
Author Topic: Is anyone worried....  (Read 40147 times)

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Offline thePoster

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Re: Is anyone worried....
« Reply #75 on: October 29, 2016, 09:25:14 AM »
I am Hmong! LOL you are a buffoon. Do you even read, bro?

No matter what you or anyone says, I am Hmong. I do not need to jump rope or even know that Hmong jump rope exists. Do you understand how absurd it is to say that if you don't Hmong jump rope, you're not Hmong enough? This is YOUR point, not mine.

When I said that "a bunch of Hmongs thinking their standards are what determine who is Hmong", I wasn't talking about the greater Hmong community. I was talking about this PH community - people exactly like you. Do you even comprehend, bro? You precisely proved my point! If the entire Hmong population of the world looked at me and rejected me, saying I wasn't Hmong enough for their standards, would I still be Hmong? YES! What you say, or moonangel says, or any other Hmong person(s) says, doesn't change a Hmong person into something else. It doesn't matter if I jump rope, if I can speak Hmong, if I know which hand to pour the liquor as the cup comes around to me, or some other silly made-up standard of measuring my Hmong-ness.

My work is done. The dude counter-arguing me is providing examples to further prove my point!  :2funny:

Take 10 newborn Hmong babies and spread them across all corners of the world to adoptive parents. Each of these 10 children will be alien to so-called "pure" Hmong culture - you know, useless shiit like jump rope, liquor pouring with the correct hand, wearing Zhong Kha's silly shirts out to town (lol, no hate towards Zhong, but I do think his shirts are silly, unique, but still silly). Are these children still Hmong? Yes. It doesn't matter what I say, thePoster says, or the entire Hmong population says. These kids are Hmong, born that way and will die that way. You can't shed it like some social identity. It's not like being a hardcore video gamer for 10 years, and then now I'm into weight lifting or customizing street racing cars. It sure as helll isn't measured by how high above the shoulders the jump rope was raised.

If you actually read the thread you'll see that I made that point first so how could I prove your point when I made the point first and then you come along to add your two cents which is the same point I made before you.  Go look at the quotes and the time stamps. 

Sure you answered you are hmong, but you haven't answered why....   why is that?

Is it becuase if you list why you are'll be part of those bunch of hmongs and thier (you) deem as hmong or hmong sellout?

Your words, not mine....

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I went through all 15k posts and those 2 quotes I found were the only ones so I guess that would make it "everytime".  Feel free to go through all 15k posts and verify by quoting them all.  You need to quote them all to verifying prove "everytime".   Please verify that Im wrong.


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Re: Is anyone worried....
« Reply #76 on: October 29, 2016, 10:01:56 AM »
TheKing an hung TU lo.....

If you guys haven't realized yet, the debate between you two and myself isn't really about whats hmong and what's not hmong and being worried about the hmong culture...

It really is about how you two say contradictory stuff and saying the same stuff as me yet thinking it's different Reguardless of the topic.

This is why no one should take anything from you two seriously.  When you say things that contradict stuffs you've already said, no one can take you seriously. 

TheKing, if all you can say in a debate is just repeat a question back to the one asking, you come across childish...and thoughtless.

In the debate, I'm pointing out where you two had said this and that.  That's what I mean by citing things theking....

theking, I've noticed you stopped saying bandwagon...I'm sure you really wanted tooo, but if anything, one could argue you're a bandwagonervou s now as you are jumping on my so?  Well, you're asking the same questions I'm asking. ironic huh?

Maybe you two consider your smart, or at least smarter than me or better than me...I can say I don't consider myself anything at all but I do get that kind of vibe from you two in this tread at least... But if you two keep saying contradicting stuff and using my ideas and points and e you two really smarter or better than me?

Theking, you know if I ask you if you are a hmong or not and for you to explain why or why not, then you'd be part of the bunch of people that set Thier standards for being hmongs or not that hung TU LO doesn't like right?

So should I ask you if you are hmong or not and explain? thought provoking, if I ask you that question and you said yes and explain, that would make you and the person you was "partner" with in here ganging up on me not partners anymore right?  If you said yes and explian, well that would just make you agree with my point which hung TU LO also agreed with yet he's delusional about it not being the same.

The reason why I ask for you two is to see if you can justify differently from the points in here...point one being you are hmong reguardless (my point, unknowingly backed up by hung TU LO) the second point being an elitist who likes to classify hmongs according to Thier standards, the people he doesn't if you two can answer differently than these two answers, you would indeed win the debate....

But as you two can see, even to have "won" you would still have "lost".

For me to lose, you two can see that would mean hung TU LO is the people he don't like and theking and hung TU LO would actually be agianst one another now (as in, they can't be partners now becuase theking would be those elitist that hung TU LO doesn't like) so both of them still "lose"

For them to win would mean hung TU LO to have to agree with what I said earlier about Reguardless how far you distance yourself from hmong culture you are still hmong. Which they still lose becuase they would in fact be agreeing with my point...

Or they can just do what they been doing....sayin g what I've already said, asking my own questions back to me, avoiding my questions...

Guys I don't know how more in depth I can break it down to you two...I basically even laid out the thought process behind my side of the debate...feel free to take notes and study.

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I went through all 15k posts and those 2 quotes I found were the only ones so I guess that would make it "everytime".  Feel free to go through all 15k posts and verify by quoting them all.  You need to quote them all to verifying prove "everytime".   Please verify that Im wrong.

Offline thePoster

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Re: Is anyone worried....
« Reply #77 on: October 29, 2016, 10:20:01 AM »
I am Hmong! LOL you are a buffoon. Do you even read, bro?

No matter what you or anyone says, I am Hmong. I do not need to jump rope or even know that Hmong jump rope exists. Do you understand how absurd it is to say that if you don't Hmong jump rope, you're not Hmong enough? This is YOUR point, not mine.

When I said that "a bunch of Hmongs thinking their standards are what determine who is Hmong", I wasn't talking about the greater Hmong community. I was talking about this PH community - people exactly like you. Do you even comprehend, bro? You precisely proved my point! If the entire Hmong population of the world looked at me and rejected me, saying I wasn't Hmong enough for their standards, would I still be Hmong? YES! What you say, or moonangel says, or any other Hmong person(s) says, doesn't change a Hmong person into something else. It doesn't matter if I jump rope, if I can speak Hmong, if I know which hand to pour the liquor as the cup comes around to me, or some other silly made-up standard of measuring my Hmong-ness.

My work is done. The dude counter-arguing me is providing examples to further prove my point!  :2funny:

Take 10 newborn Hmong babies and spread them across all corners of the world to adoptive parents. Each of these 10 children will be alien to so-called "pure" Hmong culture - you know, useless shiit like jump rope, liquor pouring with the correct hand, wearing Zhong Kha's silly shirts out to town (lol, no hate towards Zhong, but I do think his shirts are silly, unique, but still silly). Are these children still Hmong? Yes. It doesn't matter what I say, thePoster says, or the entire Hmong population says. These kids are Hmong, born that way and will die that way. You can't shed it like some social identity. It's not like being a hardcore video gamer for 10 years, and then now I'm into weight lifting or customizing street racing cars. It sure as helll isn't measured by how high above the shoulders the jump rope was raised.

The first in bold, I never said if you don't know how to jump rope then you are not hmong, if you can find it, quote it.  I said some people don't even know that game.  What does that mean?  Well let's decipher it.  It simply means some hmongs don't even know that game. 

What does not know that game mean in this context?  Well it would mean those hmong people don't know that Hmong people played that game in the past.

Is there any part in there where we can say I said if you don't know what that game is it means you're not hmong?

It kinda seems you actually want to see what you want see when you read...

The second bolded part...hey good going, you are yet agian saying basically what I said way way earlier agian..if you read the earlier post where I was quoting posts, you would've known I've already said that before you.

You know...folks need to realize no matter how hard they try to distance themselves from hmongs and being hmong or matter how good your English is and have no matter how well you fit in into other cultures and ethnicities... and even if all your friends are non hmong and even your best friends.....

At the end of the day...99 percent of you got almond shaped eyes...brown,black hair...tan're still hmong...

Yo mom was was hmong...granda d was hmong..grandma was hmong...your parents killed cjickens...cow s...pigs....

You are hmong.

So ummmm mm

Here, I need to break it down for you becuase you can't or understand that it is basically saying the same thing...

Youre said if everyone said you are not "hmong" due to how they don't fit the "standard",  you are still hmong.

I said even as much as a person may distanced to not be" hmong", essentially not fitting the standard", they are still hmong.

What the heck?!?!?  Same was said differently, but it is the same point.  Which I made prior to you remaking it thinking it's different from mine to use "agianst" me....

« Last Edit: October 29, 2016, 10:31:08 AM by thePoster »

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I went through all 15k posts and those 2 quotes I found were the only ones so I guess that would make it "everytime".  Feel free to go through all 15k posts and verify by quoting them all.  You need to quote them all to verifying prove "everytime".   Please verify that Im wrong.


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Re: Is anyone worried....
« Reply #78 on: October 30, 2016, 02:11:12 AM »
Anyways...yeah its sad "real hmong culture is fastly fading"... a lot of the young folks express no care for it.

And their parents could care less too....

Just like that 20 year old hmong girl I met who couldn't speak or understand hmong...

She said her mom told her she didn't want her to learn or speak hmong....

I was thinking... "wtf"...

You are so moronic, you can't even comprehend your own thoughts and posts. Here, you are basically implying that a Hmong person not having interest in Hmong events translates to a form of being less of a Hmong. You also believe that just because someone chooses not to learn Hmong language is automatically distancing themselves, thereby, making her less of a Hmong. Hmmmm, where have I seen this phenomenon before? Oh, right! This is like that bull garbage with black people saying if you do your homework, speak English without sounding like Shaniqua and Shakiraquan, you're a sellout, an Uncle Tom, a house n!gger.

Moonangel I said I'm worried too!!

Some folks don't even know what this is!!!  Folks in here!!!

It's implied, dummy. You think people who don't know this game are somehow a detriment to Hmong culture. As if knowing the game improves the culture somehow? Just because you don't have the balls to say outright that you think you are more superior than others, doesn't mean your manner of thinking and speech doesn't imply it.

Don't compare yourself to me. There are pages full of your posts in which you imply the same idea above; that there are imaginary standards to what you deem is Hmong. Just because you say "you all got almond eyes - you all are Hmong", doesn't put you on the same level as me. You are full of disdain and elitism. You're like those nut job Christian folks who says every Human is a child of God and God loves us all, but then if you tell them you're a Muslim or an Atheist, they suddenly look at you with disdain and think you're not good enough to be on their level. Sure, you may say we're all Hmong in your eyes. But as soon as someone tells you they can't speak Hmong, or don't go to Hmong New Year, don't go to shaman or funeral events, doesn't know more than 2 uncles by name, or know how to cut up a fresh slaughtered pig, or some other supposedly Hmong characteristic, the truth comes out.

When I meet a Hmong person who doesn't speak one word of Hmong, I think to myself that they are still Hmong. When you meet a Hmong person who doesn't speak a word of Hmong, you think to yourself "WTF". Don't ever suggest that you and I have the same ideas. If I had a fraction of your mindset, I'd kill myself - but then if I were you, I'd be too ignorant to see how ignorant I am. Not putting words in your mouth, kiddo. It's all above in your own words. You automatically assume they are lesser or they are selling out just because they don't speak the language. Obviously, you think they are not up to your standards of being a Hmong.

I know your type. People like you are the reason why Hmong culture is in the faltering position it is. Because nothing is ever good enough for your standards. Maybe you should tell us now, are we using the keyboard and mouse the Hmong way?  :2funny:

« Last Edit: October 30, 2016, 02:19:35 AM by HUNG TU LO »

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Offline thePoster

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Re: Is anyone worried....
« Reply #79 on: October 30, 2016, 07:09:04 AM »
You are so moronic, you can't even comprehend your own thoughts and posts. Here, you are basically implying that a Hmong person not having interest in Hmong events translates to a form of being less of a Hmong. You also believe that just because someone chooses not to learn Hmong language is automatically distancing themselves, thereby, making her less of a Hmong. Hmmmm, where have I seen this phenomenon before? Oh, right! This is like that bull garbage with black people saying if you do your homework, speak English without sounding like Shaniqua and Shakiraquan, you're a sellout, an Uncle Tom, a house n!gger.

It's implied, dummy. You think people who don't know this game are somehow a detriment to Hmong culture. As if knowing the game improves the culture somehow? Just because you don't have the balls to say outright that you think you are more superior than others, doesn't mean your manner of thinking and speech doesn't imply it.

Don't compare yourself to me. There are pages full of your posts in which you imply the same idea above; that there are imaginary standards to what you deem is Hmong. Just because you say "you all got almond eyes - you all are Hmong", doesn't put you on the same level as me. You are full of disdain and elitism. You're like those nut job Christian folks who says every Human is a child of God and God loves us all, but then if you tell them you're a Muslim or an Atheist, they suddenly look at you with disdain and think you're not good enough to be on their level. Sure, you may say we're all Hmong in your eyes. But as soon as someone tells you they can't speak Hmong, or don't go to Hmong New Year, don't go to shaman or funeral events, doesn't know more than 2 uncles by name, or know how to cut up a fresh slaughtered pig, or some other supposedly Hmong characteristic, the truth comes out.

When I meet a Hmong person who doesn't speak one word of Hmong, I think to myself that they are still Hmong. When you meet a Hmong person who doesn't speak a word of Hmong, you think to yourself "WTF". Don't ever suggest that you and I have the same ideas. If I had a fraction of your mindset, I'd kill myself - but then if I were you, I'd be too ignorant to see how ignorant I am. Not putting words in your mouth, kiddo. It's all above in your own words. You automatically assume they are lesser or they are selling out just because they don't speak the language. Obviously, you think they are not up to your standards of being a Hmong.

I know your type. People like you are the reason why Hmong culture is in the faltering position it is. Because nothing is ever good enough for your standards. Maybe you should tell us now, are we using the keyboard and mouse the Hmong way?  :2funny:

How do you know if I'm implying anything at all?   Anyways...for you to state that I'm implying some thing and then state what you assume I was implying(which you did in the first bolded part), well wouldn't that make you putting words in my mouth?  Who's putting words in who's mouth now?

If it was all in my own words how come you cant quote it?  You had to imply it?  I could understand if it was paraphased, which is what I've done and explained in previous posts but for you to say I'm implying something which would mean you are assuming that I'm implying what you are think i meant, well wouldnt that just be your opinion on what you thought I was saying? 

So, if you really look at it, you are disgruntled at me for a thought that you think I meant to say but never said, is that correct?

I really can't see how you can imply what you think I meant, and if you could paraphased(translate) what I said to what you think I'm "implying" then you'd be right I guess.  But please go through the logic like I've been doing for you.  I've been giving you a bunch of free passes.....
Explain to me how you got
Hmong person not having interest in Hmong events translates to a form of being less of a Hmong. You also believe that just because someone chooses not to learn Hmong language is automatically distancing themselves, thereby, making her less of a Hmong.

From this

Anyways...yeah its sad "real hmong culture is fastly fading"... a lot of the young folks express no care for it.

And their parents could care less too....

Just like that 20 year old hmong girl I met who couldn't speak or understand hmong...

She said her mom told her she didn't want her to learn or speak hmong....

I was thinking... "wtf"...

I'll tell you what I meant by it, that the hmong culture is fading fast, and that there are parents who dont care for it (hmong culture-that is the topic we are discussing) as it is evident by me having met a girl who said her mother didn't want her to learn hmong. The WTF was a way to express my shock to hear that some girls mom didn't want her to learn hmong and that's it.  Everything else is just what you assume of me whether it's how I think or how I am, but do please explain why you think I'm a certain  way based on what I'm typing.  Like I said, quote me, don't imply, as you can see you implied wrongly and well, implying things really holds no weight...if you'd just take everything I've said at face value...I think you'd be less upset.

So ummm..yeah.... tell me how you got what you got, or is it just really an opinion on what you thought I could be meaning...

Also, how do you know I'm full of disdain and elitism?  Please explain.  If you could, quote everything I said that I've said to make me full of disdain.  Please please please don't imply anymore as we've already establish that for you to imply would just mean you're just stating what you think I meant to say, thus you're just stating your opinion which is in no way valid as to proving how someone is based on anothers opinion.

Also for you to assume what you assumed, isn't that just your opinion on what you think I meant?  Have you considered your assumption may be wrong?  If I said something, I'll own up to it, but for you to just make assumptions on me?  Cmon now, your assumptions are nothing I've said or stated. 

That's why I also ask you questions and ask for explanations from you so I don't have to assume anything from you but all you do is just tiptoe around and avoid my questions. 

Anyways, would you care to answer this question, what is your definition of an elitist?  Please be detailed, quote me, I rather have my own words tossed back in my face than face persecution on what someone is assuming what I'm implying but never said if I'm even implying anything at all.

You know what's pretty ironic here, you're making me out to be the bad guy by saying I'm like this I'm like that and implying what you think I'm trying to say (and wow, they all do seem like they are not so good) and calling me names...moroni c could be classified as a bad name, I'd say it's a word used to bring someone down, hurt feelings, degrade,etc etc but of course that's just my opinion....but you haven't seen me call you names or make any implications on the type of person you are though have you? interesting... .

And I never suggested, I said its the same idea,point,thought. ..whatever you wanna call it becuase it is.

I find it funnie I can and do explain what seems to be everything I've typed that you have highlighted and brought up....yet you can't explain anything you brought up or typed about. 

But anyways...defi ne elitism for me...

Well, let me just do it for you... per this site

(of a person or class of persons) considered superior by others or by themselves, as in intellect, talent, power, wealth, or position in society:
elitist country clubbers who have theirs and don't care about anybody else.
catering to or associated with an elitist class, its ideologies, or its institutions:
Even at such a small, private college, Latin and Greek are under attack as too elitist.
a person having, thought to have, or professing superior intellect or talent, power, wealth, or membership in the upper echelons of society:
He lost a congressional race in Texas by being smeared as an Eastern elitist.
a person who believes in the superiority of an elitist class.

So the dictionary definition pretty much says an elitist is someone who thinks they are better than others...

So...let's've said alot about me...assumed alot about me....even called me moronic...aND then make fun of me using a mouse and keyboard the hmong way as well....

Well, if you called me moronic...that would mean you're sing I'm dumber than you?  I'll let you answer.  I'm not going to start implying and make assumptions.
Everything you said about me, are you saying everything you said about me is right as well?
And what did you mean when you were saying I was keyboarding and mouse hmong way?  To myself and others sounds like you were trying to put me down, make fun of me?  But I don't want to imply so please explain...

But heck, what am I doing ....I should've just said "for someone calling others elitist, someone sure is acting like one, that person called me moronic, I guess he's better than me, also said if that person had a fraction of my mindset that person would do harm to themselve.  I'm assuming my mindset is so horrible it would cause self harm?  So that means my mindset is no way as good as thiers.  That must mean thier mindset is superior!  Wow, the definition of elitist is...welll.... .."

So are you saying your mindset is superior to mine?

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I went through all 15k posts and those 2 quotes I found were the only ones so I guess that would make it "everytime".  Feel free to go through all 15k posts and verify by quoting them all.  You need to quote them all to verifying prove "everytime".   Please verify that Im wrong.

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Re: Is anyone worried....
« Reply #80 on: October 30, 2016, 07:14:46 AM »
You are so moronic.....


......using the keyboard and mouse the Hmong way?  :2funny:

Called me moronic...a dummy....and made fun of me using the keyboard and mouse the Hmong way, and this is coming from a person who stated they were hmong, and then laughed at me tooo.......

What's the definition of an elitist agian?

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I went through all 15k posts and those 2 quotes I found were the only ones so I guess that would make it "everytime".  Feel free to go through all 15k posts and verify by quoting them all.  You need to quote them all to verifying prove "everytime".   Please verify that Im wrong.

Offline YeejKoob13

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Re: Is anyone worried....
« Reply #81 on: October 30, 2016, 12:18:57 PM »

I know your type. People like you are the reasoy why Hmong culture is in the faltering position it is. Because nothing is ever good enough for your standards. Maybe you should tell us now, are we using the keyboard and mouse the Hmong way?  :2funny:

You should call yourself a hmigger, 'cause that's what you are... Stupidest reasoning.

It's because of ppl like you is more like it, that's making the bold statement above occur.

Trying to be all inclusive and at the end will have nothing.

« Last Edit: October 30, 2016, 12:54:36 PM by YeejKoob13 »

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Re: Is anyone worried....
« Reply #82 on: October 30, 2016, 12:45:45 PM »
What does religion have anything to do with this topic.  You speak as if I chose my faith.  Do you realize that I was always a Christian?  My mother was a nun in Laos.  Do you know why she became a nun?  Life was hard on her and she was told that in order to have a good life, she'd have to work for herself.  By luck she met my father who was Shaman but he converted because he had a visiting of some sort from God.  So, being Christian is all I know as it pertains to religions.  Culture-wise, I do know a lot.

And why are you so anti-Christians?  I have cousins who are Shaman and I attend the parties and such when I'm invited.  I also have friends who are of other religions and I attend whatever event they have when invited.  I'm not biased to anyone's faith.

btw, just a reminder, this topic isn't about me.  I'm actually asking if it's crosses anyone else's mind how the culture is changing so much and the past is not recorded for the future gens...somethi ng basic that all future gens and go to and say, "this is what Hmong really is."

Religion is part of culture. This is what you don't see nor understand... Here's a comparison/analogy for you.  If culture is your entire body, then religion is just a subset of it, like the head or torso. It is, and  is part of the entirety/culture.

you worry and lament the loss of Hmong culture, yet you don't recognize that by taking up Christianity you have let go of so much Hmong cultural identifiers. That's the point.

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Re: Is anyone worried....
« Reply #83 on: October 30, 2016, 01:15:50 PM »
A line has to be drawn somewhere. Or else you will have a situation like mormons hijacking the christian faith(s). Or better yet, read the article below.

There comes a point.

If we're going to be super inclusive on what defines hmong then almost anyone or anything(?) can claim they are hmong, which will make it meaningless, just like the above article concerning christianity.

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Offline thePoster

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Re: Is anyone worried....
« Reply #84 on: October 30, 2016, 01:36:23 PM »
Welps, there you go agian...

Have i called you anything?

Tell me what a hm****r is?

Plus, whay are you putting labels on me?


Or...going back to avoiding questions?

Looks like to me you are they very kind of people you despise.

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I went through all 15k posts and those 2 quotes I found were the only ones so I guess that would make it "everytime".  Feel free to go through all 15k posts and verify by quoting them all.  You need to quote them all to verifying prove "everytime".   Please verify that Im wrong.

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Re: Is anyone worried....
« Reply #85 on: October 30, 2016, 01:42:24 PM »
Oh, lets not forget. I was called a bafoon too.

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I went through all 15k posts and those 2 quotes I found were the only ones so I guess that would make it "everytime".  Feel free to go through all 15k posts and verify by quoting them all.  You need to quote them all to verifying prove "everytime".   Please verify that Im wrong.

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Re: Is anyone worried....
« Reply #86 on: October 30, 2016, 04:38:28 PM »
Dude....why do you even can you even argue when you just ask the same question in just ask you.

If anyone looks at the tread they can see you can't come up with your own thoughts, you basically wait till someone comes up with something and then use it.

It's appearant you obviously can't think for yourself.

TheKing an hung TU lo.....

If you guys haven't realized yet, the debate between you two and myself isn't really about whats hmong and what's not hmong and being worried about the hmong culture...

It really is about how you two say contradictory stuff and saying the same stuff as me yet thinking it's different Reguardless of the topic.

This is why no one should take anything from you two seriously.  When you say things that contradict stuffs you've already said, no one can take you seriously. 

TheKing, if all you can say in a debate is just repeat a question back to the one asking, you come across childish...and thoughtless.

In the debate, I'm pointing out where you two had said this and that.  That's what I mean by citing things theking....

theking, I've noticed you stopped saying bandwagon...I'm sure you really wanted tooo, but if anything, one could argue you're a bandwagonervou s now as you are jumping on my so?  Well, you're asking the same questions I'm asking. ironic huh?

Maybe you two consider your smart, or at least smarter than me or better than me...I can say I don't consider myself anything at all but I do get that kind of vibe from you two in this tread at least... But if you two keep saying contradicting stuff and using my ideas and points and e you two really smarter or better than me?

Theking, you know if I ask you if you are a hmong or not and for you to explain why or why not, then you'd be part of the bunch of people that set Thier standards for being hmongs or not that hung TU LO doesn't like right?

So should I ask you if you are hmong or not and explain? thought provoking, if I ask you that question and you said yes and explain, that would make you and the person you was "partner" with in here ganging up on me not partners anymore right?  If you said yes and explian, well that would just make you agree with my point which hung TU LO also agreed with yet he's delusional about it not being the same.

The reason why I ask for you two is to see if you can justify differently from the points in here...point one being you are hmong reguardless (my point, unknowingly backed up by hung TU LO) the second point being an elitist who likes to classify hmongs according to Thier standards, the people he doesn't if you two can answer differently than these two answers, you would indeed win the debate....

But as you two can see, even to have "won" you would still have "lost".

For me to lose, you two can see that would mean hung TU LO is the people he don't like and theking and hung TU LO would actually be agianst one another now (as in, they can't be partners now becuase theking would be those elitist that hung TU LO doesn't like) so both of them still "lose"

For them to win would mean hung TU LO to have to agree with what I said earlier about Reguardless how far you distance yourself from hmong culture you are still hmong. Which they still lose becuase they would in fact be agreeing with my point...

Or they can just do what they been doing....sayin g what I've already said, asking my own questions back to me, avoiding my questions...

Guys I don't know how more in depth I can break it down to you two...I basically even laid out the thought process behind my side of the debate...feel free to take notes and study.

All that "pointless" BS babbling and still zero "cite" to prove your claim of the Hmong "invented" the "rubber-band rope game"... ::)

But coming from a guy that cried and claimed, I've never said any bad motorcycle riders when I've actually created threads about it and he even replied to it, it's no surprised  to see all the "pointless" BS babbling...

Nothing new from a "Trump minded" person as nkaujsee put it...

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Re: Is anyone worried....
« Reply #87 on: October 30, 2016, 08:16:46 PM »
We are Hmong simply by virtue of being Hmong. Being Hmong is not an acquisition. There are no imaginary standards that you have to pass in order to be Hmong. This does not mean an Irish guy can claim to be Hmong; are you that dumb? Hmong is quintessential ly an ethnicity. You can't jump in and out of, and between ethnicity.

My logic: We are all Hmong. Your Hmong language proficiency or knowledge of the Hmong culture has no bearing on how Hmong you are.

thePoster's logic: We are all Hmong. Therefore, we must abide by certain traits and behavior that deem us worthy of being Hmong. Oh, you don't speak Hmong? What's wrong with you?! Don't you understand we are Hmong!? Work on yourself to be better!

Yeebkooj's logic: If you're Christian, you sold out on Hmong customs, you's a Hmigger. If you legally have an English name, you's a Hmigger. If you don't support Chai Vang in murdering all those white people, you's a Hmigger.

Anyone with a working brain knows I make the most sense, I am the most reasonable, logical, and humanitarian. If you took a poll among all of the young Hmong people under 30 years old, I bet 95% of them would agree with me and not thePoster or this senseless maniac, Yeebkooj. If Hmong people had a country, people like thePoster would be the embodiment of Fox News/O'Reilly/right wing, and Yeebkooj would be the head honcho of the Hmong version of "Sharia Law". Hmong girls would not be able to wear pants or read a book because that is Hmigger attitude.

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Offline YeejKoob13

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Re: Is anyone worried....
« Reply #88 on: October 30, 2016, 09:40:29 PM »
We are Hmong simply by virtue of being Hmong. Being Hmong is not an acquisition. There are no imaginary standards that you have to pass in order to be Hmong. This does not mean an Irish guy can claim to be Hmong; are you that dumb? Hmong is quintessential ly an ethnicity. You can't jump in and out of, and between ethnicity.

My logic: We are all Hmong. Your Hmong language proficiency or knowledge of  Hmong culture has no bearing on how Hmong you are.

Ok Too Low, the self-hating Hmigger, then look up the definition of ethnicity and post it here. Explain it yourself.

Furthermore, there are adopted Lao, Thai, and Khmu/Pubthawj kids who over time have become Hmong (take up names, speak language, follow customs, etc, essentially embraced the culture)... How do you explain that then, if you can't switch (or lose) ethnicity?

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Offline YeejKoob13

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Re: Is anyone worried....
« Reply #89 on: October 30, 2016, 09:55:40 PM »
Anyone with a working brain knows I make the most sense, I am the most reasonable, logical, and humanitarian. If you took a poll among all of the young Hmong people under 30 years old, I bet 95% of them would agree with me and not thePoster or this senseless maniac, Yeebkooj. If Hmong people had a country, people like thePoster would be the embodiment of Fox News/O'Reilly/right wing, and Yeebkooj would be the head honcho of the Hmong version of "Sharia Law". Hmong girls would not be able to wear pants or read a book because that is Hmigger attitude.

Heh heh heh, I would have never thought you would view yourself in such a light, especially the latter bold part (humanitarian)... not after you talking about dub as nigs and not wanting to give them kids free school lunches as some of them will grow up to be menaces to society only.

« Last Edit: October 30, 2016, 11:31:00 PM by YeejKoob13 »

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