
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1605438 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2580 on: July 09, 2011, 10:45:16 PM »
damn mofo559 i was so f'ing annoyed by ur stories i totally forgot that this is the scary thread... :2funny:
:2funny: im sorry  :(.... ;D no-__-

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2581 on: July 14, 2011, 11:29:49 AM »
I just heard this yesterday from my dad. If you guys read my story I posted before, I have a sister that pasted away back in thailand. Well before my dad and them do the soul release (tso plig) he say that the kids in the house will tell my parents that they see a girl that comes around the house with rag on. My dad ask that if the girl that come around is my deceased sister then for her to show some kind of sign. A couple of week later, everyone was in the car getting ready to head out to school and my younger brother forgot his books so he came back in the house for them. When he turn around the corner he bump into a girl but he was so in a rush that he just say sorry and run into his room and grab his books. After coming out to the car, my dad ask everyone are you guys ready. My brother told my dad hold on dad, someone is still in the house (one of the sister). When my dad turn around, everyone was already in the car waiting. Thats when my brother realized, its not any of us girl. lol. He got scared and told my dad that he bump into someone on the way back into his room. Thats when my dad realize that its probably my deceased sister showing a sign. A few week later, he ask for another sign just to make sure, that is what happen in my previous story about the mouse incident.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2582 on: July 14, 2011, 11:43:20 AM »
This happen in our old duplex before we move to the current place now.
For some reason, the family keep on experince paranormal activity. My brother will get attack at night, like get drag down the bed or get things thrown at them. So one night my dad went out hunting and so I had my ex and his uncle (his uncle is young and he is also a friend of mine) came over to spend the night. The uncle have 6th sense. He can see dead people and talk to them. He told me before, that when he first experince the vision, he would be hella scare cus he see bunch of dead people around that no one sees. So anyways, we were up all night chating away and chiling in the living room till morning. When my mom woke up in the morning he ask her, do u have a deceased biological daughter. My mom say no, and he was like oh cus yesterday night I saw a little girl in white peeking at us from the hall way. That scare the crap out of everyone. He say that the girl seems to be looking for her mom, she doesnt look like hmong but is an asain girl. Then my mom have him do some kinda of ritual stuff to tell her that she got the wrong person and send her away to go seek for her mom else where. The whole time the family were experince those paranomal activity was because she thought that we took her mom from her and were angry at us.
Funny moment while all that happen: We were so scare to sleep at night in different room so the whole family gather into one room and take turn guarding. We have two person stay up at a time just incase something happen. Oh, and we also left the lights on all night. lol.  ;D

« Last Edit: July 14, 2011, 12:30:00 PM by m1zz_$h0rtY »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2583 on: July 14, 2011, 11:56:09 AM »
I had a co-worker who use to be monk (he is combodain). He told me that one time he went to go visit his grandma in the hospital. When he left, there was other patient behind him so he held the door for them. When he got to the car, he open the passenger door to get his stuff and put it in the trunk. While putting his stuff in the trunk he didnt close the passenger door and left it open till he was done putting his stuff away. When got home he felt that there was someone following him, but being young and careless he just walk right in the house and straight to his room. When he got in the room for a while, he saw a shadown from the corner of his eye. He did his chanting thing that the monk do and when he open his eye he saw an old man sitting on the bed looking at him. The old mans face was half missing from the top right corner. He goes back into chanting and while doing so, he also talk with the old man. He ask why did the old man follow him and what does he want. The old man told him, "son, at the hospital I was waiting for a family member to come pick me up. I saw you opening the door for me and also when we got to the car, you had the car door open for me. I thought you was here to pick me up and take me home." My co-worker told the old man, sorry sir. This is a mis-understanding. I am there to visit my grandma in the hospital. The old man refuse to leave my co-workers place so he have to call all his uncle (which they are also monks) and do a ritual to send the old man back to where he came from.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2584 on: July 14, 2011, 12:03:31 PM »
A little break from ghost story, I know its the wrong thread but it will get your mind off of ghost story for a while.

Why is that there is no chicken or watermelon in Africa?

Because african eats all of them..... they love chicken and watermelon  :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

if there is a blonde, brown and red head girl in 5th grade, who got the biggiest boobs?

of course its the blonde. She is 18 year old.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2585 on: July 14, 2011, 12:15:49 PM »
^ shit that hospital story is scary, I've heard a similar one

This girl went to visit her sick dad in the hospital at night. when she came out of the hospital she saw her dad walking in the parking lot. She thought it was weird so she chased him but she lost sight of him. When she came home, she gotta phone call that her dad passed away.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2586 on: July 14, 2011, 12:44:14 PM »
I use to work in a fast food restaurant with alot of other hmong people. We always joke around and play prank on each other. So one day someone made up a story that there was a little girl in the freezer by the back corner. Everyone there got so scare that no one wants to go get stuff from the freezer when needed. Then some times went by and we have a new co-worker (the same one from my previous story... the combodain guy). If there is ever anything needed from the freezer there would be a couple of people go in at the same time. My co-worker ask why is that there are always two people going in the freezer to grab something that one person can do. I told him of the story that goes around the people in that shift. He then turn to me and say "really, so i'm not the only one who sees her". I was like wtf... are you serious, The whole time it was suppose to be a prank/joke only. Then he told me the story of the little girl in the freezer. The girl got hit at the corner of the street around our restaurant while crossing the road, long time ago. She dont know where to go so she comes and stay in the freezer. That scared the crap out of me. But i dont let that bother me and eventually it went away until now. I forgot to tell my friends about the story while they are working there too. hahahahaha

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2587 on: July 16, 2011, 01:36:37 PM »
My cousin work graveyard shift at one of the many Motel 6 for the past 12yrs and never experience anything before but recently she be seeing shadow and one time during her break as she was peeking thru the window to check on her car she saw a man w/white tshirt and blue jean leaning against the door to one of the room w/no head scary!

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2588 on: July 17, 2011, 11:40:37 AM »
Great stories!  I've finished reading all of them and I must say that some of them gave me the jeebies for days.  I literally slept with my lights on!  I would like to contribute my share to this thread.  To protect identity, the names of the people have been changed.

This story is about my younger sister May when she was still in high school or was it late middle school.  LOL, either way.  My family and I live in the boonies of NC.  We live down a long forest road going uphill; it's a good 2-3 minute walk to get up to the main road.  Thus, the school bus picksus up at the main road around 6:45-6:50 AM (before the sun is out).  Our house is uphill of my cousin's house so we walk past my cousin's house to get to the forest road.  One morning, while my sister was walking to the bus stop, she saw a shadow at the foot of the stairs of my cousin's house.  She thought it was my cousin who usually walks with her to wait for the bus, but that shadow didn't move when it saw her.  She thought that maybe her eyes were playing tricks on her so she kept walking.

The next day, while walking pass my cousin's house, she thought about the shadow and turned to see if it was there.  Nothing was there.  When she walked past the house, she heard 3 voices call her name in unison.  One of the voices sounded like the cousin, so she turned around.  Nothing was there.  The hair on her arms stood up and she felt goosebumps throughout her body.   Trying to convince herself that she's hearing things, she kept walking. 

Halfway up the road, she started hearing footsteps behind her.  She turned around hoping that it was our cousin.  But instead, she saw the shadow from yesterday.  The shadow had long flowing hair and it was walking slowly behind her.  She was terrified and walked as fast as she could until she reached the main road.  She took a few deep breaths.  "I'm seeing things", she repeated to herself.  She slowly turned around and the shadow was still there.  This time, walking up faster and closer to her.  To her luck, my cousin was at the bottom of the hill walking up.  She said that the instant the shadow saw my cousin, it ran and jumped straight into the forest.  That was the last time she saw that thing.

She was in tears when she told me her encounter that night.  I remember the goosebumps that went through my body.  To this day we still don't know what that thing was.  But now that I think about it, my other younger sister Lia has had strange paranormal activities that happen to her and she's seen things that looked like the shadow with long hair May described.  I would not be surprised if it was the same "ghost".

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2589 on: July 17, 2011, 04:02:36 PM »
Another story.  This one is about my other sister Lia...and me.

About a year and a half ago, I was still living in a one bedroom apartment.  Lia started college and came to live with me.  Since we couldn't afford to move out to a 2 bedroom at the time, we shared my small room and we had 2 beds in it.  My bed is at the farthest left, hers is at the farthest right.  In between us is a window. 

One morning in early October, it was around 6 AM, Lia woke me up.  I got up and asked her what's wrong.  She looked terrified and told me to turn on the lights, so I did.  She told me that when she awoke a few minutes ago she tried to fall back asleep so she turned her body towards me (notice:my back was facing her), she tilted her head to the window and closed her eyes.  Then all of a sudden she couldn't move.  She struggled to open her eyes and when she got them opened she saw a lady in white with long white hair and glowing eyes near the foot of my bed (where my feet were positioned).  When the lady saw my sister looking at her, she got in a crouch like position.  With her long fingers in a claw-like position at the front of her chest, she came towards Lia.  Lia panicked and immediately closed her eyes.  When she opened them again, the lady was gone and her head was still tilted towards the window instead of at the foot of my bed. 

In my previous story, I mentioned the shadow that followed my sister May.  I'm really starting to think that it might be the same "ghost". 

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2590 on: July 17, 2011, 05:42:12 PM »
i have a couple of stories to share.

this one happened to the niece that i share a lot of ghost stories about. anyway, this happened a couple of weeks ago. She had just gotten out of the shower when her phone rang. She answered it and it was her bf. He started accusing her asking her why she picked up the phone but didn't say anything. she told her she was in the shower so it would have been impossib le for her to answer. She checked her phone log and apparently while she was in the showers, her bf did call and it showed that someone indeed picked it up but it wasn't anyone she lives with.

here's one similar to that one. this one was told to me from a friend.

there were these two sisters away to an all girl college. they were able to share a dorm room together. the older sister slept on the left side of the room and the younger one slept on the right. between them stood a drawer. this was several years ago when people still use the landlines. well, as the phone kept ringing, she turns towards her sister and tells her to pick up. the phone stopped ringing. a little while later, the phone rang again,. frustrated, she answered it and it was her bf. he said that he'd been trying to call her and how come she didn't pick up. she turns towards her sister and saw that she was there but how come he kept saying that. then all of a sudden, her sister comes through the door. she asked her sister where she went. the younger sister said that she was studying downstairs and that she had been there all night studying. the older sister freaked out and from that day on, the younger sister would stay with her in the dorm room whenever she studied.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2591 on: July 20, 2011, 10:49:26 AM »
About 10 years ago, an aunt from out of town came to visit us.  She was invited by my mom to sleep over and so I had to give up my bed. My sister and I shared a room. That night, I slept w/ my sister on her full and my aunt slept on my twin bed.  In the middle of the night, the two of us were awakened by my aunt. She asked us who’s bed it was and pointed over at my bed. We drowsily answered her, saying that it was mine.  She then asked us if she could sleep with us, in my sister’s bed because someone was trying to get on her. She stated that she fought with it and was successful in shoving it out the door. FREAKY!  The next day, we told my mom about the incident and she didn’t say much. Shrugged it off and said that it might’ve been my spirit trying to get back into my body….?
Anyhow, I didn’t sleep on my bed for months!

Another incident:
I’ve never had sleep paralysis or experienced being sat on before until after I married my husband.  When we got married, I had to resign from my job because it was going to be a 30-40 min commute and we didn’t want to deal with the travel.  I was still seeking for a job and my husband worked early in the morning so he would get up, get ready, kiss me goodbye and then leave me to continue my sleep.  I’m afraid of the dark, and all things that goes bump in the night… so I sleep by the wall. One morning after my husband kissed be goodbye, I moved ½ of myself over to sleep on my his side of the bed.  I’m not sure how much time lapsed… I still felt myself in a state of sleep and consciousness… and then I felt something—a presence slide on the bed and lay by my side… then I felt the breathing of someone’s breathe on me. In my mind I thought, “it’s my husband”… because the presence I felt… was his… the breathing, in my ears sound like him. Right after that thought, I remembered that my husband had already kissed me goodbye—he had already left and then I felt my body go numb as if someone was on top of me. Fear ran through my veins; I tried to open my eyes and get up but I couldn’t.  Oddly… my eyes were flickering in and out of vision. It was as if I couldn’t open them but I remember seeing the ceiling and the light fixture. The light was on. I tried to scream and move but I couldn’t.  After what seemed like minutes of struggling, I was able to wake up.  Right when I woke up, there was a feeling that I felt- you know, the feeling of someone rolling over the side of the bed to get up? That’s what I felt after I woke up. 
I experienced being sat on a few times after that… and then I decide to wake up with my husband and when he’d leave, I would just get on the computer to keep myself up. Ever since then, I’ve never had that happen to me.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2592 on: July 20, 2011, 03:26:33 PM »
It's a beautiful night
We're looking for something dumb to do
Hey baby
I think I wanna marry you

   Scary stories sunkissed, ladythao, & shay. It's been awhile I've been here. I'll post some stories in a bit after I get back from some business. Keep it coming.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2593 on: July 21, 2011, 12:17:09 AM »
This is a short one, but ...

My cousin...lets call him Bob,  passed away a couple of years ago from drowning at this one river in Fresno. His older brother..(Bill) works as those funeral security or whatever, you know what im talking about. But, anyways. It was after the funeral, and Bill came home from a late night shift & the family said that right when he opened the door, they saw Bob standing behind him, walking after Bill as if he was person.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2594 on: July 21, 2011, 04:44:08 AM »
This is a short one, but ...

My cousin...lets call him Bob,  passed away a couple of years ago from drowning at this one river in Fresno. His older brother..(Bill) works as those funeral security or whatever, you know what im talking about. But, anyways. It was after the funeral, and Bill came home from a late night shift & the family said that right when he opened the door, they saw Bob standing behind him, walking after Bill as if he was person.

Damm don't scare us Fresnans like that. Freaky shlt

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