
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1604600 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2550 on: June 20, 2011, 01:46:19 PM »
that picture is freaky...but it could be photoshopped too.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2551 on: June 20, 2011, 02:11:24 PM »
actually the photo you guys are talking about is true. they happen to be some friend of a friend. when the photo was circulate around, one of my friend and her sis uploaded the photo onto their comp and zoomed in. the girl is said to be from the early 1800's or some thing like that. The people in the photo went camping and took some picture, the next day when they look thru the photo from the night before they saw what was in the picture with them and show to everyone. They all got scared and took off home.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2552 on: June 20, 2011, 02:17:20 PM »
heard the photo was a fake .. know who that guy is .. hes a Thao from Clovis .. johnny thao ..

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2553 on: June 20, 2011, 07:41:08 PM »
Once in Thailand, around the time my mom had my 2nd oldest brother, my grandpa went hunting. All day long my grandma would pace around the house worrying about his safety. Finally when it got dark, she went outside to see if he came home.

As you all know, Hmong villages have surrounding mountains. So my grandma would look at the direction my grandpa went towards and sign to herself. A few minutes later she saw a light, like a torch, moving back in forth in the direction where she was looking at.

My grandma thought that it was probably my grandpa looking for his way home so she started running towards the torch. Luckily one of my cousin, who was spending the night, caught my grandma in time and pulled her inside the house. She said that it could not be my grandpa and for my grandma to wait til morning.

During the night someone or something crept up to the house and was scratching among the walls. Because the noise was so disturbing the adults couldn't go to sleep that night. It went on for hours until the sunrise. Afterward, when my mom went outside she could smell decaying flesh all around their house. There were literally maggots crawling all around the house.

Later that day my grandpa came home. When my grandma asked if he had lit a torch the night before he replied that he hadn't. He explained to my grandma that he didn't want to draw attention to himself. Then he asked her why she was asking and she told him it was nothing. After this incident, my grandma never waited for him outside anymore when he goes hunting.

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2554 on: June 21, 2011, 10:14:16 AM »
heard the photo was a fake .. know who that guy is .. hes a Thao from Clovis .. johnny thao ..
Yeah I think that it was photo shopped. I could barely make out what it is.  I had to go to youtube and zoom in, on what I was looking at. Looks like a smudge from the light. But then again I want to believe that it is true.

Pure noob
Is this the photo you was talking about ?

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2555 on: June 22, 2011, 11:47:07 PM »
This ones not scary but I'll let you be the judge of that. Gonna be a bit long, but it's being a while since we all read one.
This happened in Frog Town, St. Paul. Not gonna tell the house number but it's by that saint anal church area, if you ppl are from that area. Then you should know what I'm saying.
This is my BIL's house, back when he was still living there, he used to sleep down the basement. Even before I knew that his house was hunted I never dared go down there. I have this vibe that his basements not norm. So he goes and tell me that on some nights he would hear like ppl talking in his room. And one time he was chilling in his room and he heard a loud bang like someone smash on a piece of metal. He went to look but he saw nothing, other times he'll see shadow walking pass his room.

He never thought much of it, til his older bro got marry. He had to move out of the basement so his bro and SIL could have room. He told me that one night his bro was having trouble sleeping and he woke up and saw a little white figure sitting on top of his wife looking at her. Then the little figure turned and looked at him and jumped off the bed. He thought that he was dreaming. So that morning he packed all his and his wife's stuff and moved out. Even till now his wife never knew as to what happen that night/ day.

This one happened later, later. before he became my BIL he was watching T.V in the living room, and from his left eye corner he thought he saw a face peeping out to look at him from the stairs. He turn to look but saw nothing. So he turn back to the TV. again he saw the same thing. And he turn to see nothing.  His hairs were standing up, and to go to his room he had to go that way cause his room was up stairs. So he turned the TV off and ran up to his room. That night  he couldn't sleep and all a sudden he felt his cover being pull and he could see a dark figure at the end of his bed. He grabbed his cover and pulled it back. it went on for a while. Then he saw a light turn on in the hall way and he knew that it was his mom going to the rest room. cause he could hear her. So he jumped out of the bed and ran out his room. He made his mom jump. his mom ask what is it? and say you look like you've seen a ghost? didn't you. And he said yeah. His mom told him that it's nothing to be scare of.
A couple of years went by and they sold their house, that was wen he told me that the house was hunted. He goes and tell me that when they sold the house, his OG told him that the house that they live had ghost cause on the house deed the rec. states that there were 7 deaths in there. I told him NO FKING way. And why his OG bought it if they knew that. Cause I wouldn't. He said " it was cheap".

So if you are the hmong ppl who now lives in there, just let you know.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2556 on: June 23, 2011, 11:41:12 AM »
Me and my husband are going camping and I like a lot of the stories, you guys should tell more. haha I wanna share these stories if you guys don't mind. =]

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2557 on: June 23, 2011, 12:27:01 PM »
Yeah I think that it was photo shopped. I could barely make out what it is.  I had to go to youtube and zoom in, on what I was looking at. Looks like a smudge from the light. But then again I want to believe that it is true.

Pure noob
Is this the photo you was talking about ?

Yes that is one of the picture, my sister said she have also seen another one.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2558 on: June 23, 2011, 02:29:11 PM »
pure noob, that pic is fake
i have the app to do that on my iphone
thought it was real until i found the app that could do that

anyways what part of north fork are you going too?

if you can you should try going a little higher up towards mammoth pool area, out of the city atmosphere and those campsites are all located by a creek which all creeks should have good running water right now

i cant wait for deer season to start, another month and a half for archery then squirrel second week of september then rifle for deer the third week

super excited, with all this rain and greens for the deer, there's gonna be some nice big bucks this season O0

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2559 on: June 23, 2011, 02:29:50 PM »
oh and we dont tell ghost stories when we do hunt and camp
**thats just askin for trouble**

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2560 on: June 24, 2011, 12:34:36 AM »
pure noob, that pic is fake
i have the app to do that on my iphone
thought it was real until i found the app that could do that

anyways what part of north fork are you going too?

if you can you should try going a little higher up towards mammoth pool area, out of the city atmosphere and those campsites are all located by a creek which all creeks should have good running water right now

i cant wait for deer season to start, another month and a half for archery then squirrel second week of september then rifle for deer the third week

super excited, with all this rain and greens for the deer, there's gonna be some nice big bucks this season O0

DRTYLUVN...... actually we are going to Mammoth pool area, camping right by the creek. I like to refer to north fork instead since that's what a lot of hmong folks go by. The water is high this year though, to high. We went campsite hunting last week and caught only a 2-3 trout the whole day. But camping itself should be a blast. If anyone else goes to the same area, be careful though because our car got broken into last year.......yes someone fckin threw a rock into our van window while we were all swimming and took my sister's and sil's purse and cards, everything. so always have your car in view

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2561 on: June 24, 2011, 12:35:51 AM »
oh and we dont tell ghost stories when we do hunt and camp
**thats just askin for trouble**

We do quite the opposite and love telling ghost stories at Camp. Nothing ever happens except for some super fun scary time

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2562 on: June 24, 2011, 02:46:41 AM »
We do quite the opposite and love telling ghost stories at Camp. Nothing ever happens except for some super fun scary time
I ran into too many of those freaky stuff. So when I'm out with them OG's for deer opening and they go and tell them ghost stuff. I get scare cause it takes me about an hour to get to my spot and the path that I take has all these tall ass grass and twigs. Dam
They go and tell them big foot back in Laos. And how if they ran into them and those things has no knees but can run faster then you. The only way to run faster then them is to run zig zag. And how they was being chase by one of them back then.
So I don't talk about ghost or wanting to see one. When I'm out there in the woods.

Pure noob
I give you kudos for being brave. As I'm a chicken now. A bit over weight. lol I can't run like I use to.LOL So if I was being chase.. I guess I'll stand my ground LOL.

Not, I'll prob. out run all you guys if we all went camping and we all see one of those thingy. You'll prob.  be like hey where is saki saki. Oh shyt he's at the car already. When did he run off? LOL

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2563 on: June 24, 2011, 02:44:07 PM »
DRTYLUVN......actually we are going to Mammoth pool area, camping right by the creek. I like to refer to north fork instead since that's what a lot of hmong folks go by. The water is high this year though, to high. We went campsite hunting last week and caught only a 2-3 trout the whole day. But camping itself should be a blast. If anyone else goes to the same area, be careful though because our car got broken into last year.......yes someone fckin threw a rock into our van window while we were all swimming and took my sister's and sil's purse and cards, everything. so always have your car in view
PM me if you see alot deer in the mammoth pool area, thats my deer hunting area

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2564 on: June 24, 2011, 08:01:15 PM »
which part of Mammoth Pool ? came back camping at Lower Chiquitoes a couple of weeks ago .. 4 seasons within 3 days 2 nights .. first day rain , next day hail n after hailing came snow than sun ... saw a couple of wild pigs during the night but too many campers around us ..

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