
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1604230 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1890 on: July 12, 2010, 10:40:48 AM »
I don't want to answer that question because I don't want to jinx myself. But I have a really spirit-sensitive sister who does! You might know her!

really? whic one is that?
i know one who doesn't like to comb her hair.  :2funny:

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1891 on: July 12, 2010, 11:00:30 AM »
Really? How do you know that she doesn't comb her hair? I mean, running your fingers through your hair is combing it.

Getting off topic. Tell us some more scary stories!

 :2funny: can i run my fingers through your hair?
i hear it's quite sexy and women love it when men do that.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1892 on: July 12, 2010, 08:41:20 PM »
i know one it has happen to me and my younger brother.

it was a couple of years about 2006 or 07 but anyways....i came home late one night after visiting my girlfriends house around 2 am in the morning and as soon as i walked into my house and walked down stairs to my room my little brother came out of his room running and gasping for air. I was like what the hell are u doing? Why are you all outta breath and look all pale and sweaty? He said, you would never guess what just happened to me and i said what? What happened to you?

He answered me by telling me that something had happened to him and freaked him out, and i said dude, what happen to you exactly? He was like i was not even alseep or even close to sleeping yet "man". I was still watching T.V. and (Donald) one of my little cousins, was fast asleep already but right when i was about to change the channel i felt a cold sensation and the whole atmosphere of the room changed instantly. Im not kidding man, something happened. I first heard a loud and clear breathing right next to my ears. The breathing was like as if it was angry or mad and that scared the crap out of me. But just as that happened, i felt a pressure on my bed and then their was indents on the food of my bed and i felt something cold wrap itself around my chest with a heavy pressure. I Tried to scream and yell but i couldnt.

I said damn, thats crazy was that it? And he said NO, i tossed and turned and i saw a dark figure and i tried my hardest and i escaped its grip and i saw it rush out into the darkest corner and thats when i heard you come in and thats why i ran out of the door.

So, i asked him, where is Donald isnt he sleeping in your room still, and he said yeah, that dude was fast asleep but i wasnt and thats the fawked up part. I said its okay dude i think you just had a bad dream. But he insisted that he was wide awake and was still watching television. So, i just told him to go back to his room and sleep so he did.

The very next day i was playing around with my new cell phone and thought that it would be cool to record a little rap song so as i was recording it onto my phone i heard nothing or had nothing happened to me at all until........i listened to it when it was finished recording. In the rap song, it was going good until i heard another voice that was recorded into the rap music that did not belong in the recording. It was a little girls voice and in our house we have no girls because the only girl was my sister and she is long gone because she got married 10 yrs ago already. The little girls voice in the recording was so distinctive that it literally cut out all of the instruments and over lapped the rappers voice. It said loud and clear Quote: FLY, FLY AWAY!!!!!!!.......and that scared the jigganutts outta me cause i was the only one home alone. i said WTF and threw the phone aside for awhile. I then fell asleep. Nothing happend though.

Later on i let everyone hear it and they couldnt beleive it...........t hey siad that i was making it up but after they listened to it a few times they got so scared that they erased it. Well my girlfrend erased it. lol. I was trying to keep it as a evidence but nope, i lost it. So Sad......

So, how do i know that it was  little girl? Well, because one day right when i was waking up in the morning i was putting on my contacts, and after a few blinks i looked to the corner of the curtians and there it stood a little girl in white and Pink, and i didnt think much of it because that morning they dropped off one of my neice. so i said eeehhhh watever. so i walked up stairs and asked my brother, hey is keke wearing white and pink today and he said with a loud sarcastic laugh, ummmmm yeah she is. So i looked out the window and soon discovered that she was NOT i repeat NOT wearing white and pink, she was wearing YELLOW AHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHAHAHAHAH.


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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1893 on: July 13, 2010, 03:09:55 AM »
There was this dude who was coming home from a relatives jingle bell. It was nighttime now when he was on the freeway home. He kept seeing something white on his side but when he turned to look there was nothing. This kept happening and so he started freaking out. He needed to pee badly so decided to stop by a gas station. The whole time still seeing the white thing following his side he was really scared his heart was pounding. He went to the gas station bathroom, faced the mirror and BOOM! There was a piece of rice by his eye.

« Last Edit: July 13, 2010, 03:30:39 AM by Missterious »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1894 on: July 15, 2010, 10:10:03 AM »
There was this dude who was coming home from a relatives jingle bell. It was nighttime now when he was on the freeway home. He kept seeing something white on his side but when he turned to look there was nothing. This kept happening and so he started freaking out. He needed to pee badly so decided to stop by a gas station. The whole time still seeing the white thing following his side he was really scared his heart was pounding. He went to the gas station bathroom, faced the mirror and BOOM! There was a piece of rice by his eye.
:2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1895 on: July 16, 2010, 09:45:13 PM »
I've read most of the stories so's mine(I heard it from an aunt):

So there's this funeral going on and this lady that she knows fell asleep on the ground near where the coffin is. Everyone was cleaning up to go home and they sort of threw things around and eventually, she got coverd and everyone left.
She woke up in the middle of the night and noticed that she's still at the funeral and that there were still other people with her..then she noticed that they were all standing around her and they were all pale and walked funny and they were saying "oh look its a cucumber. Its so pretty." In hmong. She was scared but then looked over and saw that the dead lady was sitting on top of the coffin and she was saying"oh that cucumber is mine. I saw it first so don't touch it"in hmong. So thay didn't touch her the whole night.

The dead lady helped her because they knew eacother when she was still alive.

It was told in hmong so its scarier...

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1896 on: July 17, 2010, 01:46:39 AM »
I've hear that story before, it's freakin freaky. but the story i heard was kind of diferent. she didnt see anything but she heard lots of noises and after that night. she was never the same person again.

anyways, this thread is dead as fcuk. i used to always come home every day and get on this thread hoping to read some new scary stories, but it's not the same anymore

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1897 on: July 19, 2010, 01:55:18 PM »
I've read most of the stories so's mine(I heard it from an aunt):

So there's this funeral going on and this lady that she knows fell asleep on the ground near where the coffin is. Everyone was cleaning up to go home and they sort of threw things around and eventually, she got coverd and everyone left.
She woke up in the middle of the night and noticed that she's still at the funeral and that there were still other people with her..then she noticed that they were all standing around her and they were all pale and walked funny and they were saying "oh look its a cucumber. Its so pretty." In hmong. She was scared but then looked over and saw that the dead lady was sitting on top of the coffin and she was saying"oh that cucumber is mine. I saw it first so don't touch it"in hmong. So thay didn't touch her the whole night.

The dead lady helped her because they knew eacother when she was still alive.

It was told in hmong so its scarier...

eeks...gave me the chills at work!

a long time ago, i was prob 4ish?? we splet over at my uncles house and they live in mcdonna homes...the vacum kept turning on all night. my uncle's son, prob in his teens at that time, he forced us to go downstairs to shut it off. after we shut it off and ran upstairs, 5 mins later it turned on again. scary stuff. i was scared but my uncles son said if we didnt do it, we couldnt sleep in the room. lol.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1898 on: July 19, 2010, 11:26:57 PM »
There was this dude who was coming home from a relatives jingle bell. It was nighttime now when he was on the freeway home. He kept seeing something white on his side but when he turned to look there was nothing. This kept happening and so he started freaking out. He needed to pee badly so decided to stop by a gas station. The whole time still seeing the white thing following his side he was really scared his heart was pounding. He went to the gas station bathroom, faced the mirror and BOOM! There was a piece of rice by his eye.

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1899 on: July 22, 2010, 12:06:21 PM »
So I've been reading all these stories for the past, oh i don't know, month and decided to post some of my stories it goes...

This one happened to my older brother.

About a year ago my brother and sister-n-law moved into a studio in South Sacramento. The place had one single building consist of about a good 20 studios upstairs and downstairs facing a fence and a big willow tree. They had moved into the studio for about a month and this particular morning around 5am my brother was getting ready to get in his car to go to work. It was still dark and since it was around winter time, it was cold so he had to heat up his car before heading out. As he did so, he took one glance at the tree and saw a single white figure, turn back to his car and then turn to the tree again but it was gone. He didn’t think much of it and left to work. He eventually got really sick and told my sister-n-law about what he saw. She got mad at him for not telling her earlier of course, and told her mom about what happened. He got sick like he had a fever but when they went to the doctor, the doctor told them that he wasn’t sick which was weird. They eventually told my parents and my sis-n-law had one of her cousin came and did this egg thing to see why he was so sick. My sis-n-law cousin told my parents and them that when he saw that white figure, it was a good time for the dead to wake up and find food so he happened to be there at the right time. And why he got so sick was that when he saw that white figure, turn to his car and then turn back to the tree even if he wasn’t scared, his soul already saw that thing and was already scared. So we did jingle bell for him and he got better.

But, before he got better he was sick for a long period of time. They told us that before moving into that studio their nearby neighbor told them that there was ghost in that area but the owner would tell them to ignore him because he was kuku in the head. And my sis-n-law’s mother also had a weird dream about that studio. She dreamed that she walked in their studio and saw a lady washing the dishes at their sink. Her mom asked the lady what she was doing there, and the lady replied that she was waiting for the guy that lived in that house, which was my brother. She said that since my sis-n-law didn’t love my brother, she was going to take him away to live with her and she’ll love him. The whole time she had her back turn to my sis-n-law’s mom so she couldn’t see who that lady was. When hearing so, sis-n-law’s mom got furious and said that the man was her daughter’s husband and that she shouldn’t wait for him, and something else I forgot. So when they moved out of that house, my sis-n-law’s mom and her brother had to go and moved everything from that place. When they left they said that they were going to the garden so whatever was in the house wouldn’t follow them. Ooooo I’m getting scared just typing this….

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1900 on: July 22, 2010, 12:07:23 PM »
This happened to my friend’s grandma….

This was back in thailand so it’s much creepier. When she was about 10 years old one night she was crying non-stop for unknown reason. It was night and everyone decided to just let her cry and went to bed. So she was crying in the dark with the little light of the fire stove on. As she was crying she looked up, and in those days their houses was built of straw or whatever it was so there were holes here and there, and as she did she saw a lady wearing hmong clothe on the roof staring down at her from a hole and she had a long tongue sticking out. My friend’s grandma got so scared she ran to bed and never cried at night time again…

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1901 on: July 22, 2010, 12:08:01 PM »
Not as scary but this happened to me a while back. When my grandparents went outta state to visit my uncle and I decided to sleep in their room alone the first night they left. As I was about to fall asleep, I suddenly felt something at the foot of the bed. I just froze too scared to move. Then I felt as if someone was jumping at the foot of the bed softly. I got so freaked out I jumped out of the bed as fast as I could and ran as fast as I could to sleep with my parents. And from that night on, I never slept in my grandparents room alone…

Another thing that happened to me not too long ago. I’d say about 8 months ago before my niece was born, I lived with my brother and his wife at their apt in Sacramento. This particular day I slept in the living like usual, my brother went to work and my sis-n-law getting ready to leave to the doctor. It was about 10 in the morning and I was still very sleepy but I could hear her getting ready.  After she left for a good 5 min, I heard the door opened and closed very softly. Then I felt a warm/cool air blew in my face and I swore I felt someone crouched down right next to me staring and breathing at my face. I was too scared to open my eyes nor move so I pretended to sleep. As soon as I felt like it was safe to open my eyes I looked around and the sun was shinning through the window door. OMG I coulda swore I felt someone was there with me eeeeeeekkkkkk!...

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1902 on: July 22, 2010, 12:09:01 PM »
This happened to cousin, also my next door neighbor. It was late one night and he and his girlfriend was driving home from Sacramento. His girlfriend was sleep and as he was driving, he saw a lady wearing white with long black hair sitting at the side of the road, side turned to them. He thought it was weird seeing a lady being out so late at night by herself. As he drove closer to the lady he decided he wanted a peek at her, but as he slowed down and tried to see who the lady was, she slowly turned her face the opposite way like she didn’t want him to see her face. He got so freaked out he zoomed home and didn’t tell anyone about it until the next day. I have goosebumps just typing this!!!!!

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1903 on: July 22, 2010, 12:16:51 PM »
Oooooo all these stories I've been reading are scaring the crap outta me...keep em coming guys....

Well this is not my story or personal experience, but I’ll tell it anyways…

My friend told me that one of his cousins from Oregon and his friends decided to go fishing late one night. There was about 12 of them and so it was a pretty big group. So when they got there it was already about 12am and they were just talking and having a good time. All of a sudden they started hearing clicking sounds. They all stop to listen to where and what the sound was. They all got freaked out but didn’t have any courage to say anything. This particular cousin decided he was way too scared to stay so he decided to leave by himself. Before leaving he said to everyone, “Hey you guys, I’m going home,” and left. As he was driving back home, he continue to hear the clicking sound. He was scared, but didn’t think much of it. When he got home, he went straight to bed but still kept hearing the clicking sound. So as day was approaching, he got thirsty and got up to get water. He opened his refrigerator and got some water, and the only light was coming from the refrigerator. As he lift his cup of water to drink, at the corner of his eyes, he saw a little boy, all pale crouching down in a ball right next to him.

So my friend told me that his cousin got really sick after that event and so his dad and grandpa had to fly to Oregon to ua neeg for his cousin. I don’t know what happened afterwards but basically the message to this event is to never ever say that you’re going home when encountering or hearing something strange.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1904 on: July 22, 2010, 12:49:57 PM »
Queenk23 your stories are scary!

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