
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1606665 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2385 on: April 18, 2011, 08:12:30 AM »
I like this tread, learned a lot. Interesting about the two dragons in that particular photo, red and green. I've heard that green and red dragons are enemy, and the reds is always much bigger than the greens. That's why tsunami is always happening, the dragons are at war. The greens is smaller but over power the reds in numbers. Than there's also the white and the yellow that are more independent individuals.

Maybe one day, maybe we'll see how they actually are like as true lively creatures. I hope so, not that I'm wanting to be taking by them at a lake or anything like that, just saying. Actually I won't mind being one myself, a little one like Mulan's. Oh, that reminded me, I love to see Vicki Zhao Wei in that new movie she's working on. She's is cute, pretty, and beautiful all put together . . . and sexy. She might be a dragon, she can take me with her anytime if she is, I'll drown in her water I won't mind. LOL  :P Ya' grow up.

LOL funny. =]

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2386 on: April 18, 2011, 08:14:15 AM »
Mola yang:
I'm wondering if the two Zaj(s) looks like the Zaj(s) that everyone see on paintings and photos? Or was it like a mist or blur view. I know that you haven't see it but from what you heard could you give us a better understanding of the pix? if possible? And which one was the smaller one? Man so many ? LOL. The reason I'm asking is that when I heard ppl talking about them Zaj(s), But no one knows what it really looks like.

I remember watching this one video about this hmong dude went into a Zaj(s) place in the woods and ate some banana in that house, and the Lady Zaj liked him and tried to take him to be her hubby, or something like that. It's a video that some church found and went to interview him. Something like that. Had anyone seen this movie? It's a documentary for church. Anyways long story short. The lady Zaj sent her two sister to come get him..... but the two zaj came in a form of a snake. I'll try to remember the video and post it up here someday,cause it' s a long story.
So as I was saying OG's talk about Zaj(s) but no one knows or seen it's true form.. The only Zaj(s) that a lot of ppl see are the Chinese Zaj(s) LOL

ok I dont really know too. but my cousin said that the zaj's were clearly seen. but thats something scary i wouldnt want to discover. lol

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2387 on: April 18, 2011, 08:30:33 AM »
Ok this one is not scary as much, but imma tell it anyways. LOL

So my dad is a big time chicken LOVER. LOL He used to own his own chicken coop at one of my cousins place. My dad is a well known person because his chicken always win when he goes cock fighitng. My dad is a respectful person. He got tired of giving his best chickens to his friends because they sell it for big money. So now he refuses to give it to them because my dad knows that them guys will sell it for money. His chicken coop was near a pond.

That part was just his little story about his friends and chicken the actual story is:
So one day my dad goes to his chicken coop and was feeding his chickens as normal as he always do, just right then when he was half finished he hears some native american people screaming like they are screaming for help and stuff. My dad was not those people that get scared so he ignored it and just kept doing what he has to do, he hears it again but this time it sounded like they were dancing and singing walking around my dads chicken coop so he went out to look and see's nothing, and again so he got sorta afraid and just went home. (Remember his chicken coop is near a pond). When he got home he told my grandpa and he did this shaman thingy to see what it was and it was told to my grandpa that my dad's chicken coop was on some dead native american's place and if my dad dont move quickly then those native american will haunt him til he dies. My grandpa told my dad and both of them went to the chicken coop to sacrificed a chicken for the native american. Right then my dad torned down his chicken coop and had a new chicken coop at this white persons place. Now he don't hear anything strange like that.

Sorry this story is lame if you think so. But interesting for me somehow. =]

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2388 on: April 18, 2011, 12:19:55 PM »
These are just my personal experience. Have you heard of ghost stories where someone counts or feels an extra head in bed. Well never thought that would happen to me but it did. It was 12 years ago, a week after my first child was born. It was New Years Eve and my brother and cousin were going out. His curfew was no later than 12:30. My husband and I were getting tired so we headed to bed and figure my brother can call us so we can open the door for him.

So as I sat on my bed and looked at my husband, our bedroom looked different. Everything was as it is but the room just looked longer and wider. I was going to tell him about how I felt but I figured it's all in my head. Well went to sleep and had a bad dream. I woke up in the middle of the night and realized there was someone sleeping down by my thigh. My first thought was, how disrespectful for my brother to come sleep in the same bed as my husband and I. couldn't be him because he never came by afterwards. Could it be my baby? Couldn't be because she's only a week old and I could feel her still sleeping next to me. Maybe it's my that can't be because he still sleeping on the other side of my baby. I ran out of names. As I was going through in my head of name and who it could be my hand was on it's head. I was feeling around, felt the eyes, the nose than down to the mouth. I was also paralzyed and the only thing that I could move was my hands. I realized it wasn't even human. That's when I curled my fingers like a hook and I felt it try to get away. I could see my hands up in the air as that thing was trying to get away and I broke free from my paralysis. I yelled for my husband to turn on the lights. After I told him what just happened. He just sat there looking at me, shocked and dazed. Than he said, "I didn't want to tell you but before we went to bed I felt something step down on the bed at the foot of the bed." He said he didn't want to scare me and after he felt that he just curled up his feet and decided to fall asleep.

After I called my mom to see what it was, she said it was my cousin's mom who came to see who the new baby was. She says that even tho my cousin's mom is dead she is still with my cousin every day. She committed suicide when my cousin was just a baby. My cousin is her and my uncles only child. I guess in a sense she is making up for what she couldn't took from her only child by just watching over her.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2389 on: April 18, 2011, 12:51:48 PM »
Hey guys! Im back with another story.   8)

So this happened to one of my older cousins when I was like 11 or 12. They had a baby boy and everyone was happy for them. When they brought the baby home, they took a picture of him not from a digital camera but those other ones. You get my point. Lol. Well, after they took some pictures, they decided to go and develop it the next day. After they developed the pictures, one particular picture freaked them out. It was a picture of their baby boy wrapped in a blanket, sleeping. Then theres this arm that is sticking from out of nowhere and it looked like its trying to put its arm around the baby, and theres a faded face of someone behind the baby. This really freaked them out so they told their parents who is my uncle and aunty. Then my uncle and aunty told my parents and they came over and prayed for the baby. I was not suppose to see the picture, but I sneaked a look anyways. And it was kinda freaky.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2390 on: April 18, 2011, 01:12:43 PM »
And heres anothr one about my older sister.
Last night, my older sister was telling me about her dream when we were younger, like way young. Lol.
My sister went to sleep over at my one of my uncle's place and my grandma lived with them. When they went to sleep, my sister had a dream about the apartment complex we all lived in. It was kinda dark outside in her dream. and she was playing hide and seek with some of the kids. There was alot of cars parked in the parking lot and there are 3 main apartments. Two on the side and one in the middle. My uncle them lived in the middle apartments and that was where my sister was playing hide-in-seek. She remembers seeing kids running around and it was getting kinda dark, but not so dark. Lol. Well, she ran to hide by this white van (Woot! The ultimate hmong car!  O0) And she saw this old lady with a cane walking towards her. The old lady was like " Come over here, little girl." My sister looked at her and the old lady continued " Come here." Then she heard my grandma calling her. My grandma was like "Kia, its getting late! Come home and wash up and go to sleep." My sister turned around and saw my grandma and was like "Okay!" When she turned around, the old lady was gone.
Then my sister kinda woke up and was in like a  dreamlike state. She remembers seeing the foot of the bed and the old lady from her dream walking across the room and standing at the foot of the bed dircetly where my sister's foot was and the old lady just looking at her. My sister started to cry and my grandma woke up. My grandma asked her wat was wrong, and she lied that she missed my parents.

Dude, my sister totally freaked me out last night. Lol. I couldnt go to sleep cause i was thinking of that old lady from insidious. LMAO.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2391 on: April 18, 2011, 02:50:36 PM »
yessiree, that is freaky
i totally thought the same thing about insideous too
that movie caught me by surprise, i thought pg-13 its gonna suck but boy was i wrong

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2392 on: April 19, 2011, 10:55:36 AM »
Sorry I sorta ran out of personal stories to tell you guys... But I have a lot about what I heard from friends and families..LOL

This one was about wild mushroom.
I heard it from my in-laws from Kansas, this happened in Kansas also, cause every year they go pick those srooms. So the hubby and his wife went into the woods to go pick them sroom. After a long days out in the woods the two decided to head back to the car. As they were walking back the hubby noticed that his shoe lace was untie. So he bent down to tie his shoes. ( This is what the wife side of the story was). The wife saw him bent down for one split second and the wife turned her head away, and then looked back at him.. But he was gone, he just disappeared. She got scare and started screaming his name out int the woods.

"Ppl that's why the OG always say don't go yelling your friends name or your hunting group out in the woods".

So back to the story. All of a sudden the hubby stood up and say to his wife "what are you doing screaming my name for . I'm right here". So the wife told the hubby that she saw him bent down to tie his shoe and she turn away for a sec. and when she turn back you were gone"! The hubby got kinda scare and told the wifey to hurry up and head back a-sap. they both started walking back to the car... About a couple of days later the hubby just... boom-- past away.. No illness what so ever.

It's not that scary, sorry.
But please don't stop telling... Keep this thread a live..LOL

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2393 on: April 19, 2011, 01:04:31 PM »
That was sweet that his heart was no longer with him but somebody else. One question, why is he your ex now?.

oh, he got marry to someone else. lol.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2394 on: April 19, 2011, 01:21:53 PM »
Lol. I have a story to share. Its not scary, but i wanna share it.
Lmao. so eariler i  was reading some scary stories and my teacher walked out of the room. I continued to read and not do my work. When my teacher walked in, i looked up and saw her and jumped like an retard. Lol. She freakin scared me! Lmao.  :2funny:  :D  ;D  >:(  :o  ???  :P  :-[  :'(  :2funny:  :idiot2:

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2395 on: April 19, 2011, 02:20:54 PM »
This story is told to me by a friend. Him and some friend went fishing at this one place on Eight mile in Stockton. They caught a few fish and tie them fish on a rope while letting them swim in the water. A few minute later when they come back to check on the fish, there were chunk missing from the fish like someone taken a bite out of them. The friend got scared so he untie the fish and toss it back into the water and left.

Same place.
My ex was fishing with his friend late into the night. He got tire so he went into his car to go nap. He had his cap over his face when there was a knock on the window. He lifted his cap and saw nothing, then he put the cap back on top of his face and go back to his nap. Again, there is another knock on the window. He got scared and went back to his nap. The knocks continue but he dont care to look up anymore. That place is known to be haunted.

Same place:
My brother and his friend also went fishing there. They were joking around about never seen a ghost before and if there is one then for it to show it self. A few minute into their fishing, there were this huge shadow look alike few over them and landed with hard stomp on the other of the road. They all got scare and took off. lol

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2396 on: April 19, 2011, 02:27:48 PM »
I remember when my grandpa pass, its like a dream because it was so long ago. So my grandpa went hunting with some of his buddy. He return home with an injured foot. I remember it was either a snake bite or something similar. When he came home, his foot was swollen and he was not able to put pressure on it at all. A few days later his foot turns black and have some liquid ozzing out from it. We took him to the hospital and the doctor was unable to help him. His injury got worse over the week, so on the last night before he pass there were so many cats around our house. I remember hearing the cat meow thru the night, and when morning come the cats where gone and my grandpa pass.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2397 on: April 20, 2011, 08:30:33 AM »
This is a story my grandpa told me when he was back in laos.

So it was early in the morning around 6amish. My grandma always wake up early to cook and do all these other chores, so my grandpa got up and decided to go smoke since its morning already. He was sitting outside of the door just smoking his bong. LOL all of a sudden he see's a little girl with long frizzy hair wearing hmong clothes walking into the forest. My grandpa got sorta freaked out and went inside.

So one of my uncle told us this story:
When my uncle was back in laos, him and his friends went to go farm. It was getting late and they were tired so they decided to sleep there and go back in the morning. Since there were a little hut thingy they slept in there but remember the OG's says when you sleep dont sleep straight from the door or something will grab your feet? Well my uncles friend was cocky and he was like im not scared of ghost i can sleep srtaight by the door. So my uncle and his other friend was just like ok say whatever. So it was midnight and everyone was sleeping but my uncle is a light sleeper and he hears the door open slowly, he see's a pog ntsoog (however you spell that) coming for my uncles friends feet. My uncle was so scared so he just watched and it dragged my uncles friends foot all they way out the door. My uncle and the other friend got up quick and grabbed there friends hands the pog ntsoog was laughing and my uncle said please leave us alone and all these other crap to the pog ntsoog so it just vanished. And they all ran home even though it was dark, cause they were too scared to stay.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2398 on: April 20, 2011, 02:57:20 PM »
I thinks its a new year, its never too old to add/ share stories about ghost stories....
So, im sure many of us have heard of Sunrise market place in St Paul right? And how there is a 2nd floor, where all the business offices are located. Supposedly NONE of the business offices on the 2nd floor stay open past 7:00pm because of something unexplained.

This story happened to my cousin and some of her friends who were practicing their dances in the dance studio for the new year competition. One night they asked permission from their dance instructor to be able to stay all night in the dance studio for some extra practice hour. They were allowed to stay, but they would be locked in the building until the next day. So they cant leave the building, or else the alarm system will sound.They (my cousins and her dance friends) said sure it will be fine, they can wait until the market opens again the next day....

That night as the businesses closed for the night, they knew they were the only ones left. it was around 10, 11, or 12 when their music player suddenly stopped playing and shuts off. The girls thought it was weird, but didn't think much of it, when suddenly they heard music coming from down the hall. It sounded like someone was playing the Hmong Qeej instrument walking up and down the hall (like how they would always play it traditionally) so that the girls will hear it getting loud as it approached them and slowly get quieter as it went the other way. This person played it like a professional, the song it played sounded like the ones for the funeral.
At this point some of the girls were really scared, one of them got up and peeked out in the dark hall (the hallway lights were shut off) she said she saw a hmong man dressed in traditional clothing, playing the Qeej, but she couldn't see the face.

Since they were too scared to go out of the room or call anyone to open the door for them since the alarm might go off, they were stuck in that dance room for the whole night. They all stopped dancing, and crowded together in fear in a corner and had to wait until the next morning. They will NEVER stay alone on the 2nd floor again...

well i dont know if this haunting is real or not but it sure freaked me out when i first heard this.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2399 on: April 20, 2011, 08:23:09 PM »
This story was told to me by a friend on our way back home from a "okay" night fishing trip two days ago. One of his uncle love fishing, even if it's late pitch dark and he's by himself he'll fish if time is available. Well, on a particular night it happened just so that he was actually really at the lake by himself with no other fishermen what so ever. Out of nowhere this homeless dude came up tapping him on the shoulder and asked him if he has a lighter, he jumped and said "no, I don't". The bum walked away and than came back 5 min later and asked the same question and again he said "sorry dude, I don't have one". The bum walked away and than came back again after another 5 min pass and asked him for a lighter, at this time he was piss to think somebody was taking him for a fool so he turn on his flash light and point it toward the dude's face. He said what he saw was just like how those zombies in movies looks like, he just ran as fast as he can to his car without all his gears and equipments and drove home shaking. The next morning he order his son to go back with him to the lake the collect his belongings, amazingly all his stuff was still there. They did a jingle bell for him and told him to not go near any lake for at least 2 yrs but he's already back out there fishing away.

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