
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1604536 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1860 on: June 07, 2010, 03:04:07 PM »
I guess I will finally share one after all 100 pages read, not even done yet.

Well, my BIL knew of a friend who lost his 1 year old due to Luekimia. The mom went into a trance for a long time and didn't want to bury the child. She would hold all his toys and carry it around for the longest time. Well, when they finally did his funeral, the morning my BIL and the dad along with some friends went early to set up, and there was rice all over the funeral home. They went to look into the bucket of rice and there was only about 1/4 of the way of rice left, so the guys decided to dump the rice out of the bin, since there was not much left, but 3 of the guys could not lift it, once they got it lifted and poured the rice out, it kept pouring like the bin was still full.

Once the funeral was over, they did a shaman jingle bell and the baby told the mom that he was very happy that his mom had loved him so much. He said he wanted his little orange toy that his mom keeps carrying around because she missed him. He loves her very much but would like that toy, so they had to burn it for him. He also said the reason he had to leave was because he was never meant to be her son. He came in the form of a baby spirit and waiting to be born in their family, but his real parents were his Dad's older brother and wife. But when he came to be born, his supposed to be parents had just gotten separated and divorced before he was born, so he didn't know where to go, so he went into his mom instead. So after he was born, little angels came back to take him to be reborn to his new proper parents, of which has no relations to their family. He also said, he was mad that they withheld his funeral too long, because he needed to be reborn to his new parents. But they wouldn't do his funeral and tso plis. (Pardon my hmong spelling). So he finally said good by and never came back.

So now I'm thinking just....hmmm.. that why some babies are late and don't come at the time of their due dates? Because they haven't tso plis yet? lol I dunno

so what is his name bc i have a cousin who baby pass away from the same illness..

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1861 on: June 07, 2010, 03:31:59 PM »
This is an actual Ghost Case taken from



On May 23, 2008 at approximately 6:30 pm, Wausau Paranormal Research Society Investigators James Coscio, Angela Spialek, Alyssa Brogli, and Shawn Blaschka investigated the clients residence in Southern, Wisconsin. The family reported paranormal activity occurs on a regular basis. The most noticeable incidents have been experienced between 10:30 pm and 5:00 am.  All family members and a few of their close friends are witness to these events. The client has lived in the residence since September of 2007. The family believes some of the activity may be from a deceased family member who met an untimely end, and may have a message for the family.


• Family members and friends have experienced feelings of being watched by someone or something in different areas of the home.

• Phantom noises of crashing pots, pans and knives from the kitchen area are often heard.  When the family investigates, there is nothing out of order.

• Electrical phenomenon, lights, stereo, and television will turn on and off without anyone near the items.

• When the couple sleeps they are suddenly awakened by a strong presence and report the feeling of being watched from the doorway in
the master bedroom.

• The children have reported a black shadow person on the wall in the downstairs family room (the former pool area) of the house.

• One of the children has reported hearing disembodied male voices having a discussion outside of his bedroom window.  The content is indiscernible except for that male voices can be recognized.

• A softball sized orb has been witnessed on the stairwell leading down to the family room from the kitchen by the eldest boy,
and girl at the residence.

•The youngest female child in the residence has had lengthy conversations and plays with an unseen female presence on a regular
basis that appears to be friendly and protective.

• The family's two dogs refuse to go downstairs via a stairwell located in the family room (formerly a pool area).

• Family members have caught movements out of the corner of their eyes, as if someone were in the room or walking past the doors.

• Family members report having been touched or lightly brushed by unseen hands.

• Small items such as keys; papers; and pictures have been moved from their original spots.  At times, the pictures are turned
from their original positions and placed face down from inside a locked cabinet.

•One family member witnessed an apparition of a former family member, now deceased.  The deceased family member was seen standing
in the front yard looking into the living room window.  She appeared in the custom Harley Davidson Jacket and same pair of jeans which
she was dressed in at her funeral in 2005.  When the family member looked again, she had disappeared.

• The children reported that they locked the doors prior to going to bed and have often found the same doors unlocked and sometimes open when checked later.  It should be noted that the deceased family member was buried with a house key.


Our investigators used the following equipment: Natural and Tri-Field EMF Meters; Thermal Temperature Probes; Digital Cameras; Digital voice recorders; analog Geiger counter; and a notepad and pen for sketching the layout of the home.  The clients gave us a tour of the home and a brief explanation of the paranormal activity that has been experienced by the family.  Prior to the beginning of the investigation, baseline readings, measurements, and temperatures were taken.  The first floor areas recorded temperatures between 60-68 degrees.  EMF and Geiger counter readings registered as normal.  The only fluctuations recorded were near the electrical outlets and appliances in the home.  EVP sessions were conducted throughout the home by Coscio; Spialek; Blaschka; and Brogli.   In the master bedroom two EVP's were collected by Blaschka and Brogli.  The first, was a whispered, "Hello?" in responseto a question asking, “Is there anyone here who would like to speak with us?”  We received a second response in a woman's voice stating, "I touched your hand" when Blaschka asked if someone just touched his hand.  Blaschka and Brogli also captured two EVP's in the family room (former pool site). The first was a whispered, "Do it" and the second was a resounding "sigh".Photographs were taken of all areas with digital cameras.  An interestingpho tograph was captured by Coscio, in the kitchen, facing back towards the dining room doorway.  The photograph revealed a black
silhouette of what we believe to be a woman leaning against the frame of the doorway.  This investigator believes it may possibly be the deceased relative.
The investigators had personal experiences in the Master Bedroom of the home.  The deceased family member was in this room prior to passing away.  Investigators Blaschka and Brogli reported being touched multiple times on the face and arms commenting, "It felt as if spider webs were hanging down from the ceiling".  The sensation was also described as if someone was just barely touching the ends of the hairs on your face and arms.


After reviewing all case materials (including photographs, EVP's and eye witness accounts), there is definitely an elevated level of paranormal activity occurring at the residence which chooses to interact and communicate with the family members.  I believe a second investigation of the residence is warranted.  We would like to shoot video of the Master Bedroom and the Family Room (former pool area) in more controlled conditions

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1862 on: June 08, 2010, 11:30:50 AM »
ah... where r all the story tellers? Anyways... if you haven't seen Phobia & Phobia 2 you should watch them. They're short films 4 or 5 videos total in the movie.

In Phobia I liked In the Middle. Couldn't find just the video, but here's the link to see the whole movie.

In Phobia 2 I like In the End

You should definitely watch In the END. I love it. :D

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1863 on: June 08, 2010, 12:44:42 PM »
speakin of falling at the funeral home, during high school i tripped over a box as i was preparing drinks to bring around. i told my mother and she was furious. i never quite understood why? she doesnt explain these stuff to me. anyways, they did something and made me eat some food from a plate. anyone know the story behind the falling down at funeral?

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1864 on: June 08, 2010, 01:23:48 PM »
your mom was furious cuz she was embarassed at your clumsiness. she was hoping that potential suitors at the funeral home would notice her diligent daughter. she had spent the entire morning blabbering to ppl how great her daughter was and when all eyes were on you, ya tripped like a clutz. so she came up with the excuse that you had been working all morning without food and only tripped cuz u were tired and didn't eat something yet. so she made you eat a plate of food to save face.

that's the truth.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1865 on: June 08, 2010, 02:00:11 PM »
lol...if only my mother spoke of me that way. my mother is not the type that boast about her kids. growing up i was sad that my mother never said one good about me to anyone. later in life she told me that she doesnt need to boast about me to others, but its better for others to compliment/boast about me. 

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1866 on: June 09, 2010, 03:12:28 PM »
Ok, well I put this story on here before but somehow it didn’t show up. So here it is again….
After college, couple of my Hmong college friends decided to have a Camping Trip to celebrate. There were 12 of us on this camping trip and I knew half the folks who were going. We headed up to a cabin camping site in northern MN…almost to the Canadian border.  When we got there it was around 5:00pm but we all decided to go for a little hike to stretch out our legs. After unpacking some of our gears and some food, we headed off into the wood. There was a hiking trail that was 4miles and we figured we’ll be back in time to cook dinner in no time. Needless to say, we didn’t know there was a thunderstorm that came through the area two weeks before and washed a couple of the trail signs. Instead of following the right trail, we actually follow a deer trail and lead us deeper into the wood.  It was getting dark and we decided that it’s probably easier if we stop and just spend the night there…besides it’ll be real camping just like back in Laos. Most of us brought blankets and food so it should fun just camping out like this.  We this one guy, I didn’t know him, pulled out a whole boiled chicken and thought it was funny if he could do something to get the girls attention (he was attracted to one of the gal in our group). So to our disbelief, he thought it was funny to call the Ancestors to come and eat the chicken with him. He said (in Hmong), “Oh grandmothers and grandfathers, please come a share this chicken with me. I know you’re hungry please come and have this chicken.”  Well that just scared the SHITs out of everybody and some people got scared while others got really upset. I wasn’t a big believer in this so I just sat and observe from the side.
Needless to say, after the whole incident died down we all decided to grab some sleep. We decided to have two people up at all time just to make sure no wildlife would come and bother the group. The first shift was two guys and they just sat up and talk until it was pitch black. It was around 11:30am when they started to hear something strange coming from the trees next to our camp ground.  Whatever it was getting closer to the camp site and the two guys on guard where getting scared. At first, they thought it was a deer but as it got closer they realized there was two, not one figure. It was about 50 feet away when the two figures stopped and didn’t move anymore. One guy had a flashlight and decided to point at them to see what they are. (He told us later that he regretted flashing his light at the figures) What they saw, when they flashed at the figures were so horrifying and they both were so taken back by it. There were two Hmong kids in dirty ragged Hmong traditional clothing staring back at them! The weird noise that they heard was actually the bells that these kids wore around their necks. The scariest thing of all is that their eyes glowed green when the flashlight was on them. As soon as this happen, the two figures turned around and walked back into the darkness.
The two guys on guard were so scared and one even peed on himself. They were pretty smart so they decided that it was pointless waking up the others tonight so they both decided to stay up because they couldn’t fall asleep anymore.  The next morning around 600am, we all woke up and picked up all our gears and moved out. We finally found the way back to our cabin and that when the two guys on guard decided to tell everything. They told us exactly what they say. They said it was so scary and hunting that they couldn’t fall asleep and didn’t want to scare the rest of us (especially the females) so they decided to tell us now. Two of the females started to cry because they said that they had really bad dreams last night and felt that someone was walking on them and touching them the whole time they were asleep. They thought it was one of the guys playing a trick on them but everyone was asleep when they wake up to it. Most of us knew each other so we wouldn’t be doing stupid tricks like that when out in the woods. Anyways, a lot of the folks in the group blamed the guy what was waving his chicken around yesterday and one guy almost beat him up. We decided that it’s just better to go home and forget about this. So we packed up our gears and head out.
It was a short camping trip but the most memorable one I have so far.

he said it wrong,  he supposed to call lost souls ofr lost ghost or the owner of that area to come and have feeatwith them and ask them that tonight you guys will rest in this spot and bless not to have anything to bother you guys.  but shet i was shivering when i got the two little hmong wear hmong clothes....... .............. ....scary the shet out of me.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1867 on: June 13, 2010, 05:08:09 PM »
Every words has it's own meaning in many different ways, be careful for what you said when you said it and who you said it to and where are at when you said it. That's the first step in to being a real person, there's people who don't see this side of the picture yet and still talked way too much. Superstitious situation is a risk of individuals putting themselves in a particular unreasonable position. Learn.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1868 on: June 14, 2010, 11:53:34 AM »
My two sister in laws went fishing this past weekend at Coon Rapids Dam and they were walking across the bridge back to where they parked, there were noone around them, and all of sudden they heard a voice like that sounded like one of thier sister's calling one of them. Both of them heard it, but they didn't respond. First it started like it was distant and slow, then it started sounding like it was near and the same voice as one of the younger SIL's. They both got scared. They looked across the bridge and the SIL that the voice sounded like had already crossed the bridge and making her way with the little kids into the trees, and if anyone knows the big coon rapids dam, it is big, long and loud, and if the other sister was yelling out, they could not possibly hear her. So it freaked the both of them out, but they just acted calm and walked really fast.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1869 on: June 14, 2010, 01:02:39 PM »
that's really weird. i've never had an experience like that and i used to go there a lot, too. i used to go mornings, evenings and midday. nothing like that!

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1870 on: June 14, 2010, 01:16:12 PM »
Jack 25's story

If you ever watch those hunting videos in Laos, the men who are out in the woods, hunting, would typically offer food/water for the spirits in the forest.

I don't know much about it, but my dad said that they used to do it all the time back then.  If anything, your story could've went worse.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1871 on: June 14, 2010, 02:12:39 PM »
ah... where r all the story tellers? Anyways... if you haven't seen Phobia & Phobia 2 you should watch them. They're short films 4 or 5 videos total in the movie.

In Phobia I liked In the Middle. Couldn't find just the video, but here's the link to see the whole movie.

In Phobia 2 I like In the End

You should definitely watch In the END. I love it. :D

I love this movie!!

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1872 on: June 14, 2010, 03:24:22 PM »
Dam, the photo of the ghost in page 131 was not funny!  My heart almost stopped.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1873 on: June 21, 2010, 02:22:21 AM »
speakin of falling at the funeral home, during high school i tripped over a box as i was preparing drinks to bring around. i told my mother and she was furious. i never quite understood why? she doesnt explain these stuff to me. anyways, they did something and made me eat some food from a plate. anyone know the story behind the falling down at funeral?

YOu're suppose to go beg the dead at the funeral not to take your spirit away becuase you've fallen and can't get up haha. ;D

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1874 on: June 21, 2010, 02:25:07 AM »
My two sister in laws went fishing this past weekend at Coon Rapids Dam and they were walking across the bridge back to where they parked, there were noone around them, and all of sudden they heard a voice like that sounded like one of thier sister's calling one of them. Both of them heard it, but they didn't respond. First it started like it was distant and slow, then it started sounding like it was near and the same voice as one of the younger SIL's. They both got scared. They looked across the bridge and the SIL that the voice sounded like had already crossed the bridge and making her way with the little kids into the trees, and if anyone knows the big coon rapids dam, it is big, long and loud, and if the other sister was yelling out, they could not possibly hear her. So it freaked the both of them out, but they just acted calm and walked really fast.

Girls, especially pretty ones or lonely ones shouldn't be out fishing or hunting, bad and lonely ghost spirits look for them all the time.  Even the married ones aren't safe either, especially if they hot. O0 ;D

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