
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1603578 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3465 on: June 13, 2012, 02:12:00 PM »
Just because I have some free time now. :happy7

A long, long time ago when my mom was a freshman in college in 1983; she wanted to be an LPN or Licensed Practical Nurse.  She never finished because she had children year after year, but that wasn't the case.  When I was in college, I asked her why she REALLY didn't finish getting her license.  She told me this (as told by my mother):

Everyone wants to be a nurse or a doctor, but that's not very easy.  The education is very hard and you have to be very focused.  And when you become one, you'll have to see blood everyday.  You will have to take care of the very sick people (sick, in this case meant the dying people).  But no one tells you about the things you will see in the hospitals.

When I was in school, we had to get up very early for our clinicals.  I was one of the few that had to be there by 4 in the morning.  One morning I got up really early and went to the hospital.  I was still very tired, almost half asleep.  The hospital was empty, parking lot empty and I was alone.  I got into the elevator to go down to the locker room, which was in the basement of the hospital.  I never liked going down there because it was always so quiet that you can hear every little echo of anything that moved.

When I got to the basement, I was putting my stuff away in my locker.  I thought I heard voices.  I put on my lab coat and then I heard little children's laughter as though they were right behind me.  I wanted to yell out "Hey!"  But I knew that no one else was there.  The elevator door swung open and another nurse walked in.  She saw me and greeted me.  She quickly grabbed her lab coat and we both went into the elevator together.  I told her that I was still very tired and was rubbing at my eye when I saw a little white girl with long blonde hair, wearing a white dress standing at the corner of the elevator smiling at me.  I closed my eyes to get her out of my mind.  When I opened my eyes, she was gone.

When we reached the main floor, the nurse said to me, "You can see them too, huh?  Well, don't be afraid.  The basement used to be the morgue.  They come out and play every morning.  Just pretend they're not there and you'll be fine."

So every morning when I would go to clinicals, I would wait for another person to go with me before I'd go down to the locker room.  I'd still hear the children and see them every once and a while.  I got too scared to become an LPN.  And I had too many little ones at home that needed me, so I didn't finish my school.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3466 on: June 13, 2012, 03:24:44 PM »
Another one that happen back in 06. My cousin and a few buddies came down to visit. On their way back everything was fine until they got to Marysville. There is a cemetery at the end of town and the road kinda curves right. As soon as they enter the road, it started raining cats and dogs and was very foggy. As they took the curve, my cousin saw a little girl sitting on the rock road barrier. He got scared and then turn the other way while closing his eye. After they pass that turn, eveything went back to normal. No more rain or fogg.
thats true u never know who died in the bed. but u know dont big mouth about it. dont think about it nothing will happen. have a big heart O0

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3467 on: June 13, 2012, 03:28:39 PM »
the second photo wat am I to look for? I see a broken window.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3468 on: June 13, 2012, 03:33:29 PM »
es who on earth would pose these pictures up! scared the hell outta me..not even funny. did u guys know that its not good to be looking at pictures like theses???for those who have a very tiny heart can get scared and then become sick. shoo >:( i dont have a tiny heart but it did scared me. i didnot even look at it. scroll down soooo fast!

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3469 on: June 13, 2012, 03:38:40 PM »
es who on earth would pose these pictures up! scared the hell outta me..not even funny. did u guys know that its not good to be looking at pictures like theses???for those who have a very tiny heart can get scared and then become sick. shoo >:( i dont have a tiny heart but it did scared me. i didnot even look at it. scroll down soooo fast!
I'm one of the scary cats. I can look @ ghost photo(s) but can not look @ real dead ppl..
I remember someone posted a pix of her auntie sumting like that on the hospital bed, a waitting to pass on.. yikes that image is still in my mind.. And I posted that, that not how you want to remember them by. but remember them when they were still alive.. not on their death bed..

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3470 on: June 13, 2012, 03:57:12 PM »
the second photo wat am I to look for? I see a broken window.

It's an up-close picture of the 1st one.  It's not a broken window, it's the sheer curtain from the inside.  I guess you have to look at it from an angle on the computer screen to see the ghastly image.  When I took the picture, I remember distinctly that on the inside of that window was the brightest room in the funeral home.  It was the room where the men played their card games.

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3471 on: June 14, 2012, 12:35:11 AM »
Ooo i see a little, but still can't de pix it..i see sumting whyte-ish..but of course i'm look'n @ my phone..
I don't tink i wanna know wat it is. Lol..
Anyways now there are gardens there..why if tat?
I was joking if they put up a town house there, i dont think anyone will live there.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3472 on: June 14, 2012, 08:33:25 AM »
Superfly is really tearing it up in here.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3473 on: June 14, 2012, 12:13:49 PM »
You need to learn more about reincarnation. That way you won't be so scared of the dead.

Back in Laos, when I was a little kid, I was always scared when I heard the funeral drum beats across towns. Our village had a lot of deaths somehow. And the drum would beat heavily now and then. I always got chills over that. lol Now I think of it as an instrument that accompanies the dead on its journey. That's all.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3474 on: June 14, 2012, 01:06:51 PM »
It's an up-close picture of the 1st one.  It's not a broken window, it's the sheer curtain from the inside.  I guess you have to look at it from an angle on the computer screen to see the ghastly image.  When I took the picture, I remember distinctly that on the inside of that window was the brightest room in the funeral home.  It was the room where the men played their card games.
I'm one of the scary cats. I can look @ ghost photo(s) but can not look @ real dead ppl..
I remember someone posted a pix of her auntie sumting like that on the hospital bed, a waitting to pass on.. yikes that image is still in my mind.. And I posted that, that not how you want to remember them by. but remember them when they were still alive.. not on their death bed..
thankyou saki. right not when they dead but alive.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3475 on: June 15, 2012, 06:12:21 PM »
yesterday, i dream that a guy was going to marry me and was going to give my parents alot of money. and it looked like i have seen him before but i cant describe it and also i was like  :buck2:
ok today my nyab dream that this cat keep coming to our porch and going to our house and my nyab was so mad she grabbed the cat and showed it to my dad and he was like thats the cat that always come in! so my nyab kicked the cat alot and i think it died and  my nyab woke up all sweating

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3476 on: June 16, 2012, 11:08:17 AM »
ok, my brother woked up sweating and shyt and when he looked in the mirror, there were a bunch of scratches and it was RED! forreals its true. idk y it happened

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3477 on: June 16, 2012, 11:17:44 AM »
when my sister went to sleep at my mom's house she keep hearing a HUGE breath breathing, and she felt like there was a ghost watching her. yea so she was trying to make sure she wasnt  faking it so she took my bro 3ds and record the rooms and when she watched the video, she saw some hairs but WhITE, si yea it was floating and yea my sis is only 11 and she's a scaredy cat and cant even do thoes things and to your ansetor to help u and also lol when i say that i cant do that cuz i dont wanna go there anymore and also man, idgf but these days it seems forever when ur with a dab

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3478 on: June 16, 2012, 08:20:43 PM »
when my sister went to sleep at my mom's house she keep hearing a HUGE breath breathing, and she felt like there was a ghost watching her. yea so she was trying to make sure she wasnt  faking it so she took my bro 3ds and record the rooms and when she watched the video, she saw some hairs but WhITE, si yea it was floating and yea my sis is only 11 and she's a scaredy cat and cant even do thoes things and to your ansetor to help u and also lol when i say that i cant do that cuz i dont wanna go there anymore and also man, idgf but these days it seems forever when ur with a dab

That's creepy.  I hope your sis doesn't sleep alone!  Tell her to pray before going to bed.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3479 on: June 16, 2012, 08:56:45 PM »
Speaking of footsteps...

Has anyone had the experience where you'd go to sleep at night and wake up in the middle of the night hearing footsteps going up and down the stairs?

So I have a pretty big Hmong family and you'd assume with so many people in the household, there shouldn't be so many scary things going on.  Growing up, my siblings and I always listened to Grandpa and our parents tell us ghost stories.  My brothers and I always wanted to catch ourselves a ghost or some sort of monster.  We wanted to be little ghost hunters and we'd always barge into our Grandpa's bedroom right after our Grandma's seen a ghost or whenever Grandpa was "squashed."

My sister and I shared a room downstairs.  The house was a duplex where the basement used to be rented off to other families, but because my family kept expanding, my parents decided to stop renting it off to people.  So there were stairs that led from the upstairs to the basement.  The stairs led to my room.  And to get to the other rooms downstairs, everyone would have to go through my room.

It all started when my oldest brother would come home at around midnight after he "moog ua laib".  Everyone would be sound asleep by 1am.  But for some reason, I would always wake up at around 3-4am hearing footsteps walking down the stairs.  They were not quiet either.  It was as though that someone was wearing heavy, steel-toed boots.  No one in my family owned those kind of boots.  That thing would take about 6-8 steps down the stairs towards my bedroom, not even finishing off the stairs and then all of a sudden end up upstairs in the living room in an instant.  I'd be wide awake, chilled to the bones, listening intently to the sound of those heavy footsteps.  I'd scare myself shitless and then fall asleep.  When I woke up again, it would be morning.

I'd ask my sister if she heard the footsteps and she would say that maybe I was thinking too much about ghost stories as to why I was hearing footsteps at such an odd hour.  So night after night, I'd hear the same thing.  I was the only one hearing it.  And again, the footsteps would stop at the foot of my door and then end up upstairs again, walking around in the living room.  I was afraid I would hear my doorknob creaking or that my door would just swing open (but it was always locked).

The footsteps always seemed to go downstairs and then stop.  It never walked back upstairs.

One night my sister and I went to bed a little later at around 2am.  And soon enough both of us heard the heavy footsteps walking down the stairs again.  And I had SOOOOOOO told her.  So the next morning, we told everyone.  I think my grandfather did a little saib yaig and made whatever that creepy thing was go away for good.

So glad I don't hear those heavy footsteps anymore.

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