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Re: she really?
« Reply #795 on: January 27, 2014, 01:25:18 PM »
stayed in all weekend.  i didn't even go in on friday.  my throat has been a bit sore and dry lately.  it doesn't hurt per se and my voice surprisingly is still in tact.  but i know it's not "normal".  not to mention my nose.  it's dry one moment and then it's running the next!  in addition to the crazy breakouts i've been having.  I have two cyst-like pimples on the right side of my jaw and one on the left side and two small zits on my chin let alone the humongous pimple on top of another pimple on of course--none other than my NOSE!  Oh, and a small pimple right next to it as well as a minor one on the left nostril!  WTF mang!  I know it's stress and due to hormones but dang, can't a sister catch a break?  I'm so bad too--I am a picker (i blame it on my minor OCD) so I can't keep my fingers away.  Awk!  Ance scars are no stranger to me. Sad, but true.  What's more sad is that my nose always breaks out like that!  I exfoliate and cleanse my face every other day. I have combo skin but my pores (especially around my nose) are huge!  I don't know what to do!  Most of the year I look like rudolph mang! It's not funny nor is it pretty!  :-\ I don't wear makeup every day either--only on "special" occasions. However, when I have rudolph nose I cover it like crazy with concealer and foundation...b ut it's never to my satisfaction.   

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Re: she really?
« Reply #796 on: January 29, 2014, 11:15:06 AM »
it's not as cold today, thank goodness.  yesterday two of the cars died...had to jump them both.

students r back on campus and it's back to the usual daily grind now.  we start tutoring next week so i'll be back to my 12 hr shifts. ::)

i just realized that i won't hear anything until April now about grad school.  urgh!

hoping to pick up my taxes on friday.  i'm also hoping that i'll get around the figures that i had estimated when i calculated them myself.  next year i'll just do it myself.

a few things to decide on in the next months.  decisions, decisions, decisions.

gotta pick up some things for chinese new year this weekend.  i never have celebrated it but figured i can do a little celebrating... .well, i'll make dumplings at least and maybe some steamed buns too. we'll see.

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Re: she really?
« Reply #797 on: January 29, 2014, 04:46:11 PM »
OMG! Yes, I know I am here to help these kids of mine but really? REALLY!?!?! This kid had the audacity to tell me that he shouldn't have to do anything and it was MY responsibility to do this (print off his ACT registration ticket) for him. R u kidding me?!?! I, of course, reminded him POLITELY that it may be my job to help him but it is also my job to help them to be more independent and self-sufficient in order to be successful (in the future).

Whah, my gawd! How unappreciative mang!

He expects me to print it off for him and bring it to him when I'm at his school on Monday (or drop it off for him--you know, whatever will "work" for me). It's not like he couldn't print it off himself. And of course he couldn't then bc he didn't have his login info which HE forgot to write down but luckily gave to our director. Even though she told the students that we'd be able to print their tickets for them the fact that he acted as if my soul purpose was to "serve" him and he didn't have to do anything as he put it "it was MY job to do A, B, C, & D for him". He even said that he shouldn't have had to ask me that I should just know that I was suppose to do that for him--wow, aren't we just so entitled here? Dayem!

Yeah we can't save everyone and there will be those who will fall through the cracks even when they have the support around them. It's one thing when u have so many obstacles in your way or are facing all sorts of adversity but it's another when you're just plain lazy and feel you deserve things just for the mere fact of existing.

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Re: she really?
« Reply #798 on: January 31, 2014, 10:49:36 AM »
I'm excited for you in April :)
As a parent myself - don't cater to that child.  He sounds like he needs a good crackin on the head from his parents....pla in laziness!

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Offline luvlylisa

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Re: she really?
« Reply #799 on: January 31, 2014, 11:15:58 AM »
I'm excited for you in April :)
As a parent myself - don't cater to that child.  He sounds like he needs a good crackin on the head from his parents....pla in laziness!
Thanks!  I am little disappointed that I will have to wait so long (as classes start in May!) to find out.  I'm hoping I can just get in w/o having the interview (considering may of the faculty and staff already know me--but that's wishful thinking). 

Yes, I should just back off on the kid and let his mom take care of it.  However, from the conversations I've had w mom she somewhat makes excuses for him even though she knows it's his responsibility ::)  (Dad's not in the picture.)

Considering that our funding is based on how successful our kids are we can't risk anyone "failing".  However, there does come a point where no matter what we do we have to accept the fact that some kids--you really can't help them no matter how much you try or want to.  Sadly, they will only find out the hard way.  I just wish it wasn't at the risk of messing it up for all others as well.

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Offline luvlylisa

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Re: she really?
« Reply #800 on: February 04, 2014, 11:39:22 AM »
urgh....been so tired these past two days! 

we're back to our usual schedule which means longer hours for me...well, monday at least.  thankfully today is a slower day at the office--just a few meetings.

been eating leftovers from superbowl sunday.  we made a lot of food even though we didn't have that many ppl over.  took all day for me to finish making my dumplings, sesame balls, and steamed buns but it was well worth it. O0

vday dinner is set.  no new dress for me this year--let's try to save some money. 

taxes are filed and sent.  hoping i'll get my refund in a few weeks.  :)

we're no longer going to philly for labor day this year as my sis called n said she'd be coming here now for a friends' wedding.  hrrrmmmm, but i could still go somewhere if i really wanted to.  we'll see. 

been seriously thinking about getting my own place but considering that i don't have a car let alone it's not in my budget just yet i should wait.  some days though....u just get that feeling that u shouldn't be there.  :-\

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Offline luvlylisa

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Re: she really?
« Reply #801 on: February 06, 2014, 03:58:12 PM »
i got a surprising email from a friend last night.  this friend was once my bff in high school and most of college.  i'll be honest, i miss this dear friend and from time to time i miss the friendship we shared.  no one knew me better and no one i knew better than my friend.  but with time, we drifted apart and as life took us both on a different course we slowly became partial strangers.  we are also at different stages in our lives which makes hanging out rather difficult as well (not to mention that we don't live blocks apart now).  do i wish we were still close?  sure.  do i wish we made time for one another? yes.  do i wish we included each other more in our lives? most def.  will we?  sadly, I think not.  though the intent of maintaining a good friendship is most def. there the reality is it hasn't happened and it most likely won't. 

when i was young and even a few years ago i always opposed the idea that men and women could not be friends.  i knew very well from my own experiences that men and women CAN be friends.  however, as i got older i find that idea very hard to swallow and believe.  many of my friends who are guys (especially those who i was very close to) i am like a distant stranger almost.  then again, many are married with kids.  those who are single or divorced this does not apply to as i hang out with them and see them therefore there's no awkwardness.  however, those who are married w/ family usually drift they attend to their marriage and soon to be family as well as their careers as I am to my career and life.  one can say it's distance but we all know that me being woman, though a friend, one has to respect each other and respect their marriage and "step back".  I'm no longer the "woman" in his life--even though it was strictly platonic.  As much as he was the "man" in my life--again, strictly platonic--he is now someone elses' man...and their life.  several times i've had my bffs' s/o's reach out to me (even while they were dating) and for the most part I've never had problems with their gfs.  i want my friend(s) happy...and as long as he's happy w u--there's no problem.  I stay in my "place" and support him when necessary.  Even so, several bffs have told me after they break up with their gfs their girls liked me and didn't have problems with me personally--but they didn't like that I was that "other girl". 

those who have gotten married i most def steer clear of crossing any lines or boundaries as I know and respect their relationship.  Most of the time if I see these former bffs it's at family functions or community events--we address each other as I the couple/family altogether.  I've even had a bffs' newly-wedded wife invited me out on a family camping trip and suggested that the bff and i go out a week prior to hang out and get some "alone" time. ??? I was confused and felt rather awkward.  I of course said that though it would be nice to go since it was a family trip that it was not necessary for me to go let alone go out a week prior with my friend.  I told here we have had numerous opportunities to hang out and can hang out anytime with him.  Hrrmmm....I felt she was testing me as she had emailed me after a few months of dating and prior to getting married "informing" me that she was well aware and OK with our relationship--that I was his bff and to not feel I could not come around.  Again, like I did later with the camping suggestion, I assured her that we indeed had known each other for years but knowing how much she meant to him I knew where I stood with him and knew that their relationship was also very important to him.  When and if we decide to hang out that would happen when avail but they should have time to themselves and their relationship as again, I knew he and I can hang out any time if we wanted to.  Kind of a "yes, thank you.  no, thank you.  carry on, I'm ok.  Do you.  It's no big deal." of a thing. Eh.

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Re: she really?
« Reply #802 on: February 10, 2014, 11:34:23 AM »
guess my throat cleared up--thank goodness.

the weekend was pretty low-key.  i didn't do anything.  i must have been really tired on friday and took a 2 hr nap (6-8) which made me wide awake the rest of the night.  spent the next hours up watching kdrama.  i was alone all of sat and spent the day sleeping in but lounging in my room.  got a chance to talk to a gf of mine.  it's been a while since we last hung out let alone spoke ot each other.  it was a good and productive conversation.  she always knows what to say and is honest with me--even if it stings a little.  I know that I can always count on her--sometimes even when I don't want to.  LOL :D

did my nails...they're "valentine" themed.  u know, shades of pink and hearts.  eh, they're cute...and I'm not that creative nor talented.  i just like doing's thearaputic for me anyway.

a ton of meetings this week so i know i'll be feeling like i'm all over the place and i most likely will be.  eh--that's life.

i still have to get stuff ready for our girls vday dinner this sat.  treats, treats, treats.  knowing that my fed refund will be in by then i can afford to splurge just a lil bit...but not get carried away. can't wait! O0

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Re: she really?
« Reply #803 on: February 12, 2014, 05:34:29 PM »
it's my sis' bday on Monday....orde red some flowers to be delivered to her.  Hope they don't get a ton of snow over the weekend otherwise she might not get them.  :-\

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Re: she really?
« Reply #804 on: February 18, 2014, 12:15:12 PM »
was my sis' bday yesterday and sent her a bouquet of flowers (some lavender roses, mums, and lilies I think).  It was a little sad that that was all she gotten on her bday--but i did my part. 

i've been very antsy lately.  I'm not sure y.  maybe antsy isn't the right word.  just feel like i need to do something or should do something--something fun and/or different or whatever....bu t i dunno.  it's as if my mind, body, soul can't sit still and is not content.  i feel like i'm missing something or i should be doing something--but i just can't put a finger on it.  doh!

things are getting better.  i'm starting to come around and though i've let it go--little things still get to me.  but i do have to say my heart is in a better place.  thank lawd! :D

i can't wait til all this snow is gone!  we got at least 3-4 maybe 5 inches yesterday!  it was snowing pretty heavy and the snowflakes were huge!  everyone was driving super slow--as they should be--but there were still crazy accidents!  i have to remember to put a new headlight in--i don't want to get pulled over.

the bff and i r thinking this is the year to go on r cruise we've been talking forever about.  this time i feel it's going to happen and it won't be all talk.  i'm so ready!

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Re: she really?
« Reply #805 on: March 03, 2014, 04:45:13 PM »
yeah haven't been in there for a while now....just busy and well, it's been boring here.  nuff said.

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Re: she really?
« Reply #806 on: March 06, 2014, 03:42:48 PM »
OMG, so the other day after work I went to pick up nyab so we could go get our gym memberships. I spotted these two dogs out of the corner of my left eye and somewhat slowed down (just in case as they were slowly jogging along and wasn't sure if I saw their owner let alone leashes. I think they were pointer was a little bigger than the other--the big one was maybe up to my waist on all fours). As I kept driving down the road I saw that they came out of the huge arse snow pile on the sidewalk and ran into the street. I swerved the car to the right and braked like crazy however, there was a parked car on my right in front of me. I didn't want to hit the dogs and I didn't want to hit the car! OMG, OMG, OMG! I panicked I didn't even know what to do but hold my breath hoping the dogs would stop and turn around! The car behind me honked it's horn and the big dog stopped right in time--he was so close that his nose was literally inches away from my side mirror (I actually thought I had ran over his toes if anything). I heard the lady in the car behind me yell and shoo the dogs away. I about died right there. Patting my heart and breathing deeply I slowly put the car back in gear and went on my way looking back to see where the dogs went or if their owner came out. No such thing. I did see all the over cars trying to slowly go around them. Whew! Good thing I slowed down when I saw them out of the corner of my eye!

Dog owners! Please keep your dogs on a leash or in your yard (hopefully it's fenced). It's dangerous for everyone if they are running loose.

And that damn snow! Mr. Sun...melt that sh*t please!

On a different note....Urgh, I like cheese but cheesy lines and cheesy guys.  ::) ::) ::)

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Re: she really?
« Reply #807 on: March 12, 2014, 03:01:03 PM »
i swear some ppl can't take the hint mang.  just bc i'm nice doesn't mean that i like u.  ::)  if that was really the case i'd not be single then, right?  damn, i'd be a slut! ;D ;D ;D BUT I'm not. 8)   

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Re: she really?
« Reply #808 on: March 16, 2014, 02:38:37 AM »
trolls....i c someone is viewing my profile.  hrrrrmmmmm.... whachu wannna know?  u could simply ask ya know. ::)

eh...haven't been on ph much these's just not the same anymore.

i've been keeping myself bz this year and have been distancing myself from ppl n things who bring me down.  some may think or say i'm being rude or even b|tchy.  however, for so long i've always considered what ppl had to say or felt and sacrificed my happiness let alone feelings for the sake of others.  i'm at a place now where i am slowly learning to put my foot down and really execute on what i want to do. because in all reality, no one else is going to go out of their way to consider my feelings or considered what makes me happy. so if u don't like it--well, u don't have to--i'm not asking for ppl to understand it, like it, or accept it--heck, I'm not asking for anything.

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Re: she really?
« Reply #809 on: March 16, 2014, 04:49:42 AM »
I understand you.  Go for it LUVLYLISA! After all you are the luvly of them all.

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