
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1604167 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2865 on: November 10, 2011, 03:22:45 PM »
Here’s a couple more:
One night I was sooo hot I slept with no blanket on and was laying on my back. I was still pretty young, probably at the age of elementary school. I remember waking up for some reason during the night and saw a black shadowy figure, the shape of what a typical devil’s shape would look like at the side of my bed towards my leg area. It had one of it’s arms extended out as if it was reaching over to grab me. It noticed that I woke and we locked eyes for a couple seconds. It had red fiery eyes, but everything else was a shadow. It slowly retrieved it’s hand away from me and I saw it crawl back under my bed. I thought nothing of it and went back to sleep. To that point, I was just used to ghosts bothering me so I wasn’t as scared.
Another story was that one early early morning during the summer, I was sleeping at the wall (because remember, I’m a chicken) and my other sister was sleeping next to me. I woke up because I kept feeling something at the top of my head and when I looked, it was a hand with it’s arm extending out from the corner of my bed. It looked like a white man’s hand too. I remembered being so scared that I jumped over my sister and pushed her towards the wall. The hand started touching her on her face but that didn’t wake her up though. I knew that “it” knew “it” wasn’t touching me so I saw the hand move it’s direction towards me…then before I knew it, I blacked out and woke up trying to remember what happened.
One story was that when my parents moved out of the house that I grew up (keep in mind it was super haunted and probably still is!), we moved into a nicer home. The kids’ rooms were upstairs and my parent’s room is downstairs. I remember waking up to voices in the sounded like Meeka people but I knew something was wrong because why would there be Meeka people in the hallway talking away as if everything was normal in the middle of the night? I had my room door open too and I was super scared so I was trying to wake up my sister so she could be scared with me.  (LoLz) When I was calling her name to wake her up, I heard a Meeka woman’s voice saying “Did you hear that?” and I got super scared and started calling my sister’s name louder to wake her up. Then the voice got closer and I heard “Did you hear that again?” and before I knew it, I blacked out. Not sure what happened after that, but as a kid, when I experienced these encounters, I always ended up blacking out and not remembering what happened. My parents still live in that house and it’s still haunted, but the spirit(s) is still there.
One time when I was still married, my ex-husband and I stayed in my old room (refer to the story above, same room). We were talking and laying in bed in the dark when all of a sudden, the door jerked open. I knew we had closed the door tight, and my ex stopped talking when that happened. I casually got up as if I wasn’t afraid and said “Oh, that door does that when you don’t close it tight” so he wouldn’t be scared. I shut it tight and crawled back into bed; then we started talking again. While we were talking, the door jerked open once again. This time, I was so scared I jumped out of bed and ran into my brother’s old room where my younger sister and her hubby was sleeping. My ex and I ended up sleeping with them that night.
Another time, my BIL was sleeping in that room and he thought he saw one of my sisters walking down the hallway in a light purple robe  (the room is the last room at the end of the hallway). He didn’t think nothing of it and laid in bed for a couple more minutes and then decided to wake up. He went downstairs to find my sister fully dressed and ready for the day. I remember him saying “Weren’t you just upstairs in your robe?” when the whole time, my sister was downstairs with me.
My parent’s house that they live in is pretty creepy. Upstairs is a big NO NO for me, even to this day. The vibe is just scary. An old woman died in the room that I used to sleep in. She used to pound the walls when she wanted something when she was alive; at least that’s what my mom told me. It makes sense because once night I came home and was soooo tired from work that I almost fell asleep when I heard pounding on the wall in my mini walk in closet. I got mad and cursed at the noise and it started pounding louder. I kept cursing and it wouldn’t stop so I finally took a breath and apologized for cussing and if whoever was doing the pounding would stop. The pounding stopped.
My parents were just recently in Thailand with my Uncle and Auntie. They rented this hotel that was rebuilt and it was said that the building tore down when Tsunami hit the town that they were in; a lot of people died as well due to the Tsunami. The bed that my parents shared had this urine smell, and my dad was sleeping on that side, but made my mom switch so my mom ended up sleeping on the side that smelled like urine. My mom woke up to and there was a little boy sleeping next to my mom, so basically, my mom was being sandwiched by the ghost and my dad. She was so scared, but she didn’t dare wake my dad up (it’s because he’s more a chicken than me or anyone else that I know of when it comes to ghosts). The little boy laid there for a little bit while my mom was paralyzed in fear. She said the little boy woke up and walked towards the corner of the room and disappeared. My Auntie and Uncle also was telling us that they heard cats crying every night that they stayed at the hotel. 

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2866 on: November 10, 2011, 04:05:02 PM »
@PaZong: danng, your encounters are freaky!!!! esp. with those hands that are always searching for you! keep writing!

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2867 on: November 10, 2011, 04:24:31 PM »
My parents house is still very haunted: one time my eldest sister and my mom was in the living room talking. My parent’s room is right next to the living room and they always keep the door locked. During that time while my sister and my mom was chit chatting away, they noticed the doorknob moving and twisting around as if someone was in there wanting to get out. I have 5 sisters and 2 brothers; we’re all adults now and have our own kids. Thinking it was once of the kids (the grand kids are always at my parent’s house), my sister opened the door and found no one there. My mom and my sister looked at each other blinking and remembering in horror that they were the only ones in the house at the time.
Another time, my BIL had just gotten to my parent’s house. My mom had just gotten home too at the same and needed help with the groceries. My BIL helped her bring in the first load, she was still outside by her car and haven’t gone in yet. My BIL brought the groceries in and at the corner of his eye, he saw someone sitting on the loveseat couch with their arms sprawled out on the couch. Nobody was in the house at the time so he quickly turned around and walked out of the house, made a quick excuse, and left.
Another story: recently my sister’s MIL passed away and I was a little freaked out because as a human, when you know someone who passed away, it kinda freaks you out. So one night I was sleeping alone in my brother’s house (him and his little family went out of town that weekend) . I dreamt that I saw my sister’s MIL (she was super nice when she was alive and always sweet) and she came to me and asked me why I was so scared and that I shouldn’t be scared of her. After that dream, I wasn’t afraid anymore.
Another time when one of my favorite childhood Uncles passed away, I was really sad. At that time I was married and so I couldn’t go to his funeral because I lived out of state. I had always wondered about him and once night, I dreamt that I went into a trailer and saw my Uncle that passed away cooking. He looked like himself when he was alive but was by the sink minding his own business. I remembered in my dream that I knew he was dead already, but I wasn’t scared. I asked him in my dream if he was okay and it took him a little bit to respond to me, but his response overcame the sadness that I had felt. He had looked at me and smiled and shook his head “yes” as if to acknowledge that he is fine. Ever since then, I wasn’t so sad anymore because I knew he was okay. Another story related to the same family; my Uncle’s wife passed away (she was super sweet too) and I heard after her funeral that one of her son-in-laws is a major drug addict and he took the money that was supposed to be saved for her funeral and spent it on drugs. When that son-in-law was at the funeral, every time he got a plate of food, there was hair in there. FREAKY!
I hear that at funerals, some people don’t eat the food there because they say the dead eat from the food that is cooked at the funeral.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2868 on: November 10, 2011, 04:34:44 PM »
My Auntie and Uncle used to live in the country and they always had acres of crops. When we would go harvest the crops, sometimes I would come across corn that have been open and there was always black slime. I always assumed it was ghosts/pa xomb eating the crops. Can anyone explain this?

My Grandma always used to say to me that if you are scared of them, they will know and they will come bother you. But if you are not, they will leave you alone. As an Adult, I haven't encountered spirits *knock on wood* the same way that I did when I was little. My Grandma used to scare us by saying: The person that sleeps by the wall is the tastiest person hence the most scared, the middle person is the worm (say it in Hmong and it'll make sense), and I can't remember what she used to say about the person that slept by the side with no wall.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2869 on: November 10, 2011, 06:51:37 PM »
lmfao PaZaong.. ur stories dont scare me! i am actually lmfao.. no offense of course.. lmfao

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2870 on: November 10, 2011, 07:18:53 PM »
here are my stories..

we were all at the hospital because my mil had just taken her last breath.. when we came back home.. my sister was soo freaked out.. she said.. my neice who was  2 1/2 at the time said grandma was outside.. lol my sister was soo scared because she knew my mil had just passed away... another dream of mines that wasnt scary was when she came to me and thanked me for being a good nyab.. that really made me happy.. because they did live with us and my husband is the youngest son..

something else freaky was when we stayed up alll night for my fil funeral... by around 6am.. there was some knocking on pipes to teh left of my fil's casket.. in the room where they store the bodies when people leave.. we looked around.. outside.. but there was no one there to make those noises.. i think it was whatever spirits that were left in that hmong funeral home because my fil had a good heart.. he would never do anything intentionally to scare  us.. right after they wheeled his body out of the funeral home.. all of the sudden.. i just had a creeepy feeling because i knew that he wasnt n the room anymore.. there was something else there.. eekk.. that was a creepy feeling.. i felt safer with him in the room.

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First unknown experience
« Reply #2871 on: November 10, 2011, 08:16:27 PM »
Here is my first ghost experience when i was in 5th grade... It first start when me and my older sister we came home from skool to go to her bf house. As we got to my sis bf house, her bf took us right straight down to the basement because all of his niece and nephew were down in the basement playing. We went down to the basement and went into the room were he put his drum set and music box in it. Her bf told me to stay in there as him and my sis went up stair. At that point i was like what the hell why do they want to go up stair when all of his niece and nephew were down the basement. After my sis and her bf left to go up stair i close the doors and listen to the music box. I turn on the volume on the music box to half way. All I did was sitting in there, listen to music and waiting for them to come down to the room. As i was waiting for them like 5 min, all of my sis bf niece and nephew start to ran up stair and i do hear they went up stair but i don't really care. when they all went up stair i went to turn the music a little lower. After sitting in that room waiting for them suddenly i hear a loud knock on the door and thought it was them to came and tell me to go up stair, so i got up to open the door. When i open the door there was no one there.  Remember I was the only one down in the basement alone. I got out of the room to go check to see who is it. As i go out i turn to the right and there was a half square where they put there exercise equipment. That whole half square where pitch black as i turn and look into that area, my hair just go up and my skin start to get goosebumps. I stood there and stare around that area for 5 sec to see if any did come down or they just wanna play trick with me. As i was looking in there i could feel that there was someone there looking at me and i don't see them but i know there where something there. I quickly turn back, get into the room and lock the door and turn the music volume all the way up.. I stay in that room for 5 min later and heard another knock on the door again but this time i wait until there were two knock on the door. As the knock keep going and i heard my name call so i got up and open the doors and there it is my sis and his bf. He came in and turn off music and went up stair. later that day me and my sis walk home from her bf house as i we were walking home i was thinking who the hell would knock on the door and gone that fast because if they went up the stair i would heard the footstep but i heard none going up the stair. That is what it make me think until i was a freshman in college. Sorry not that scary but it was my first ghost or what ever experience that i have when i was just a 5th grade.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2872 on: November 10, 2011, 09:20:47 PM »
How about just looking at this alone?

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The snooping eye sees everything."--Ono No Komachi, Japanese Poetess (emphasis)


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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2873 on: November 10, 2011, 09:25:38 PM »
reporter mas!!!! is vely crazy!!!

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2874 on: November 10, 2011, 10:38:35 PM »
reporter mas!!!! is vely crazy!!!

hahaha...let's see how others feel about this, eh? :2funny: :2funny:

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The snooping eye sees everything."--Ono No Komachi, Japanese Poetess (emphasis)


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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2875 on: November 10, 2011, 11:56:12 PM »
here are my stories..

we were all at the hospital because my mil had just taken her last breath.. when we came back home.. my sister was soo freaked out.. she said.. my neice who was  2 1/2 at the time said grandma was outside.. lol my sister was soo scared because she knew my mil had just passed away... another dream of mines that wasnt scary was when she came to me and thanked me for being a good nyab.. that really made me happy.. because they did live with us and my husband is the youngest son..

something else freaky was when we stayed up alll night for my fil funeral... by around 6am.. there was some knocking on pipes to teh left of my fil's casket.. in the room where they store the bodies when people leave.. we looked around.. outside.. but there was no one there to make those noises.. i think it was whatever spirits that were left in that hmong funeral home because my fil had a good heart.. he would never do anything intentionally to scare  us.. right after they wheeled his body out of the funeral home.. all of the sudden.. i just had a creeepy feeling because i knew that he wasnt n the room anymore.. there was something else there.. eekk.. that was a creepy feeling.. i felt safer with him in the room.

So what could it be then?

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2876 on: November 11, 2011, 08:25:31 AM »
So what could it be then?
maybe a lost spirit who had their funeral there also.. all i know it.. in my heart.. i know my fil would never intentionally try to scare us.. he wasnt that kind of person..  it is still a mystery to me till this day

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2877 on: November 11, 2011, 11:02:19 AM »
I hear that at funerals, some people don’t eat the food there because they say the dead eat from the food that is cooked at the funeral.

i think this is true... heard the saying from my MIL.. me and my husband dont eat at the funeral too/

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2878 on: November 11, 2011, 11:14:19 AM »
i think this is true... heard the saying from my MIL.. me and my husband dont eat at the funeral too/

The dead eat there but eat in ways we usually don't think about. They dip the foods with their rotting hands, juice and soups dripping as they pull out the meat into their mouths, etc. Get what I mean? Last time someone served me there, I became really ill. I no longer eat foods at the funerals, too.

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The snooping eye sees everything."--Ono No Komachi, Japanese Poetess (emphasis)


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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2879 on: November 11, 2011, 11:23:45 AM »
The dead eat there but eat in ways we usually don't think about. They dip the foods with their rotting hands, juice and soups dripping as they pull out the meat into their mouths, etc. Get what I mean? Last time someone served me there, I became really ill. I no longer eat foods at the funerals, too.

That's why sometimes the foods tastes soo good...maybe those times are the tiems when the ghosts are dipping their hands in it....

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