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Re: Fashion Slaves...what are you wearing today?
« Reply #2970 on: September 07, 2012, 10:52:42 AM »
Photo Credit: La Bergere by Ennil/ DeviantartFash ion Contributor Maggie MacKinnon pulls us out of our bulky winter coat rut with tips and tricks for staying toasty and chic!With winter comes the cold, and with the cold comes that pair of woolen socks that you don’t admit to owning, but need to wear on those drafty winter nights to avoid frostbite. I am not a person who enjoys the cold, not many of us are. I’ve honestly never really liked anything about winter. Not the snow, the sports, not even the hot chocolate. I prefer to wear sun dresses, shorts and tights that are not thermal. So what I’m about to say should really come as no surprise.
The thing is, I kind of hate winter coats.
They’re large, sweltering, and often times stuffed with little baby birds. Three concepts than I am not entirely comfortable with. Many times they are itchy, or bulky, or have that terrible condition where there is no happy medium (example: Coat  on, you’re in a sauna. Coat unzipped, you’ve just taken a dip in the Arctic ocean). Which is why I came up with an alternative way to stay warm during these obscenely cold Canadian winters; layering!
The way I see it, layering solves all of these problems because your personal warmth does not depend on one sole article of clothing. It’s a team effort.  I actually own quite a few coats, but they’re more…’fall to early-winter’ coats. Not exactly suited for -20 weather. So what I like to do is sport them anyways, but with a few other things on as well.
Great tools to layer up with:
  • Knee high boots. That’s half of your leg secured in a nice winter boot – toasty warm, of course.
  • Gloves. I personally have a lot of wrist and elbow length gloves. Kind of works the same way as the boots, half your arm is all snuggled up in there, so you’re pretty much guaranteed to stay cozy.
  • Scarves. This one may seem like a no-brainer, but wrapping a good scarf around your neck can definitely help keep the warm in.
  • Cardigans. Cosy, fashionable, and easy to take off. What’s not to love.
  • Tank tops. Just put it on under whatever shirt you happen to be wearing, you’d be surprised at how much that extra layer can help it a frosty situation.
  • Don’t forget to check out our other posts for more great layering tips: tight love, sweater love, keeping warm on campus and summer pieces for winter
So now, dearest readers, I will leave you with a challenge. Next week, on a rather chilly day, I challenge you to ditch the big hulking winter coat and layer up! It can be pretty fun to put so many articles of clothing on, working with prints and colours.

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Re: Fashion Slaves...what are you wearing today?
« Reply #2971 on: September 07, 2012, 10:54:41 AM »
Fashion: Rocking summer pieces all year ’roundJanuary 27, 2012 /               Simone MacLennan /               One commentPhoto: Thomas Sean LePineFashion Editor Simone MacLennan misses her summer staples and shares her tips and tricks on how to rock them all year.We all reach a point in the winter. You look at your drawers of sweaters and jeans, the row of sensible, warm, thick and dark dresses and skirts and you sigh. Now, I love my winter clothes dearly. My grey knit turtleneck dress is the love of my life, but at the end of the day, it is wrist-length, knee length, chin length and grey. It is the definition of winter dressing and some dreary overcast days I resent it. I want my summer clothes, I miss my summer clothes. So I decided to wear them.Here we have three summer staples: floral romper, white sun dress and a maxi dress.Photo: Thomas Sean LePineWhat I learned in the many trial outfits with these pieces is this: half of the piece will be covered. You NEED to layer for warmth, because these pieces just won’t cut it (they are summer clothes, after all) and the whole long-sleeve-under-short-sleeve thing is a bit jr. high.
Once I accepted that, things got a lot easier. On the bright side, only seeing half of the piece makes it feel like a whole new top/skirt.
And now, How to Stay Warm When Your Main Piece Just Isn’t.
1. Layer your tights. Seriously.
2. Use thicker or looser fabrics to hide potentially awkward layering-bulge.
4. Thick socks and boots are a godsend.
5. Heels keep a maxi-dress out of the slush, salt and snow.
 Photo: Thomas Sean LePine
Outfit #1: Romper
I knew right off the bat that I’d have to cover the bottom half of the romper, that thing is short. So I layered a thick wool skirt. Result? The warmed tush ever.
To counter the the super-summeryness of the romper and avoid going overboard with colours I finished it off with a black cardigan, heels and doubled black tights.Photo: Thomas Sean LePine
Outfit #2: Maxi Dress
I really wanted the sweater to work under the dress, but alas I looked like a schoolgirl, and definitely not in a sexy way. So it is masquerading as a maxi-skirt in this outfit.
I just love the way it drapes (it moves like a dream too) but its a lot of fabric, especially with a turtleneck over it. The belt was the most necessary thing ever. I looked like a sac of potatoes.
If you try a maxi-dress with winter, either belt it up or wear heels. Your hem with thank you.
 Photo: Thomas Sean LePine
Outfit #3: White Sun Dress
I really love using this dress as a skirt. Its a bit too much white for winter as a dress, but this way it adds a really nice pop of lightness.
I decided to go with a big, black, warm, very winter sweater over it. Once again I looked like a sack of potatoes, so a belt was necessary.
I wanted to keep all the other elements of the outfit feminine so that the dress wasn’t any more out of place. The sweater has the cover of Pride & Prejudice on it and the belt is floral.
Black boots and doubled black tights pull it all together.
It always seems such a shame to me that certain piece have a season and are never worn outside of it. Granted, turtlenecks are hard to wear in the middle of July but that doesn’t mean we can’t try, right?
Do you have any summer pieces you are determined to wear all year round? Or vice versa?

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Re: Fashion Slaves...what are you wearing today?
« Reply #2972 on: September 07, 2012, 10:58:55 AM »
   Monday, August 29, 2011    Transition into Fall: Layers     
With Fall on the horizon it is time to start dressing for the season! It is simple to carry Spring and Summer items into Fall by layering them with a few key pieces. 
Cardigans, Shrugs, and Vests: These layering tools add a little extra dimension (not to mention warmth) to an existing outfit you may already have.  Bring in a couple of autumn trend colors in these pieces to give your whole outfit a Fall feel.
Scarves: This accessory is especially fun when the seasons start to change because of the endless possibilities.  Lizard Thicket always has tons of colors, weights, and patterns. We can also show you lots of different ways to tie them.  A cute scarf can brighten a whole outfit!
Belts: Cinch in all your layers this Fall with a cute belt!  Belts are the perfect way to show off a waistline despite multiple layers.   Whether you put the belt over a cardigan or underneath, it adds a special something to any outfit.

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Re: Fashion Slaves...what are you wearing today?
« Reply #2973 on: September 07, 2012, 11:11:08 AM »
Layering 101: Part 2 of How to Stay Warm in the Cold and Still Look Cool: Surviving Winer with Your Style (and Dignity) IntactJanuary 6, 2011tags: basics, belts, boots, bulky, cardigans, cinch, How To's, knee socks, layering, Looklet, tanks, tights, why is this model's hair so big?Welcome to Part 2 of this series on how to stay warm in the cold and still look cool.  The most important advice I can offer?  Layer, layer, layer!  Layering is the key to keeping warm but still maintaining your style.  If you do it well, layering can make for a complex, creative look that catches the eye while also keeping out the wicked cold.  Once you become a pro, you can blend all kinds of fabrics, colors, or prints into one funky outfit.  Take that, winter!
Layering 101:
1: The Basics: For the layer closest to you skin, start with a pair of tights or leggings.  If you’re going to wear jeans or pants over them (if I wear pants in the winter there’s generally something under them), I suggest a pair of stretchy, basic tights that won’t make for extra bulk or get ruined by the roughness of jeans rubbing against them for hours.
Even in Chicago winters I refuse to sacrifice my love of dresses, so I tend to wear two paris of tights most of the time, or a pair of tights under my leggings.  If you’re adventurous and interested in taking on a current trend, try layering a thick pair of brightly colored tights under an open-weave, patterned pair like I did here.  Even with the open weave two pairs are warmer than one, and provided that you choose tights that are stretchy and well-made, you shouldn’t be adding too much bulk.
Next, layer on a close-fitting tank top of a non-cotton material.  I have a stock of basic tanks from places like H&M or American Apparel.  The tank should be fitted: too loose or too tight and it prevents warm air from resting between your body and the material.  Choose something in a thin material that will hold its shape.
Socks are key to not freezing to death in the cold.  I’m a big fan of SmartWool, which makes non-itchy, relatively thin wool socks that keep your tootsies toasty.  Knee and over-the-knee socks are currently super on-trend and provide a great extra layer on top of tights.

2: Beyond the Basics: After you’ve got your basic pieces, it’s time to add some color, volume, and sass.  I have a set of winter standards: a turtleneck and jumper dress, a sweater dress with a cardigan and belt, a pair of shorts and a sweater, a skirt and top combo, or a dress and cape.  At this stage you want to find colors and prints that are distinct but harmonize well and pieces that are designed to layer (i.e. no beading on a shirt under a sweater, no cloth flowers or ruffles on skirts bulging out from underneath tops).  Avoid heavy or thick fabrics or anything that will bunch under or over another piece.  Again, for pieces underneath others, fitted is generally best.
When it comes to layering, the cardigan is a girl’s best friend.  It can be worn over a dress, a skirt and top, or jeans and a tee, and it can come off when it gets warm inside, a key feature in not sweating to death once you’ve made it from the tundra to the indoors.

3: Layering Chic!: After you’ve layered several pieces and have a look you like, add on the accessories.  In Chicago, a scarf is a must.  It’s both an essential part of urban style and a major factor in keeping out the cold.  A fur stole can work well in place of a scarf, too.  It’s super warm and has a vintage flare that makes any outfit look a bit more luxe.
With layers, it’s important to avoid looking too flowy or bulky.  Try a belt to cinch things in and help streamline your look.
In winter I tend to be a serious devotee of knee-high boots.  They’re in style, look great, and add a thick layer over tights and socks.  They’re also pretty much impervious to snow, which means no soggy, freezing feet.  And who doesn’t want to look a little badass when you’re tromping through the winter wonderland?
And finally, I often stay away from complicated jewelry or other accessories in the winter.  I’m wary of my outfit looking too busy or getting my pieces all tangled together.  This happens often and I end up looking like a cat stuck in a box.  Fun for others, not for me.  So, I generally let my scarf, shoes, and bag do the talking for me.

4: Ready for the Cold!: Once you’ve got your outfit and your accessories, it’s time to layer on the final pieces- the hat, gloves, coat, and bag.  The beauty of skillful layering is that you’ll be warm enough that you won’t have to wear a giant coat that obscures your entire body and outfit.  There’s nothing worse than getting FGLC  (Fat Guy in a Little Coat) syndrome in winter, so pick a coat that’s loose enough to allow room for the pieces you’ll have under and that’s long enough overall so that you have some extra warmth over your tights.
Coats, gloves, and hats can be super fun, so pick something that keeps you warm but has an exciting print or interesting details.  Since your coat is the first thing people see of your outfit in winter, make it something special or at least eye-catching.  Experiment with wearing gloves over coat sleeves or even with arm warmers in place of gloves.
Now, put it all together and there you have it- a warm, funky outfit that has you looking cool but feeling toasty out in the cold!

Got any special tips or personal tricks for easy layering?  Share them here!  Check out Part 1 of this series here and stay tuned for Part 3: The Great Tights Tournament!

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Re: Fashion Slaves...what are you wearing today?
« Reply #2974 on: September 07, 2012, 11:13:58 AM »
How to Stay Warm in the Cold and Still Look CoolFebruary 22, 2010tags: advice, American Apparel, belts, Beyond Retro, booties, Burfitt, cardigans, Chicago, Chicago Style, coats, DKNY, Fraulein von Hast, gloves, H&M, hats, how-to, layering, leggings, looking cool, Missoni, Rodebjer, scarves, SmartWool, snow, staying warm, tanks, tights, tricks to stay warm, Urban Outfitters, ViciniIn the last few months quite a few readers have asked some version of an essential Chicago style question:
How do you stay warm in a city that’s so cold?!
It has taken me a while to put this together (read: most of the winter), but here you finally have a post on how to stay warm in the cold and still look cool.  And this post came at such an appropriate time- a whole night of snow in Chicago mean that I woke up strategizing about how to stay warm for a long day of work, classes, and walking all over campus and my neighborhood.
The most important advice I can offer for keeping warm (and the focus of this post)? Layer, layer, layer!  Layering is the key to keeping warm but still looking good.  If you do it well, layering can make for a complex, creative look that catches the eye while also keeps out the wicked cold.  It also means that you can blend a number of fabrics, colors, or prints into one funky outfit.  I particularly like this, as I hate being limited to just one basic style.
Layering 101:
1: The Basics of Layering: For the layer closest to you skin, start with a pair of tights or leggings.  If you’re going to wear jeans over them (I often wear tights under jeans to keep warm), I suggest a pair of stretchy, basic tights that won’t make for extra bulk or get ruined by the roughness of jeans rubbing against them for hours.
Even in Chicago winters I refuse to sacrifice my love of dresses, so if I’m not wearing pants I tend to wear two paris of tights most of the time, or a pair of tights under my leggings.  If you’re adventurous and interested in taking on a current trend, try layering a thick pair of brightly colored tights under an open-weave, patterned pair like I did here.  Even with the open weave two pairs are warmer than one, and provided that you choose tights that are stretchy and well-made, you shouldn’t be adding too much bulk.
Next, try a close-fitting tank top of a non-cotton material.  I have a stock of basic tanks from places like Old Navy or American Apparel.  The tank should be fitted: too loose or too tight and it prevents warm air from resting between your body and the material.  Choose something in a thin material that will hold its shape.
Socks are key to not freezing to death in the cold.  I’m a big fan of SmartWool, which makes non-itchy, relatively thin wool socks that keep your tootsies toasty.The Basics of Layering: a pair of tights, a pair of leggings, (okay, there's only one pair in the picture, but you get it) and fitted tank, and a pair of SmartWool socks.2: Beyond the Basics: After you’ve got your basic pieces, it’s time to add some color, volume, and sass.  I often choose a turtleneck and jumper dress, a sweater dress with a cardigan and belt, a pair of shorts and a sweater, or a skirt and top combo.  At this stage you want to find colors and prints that are distinct but harmonize well and pieces that are designed to layer (i.e. no beading on a shirt under a sweater, no cloth flowers or ruffles on skirts bulging out from underneath tops).  Avoid heavy or thick fabrics or anything that will bunch under or over another piece.  Again, for pieces underneath others, fitted is generally best.
When it comes to layering, the cardigan is a girl’s best friend.  It can be worn over a dress, a skirt and top, or jeans and a tee, and it can come off when it gets warm inside, a key feature in not sweating to death once you’ve made it indoors.Beyodn the Basics: Layer a turtleneck over the tank and tigths, then pair it with a fun printed skirt.  Add a cardigan for extra funk and an easily removable warm layer.3: Layering Chic!: After you’ve layered several pieces and have a look you like, add on the accessories.  In Chicago, a scarf is a must.  It’s both an essential part of the city style and a major factor in keeping out the cold.  With layers, a belt is often important, as well, as it keeps pieces cinched in and helps you avoid looking too flowy or bulky.
I often stay away from complicated jewelry or other accessories in the winter, as I’m wary of my outfit looking too busy.  I generally let my scarf, shoes, and bag do the talking for me.Layering Chic!: Add on a belt, a scarf, a cute bag, and some shoes and you're set!4: The Outer Layer: Once you’ve got your outfit and your accessories, it’s time to layer on the final pieces- the hat, gloves, and coat.  The beauty of skillful layering is that you’ll be warm enough that you won’t have to wear a giant coat that obscures your entire body and outfit.  Pick a coat with sleeves that are loose enough to allow room for the pieces you’ll have under and that’s long enough overall so that you have some extra warmth over your tights.
Coat, gloves, and hats can be such fun, so pick something that keeps you warm but has an exciting print or interesting details.  Experiment with wearing gloves over coat sleeves or even with arm warmers in place of gloves.
Now, put it all together and there you have it- a warm, funky outfit that has you looking cool but feeling warm out in the cold!The Outer Layer: Add a fun coat, hat, and gloves and you're on your way!

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Re: Fashion Slaves...what are you wearing today?
« Reply #2975 on: September 07, 2012, 11:23:48 AM »
Fashion tips: Layering for winterPile it on! Don’t let winter take the fun out of your daily dressing. Utilize our layering fashion tips to maximize your winter style. By      Anya Georgijevic   Photography         Leda & St. Jacques         (3 people)Document user evaluation
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Fashion tips: Layering for winter
As temperatures reach the ultimate winter lows, staying stylish may present a challenge. Instead of reaching for our ski attire — and we’ll want to — it’s time to take up the delicate art of winter layering. It takes some smart planning and a keen eye to put together a cohesive outfit featuring what can sometimes be up to ten layers of garments. When browsing famous street style blogs, you’ll notice that the people most photographed are the ones that appear to be experts at layering: they know how to balance proportions by mixing different silhouettes; how to avoid looking winter drab by incorporating colour and prints; how to put their perennial mainstays to good use; and, perhaps most importantly, how to accessorize.

 1. Winter fashion tips: Balance proportions
  Multiple layers tend to add a lot of bulk to one’s appearance, so it’s important to balance out proportions. Pair your chunky sweaters, cardigans, or bulky fur pieces with slimmer bottom silhouettes. Items like cigarette pants, slim-cut jeans, or leather leggings — leather is ideal for warmth — can really show off your figure underneath the layers. Or on the opposite end, wear your favourite wide-legged trousers (great for hiding long johns underneath) with a slim wool coat to elongate the silhouette.

2. Winter fashion tips: Mix in colour
  In winter – especially when layering – we tend to gravitate towards a monochromatic palette of black and grey. While those shades are easy to mix and match, the final ensemble might end up looking greyer than the dreariest of winter clouds. Add some colour to your day by mixing in one bright item into your outfit, whether it’s a sunny yellow sweater, a printed scarf, or even scrapping your everyday black pump for coloured ones.

  3. Winter fashion tips: Invest in a wool cape

  A cape is a key item when it comes to layering. Its generous width allows for multiple layers to be work underneath, be it cardigan, a blazer, or both. Not only is this comfortable and cozy, but it’s one of those perpetually chic staples every woman should have in her closet. It makes a wonderful companion to both sporty and dressy ensembles, since it could be paired with anything from jeans to evening gowns.
4. Winter fashion tips: Incorporate spring items to mix up textures
Wearing all knits for months on end can get pretty monotonous. If you are getting eager to bring back your favorite spring garments into the mix — or to introduce some new ones —  you can do so by layering with your warmest attire. For example, wear your little denim jacket under your wool coat or with a fur (or faux fur) gilet, bring your floral silk dress out of the “summer box” and layer it under a chunky knit cardigan or, if you are really adventurous, pair your open toe booties with thick wool socks. 

 5. Winter fashion tips: Have fun with accessories

 In wintertime, accessories are plentiful: scarves, snoods, earmuffs, headbands, toques, hats – the possibilities are endless. If wearing a wrist-exposing cape, invest in a great pair of knit or leather opera gloves — you can embellish them with chunky bangles that are easy to slip on and off. An oversized chunky scarf or shawl can add an amazing amount of warmth, so much so that you can ditch that heavy winter jacket for a lighter leather one. Top it all off with a stylish topper, whether it’s a knit toque, a felt fedora, or colourful earmuffs, because these are the pieces that really allow you to express your personal style.

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Re: Fashion Slaves...what are you wearing today?
« Reply #2976 on: September 07, 2012, 11:26:37 AM »
10 Tips for layering your winter clothing     
Looking stylish and keeping warm in winter is easy when you have key layering pieces such as slim tunic sweaters, cardigans, fur vest, and short jacket. These are all must-haves for fall/winter. They make perfect layering pieces for not only keeping us warm but looking chic as well. It’s smart to choose warm fabrics like tweed, wool, polyester, & even fleece in order to stay cozy.

Try to avoid looking bulky from head to toe, instead be creative in layering different pieces. Make it that more interesting! Sleek riding boots or suede booties are a nice finishing touch to an entire outfit. Be sure not to forget the accessories such as hats, gloves, belts, scarves, and jewelry to complete your every day outfits! Here are my 10 tips for you to stay cozy and stylish this winter.

Keep Your Head Covered

Most of your body heat escapes from your head. So, wearing a hat will make a huge difference. It will keep you warm and looking fabulous at the same time.

Fabrics for Cool Weather

Tweed and wool are two fabrics that provide warmth, while still looking fashionable. You can usually tell which fabrics would be warmer by the weight and texture - warmer fabrics are generally heavier, thicker, and not as soft as cooler fabrics.

Layer Your Look

The key to layering clothing items without looking too frumpy is using color and bulk to your advantage.

Add Color to Your Outfit

Wearing all one color, even in different shades, or wearing black, winter white or gray with a color that pops, provides a slimmer look rather than wearing several different colors all at once.

Accessorize for Cold Weather

Accessories are an important part of layering. Wearing gloves, boots and a scarf gives you a stylish and complete look.

Use Wicking Fabric

Wicking fabric is used as a base layer to keep your skin from chapping, drying, or feeling much of anything if you put it on tight enough. The fabric is also found on hats and blankets-perfect for campers, hikers, and stranded drivers who have fallen into a snow embankment.


Insulate with wool and/or fleece. Fleece scarves, wraps, and sheets are ideal for chilly days. Include at least one tartan/Scottish-inspired fleece shirt or scarf--the rugged lumberjack look never goes out of style.

Windproof jackets

Get a good jacket with a hood, they are essential for outdoor sports, skiing, winter walks, and on the harshest of days, getting the mail.

Synthetic Undies

Don't wear cotton in the winter, they hold sweat and leave skin clammy. Layer with thermal underwear for 'premium' insulation-just buy your real clothes one size larger to accommodate for the extra bulk.

Avoid Cotton Pants

Stay away from cotton pants, and choose the windbreaker or raincoat styles instead. Cotton pants will always absorb moisture and add about five pounds of bulky material to your outfit when wet.

Cover Your Ears!

Get a hat with ear covers. Or be the first on the block to sport those fluffy earmuffs. Just find a way to keep your head and ears warm, by wrapping a fleece scarf around your head, or, do it Survivor style with a 'Buff' head wrap.

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Re: Fashion Slaves...what are you wearing today?
« Reply #2977 on: September 07, 2012, 11:33:27 AM »
Learn to Layer With BROCHU WALKER’s Fall Collection
    Edited by Amanda Gabrieleon                                                                    June 3 2011 at 11:37 AM                                Inspired by the urban traveler, BROCHU WALKER‘s fall 2011 collection delivers chic essentials to the modern, jetsetting woman who only needs one bag of her favorite pieces to take along on all her adventures. From lightweight silks and knits to the softest luxe cashmere, pieces can be layered depending on your destination. Click through to see our favorite pieces from the lookbook.
    Learn to Layer With BROCHU WALKERs Fall Collection
    Learn to Layer With BROCHU WALKERs Fall Collection
    Learn to Layer With BROCHU WALKERs Fall Collection
    Learn to Layer With BROCHU WALKERs Fall Collection
    Learn to Layer With BROCHU WALKERs Fall Collection
    Learn to Layer With BROCHU WALKERs Fall Collection
    Learn to Layer With BROCHU WALKERs Fall Collection

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    Re: Fashion Slaves...what are you wearing today?
    « Reply #2978 on: September 07, 2012, 11:35:19 AM »
    Layering Your Look In Winter {Style Insider} Layering your clothing is not a new concept, but not only will it keep you warm and comfortable this winter, you’ll reinvigorate your current look and discover new ways to wear your wardrobe staples year-round.  With a few winter essentials on hand such as quality leggings, long sleeve merino tops, leather boots and a cosy wool-blend coat, putting a warm winter outfit together is a breeze.
    The most important thing to remember when layering your outfit is to avoid wearing bulky clothing together. If you are wearing a thin shirt underneath, wear something bulky and oversized over it.
    Another important thing to remember is balance. When wearing something bulky and oversized on top, go for something more streamlined as a bottom, like a good quality legging or a skinny leg jean.
    Heres a few inspirational looks to help you layer your own winter wardrobe. Have fun!
    Layering Winter Style
    Miu Miu cashmere sweater
    $536 -
    €68 -
    Oasis jersey pants
    $25 -
    Frye shoes
    388 CAD - m
    Madewell crossbody bag
    $168 -
    Miss Selfridge floral scarve
    $12 - missselfridge. com
    AllSaints slouchy beanie hat
    $55 -
    Winter Style Inspiration
    T shirt
    €16 - m
    Roberto Cavalli knit jacket
    $8,960 -
    J Brand cropped jeans
    $225 -
    AllSaints scarve
    $80 -
    Blinde sunglasses
    $359 - contactsandspe
    Winter Fashion Inspiration
    Floral print dress
    £20 - desireclothing
    Short jacket
    Jonathan Aston opaque stocking
    £6 - houseoffraser.
    Volatile side zip boots
    $34 -
    Jil Sander navy shawl
    $215 -

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    Re: Fashion Slaves...what are you wearing today?
    « Reply #2979 on: September 07, 2012, 11:36:59 AM »
    A How-to Guide – Miami Winter Fashion02 Feb, 2012
    Tweetc21603e40aeb03bfe7750b8368660e2b0 <ins><ins></ins></ins>Miami Winter FashionSo how do we Miamians take part in Miami winter fashion without overdoing it? Let’s be honest, Miami generally has two temperatures: hot and hotter. But at this time of year, even Miami tends to cool down (although we’re still in the mid-70s most days!).  Here are some tips and tricks to stay warm and fashionable during these winter months!Tips for Miami Winter FashionMiami Winter FashionMiami Winter Fashion, A How-to: 1. (Faux) fur – try wearing a fur bag or vest this season 2. Velvet anything 3. Classic leather pieces 4. Winter brights and layering pieces 5. texture – in lace and crochet! 6. Baublebar & Jewelmint accessories 7. Clutches! In neutral, prints, or as an additional pop of colorInvest in some winter fabrics. Since most days it’s too hot to wear a full-on fur (or faux fur) coat, invest in a fur vest or other fur accents, such as a fur bag! I happened to stumble upon a Bloomingdales fur tote bag whilst thrifting last month for a steal (try $5!) and I absolutely love it. If you’re unsure about participating in the faux fur trend, I highly recommend you try wearing it in small doses, such as in the detailing of a bag. Need inspiration? Check out Liz of Late Afternoon’s recent look and how she wore her fur bag.  Want to try it out this look but don’t want to shell out the big bucks for it? Try your luck at thrifting for one, or better yet, for all you handy ladies out there – a DIY (this one by Sincerely Jazz is great!).
    Another winter must-have? Velvet. Velvet is one of my favorite fabrics and adds just the right amount of texture to any ol’ outfit. Try a velvet blazer to add structure to your look or a velvet dress with strategic cutouts for a more feminine vibe. Thrift stores are chock full of all things velvet, so if you’re like me and love a good fashion hunt, I suggest you try finding your next statement velvet piece there! I’ve come home with quite a few thrifted velvet pieces myself (as I have a borderline obsession with it), which include both a black and burgundy blazer, a velvet dress, as well as a velvet skirt – all for less than $6 for each piece! Not a thrifter? That’s okay! Our retail giants, including Forever 21 and H&M, have them in stock as well!
    miami winter fashionMurval Ulysees faux fur handbag, H&M leather jackets, Modcloth dressNext up: leather. Leather (or faux leather, pleather, what have you) adds just the right amount of edge to any winter look. For my fellow Miamians, while it may be just be a little too hot to wear the leather pants we’ve all been coveting (these are gorgeous), a nice fitting pair of leather shorts would work as a great alternative. Leather skirts are also just as wearable in the Miami heat, as they are not as restrictive as leather pants may be. Try a full, pleated leather skirt for a classy, yet edgy vibe or a high-waisted leather mini for a night on the town! Also, don’t forget about those trusty leather moto-jackets! Some nights dip into the 50s (and dare I say it, the occasional 40s), so leather jackets will definitely come in handy when you’re out and winter fashionTry incorporating some unexpected color and fun prints in your winter look! These pieces from H&M and Modcloth are great (and won't break the bank!). <ins><ins></ins></ins>
    We all know that during the winter months, layers are our friends. But in Miami, light layers are our greatest friends. As Miami weather can be bi-polar at times (as it can be chilly in the morning and sweltering hot by midday), light layers allow you to stay cool yet winter-fashion worthy! Try layering with silk tops (like this lovely Equipment blouse) and experimenting with different textures – lace and crochet are my current favorites! Also – pile on the color. Your typical winter palette does not apply to our tropical paradise. So don those winter brights, ladies! Layering with fun prints and patterns will also Miami-fy your winter wear and will add depth to your outfit to boot! Florals, polka dots, and stripes? Wear ‘em!
    Lastly, accessorize.
    Accessorizing with Miami Winter FashionWhat’s a Miami girl without her statement jewelry and handbag? I’m currently lusting over quite a few pieces of jewelry from Baublebar and Jewelmint, and if you haven’t already, I suggest you get on over there immediately! They’re both quite affordable and offer up some great conversation pieces. Besides, everyone loves a good arm party, right? (Take note: The Man Repeller does it so well! And veering a bit off topic – anyone catch her in Miami a few weeks ago? We’d love to hear about it!). You can also add color to your winter look through colorful scarves or a great bag! Brightly colored clutches (or a makeshift one – Ipad cases work great as a clutch!) add a bold statement to any look and are so versatile that they can be worn from day to winter fashionour favorite 'baubles' – peri glam strands, azure triad collar necklace, sunglow collar, lotus tear necklace, galaxy choker, geo contour cuff, silver caviar cuff

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    Re: Fashion Slaves...what are you wearing today?
    « Reply #2980 on: September 07, 2012, 11:38:42 AM »
    GAP 2010 Fall Lookbook                                                   Posted by: JJ                              Tags:                            Fashion, GAP                              Posted date:                            November 5, 2010                             |                            No comment                        

    “Although it feels like fall has only just begun, the extra-cold days of winter are almost upon us. Accordingly, it is time to intensify your winter shopping, perfect your layering skills, and look for a slew of brand new winter fashion inspiration. Happily, Gap’s Winter 2010 lookbook might be all you need this year. From chunky knit scarves to waxy skinny jeans, the lookbook is teeming with cozy pieces and layering ideas.”
    Read more here.

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    Re: Fashion Slaves...what are you wearing today?
    « Reply #2981 on: September 07, 2012, 11:40:51 AM »
    Fashion Week: The art of layering
    by Katie Hinderer | 22 Feb 2010 | comment (5)
    tags : fashion, fashion week, layering, trends
     New York Fashion Week has wrapped up; the designers have jet off to London for the next week of catwalks; and fashion lovers remain fixed to their computers to get the latest trends. One great trend I noticed from New York’s week was layering. Why is layering so great? It allows for more creativity, a little eccentricity, and usually means less skin is on display. Plus, with the simple addition of another piece you can create an entirely different outfit.

    Layering certainly isn’t new to the fashion world. It’s been slowly making an appearance for a couple years now. We’ve got t-shirts paired with jackets, then someone added the scarf, and then a necklace. Now you can take that combo and add another jacket or another shirt or two.
    Designers this year combined different materials, patterns and textures just to create one look. For example, Rodarte displayed floral short-sleeved dresses with a lighter colored long-sleeved shirt made of gauze and lace. Elie Tahari models strutted in a dress, with a chucky sweater belted, and an overcoat. Tight and boots completed the look.
    The draw back to the layered look is that it can leave even the most well-intentioned person looking frumpy and unkempt. There is an art to layering.
     Try these basic tips: Stick to the same color family. Whether your going to go brown, blue, or yellow try to go with colors that can all fit in the same color family. Going crazy on the color will leave you looking more like a clown than an aspiring fashionista.
    Think shape. Layering should not diminish the body’s natural shape. It shouldn’t look like you are walking around in a sack. Try a belt or fitted jacket to give some shape and dimension to the outfit.
    Go beyond the moment. Maybe you are cold when dressing, but you could step into a warm environment. Make sure layers can be taken off and added as needed without causing embarrassment as to what’s underneath.
    Be creative. Layering, whether it’s three necklaces or two shirts and a sweater, is all about creativity. Think outside the box. What can be paired together? Experiment with various options.
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               Sort by: Date Rating Last Activity Loading comments...  Thanks for reporting this comment. Could you please tell us why you feel that it is inappropriate?       -1 Vote up Vote down Kathleen Chabot's avatar  Kathleen Chabot · 132 weeks ago   I would add another layering how-to: a top worn over skirt or pants, with a vest or jacket shorter than the bottom edge of the top not only looks sloppy, it draws the eye to the trailing shirttail rather than the face, where the action is!   Report  Reply 0 replies · active less than 1 minute ago       0 Vote up Vote down Angela's avatar  Angela · 132 weeks ago   I love this concept, especially since I don't focus on a lot of new clothes each season! How fun to know what is really in my closet! I find that I buy similar colors each season that could layer for the next. I am beginning to think this is an art of it's own!   Report  Reply 0 replies · active less than 1 minute ago         khinderer's avatar Follow   khinderer 40p
            Fashion blogger and style consultant.
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            View IntenseDebate profile   +1 Vote up Vote down khinderer's avatar - Go to profile khinderer 40p ·  132 weeks ago  Kathleen - I'd have to say that look can often be inappropriate but I do like when it is pulled off well.
            Angela - Layers definitely add options and new looks to all of our wardrobes. It's great.   Report  Reply 0 replies · active 132 weeks ago       0 Vote up Vote down 's avatar - Go to profile Jessamine Teng · 132 weeks ago   I've been a fan of layering for some time now. It's sweltering hot where I'm at right now, so I'm kind of abstaining from it for the moment.   Report  Reply 0 replies · active less than 1 minute ago       0 Vote up Vote down rachel's avatar  rachel · 132 weeks ago   Check out the Muslim girls on You-Tube. They have layering for fashion and modesty down to a fine art---and they look terrific!   Report  Reply 0 replies · active less than 1 minute ago

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            Re: Fashion Slaves...what are you wearing today?
            « Reply #2982 on: September 07, 2012, 11:53:07 AM »
            what is this mumbo jumbo?  :2funny:

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            Re: Fashion Slaves...what are you wearing today?
            « Reply #2983 on: September 07, 2012, 01:32:50 PM »
            what is this mumbo jumbo?  :2funny:

             it is mumbo jumbo... u like? :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

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            Re: Fashion Slaves...what are you wearing today?
            « Reply #2984 on: September 11, 2012, 09:59:38 AM »

            Wardrobe Transition – Summer Items Good for FallSeptember 22, 2011 by Jane Leave a Comment Filed under: Fashion MojitoTagged with Perhaps you are in the process of moving some of your summer-like items to a less utilized closet these days… Be careful before you forget about some of your favorite warm weather favorites for a few months  as many items can be layered up for Fall fun.
            1. Dressy shorts.  Shorts that are cuffed in materials like silk, wool, and corduroy are great warm and cold month staples.  Toss yours on with a pair of thick opaque tights, chunky legwarmers, and knee high stacked heel boots.  A chunky – and very on-trend cable-knit sweater will do the trick to tie it all together.
            2. Maxi Dress.  Skirts are hot for Autumn – midi, maxi, and mini – so why not hold onto your favorite long summery staple and wear it under either a chubby sweater, fitted moto jacket, or over a second skin turtle neck.  Swathe a lovely scarf about your neck, and toss on some boots and it’s a done deal.
            3. Floral or solid floaty skirt.  There’s nothing fresher (fashion-wise) than mixing two opposites.  A pretty femme floaty skirt worn with a textured sweater in a robust shade like espresso, black, plum, or whisky is eye-catching and a great way to get extra mileage out of something you may have previously thought of as a single season item.

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