told at camp. a part of me feels that his stories are just a way for him to reminesce about the ex wife cuz dang he mentiones her a lot. lol. perhaps it's theraputic for him to tell stories and include her in there. altho not all his stories mention her, but it seems his "best" ones include her. i give him props for his diagrams, shows effort and adds an aspect of "realism."
Quite a different perspective on your part.  And believe all you want, but the stories that I've told (not authored) are true stories that either
1) happened to me,
2) happened to a person close to me, or
3) was told to me by a person who experienced it.

Although you seem fascinated by the fact that a lot of my stories mentioned my ex-, it has no revelations as to how you believe I am reminiscing about her.  If I were in fact reminiscing, would I choose PH to do it?  You need to rethink your therapeutic philosophy.

And, my diagrams serve as visual aides, as it is difficult and even redundant to try and tell a story without these diagrams.  If you paid attention, you'll see that I only use the diagrams when it serves to move the story along.

Overall, whether you think my stories are true or not is not the overall mission of my contributions to this thread.  The scariness of the stories I tell are also not dependent on my telling, but rather, the actual events.  Take it with a grain of salt.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1279 on: January 06, 2010, 03:10:06 PM »
a long time ago, in a remote and small hmong village named poonai there was this girl named nkauj. she was pretty, fair skinned, long dainty femme fingernails, she was a good girl...the kind you wouldn't mind for a wife.

her bf was this man by the name of zeb. he was ugly, but manly and knew how to sweet talk to the ladies. he was poor but a hardworker. his village was 2 days walk from nkauj's village. so after visiting her, he tells her that he has to go back home now and he plans to work hard making hmong knives (cuz he was good at making knives) to sell and doing other odd jobs so that he can save up to come back and marry her. he said he loved her very much and asked her to wait for him for 6 months until he returned. it would be a long wait, but after 6 months they'd be together for always.

zeb returns home, made his knives sold them. as the months rolled by he made enough money to pay for his wife's dowry. as he was preparing to leave on the last day of the sixth month when the wheats and the rice were ready to be harvested, his mother became ill. his father asked him to stay and take care of his mother cuz he was the only child and his father needed his help at home. he told his father that nkauj would be waiting for him, but his father guilt tripped him to stay.

so he stayed and the days became weeks and weeks became months and his mother got better. he then decided to make the journey to pick up his wife nkauj. he got to her village and things seemed out of place. it seemed abandonned, houses were poorly maintained, pigs and chickens were out of their pens roaming freely. he went to nkauj's house and she greeted him. she was pale and looked sickly but she smiled and hugged him and said she missed him. she didn't think he would come back. he apologized and explained his situation.

they had makeup sex. she tried to make him some food but it was just rotten worms and dirt. he thought it was wierd and said he'd go fishing and bring them some fresh food later. he went fishing and he fell down this ridge sliding onto some hmong ppl walking by. he scared the bajeezus out of them and they said to him are u a ghost or a man. he said of course a man. and they say really? i had to ask cuz this area is haunted. he said really? by whom? she said by the ghost of this girl named nkauj. he said really? my gf is named nkauj and she lives over there. they said OMG, ur gf died months ago and the village got abandonned cuz she was haunting it.

of course he didn't believe her. so he went back home with the fish he caught to his gf. she started to cook it and apparently she forgot some hot pepper from across the room. and when she didn't think was looking, while he was washing his face, she stretched her long arm to grab the peppers. zeb saw this in the water he was washing in and got really crepped out.

later that night when he slept next to her, he felt she was very cold. he realized she was probably dead and the ghost the hmong ppl told him about. so he told her he was gonna go pee. she says hurry up, don't leave me or i will come find you. he tells her i won't leave u, i love you. as a sign of trust, i'll tie this string to ur hand and i'll tie it to my hand too so u know i'lm still outside. as he goes out, he takes his gourd with water with him and ties the other end of the string to a tree and places the gourd on a brach so that it dripped slowly like he was peeing.

he then ran for his life. the ghost thought he took too long and went to investigate and found that he was gone. she was she chased him. he ran and ran and she nearly caught up to him, but he made it to a nearby village. he pounded on the door and found refuge. the village monk was summoned and was able to ward off his dead gf nkauj.

after he made it home, they changed his name so that his gf wouldn't be able to find him and take his spirit. one day after many years, his friends invite him to go hunting. since the incident he had lived a secluded life so he decided eh why not. so he goes hunting and they split up. the sun fell and his friends started to search for him to go home. they call him by his new name Dr. Tom, but no one answered. they try a few more times and thn they say strange he doesn't answer. maybe he's not used to his name yet and think we are talking about the real Dr. Tom, so they call his old name Zeb. as soon as they did this, his gf heard his name and took his spirit away. all they ever found was his dead body.


hope you like it.

it's a true story.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1280 on: January 06, 2010, 03:32:14 PM »
 ;D :D :P

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1281 on: January 06, 2010, 03:46:21 PM »
you guys ever heard of hmong ghost story part I?

quick synopsis, he's a young scholar and he falls in love with this ghost. let me know if you have interest to hear this story??

i will include diagrams...wel l no promises. this one might be too long to retell. u might just have to watch it.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1282 on: January 06, 2010, 03:51:57 PM »
Oh please ::) ::) ::)
Hey, the Hunnay is back.   ;) :D

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1283 on: January 06, 2010, 03:54:20 PM »
i brought hunnay back. woo hoo.  :) so easy to get her to smile.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1284 on: January 06, 2010, 05:58:15 PM »

« Last Edit: December 17, 2012, 06:37:02 PM by Zongta »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1285 on: January 07, 2010, 10:13:52 AM »
Can a mod please clean this thread up?  It's digressing exponentially   ::)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1286 on: January 07, 2010, 10:28:47 AM »
Finally caught up.. some stories are lacking but keep them coming so I can kill more time at work  :)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1287 on: January 07, 2010, 11:25:30 AM »
   Hmong people will always be Hmong people. Fighting and than playing again, just like little kids. Well yeah, just keep the goodies coming. Debating is a good way to show your knowledge but debating on little issues only prove how big you are. Sometimes most of us have to learn that the hard way, save your argument for something else more important later to come. This is just a chill room for folks like us all to relax and ease our mind from heavy headaches.

   I appreciate genuinely's thought and comments on everyone. We'll wait how genuinely play in here.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1288 on: January 07, 2010, 11:30:29 AM »
   Zongta, that will be one freaky halloween custom. I've always imagine someone dresses in Hmong traditional cloths with scary painted face and than someone else dress as a tiger, than the tiger walk in front and the Hmong cloths scary painted face person walk behind the tiger holding it's tail. That will be a very freaky as heck view for the OGs. Heart attack!.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1289 on: January 07, 2010, 11:33:08 AM »
Have anyone ever heard the story of why Hmong Lee can't wear red clothing?. And why the Yang can't eat hearts?.

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