
Author Topic: A PH Imbalance  (Read 3574 times)

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A PH Imbalance
« on: January 30, 2016, 01:23:27 PM »
So I just got warning. I disagree with it, and of course, the warning was not specifically stated nor was it even discussed.  Well, this seems like a good enough excuse to post in this section of forums.  Here is my ongoing series of a PH Imbalance.  Let's kick this off with the warning itself...

1.  The Warning

Apparently I was spamming.  But, all I was doing was short replies.  I guess I could have said more, but the person was stalking me from thread to thread trying to be belligerent (which is another entry for another day).  Moreover, isn't "meaningless" subjective anyways?  Lots of people make silly short comments on here, did they all get warnings?  But hey, benefit of the doubt.  I guess you could argue that I posted too many short replies, and thus it's spamming.  So how many short replies did I make in the thread they listed?  TWO!  I got a warning for TWO! 


You have received a warning for spamming meaningless posts with no contest in regards to the message:

Re: Super Bowl 50.

Please cease these activities and abide by the forum rules otherwise we will take further action.

You could lose priviledge to the forum by receiving too many warnings. Go to your profile for more details

The PebHmong Discussion Forum Team.

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Re: A PH Imbalance
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2016, 01:28:58 PM »
2.  Name Calling

People always say that I am name calling, but do I?  I may call an idea absurd or silly or illogical or impractical, but I am not calling that person any names.  We all have absurd, silly, illogical, and impractical ideas.  For example, I have more shoes than I need, and that is kinda absurd, silly, illogical, and impractical.  The difference is that I recognize it.  So back to PH...

Other PH users are ALWAYS name calling and insulting, so why are they still here?  I'd quote them and call them out, but you kinda know who they are.  Heck, there are some PH users who stalk and insult others in real life!  That's crazy, but I get a warning for spamming two comments.  I guess life isn't always fair. 

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Re: A PH Imbalance
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2016, 01:34:41 PM »
3.  Deleted Posts

I don't really care about people deleting posts and threads.  Maybe it is an attempt to make the forums more accessible.  It's not like the stuff we write is necessarily historically significant stuff anyways.  But, some threads are completely harmless and they get deleted.  But, there are some threads are are just pure hateful, and they stick around.  Some of the threads by some users are straight up hate speeches.  Heck, if I got a warning for two emoticons, why are these users with their hate speeches still here? 

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Re: A PH Imbalance
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2016, 01:42:58 PM »
4.  Deleted Posts: Part 2

So after I got a warning for "spamming" my two short replies, I go back and write up a full explanation of the debate at hand.  I didn't want to because the other guy clearly doesn't know what he is talking about; he doesn't know the facts.  Talking to people like this is a waste of time.  But, since the admin wants more, I go and explain it.  For example, the other guy said that Carolina is younger than Denver.  However, Carolina has the second OLDEST team in the league. 

So what happened?  admin deletes that post!  What exactly do you want? I don't bother to explain it to a stalker, and I get a warning.  I explain it, and it gets deleted anyways. 

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Re: A PH Imbalance
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2016, 01:53:11 PM »
5.  Hate Speeches

So I get a warning for "spamming" two emoticons, but what is up with allowing these hate speeches go on?  You got threads insulting blacks, gays, Christians, Atheists, the left, the right, and so on.  Those just keep going and going.  But, I get a warning to two emoticons?  I guess the power of the emoticon is mightier than the pen of hate speeches. 

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Re: A PH Imbalance
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2016, 01:58:29 PM »
6.  Stalkers

I suppose a PH Imbalance can be more than about my warning, so here is one about stalkers...

I have a couple of random threads on here.  None of them are really that important.  They are just random musings to pass the time.  Well, if anyone out there takes the time to go through them all, you'll find some people just randomly post in those threads trying to be belligerent.  I guess haters are going to hate.  I wonder if they got warnings for that?  That's gotta be far worse than two emoticons...

Anyways, I am sure some of you PH folks had your share of stalkers.  Feel free to share some stories.  I am sure they are interesting even if it is in a sad way....

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Re: A PH Imbalance
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2016, 02:05:03 PM »

1.  Hey, I said I would give them the benefit of the doubt.  And I guess TWO is too many.   :2funny: :2funny:   Oops.  Was that two?

2.  Not to sound mean, but I don't really care.  Why would I care if someone I don't know insults me?  I don't really care if admins or moderators do their job or not.  I just think it is a PH Imbalance that I get a warning for 2 emoticons while others are allowed to post hate speeches and such.

3. Refer to the above.  Not to sound mean, but I don't really care.

4.  I didn't expect a reply on the matter.

5. Be sure to also moderate those damn emoticons!  They are out of control! 
 :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

As a moderator. I'll just say this.  Keep in mind, I don't know who did what.

1. I'm assuming it is referring to the posts that contains nothing but an emoticon face?  It can be considered spam and meaningless considering there's nothing in the post.

2. We, Moderators and Admins, do not actively monitor every single post that occurs on PH.  We monitor as we come across them.  We also have our dayjobs, school, and everything else so we are not here 24/7 to moderate the website.  If you see something you dislike whether it's hateful messages, name callings, and so on.  There is a "report to moderator" link on the bottom right corner.  Report the post and we'll get to it when we can.

3. Refer to the above.  We send out warnings we come across posts that violate the rules of PH.

4. I have nothing to say on the matter.

5. I've been moderating those threads as well.

In any case.  If you disagree with actions that occurred, message an admin and talk to them about it.

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Re: A PH Imbalance
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2016, 02:12:38 PM »
7.  Name Calling: Part 2 Why I Don't Care

First of all, strangers name calling me doesn't affect my life.  Strangers name calling me online definitely does not affect me. 

Second, sticks and stones....

Third, if it is debate, name calling is often the first sign of a loser.  There is nothing wrong with losing a debate.  Debate is actually how we discern.  But some people take things personally.  Sometimes you have an idea that you might think is great, but maybe that idea has some major problems.  For example, a maximum wage.  It's a good idea that everyone should have everything in life, especially considering that life can be short.  But, a maximum wage creates many other problems.  Like Biggie says, mo money mo problems.

Fourth, I don't care about name calling, but those damn emoticons gotta go!   :2funny: :2funny:

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Re: A PH Imbalance
« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2016, 02:19:13 PM »
So instead of discussing the issue, you rather discuss whether or not I care?  Do you realize how silly that is? 

Moreover, if you hadn't notice, I often post about things that I don't care about. I am not a big arts person, but I got an art thread.  I am not a big fashion person, but I got some threads in there.  I am not a fan of any team, but I still follow teams.  It goes on and on.  It goes on to the point where I also have this thread. 

So the bigger question is, why do you care about this personal journal.  Shouldn't you be modding those emoticons!  They are out of control!   :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

From the tone in your posts in this entire thread.  You certainly do care.  You cared enough to make this thread and you cared enough to make these posts.  If you don't care, you would simply be able to just ignore and go about your days.

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Offline tRouBLe

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Re: A PH Imbalance
« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2016, 06:08:24 PM »
Bulbasaur, if you should have questions/concerns/disputes about comments/threads that were deleted or warnings that were issued, you can discuss this/these with one of the admins.

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Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are. ~ John Wooden


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Re: A PH Imbalance
« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2016, 12:03:15 AM »
I was just going to let it go.  I was just going to quit PH.  PH is dying anyways.  I was just trying to keep it fun.  I made lots of threads about lots of different topics. 

But, since you want to make this into an argument, we can.  Because you want to discuss it, let's discuss it.  You're acting like I did something wrong.  You're acting like there is no evidence of your moderators doing anything wrong.  What do you need?  Do you need a screen shot of your moderators insulting users?  It can be provided, just ask. 

Of course, I say moderators, but we both know I am only referring to one in particular. 

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Re: A PH Imbalance
« Reply #11 on: April 05, 2016, 11:02:26 AM »
Um, yeah.  I got caught for 2 emoticons.   :idiot2:

some people are just so lucky to get picked on..I've been trying to get into Troubles, since I've joined.   I wish she would send me a warning that they would double team me, if I don't quit!   :D  :2funny:

j/k...and sorry, for the irrelevancy.

on the subject...ofte n times when one makes a good argument, others will cry foul play because the don't have a rebuttal.  One should also understand that when spoken out of context and participation in an unruly debate/argument (regardless of fault), would be subjected to be warned.  In any debate, when one already stated their case and the other fail to recognize, it would be wise to concede/ignore since they are not worth arguing with...keep in mind you're not going to win an award.   :idiot2: :2funny:

I'm no Mod nor Admin, but one should look at this situation from a police officer's stand point.  they are not going to catch every criminal/reckless driver unless they're in hot pursuit and/or the parties involved are probably undercover (pseudo name).  if, laugh about it, thank them for their time and tread carefully until you're under the radar. 

a PH imbalance...we all need this PH drug but lets not get high.    :P

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Re: A PH Imbalance
« Reply #12 on: April 26, 2016, 09:39:37 PM »
What was that about name calling? 

Some people have no problem with name calling, and that's fine.  Some people have no problem with hypocrisy, and that's fine.  But how in hell can you have a problem with name calling and hypocrisy when you're the one doing the name calling and calling others hypocrites? 

Two more emoticons.   :2funny: :2funny:

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Re: A PH Imbalance
« Reply #13 on: May 16, 2016, 05:04:29 PM »
Has anyone actually looked up a review of PH?  Here is one...

This is a website/forum that many Hmong people go to. This is not a site that any good healthy professional person should mingle in. The Moderators are immature and haters along with 90% of the people who frequent this site. This is one of the most unsafe website to share stories and ideas in because the people there have nothing but negative comments. They actually go as far as making threats to find a person and hurt them, that's how seriously they take this forum for. No one laughs about anything. Everyone is so uptight and if you are into dramas and is is drama galore. This website has everything topic ranging from family discussion to mature forum but they all trash talk about the same topic never really about the subject matter. They are clickish. Don't bother complaining to Admintrators and Moderators. I have never seen more bias and racist Admin and MOD. They love the bashing and the trash discussion and the fighting and its a unsafe place to roam.

Hmmm, sounds familiar. 

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Re: A PH Imbalance
« Reply #14 on: July 19, 2016, 03:38:41 PM »
Deleting posts doesn't make you right.  It just means you are too afraid to face the truth.  Look at your best buddy who agrees with you.  The one guy whom you treat like royalty is completely delusional.  Most of his arguments are based completely on assumptions, but then he has the audacity to accuse others of basing their arguments on assumptions.  And don't get me started on his misuse of words and phrases...

You are just mad because you had an entire argument with another user, and you just assumed it was me.  I wouldn't even have known this unless someone told me.  If anything, you owe me a fuking apology. 

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