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Messages - Visualmon

Pages: 1 ... 317 318 [319] 320 321 ... 360
Television / Re: Dong Hua and Feng Jiu
« on: July 08, 2020, 02:07:07 AM »
Oh really? How deep is your love then?

So what is he saying?  That if you're a girly looking guy...then you are a girly guy.

Plenty of men, in America act out like they're a tough boy in public...but then turn around the corner...they're just cry baby boys'''pussies...

Being the only Asian or rather Hmong boy in the military full of loudmouth thugs...not once did anyone ever came up to me to and call me a pussie...plent y of people acting like they got big kocks...but like I say.  Step into the shower and .... yeah...y'all shut up...and keep quiet now.  Y'all can have big balls, but big balls...don't shoot.

You nailed it bro  ;D ;D ;D

stop that wife beater nonsense crap
control your anger

take a walk
go out fishing

making us regular loving hmong guys look baddd

Dayum these wife-beaters don't know how to control themselves. Won't stop then they'll gonna end up like OJ Simpson aka wife-killer.  ;D


Yes, only a few Conservatives in Liberal states. Some Conservative cops in state of Arizona are way more aggressive than some other Conservative cops in the east states. Some Liberal cops in NY and NJ are way more hypocrites as in California.

Crazy  :idiot2: Liberal cops arrest one black guy just because he's eating on the railway platform. Even white people eating there all the time. Those White people that are eating also are on his side.

General Discussion / Re: Hypocrisy
« on: July 06, 2020, 08:54:18 PM »
:idiot2: :idiot2:  Trump supporters get their news from some parallel universe because no sane person will agree with any of them.

I've nothing against Republicans and I love them too. I also met some real Republicans in CA don't wear MAGA hats except wearing Confederate flag shirt. They're super quiet and know how to show courtesy. This time Alt-Right media have cross the line by spreading lies to everyone in the U.S. that there suicidal Chinese peeps going around killing off millions of people with COVID-19. Pretty much like Jihads going around bombing every states. How can suicidal Chinese go around from states to states when U.S. airline already banned them from coming in?  ??? Something sketchy going on here. Are they trying to make themselves heroes while making China look like villains? Could be same thing happened to Iran when the U.S. air force strike missiles on Iranian base to assassinate Qasem Soleimani just because he's one of the Islamic terriorists?

Faith & Beliefs / Re: Proverbs 19:26
« on: July 06, 2020, 07:31:48 AM »
AfterLife, I think there's Satan among your family trying to divide your uncle and your grandmother. The one who is angry and nagging the most Satan will turn to.

I can relate. My sibling ain't perfect either. That happen to my irrational, aggressive, backstabbing lilo brother.
- Like he use to abuse his wife and cheat on her so he could also abuse his Mexican gf.
- My SIL divorce his sorry arse and his gf dump him. Got himself landed in prison
- My mom and my older brother send him money, clothes, and food. However, he doesn't show appreciation.
- His behaviors haven't changed one single bit. Haven't renounce his wrongdoings to sky daddy instead he only does in group of prison church pastors. That's still not enough. He's still doing drugs, hanging with his hypocritical gangster friends, and treat everyone in the family like trash thinking he's alpha.  ::)
- Satan has the opportunity to cause my brother go against me. His heart is no longer his anymore. He tried to kill me and I told him I don't care if I die by his hands. My mom witness the whole situation. My mom ask him to get f'k out the house, but he wouldn't listen because he's afraid to be alone. Yeah, definitely wimpy. My beloved uncle, my aunt, and my mom knew from the start he'll be collateral damage.
- If anyone wants him you can have him as a friend. BEWARE! Once he shower you things he'll possess you and your soul.

Television / Re: Dong Hua and Feng Jiu
« on: July 05, 2020, 02:12:46 AM »
So, after completing the drama.. I prefer the version of 10 miles of  Peach blossom..  In this version, they did not end up together but I thought the story line was so much better... can't change destiny even if love exist..

In the other version, they end up anged destiny...

Overall, beautiful love story.....

Dang girl... you love getting tormented by some pain and love-sickening potion, huh?  ;D

Ok whatever  ::)

Faith & Beliefs / Re: Korean NDE with drawings
« on: July 04, 2020, 04:32:58 PM »
Isn't that rhetorical to what they did? I don't need to self explain this shiet because it's rhetorical.

Again, not all Christians go to heaven. Not all!

Nope. It's not rhetorical. It's more ironically they do in secret without being noticed by their higher-ups and the general public.
Jehovah Witnesses do the same thing. Young girls and boys get raped or get harassed by their fellow members. When these youngsters go report to their supervisors, they get no justice or support from their own biological family and other JW organizations.

Dayum bruh they're not real Christians. Christians don't do that shit if they're born again.  ::) smh
You gotta look at the pattern how the organizations like the Catholic and Jehovah Witnesses operate pretty much similar to Pyramid Scheme.   :2funny:

Nice guns, Rocky.  ;D

I wouldn't have to worry about fake BLMs looting at my house. Their worst fate will be met with my house hammer that I use it to build chicken coop. I ain't gonna slam or throw it on them. Imma gonna use it as a torture right after I capture them by laying a trap first. Whenever they don't admit their accountability of their actions, I'll slam on their fingers and toes one by one until they hurt except cause them to bleed or worse like medical unrepaired. I'm reasonable and merciful guy. 8)

General Discussion / Re: Happy 4th Everyone, be safe!
« on: July 04, 2020, 03:03:23 PM »
I miss going to the beach where I will be lying on the sand and let the cool breeze brush against my yellowish brown skin. Stupid pandemic causes CA beaches shutdown too.  :( :-\

General Discussion / Hypocrisy
« on: July 04, 2020, 02:41:50 PM »
Like seriously?   :idiot2:;D ;D :2funny:

That guy need to research more on virus from other countries that had spread for centuries like Europe before his ancestors hop on Mayflower ship.
For  instance, during colonial occupation in the North Sentinel Island of India one white male did horrible things (raping and molesting) to these indigenous people and his people spread diseases to these tribe that cannot withstand the virus. Yeah white dude, stop pointing finger at other races. Another worst metaphor for good apples vs bad apples in every basket. More like bad apples pretending to be good apples in every wrong basket.   ::):2funny:

Oh yeah another example of bad apple pretending to be good apple. A documentary told of a story of this  :idiot2: white woman did some horrible things in her younger years and land herself in prison. After she got out of prison and join in the police force to raid on the wrong Mexican people that have done no crimes in New Mexico. Few months later Feds investigate her and her team and they got into serious trouble. Talk about some weird fawk up mental ill shiet from these white devils. Like dayum, wolves under sheep clothing. tik tik tik smh Peeps like them don't know anything about humility. Hypocrites working under God? Not really sound like bunch of harlots doing devil's work.  ;D

During this event I'm drooling over Kaithlin Bennett. Hoping if she ever come up to North Cali and go steady with an Asian guy like me.  ;D

Faith & Beliefs / Re: LGBT's testimony (Don't Hate!)
« on: July 03, 2020, 07:03:30 PM »
I don't hate Lesbians. I love to have threesomes with gorgeous looking lesbians.  8)

Faith & Beliefs / Re: Ghost Basket
« on: July 03, 2020, 06:51:54 PM »
More like Hmong version of scarecrow in the cornfield.  ;D

You can't beat evil spirits with physical objects. smh

Faith & Beliefs / Re: My message for Christians and LGBT
« on: July 03, 2020, 06:49:00 PM »
The whole point should be, "Do these so-called Christians Ever Met Jesus in Real Life?" other than trusting the book itself.  ;D

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