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Here this for young adult kids
« on: June 08, 2020, 02:34:41 PM »

I was like this at the age 7 to 14. I stopped because I knew that I was heading to a darker path.

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Re: Here this for young adult kids
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2020, 06:02:44 PM »
????? Not sure what your story and the reference of YT video correlate to each other. Will you be kind enough elaborate a little further.

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Re: Here this for young adult kids
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2020, 01:03:39 AM »
My testimony that I was like the evil bastard of the prodigal son who just wants to get his education and run away from family. In fact, I was a bad apple in the family. All of my cousins, brothers, and my parents see that I was a disgrace. I clothed myself with a piece of paper so-called, "Degree, money, and success." It didn't bring my happiness; it brought me to a darker path. Then, I start to see how I am ending up since I start to look like one of my cousins who is a hot-headed, abusive, educated man. He has a nice aassss house, a nice sport car--at least two, and he is bodybuilding like me. The only difference between him and I is that I am not a hot head. I hang out with people who are ugly like me because we share the same view. Whenever I see a friend, I treat them differently and horribly as well. For example, if you don't recognize that I have a higher education than you, then you are my enemy. It gets worst. Whenever I play video game, I play pretty fawked up. I will play with you, beat you, and troll on you to the point, you want to give me a knuckle sandwich. The category of "friend" in my definition was for you to appreciate and recognize me that I am better than you. Guess what? My parents found out about the outside public, complaining to house arrest me or else, they will send me to a hospital. My mother knew that I started to behave like my uncle from my father side, who also got house arrested by his own family. Shiet, he's even worst than me. He got his asss kick by the entire neighborhood to the point, they got tired of whooping his butt that they told the family to house arrest him. They did it; it wasn't pretty. I was house arrested for 3 years with no job, no school, or else, my family will send me to Thailand to a country that I don't even know. If I go to school or get a job to be a monster, my parents told me, "It's either you get house arrested for 3 years, get lock up in your bedroom..or you get kicked out of the house because I don't care if you bring good grades anymore." Basically, I was buying my family's love with grades and money. I didn't care about them; I care about running away and be a monster to whoever I approach. Good grades and money cannot buy love. I was that fawked up to my saint family.

Somebody in my family married to some churchgoing family and throughout the years they turn out to be harlots. For examples:
- My SIL's father was a pastor once and years later he suffered disability in electronic wheelchair.
- My landlord and his family were part of the Hmong Alliance Church where my BIL went to. He shared similar fate, end up disable and weak then later recently passed away few months ago.
- Their sickness were the result of intimating Christianity while doing sins at same time. 

There's a passage in the bible that talks about the type of people pretending to be Christian when they don't have actual holy spirit.
The consequences of that matter will not be forgiven for eternity and will eventually suffer horrible fate. 

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Re: Here this for young adult kids
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2020, 12:38:20 AM »
They are Lee clan, which my grandmother is Lee before she past in the year 2002 or 2003, my grandmother hated the Lee clan to which I now know why. If you watch Mr. Sunshine, you will see how the Lee clan behaves exactly how my grandmother depicts them. I didn't believe her, but now I see. That explains why the Lee and the Lor are snobby people who started the Civil War. As for the Vangs, which I am a Vang, we are traitors who sold San Miao and went to war against Vang clan amongst ourselves. Vang kills Vang in San Miao--it makes perfect sense.

I thank God for taking me to Hell of Earth because He teaches me not to be like those ugly motherfawkers.

Very much the same Lee family I used to know that operated in bullying, lying, and causing problems toward their neighbors. My older brother's family lived in a mobile home behind the Lees and so are the Chue Family lived in mobile home as well, but larger and located in front of Lee's house.

- one time my nephew playing with the Lee kids outside for awhile then he came home crying to me. He told me that one of the oldest Lee kids hit him for no reason. So I rush out the door with him and look out around the house to find the rotten bastard somehow the bastard cowardly ran home first and hid there like a wussy thinking he's untouchable. I told my nephew that whenever the little bastard tries to hurt him again he should shout my name very loud so I can have the chance to grab that little muddafawker by the hair so frigging hard and drag him all the way to his fobby unclean house and tell their retarded parents who the fawk they think they are.

- my nephews and nieces have been telling their mom about the wicked thing that Lees kids doing for instance like throwing rock at the windows when the parents were not home. My SIL didn't believe them instead she believe the Lee kids because the Lee kids told their mom that they haven't done anything wrong.  ::) Gimme a break.  What kind of parent that don't have faith in her own children. Here's the good part... when my nieces grew up older, they don't believe and trust anything their mom said.  That's karma right there, SIL. Always listen to your kids instead of your noisy, lying neighbor.

Causing Problems:
- Since my SIL, mom, and uncle were so gullible to be easily deceived, they sided with the Lee family.
- But the Chue family are my brother's side of the lawn. They're also victimized by the Lees's primitive wicked nature. So both of them help each other out whenever problems created from the Lees occur.  O0

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Re: Here this for young adult kids
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2020, 01:19:11 AM »
my wretched wanna-be Christian cousin, which included all of her siblings, behaves just like their devilish father and not in their mother's image! Whenever they get abuse by their father, they like it a lot. When their mother tells them what to do and not to do, the mother gets beat up by her own kids! She comes in tears as my cousin, to whom WE RAISED HER FOR MORE THAN 14 YEARS, there's a Hmong saying:

"Yog koj yug ib tug qaib ntsuag, koj tau ib tug ncej puab; yog koj yug ib tug tub ntsuag, koj tau ib tug yeej ncuab."

The Hmong saying sounds interesting, but I kinda have little trouble understanding the first part of the phrase actually means. I'm assuming if I raised an outcast chicken and the result turn out it's handicapped?  ??? 

I do get the second part of the phrase. One of my relatives from Merced, California, raised two Xiong orphan kids: the eldest was the irrational one and the youngest was the obedient one. I remember my cousin's relative told me my mom about the real event of young couple's earliest divorce. It goes like this: since that beautiful day the eldest brought home a nyab and the cousin paid for the bride price. Until few days later, the nyab told the eldest to stay home and help out the house chores. He had fed up with her nagging and toss her out the house along with her clothes and stuffs. My cousin's family witnessed the whole embarrassing thing go down. The nyab went back to her parents and her parents demanded to file a divorce. And so my cousin kick the eldest orphan out the house because he disrespect the loves of what my cousin pay the bride for. The eldest became an outcast and the enemy 4ever.

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Re: Here this for young adult kids
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2020, 01:32:09 AM »
If you raised a child who is a monster in the closet like me, force them to drop out of college to be locked up in the house for 3 years like how my mother and my entire family did to me. They punished me because I bring problems from the outside, ranting and complaining about me. They even come to my brother's Facebook to control me or else, I will end up in the hospital. That's how bad I am back then. If I am you or any Hmong people reading this, go read to what Nebuchadnezzar did in the Bible. I am no different than that assshole.

King Nebuchadnezzar's deal with God has nothing to do with "disobedience". God disapprove any conqueror who's "all too powerful and greater than" he is when it was God handed over the wicked Judah tribes and Jerusalem to the conqueror.

My uncle and I shared the same fate. We got house arrested. The only difference is that my uncle isn't a narcissist; he is a man like Trump who talks too much. Also, he doesn't listen to any fawking rules that he total his damn car from being drunk. He told a tree to move or else, he will literally kill it. The entire neighborhood complained about him, which sounds a lot like me. Now that I see why my mother said that I am born by her womb by a mistake, she said that I belong to that family than her. I didn't listen; I run away and clothe myself with degrees and stupid certification to cover my ugliness--like some band aid--my life got worst. Also, I got darker and more cruel. This is my testimony as an educated assssshole--and I do regretted.

Going to school, having a job, and taking care of the community is not the same as working under God. That's salvation by works, not faith.
Giving away money and household stuffs to the poor, renouncing and denying your past wicked ways, severing ties from your friends and family is the cornerstone of salvation by faith. Jesus did not come to the world make peace, he came down as a sword to separate the flocks.

« Last Edit: July 14, 2020, 01:39:45 AM by Visualmon »

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Re: Here this for young adult kids
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2020, 03:31:25 AM »
But was he a successful monster? Did he not worship success?

If he's a monster why he wants tributes from his enemies and show mercifulness to them unlike the barbarian Philistines do?

Prophet Jeremiah spoke for God:

Here's the results of what tribe of Judah get when they turn their back on God:

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Re: Here this for young adult kids
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2020, 11:06:00 PM »
He did, but not to the Jews.

???  Where did you get the information that he's the monster. Would you care enough to explain it further in details?

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Re: Here this for young adult kids
« Reply #8 on: July 30, 2020, 01:33:09 AM »
Didn't he force everybody to worship him or else, they will be burn in the stomach of a metal cow?

??? What makes you think Nebachudnezzar is a Greek and he has someone built that device?
Nebachudnezzar was Babylonian conqueror who defeated Assyrians and Egyptians. Plz do more research other than making things up. There's no record talking about a Brazen bull in the bible.   ::) ;D

FYI, As the story goes, one day in Ancient Greece, a sculptor from Athens named Perillos proposed the creation of the Brazen Bull to the evil tyrant Phalaris, who ruled over Akragas, Sicily. This torture device was to be a life-sized hollow sculpture of a bull, made entirely of bronze.


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Re: Here this for young adult kids
« Reply #9 on: August 01, 2020, 08:14:31 PM »
Go to Daniel Chapter 3. That'll prove it that he was forcing people to worship him as a god on the earth.

I think you extract the verse from the bible and interpret it in entirely different perspective. You picture him as narcissistic, super-egoistic, barbaric, and self-proclaim all-powerful being. This is why I was confused  ???.

Somehow my perspective picture Nebachudnezzar: humble under God while merciful and authoritative over both Babylonians and tribes of Israel.
Nebachudnezzar was ordered by God to let prophet Jeremiah go unharmed and he should eliminate all the disobedient Israelites. That's why God set example on Nebachudnezzar how to be a King (serve God and serve people) instead of lone conqueror Karen-ites. 

« Last Edit: August 01, 2020, 08:21:49 PM by Visualmon »

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Re: Here this for young adult kids
« Reply #10 on: August 02, 2020, 10:36:09 PM »
He was egotistical before God set Nebby straight.

If he's egotistical before then how the hell can he conquer Assyrian and Egyptian?  ???

Wasn't he punish like an animal to be an animal in the wilds?

It's your turn to explain that part.

« Last Edit: August 02, 2020, 10:47:50 PM by Visualmon »

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Re: Here this for young adult kids
« Reply #11 on: August 07, 2020, 03:35:43 AM »
Before, Nebby is an evil guy. Didn't Daniel said that he had dreams before God stripped his clothes, making him naked? He did, did he not? I also learned that Nebby ate grass for being a wicked king.

That still doesn't answer to my question how did he defeated both Assyrian and Egyptian if he's evil.

I start to see why bible fanatics can't find answers outside the book. Sad for y'all church goers got brainwashed.  ::) ;D

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Re: Here this for young adult kids
« Reply #12 on: August 07, 2020, 06:32:10 AM »
Here's my perspective to the timeline on Nebachudnezzar's victories:

  • Nebachudnezzar was a child and his father Nabopolassar the king of Chaldean died defending Babylon and rebelling against the imperial Assyrian.
  • Nebachudnezzar was crowned as the king and he made alliance with the Medes to defeat and sack the Assyrians in Nineveh.
  • Nebachudnezzar wed to Amytis, daughter of Median king Cyaxares.
  • Nebachudnezzar buried his wife in the Hanging Garden where he built to please her.
  • The people of Judea lived in Jerusalem and worship Baal. God was angry and chose Jeremiah to warn them.
  • The Judahites want to ally with Egyptians but they lost to the Babylonians at Carchemish. The Egyptians fled and Babylonians did not conquer Egypt.
  • Jeremiah did have warned the Judahites three times that God will allow the Babylonians to sack Jerusalem down and have the remaining exile into Babylon.

Here's my perspective to Nebachudnezzar's conversion:

  • After Jerusalem was besieged, four men were sent to serve the king of Babylon for 70 years. Their Hebrew names changed to Babylonian, Daniel as Belshazzar; his companions - Hananiah as Shadrach, Mishael as Meshach, and Azariah as Abednego.
  • God gave Nebachudnezzar two dreams to serve as a test. God knew Daniel would pray so he would reveal the mysteries for him.
  • First dream Daniel interpreted for the king is to help him understand that God will help his dominion grow and expand over the nation.
  • Nebachudnezzar acknowledge the power of the God except one thing he didn't know the one of the customs that Hebrew obey - they don't worship any idol. So Nebachudnezzar order his guards to throw Daniel's companions into the burning furnace. The angel protect Shadrach, Meshach, Adednego from the flames. That's his minor mistake if he loses his best three administrators ;D
  • God gave Nebachudnezzar another dream to test his loyalty after he wakes up to make sure Nebachudnezzar acknowledge God is the most high and he ain't. It's God can make many impossibles very possible.
  • Til the next day, God's prediction came true that Nebachudnezzar has forgotten the dream that Daniel prophesize - God suppose to be the most high and he ain''t, yet Nebachudnezzar brag about his past accomplishment s. And so God strip away his kingship and his domain. God turn him into animal to teach him a lesson. Such lesson he never forget, being disobedient and dumb then he'll become one like a wild animal without disciplines. That's his major mistake - short term memory. 

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Re: Here this for young adult kids
« Reply #13 on: August 10, 2020, 05:48:06 PM »
    On the bold of the LAST part, he did brag, did he not? I was like that.
Did he order his army to conquer Egypt in my previous post? If it's a NO then he's not evil nor a conqueror. [/list]

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Re: Here this for young adult kids
« Reply #14 on: August 12, 2020, 04:44:33 PM »
    I was referring to Nebby of how evil is at the time when he rejected God. King David, a good example. He is a bisexual man that went on a killing spree into a massive serial killers who kills men because of his lover is dead. David's lover is Jonathan, who is a straight man, I see David as an omega guy while Jonathan is the alpha. If you're a detective who sees why David kills soooooo many men like a mass genocide serial killer, then you wonder, "Why is that David rapes any women he goes to, he thinks of Jonathan?" I mean, that's kind of creepy. You go rape a woman, for example, and have sexual thoughts of Jonathan, your dead lover who died in action, doesn't it sound quite strange?

    As for Nebby, who is cocky like his other sons, I now understand why Cyrus kill them. Nebby, the golden image; Cyrus, the dawn of silver; Alexander the Great, the bronze of brass; Rome, the iron that smashes everything; Europe, the formation of potter clay that is mixed with iron of Rome.

    The beginning of Danny, why did Nebby fall into eating grass? He did something wrong bruh. He did conquer Egypt because the Ninevah dynasty, which Israel is a whore and a Uncle Tom to them, the land of Judah, to which they warn and seek refuge in Egypt as their ally, which they forgot about God, this shithole has gone into a cesspool of narcism. Judah wants peace;  Israel wants Baal and Yahweh; Nebby killed Ninevah and made Babylon as the capital city; Egypt, who tax Judah quite heavy, they all run off and went back to Egypt. Again, narcism! I have seen folks who are narcism in video games. I heard stories of testimony of an assshole who said, "I will play you." Then, afterwards, that person literally smashes his opponent's Nintendo Switch out of narcism. His last words, "I discriminate noobs like you. Therefore, you don't deserve to play and don't play with me ever again!"

    True story. Now, that person, he's a loner now because he's been doing that to other people. He got no girl; he got nobody. He major in computer science and engineering; yet, no girl onto this day. This is why I learn not to be a whore to success--even IF it means to disobey everyone and be like a wild bull, coming in stampede to get what he/she wants.

Those are your perspective arguments and personal opinions. I don't know where you get info from, but seems to me they're fabric of your imagination, not actual proof.  ::) ;D

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