
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1607401 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3360 on: May 11, 2012, 12:33:46 PM »
Hello everyone! I see that people still post stories on here which is a plus for me since I would like to start too. :D I love ghost stories of any kind as long as I get a scare from it….lol When i was young, my sister and i use to love listening to hmong dab neeg or real life exp. either our grandma or our mom would tell us stories of living in the old country and how scary it can be. I have a lot of stories I would love to share to everyone.

These stories are based on true events coming from Lao, Thailand and the US. These events were either told to me or my actual exp.
Here's the first story from my grandpa back in Laos.

Story 1
Back when my grandpa was still young and living in Laos, he had an uncle that just barley past away.
The uncle left behind a daughter that nobody wanted to take care of. The relatives would make her sleep alone at the farm and tend the animals alone. There would be nights where she would be crying to her deceased father telling him that nobody loves her, feeds her and cares for her and that she wishes that he was still here with her.
(*FACT 1. It is somewhat true that stepparents or foster parents do not really love step/foster childs within the Hmong Community  *FACT 2. In Hmong culture you should NEVER cry and call for the deceased) After that she got really really sick until one day she finally passed away. After her death the village started to see a little girl walking in the forest with a tiger.
(*NOTE – In the Hmong culture elders use to say that in some Hmong clans; when a person dies, they are known to form or their spirit would become a tiger.)My grandpa believed that the reason why his cousin passed away was probably because the uncle was upset that no one took care of his child. So he took it upon his own hands and took his child’s spirit. 

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3361 on: May 11, 2012, 02:55:43 PM »
Great stories!

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3362 on: May 11, 2012, 03:12:27 PM »
Very sad indeed. But very true, reason is that there will be another mouth to feed, plus kids with no parents are a burnden to them..but wen the it's time to get marry, the foster parents charge a heck outta the hubby aide, saying we took care of her(even thou half the time she is a slave for 'em) we did and that so we want what's ours back.. greedy ass hmng ppl.. i have a few friends who lost thier parenys @ a tender age.. and we hmng ppl say we have LOVE...cum on.. get the fk outta here..

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3363 on: May 11, 2012, 09:31:37 PM »
Hello everyone! I see that people still post stories on here which is a plus for me since I would like to start too. :D I love ghost stories of any kind as long as I get a scare from it….lol When i was young, my sister and i use to love listening to hmong dab neeg or real life exp. either our grandma or our mom would tell us stories of living in the old country and how scary it can be. I have a lot of stories I would love to share to everyone.

These stories are based on true events coming from Lao, Thailand and the US. These events were either told to me or my actual exp.
Here's the first story from my grandpa back in Laos.

I called out to my deceased grandma many times and she never came and got me :(

Story 1
Back when my grandpa was still young and living in Laos, he had an uncle that just barley past away.
The uncle left behind a daughter that nobody wanted to take care of. The relatives would make her sleep alone at the farm and tend the animals alone. There would be nights where she would be crying to her deceased father telling him that nobody loves her, feeds her and cares for her and that she wishes that he was still here with her.
(*FACT 1. It is somewhat true that stepparents or foster parents do not really love step/foster childs within the Hmong Community  *FACT 2. In Hmong culture you should NEVER cry and call for the deceased) After that she got really really sick until one day she finally passed away. After her death the village started to see a little girl walking in the forest with a tiger. [/i][/color]
(*NOTE – In the Hmong culture elders use to say that in some Hmong clans; when a person dies, they are known to form or their spirit would become a tiger.)My grandpa believed that the reason why his cousin passed away was probably because the uncle was upset that no one took care of his child. So he took it upon his own hands and took his child’s spirit.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3364 on: May 12, 2012, 11:27:48 AM »
Story 2
This story was told to me from my mom when she was living in Thailand.
This was around the time of the Vietnam War in the 70’s. My mom’s family moved into an actual house (not made of wood) that had a lot of history to it. Before they moved in, her parents had a Buddha cleanse the house to rid of all the spirits in the house. He had a white string/cloth/rope or something in that nature to tie around the whole house. Supposedly it was to stay that until a certain time. As we all know some Hmong children are naughty when it comes to things that involve rituals and culture, for example funerals (I have a great story for that soon). My mom had a big brother that was adopted before they were born. He was Laotian and somewhat of a naughty young child. They were all playing in the house after the cleansing and by accident he tripped over the white string. My mom use to say that the house had a very uncomfortable feeling to it. On top of that, the house still had pictures from the previous owner all over the wall. She said that the pictures didn’t look very happy and as if they can see you and watches your every move. When night falls my mom’s dad (grandpa) would like to sit outside and study. (He was teaching himself how to speak in different dialects for when they begin their journey to either America or France). One very hot night when my mom was about to fall asleep, she heard a very faint voice calling her name asking for a cup of water. The first time she thought she was just hearing things and went back to sleep. Again she heard the voice calling her but this time the voice was more prominent. My mom quickly got up and told the voice that she was coming. To her she knowledge, she thought it was her dad calling her outside the house, but as she approached her dad with the water, he became confused. Turns out he never called her name or asked for water, and as for the voice she thought was her dad…was never revealed to who or what it was. My mom believed that because her step brother tripped over the white string, that maybe the spirits never left.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3365 on: May 17, 2012, 07:20:21 AM »
I have one, it's not scary though.

A couple of months ago, my bf and I moved in to live with his mom.  A month ago before we moved out, I was in the bedroom watching movie and the door was lock cause I didn't want his neices to come and bother me.  I just wanted to enjoy a quiet Saturday afternoon watching
I was watching the drama and just laying in bed when all of a sudden the light just turns on.  The light in the room is not the one where you flip it up and it turns on.  It's the ones you have to twist to get it to turn on.  I couldn't figure out how it turned on and it scared the crap out of me.  I just got up, turned off the tv and went downstairs to watch tv with my bf's brother and neices.

My bf has told me stories about his house and stuff he's seen there.  I'm so thankful we no longer live there.  I will have to post up a few stories he told me about his parents house.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3366 on: May 17, 2012, 08:03:10 AM »
My bf also told me that when he was married to his ex wife and at that time they lived with his parents.  They were in the kitchen and she was cooking and no one was home.  He said all of a sudden the light in the kitchen just turns on and off and back on.  They finish their cooking and went to their room to eat and didn't say anything.  He told me they didn't have the light on when they were cooking. 

There was one he told me that when his grandma was still alive and she lived with them.  She was sitting in the livingroom and there was a knock at the door.  She opens it and my bf's Uncle comes inside, she's talking to him, but he just ignores her and goes straight to the lower level basement.  My bf comes down from his room and ask her, who was she talking too.  She said I was talking to your Uncle and he just ignores me and goes downstairs.  My bf went downstairs and didn't find anyone and came back upstairs and told his Grandma that he didn't even see anyone down there and there is no car out in the parking lot.  She swore she saw him and that he didn't look like a ghost.  They called his Uncle and his Uncle told her that he was still at work and he didn't come over to the house.  Super creepy!

Another one he told me was a couple of yrs after his divorce.  He was sleeping in his room and he saw this old lady kind of grandma like, peeping into his room through the door cause he left the door slightly open.  He kind of got creeped out and he just closed his eyes.  When he opened it again she was gone.  He told me that's why he doesn't like to keep the doors open at night at his moms house.

My bf's always telling me back when we first started dating that he always feels like someone is chasing or following him when he's about to leave and walk out the front door.

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3367 on: May 17, 2012, 02:59:42 PM »
R U sure you weren't watch the other K sounds guess tat's wat you get for watch the other
 K-drama...shyt seeing an astro body of ur uncle cum'n into the house..tat's freaky..

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3368 on: May 17, 2012, 09:31:27 PM »
Lol..saki saki no I don't like watching the other k movies.  😊
There house is in a nice neighborhood, the house inside is always cold even in the summer.  If you are there by yourself, you feel like something is looking at you.  Even his mom refuse to sleep in her room, if his dad is not home.  I think I know why now, that's the room I was sleeping in when the lights turn on by itself.

« Last Edit: May 17, 2012, 09:36:39 PM by motsue »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3369 on: May 17, 2012, 09:55:59 PM »
My bf's niece always wake up in the middle of the night.  I think she is just sleep walking, but there was one night when we still live at his parents house, I woke up and my bf sis was in the bathroom upstairs, so I went downstairs to use the one downstairs.  His sis turned off the lights in the hallway, when I got out of the bathroom the lights were off.  I climb the stairs and turned on the lights.  I looked up and his neice was standing right by our bedroom door smiling at me.  She sleeps downstairs with her mom and she was not there when I got up.  I was only in the bathroom not even more than 3 mins and my bf sis said she didnt see her there.  She turned off the lights and then I came out.  I don't know how she got up there without me hearing her parents door open, since their door creaks when it opens.  Freaked me out and I just yelled at her and told her to go back downstairs.

The next night it happen to my bf's sis.  She was in the bathroom and decided to sleep in the living room for the night.  She went downstairs and looked at the couch and put her blankets over her and turned off the lights.  Then not even a min, she hears something moving on the other couch.  She uses the light on her cell to see what it was and she was scared as hell.  She didn't see anything nor hear anything.  So she went back to sleep, then she heard it again.  She turned on the lights and that same neice is sleeping on the other couch with the blanket over her.  His sister swore she wasn't there when she turned off the lights and did not hear her open her parents door and didn't hear her walking upstairs either.  My bf sis said the neice was KO.

We told my bf SIL, about her kid sleep walking.  She didn't believe us.  So for the past couple of weeks after the incident my bf's neice woke up to sleep walk every night.  Scared the crap out of her mom, cause her mom would be up watching tv and she would get up go climb into her sis bed or go climb the rocking chair in the bedroom.  Idk if she still does that, but when she sleeps over at our place she doesn't sleep walk.

Sorry this story is so long and not even a ghos story.  Sorry it's not scary either, but sure scared me.

« Last Edit: May 17, 2012, 10:06:34 PM by motsue »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3370 on: May 17, 2012, 10:12:59 PM »
I have another one, when I was still living at my old apt before we move in with my bf's mom.  His neice the same one was taking a bubble bath and I was folding clothes in the bedroom.  My bf's son was in the living room playing games.  All of a sudden she starts calling for me.  She tells me that she saw monster up in the ceiling and she doesn't want to take bubble bath anymore.  I asked her where and she pointed to the ceiling.  It scared me, but I just told her to tell monster to go away.  She said that a couple times and went back to playing in her bubbles.

My bf said when she was younger she use to say Aunty is hear and it would just be him, her twin sis and just her.  My bf said sometimes he would catch her talking to something, but he doesnt think anything, cause he thought she is just playing.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3371 on: May 17, 2012, 10:17:27 PM »
My bf told me one time he had a dream this poj dab grab his heart and it scared him so bad he woke up.  He said he can feel this pain in his heart.  I told him maybe he is having a heart attack.  He said no, it feels like someone was squeezing his chest.

My bf attracts ghost, cause he is always telling me he sees things or tell me if I can go turn on the lights, but won't tell me why.

One day I was up got ready to go to work and it was 6 am.  I didn't leave yet, but turned off the lights and was in the livingroom trying to turn on my computer.  I hear this scream from our bedroom and I run in and turn on the lights.  I asked him if he was all right?  He said that he saw this black shadow after I turned off all the lights.  He saw it climb on the bed and got on top of him.  He couldn't move and that's when he screamed.  Luckily I didn't go to work yet cause when I turned the lights on, the ghost disappear.  That apt was really a bad place, I felt suicidal and depress living there.  I don't feel like that with our new place, just would like more closet space.  😜

« Last Edit: May 17, 2012, 10:24:39 PM by motsue »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3372 on: May 17, 2012, 10:37:47 PM »
We use to live at these other apt near a railroad track.  I never saw anything, but my bf said one night he saw an lady facing our bedroom closet with long black hair.  He was scared, so he just closed his eyes.  When I live there I always felt sad, like I was longing for my kids, even though I didn't have any kids yet.  Once we moved out I didn't feel that way anymore.

I did feel like there was a lady who hung herself in the closet, cause I always have this feeling like i need to close the closet before I go to bed.

« Last Edit: May 17, 2012, 10:42:50 PM by motsue »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3373 on: May 17, 2012, 11:23:25 PM »
hello this story happened to me and it was freaky but anyway here it is One night :o when my brothers and sisters didnt want to sleep with me only my brother but he went to sleep then in the middle of the night a bang woke me up and was coming from my sisters closet and i was facing it too  :o . then i was to scare to look at it but i had to,then when i looked at it the closet door was moving hard and i was like OH SHIT! but my brother didnt even wake up, i was so terrified and was paralyzed and couldnt move at all and it stoped like for 5 seconds and then i rubbed my eyes and took a better look and there was a black face in the closet!!!!!  >:D ,i couldnt see the whole body because it was to dark but i took almost all night terrified :o to ignore it. in the morniong  i checkd in the closet but nothin was there. i was hella freaked iout bros..
         Written by little bro

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3374 on: May 17, 2012, 11:24:03 PM »
:) This is my first time writing so if it's not scary i apologize. This happened a few months ago when my parents were away. My sister was talking on the phone late at night and since she didnt want to bother us (we were sleeping) she went to sleep in my parent's room. It was at 1 am or somethin my sister was facing the door and there was a space for one more person behind her. She felt a tug at her shoulder but she thought it was nothin and brushed it off. A little later there was another tug now she was freaking out. She said it felt like a child tugging her shirt as if it wanted something. She was frozen with fear. She didnt want to look bak to see wat or who it was. So she fell asleep. (if it was me i ran out). There is another incident with tat room. My neighbors came over to visit and they had a baby that was like 2 or 3. He kept walking upstairs into my parent's room and looking behind the door like something was there. It creeps me out. that room gives me a creepy vibe like something is staring at you when you pass it.

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