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Messages - nightrider

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Hmong News / Re: Zeb Yaj Beat the Crap out of Hmoob Mekas
« on: April 15, 2015, 06:33:16 PM »
This stuff will continue to happen no matter what race you are, rich or poor. In countries where the law isn't quite defined and whatever goes, people will resort to such schemes, whether be extortion, robber, or which ever floats their boat.

I think it's safe to say that this dude and his gf/wife planned this. Why else would a man be having affair with another man's wife?

Vue made the mistake of blaming the child for discharging the gun...if convicted you can bet they will confiscate all his guns.  What most likely happened is he failed to do safety check and accidentally discharged the weapon...feari ng it may have hit someone, he found it convenient to blame his child.  Irresponsible people should not own guns!

So you knew the whole That's what I'd learned too. Guns don't just fire itself, it requires triggering. People should always empty their guns before trigger testing or for cleaning. I don't have anything against gun owners, even the most proficient gun owner can have accidents and when caught under such a situation like this, they should be honest and truthful instead of lying. I take it he will be charged with lying & deceit?

Why do women or men resort to selling their bodies for $$$. Why can't they just go and work at 9-5 jobs like everyone else.

Why work for $9/hr job, 9 - 5. When you can make $50 or more per client under 30mins and free of tax? In this country, people have the choice to choose what they want to do for a living. It isn't like Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, or some other 3rd world country where they don't have opportunities. I don't have to understand these people but they have their reasons whether it's breaking the law or not. Legalizing it so Uncle Sam can pimp these girls? That's even worst; it's like having parents pimping their own daughter for sex. Is that what parents should do?

Hmong News / Re: Thug Life
« on: March 18, 2015, 06:57:24 PM »
I think ya'll mistaken what I said!!!  I don't know him nor the complete story!!!  I never called him a gangster or thug!!!  all I said was thug life!!!  the way he chose to handle the situation!!!

And you would handled it differently given the circumstances? This article is another injustice of the judicial system in this country. If you're white, you get fair judgement but if you're a gook/nigga, the hell you get slap with the maximum penalty. Wausau, Wi is a racist down rotten city.  There's a pretty high rate of closet kkks there. It's mind boggling to see these kkks eating something they hate so much, at CHINA BUFFET.

Hmong News / Re: They found him...
« on: March 18, 2015, 06:42:11 PM »
Hmong people and their passion for outdoors...Aiy aya... I suppose it's worth dying for...

Thinking about doing bushings & boots. Also needs some paint jobs. Anyone know a place here in the twin cities that mixes paint? Touch up paints just never match to stock paint after it dries.

Automotive Discussion / Re: The New NSX on the other hand...
« on: March 18, 2015, 06:09:24 PM »
That's overkill. Only the very rich with no places to stash their money would want. It most likely will end up like those LFA's that's just collecting dust at the stealership. If you have $60K budget, spend it on a corvette instead.  With electric power assists, it would be a waste to have a vehicle sit 60-70% of the time like most high end cars and having batteries degrade without making any use of them. It doesn't really worth that $100k price tag.

Automotive Discussion / Re: The New NSX on the other hand...
« on: February 19, 2015, 09:29:24 PM »
Oh my, they do look a bit tooooo similar, it's like the accord is a mini me nsx...

Unfortunately this "shape" seems to be the major theme in all the Honda/acura line up.  Oh wells. 

I do like the nsx, but I wish they'd do away with the font grill looking like a crab mouth and would wrap it up...

I still think it looks better than the supra concept though. 

If the would've made the nsx a bit flatter, less rounds, have the back window come down sharper to break up the slope back there I thi. I would've liked it more.   

The last Nsx only had a slight reseblence to the 3rd G prelude, but even then you couldn't say it looked like any of the other cars in the lineup. 

I wish Honda would come back with the prelude.  I can't really see the accord as the flagship for Honda. The accord is to feminy in my opinion.  I don't care how much Hp it has.

It's pretty much the same thing with Chevy's "StingRay" corvette. I find them so similar in design. Any ideas what the price tag will be when it rolls off to the dealership?

Hmong News / Re: Toddler beaten to death by mother's boyfriend
« on: February 19, 2015, 09:20:29 PM »
Another case of miss independent, where I don't give a fuk if I'm screwed, it's my life not your's kind of deal. Hmong girls these days... The only person responsible here is her; can't stop that "7 yr itch" that she had to get this psycho involved. She should be charged with child endangerment.

The Single & Dating Scenes / Re: Do women chase men?
« on: September 14, 2014, 10:39:34 PM »
I think it's always good to try the 1-2 approach before you ditch them. 3 Would be putting yourself too low. I was in similar situations too. If they're not going to give you the time of day, you shouldn't either.

Computer & Technology / Re: IT Job
« on: August 18, 2014, 11:11:33 PM »
I don't work in IT but knows someone. I just don't know if his company is hiring but I can check to see if they have openings.

Computer & Technology / Re: Battery is draining
« on: August 17, 2014, 11:07:10 PM »
No apps are running, at least they aren't showing on the battery usage. The brightness level has been dragged almost all the way to the minimum. This seems to make the battery last a bit longer, but it's not a real solution.

As for "roling it back", I don't know what that is, since I am not tech savy. :P

Every phone has a factory reset option on the phone itself and utility software that comes along with the phone that allows you to sync with contacts, appointments, software updates, and etc. You should check with the manufacture, they should have information on how to reset/roll back your phone.

Computer & Technology / Re: Battery is draining
« on: August 07, 2014, 10:16:27 PM »
Power to your screen usually just means back lighting brightness levels unless the new update software has enhanced graphics or rendering that uses cpu and memory. Which can run in the back ground without you knowing if you don't look; especially apps you got activated. There's a lot of things to consider, it could be softwares that manage battery power that's just not running energy saver mode. Best thing to do is role it back and see if it makes any changes.

Stupid. Manchus ruled China for over 400 years as the Qing Dynasty. Han chinese had no say in how the country was run until the Republic era when they overthrew the Manchus. Read history. Every Hmong rebellion was supported by Han Chinese. People who blindly hate Han Chinese have no knowledge of our history.

What can you expect, a Han,  a Miao, a Mongol, and etc that lives and are from China is automatically a Suav. People hate it them because of history, whether the Manchus, Qings or the Hans in charge, the Hmong had always rebelled because of their ridiculous taxation... And these entrepreneurs arriving to this pitiful country trying to make riches for themselves thru the exploitations of the poor and needy just reinforces that hate. If they're developing factories or other goods and services it would be a different story but whore houses and casino. The leadership in Laos definitely need to be eliminated to save the people.

Debate Central / Re: Stand Your Ground: Chai Vang Case Revisited
« on: July 01, 2014, 10:33:04 PM »
Nightrider, I agree with your assessment.  And no matter what he said on the stand, he was doomed anyway.  However, I do believe that after sitting in prison for two years, he would have came up with something better. 
At the same time, I understand why he said what he did.  He was going to prison anyway.  He knew that already.  He was sending a message out to the meka people who think they own this land... loud and clear:
Treat people the way you WANT to be treated.  There are consequences to every action.  He behaved in the same way that they did towards him.  The ONLY DIFFERENCE was that he was trained as a sniper and they were just mere hunters. 
If this was a war zone, he would have been a hero.

I don't think he understands what's in store for him. If he knew, he would of taken his life like a coward or make his stand, give them war and die a WARRIOR. There's no country for Hmong, better to die free and with dignity... But instead, he hesitate and think that he has some hope in this kangaroo circuit court or hope that the world would understand him and turned himself in. Just makes you wonder how a man like that can be all bruised up in this orange jump suit, right? I bet he regret his final actions...

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