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Topics - Visualmon

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General Discussion / The Dude is Right
« on: May 03, 2024, 09:23:46 PM »
Why Nentanyahu want to send Palestinians to U.S. not Israel?

General Discussion / Another Misconception from the Zs
« on: May 02, 2024, 05:02:52 PM »
Here we go again. Zionist Jews love to record video of celebrities siding with Pro-Israel. Yesterday, one of the Zionist Jews uploaded a video of Robert De Niro shouting at a group. Here's what Robert said in the video:

"This is not a movie," De Niro says in the clip. "This is not a movie; this is real. Right now, you’ve got to listen. You’ve got to work. You’ve got to get your job done."

The Jew put a caption saying Robert is shouting for the Jews. Turn out Robert wasn't. He actually rehearsing for his upcoming tv show in the act.

But representative s for De Niro and Netflix confirmed to USA TODAY that he was not yelling at pro-Palestinian protesters, but rather rehearsing for the unreleased television project.

Robert De Niro was not yelling at pro-Palestinian protesters, the actor's rep and Netflix confirm
De Niro, set to star in the Netflix miniseries "Zero Day," was rehearsing for the TV drama while on location in New York City on Saturday, Netflix spokesperson Rabia Ahmad confirmed to USA TODAY in an email Wednesday.

Stan Rosenfield, a representative for De Niro, told USA TODAY Wednesday that a bystander captured the viral clip during production for the show and the video's contents were misrepresented on social media.

"The video was a small snippet from the Netflix series ‘Zero Day,’ where the character played by De Niro is screaming at a group (of) paid extras.  This was 100% scripted," Rosenfield said in an email. "An unknown onlooker (took) video (of) the scene last Saturday when the scene was being filmed on the streets of New York."

Today, the Jew took it down and deleted the video. Hmmm... embarrassing much? txaj muag lawm smh

General Discussion / Perfect Example of Ignorance
« on: May 02, 2024, 05:35:20 AM »
The Jewish guy goes around the Pro-Palestine's protest and harass these Trans. <------ pure example of what cognitive dissonance means that Zionist Jews have LGBT community as well and decide to go bugging others.

General Discussion / We Need to Chill
« on: April 28, 2024, 12:52:16 AM »
A good day to make a joke during the protest at the university.

 ;D ;D ;D ;D

General Discussion / Karma Effect
« on: April 26, 2024, 03:12:25 AM »
Well, well, well lookie what we have here.... HL and Pobzeb's pimp daddy-0 Nentanyahu send his minions to do his dirty work over to Turkey. Guess what? They were arrested.

Israeli Mossad kidnapped Palestinians and transport to Turkey to make it look like Palestinians as Hamas.

Israeli Hitman arrested in Turkey. I wonder what his target is. Ofc the president of Turkey. Same thing happened to John F. Kennedy after he was killed by Israeli Mossad in Houston, Texas.

Told you not to make diplomacy with Israel. They'll betray you like they did to the U.S. Remember Jeff Epstein aka Mossad agent for Israel. He was arrested for stealing U.S info. He committed suicide in order to not spill the beans.

General Discussion / Who You Calling A Nazi
« on: April 26, 2024, 01:47:28 AM »
When HL labelled me as Nazi for supporting the Hamas, he doesn't realize his pimp daddy aka Zionists doing what Hitler and his regime doing the same thing to Jews. Nentanyahu's coalitions (ZAKA and settlers) started the whole thing: money laundering, coveting and stealing land.

When HL advise me, "leave to the professional intelligence". Ok I did. I let the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) do the talking. Here it is.
 ;D ;D :2funny: :2funny:
You have to brainwash all the time. Because this is the only way to continue Zionism. ~ Daniela Weiss

General Discussion / BBB vs MAGA
« on: April 26, 2024, 12:25:59 AM »
Since the Republican has their motto "Make America Great Again", the Democrats have theirs "Build Back Better".

How these politicians make one nation into Utopia and send armies to destroy another nations when they couldn't sustain their own economy and uphold their own religious belief. :idiot2: :idiot2:

General Discussion / So Embarrassing
« on: April 25, 2024, 04:47:01 PM »
Zionists aching to get more followers from the public. Pro-Palestines don't force people to follow them but rather show live footages happening in the West Bank and Gaza. More people see the difference between apartheid and resistance.

Female celebrities like Dua Lupa, Bella and Gigi Hadid, Annie Lennox had supported Palestinians sooooo long until Zionists copied what they do. So Zionists hired celebrities and influencers to part-take the propaganda in order to brainwash the world.

This white woman (Sami people <---- similar to Hmong Shaman) said to the Zionists throwing victim card.

General Discussion / IDGAF
« on: April 24, 2024, 03:45:59 AM »
Since Zionists don't believe God exists, Zionists think God bless them because he help them get back their land.  :idiot2: Why contradicting themselves.
Hmmm... ??? I suppose both UK and US help them oppress the Palestinians and took over the land, not God.  :2funny:

I love George Galloway's respond

General Discussion / Wrong Side of the History
« on: April 20, 2024, 04:00:06 AM »
Islam was created by the Catholic Church? I need to see and check the sources other than listening to this gweilo preacher spewing nonsense.  :2funny:
Is this where BNM attending to? lolol

Nobody knows how old Islam is.

General Discussion / Not Even A Debate
« on: April 20, 2024, 01:19:28 AM »
The Jewish guy (black suit) giving statistic of Palestinians were remained in Gaza. I wonder where the heck he came up the numbers. Ofc he made it up.
Palestinian infants, toddlers, women, and men were killed under the rubbles. I never seen infants grow so fast in three days before the missiles attack Gaza strip.
Retarded Jews have some weird @$$ imagination that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

General Discussion / Karens Are Something Else
« on: April 20, 2024, 12:25:29 AM »
Just like Mr. Shmuley, the trio aka Pobzeb, BNM, and LOW_BLOW (HL) are suffering Judeo Dementia. These bozos have something in common with Zionists: lying and fabricating stories.

 :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

General Discussion / Why?
« on: April 19, 2024, 08:46:46 PM »
Why a bunch of Karens protecting butt-hurting Zionist Jews? Every time I criticize them they cried to the social media and have my account ban permanently. Cry-baby lol

General Discussion / No Difference
« on: April 18, 2024, 12:43:22 AM »
Jewish church is no different to the, Catholic, Mormon, and Jehovah Witnesses especially concealing the horrible incident on children. smh

General Discussion / Morons Always Lies
« on: April 17, 2024, 07:55:51 PM »
Zionists continue to telling false stories from the bible when they don't even follow the ten commandments.  Self-contradiction as always. :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:


In the reality. Israel doesn't exist until Biden created during his campaign back in the 70s. I couldn't stop laughing from the truth.
Again from Israelis' own institution:

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