
Author Topic: Know who you support. Your Uncle Biden don't even want you here in the USA.  (Read 14070 times)

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Offline DuMa

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While I hate politics, I need for you Democrat asian to read and understand why your fellow asians are rolling the Republican route.  My rich uncle from Georgia is a Trump supporter.  He even had a banner specially made and hung at his mansion looking house.  I had to do some digging to see why the guy is rolling with such stance.  The more I read into it, the more I understood. 

'The US has no obligation': Biden fought to keep Vietnamese refugees out of the US
Joe Biden, the 2020 Democratic presidential front-runner and advocate of large-scale immigration, once tried to block the evacuation of tens of thousands of South Vietnamese refugees who had helped the United States during the Vietnam War.
The United States has had a long tradition of opening its doors to immigrants of all countries … And we’ve always been a humanitarian nation,” Ford said. “We felt that a number of these South Vietnamese had been very loyal to the United States and deserved an opportunity to live in freedom.”

But Biden objected and called for a meeting between the president and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to voice his objections to Ford’s funding request for these efforts. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, who led the meeting, told the senators that “the total list of the people endangered in Vietnam is over a million” and that “the irreducible list is 174,000.”

Biden responded: “I will vote for any amount for getting the Americans out. I don’t want it mixed with getting the Vietnamese out.”

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What I got out of it is them elders, the first generation of refugee are usually a Republican because my viet elders who suffered from the war hates China and Russia.  The Republican to them is seen as a force that can hold these commie at bay. 

Then again, when you are uneducated to do your own research, you relay on trump fake news to make him bigger than life so there you go.  Gullible society. 

Trump putting sections on China?  That was beautiful.  The southern Vietnamese people loves it.   O0

Then you have the next waves of immigrants, the 2nd and 3rd generations.  They don't know about the Vietnam war so then they roll with the democrat stance because they were educated and making friends with other minorities who are of the democratic side.  You know like the more you are exposed to gay and lesbo, you are more likely to accept them and by doing that, by golly, you are a Democrat by design. 

I'm not sure where I fit in.  I was born in Vietnam but came here a tad after the war.  I am the 1st generation of Vietnamese American in the USA and I hate politics.   :2funny:

« Last Edit: November 29, 2021, 03:27:42 PM by DuMa »

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Offline DuMa

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Like I said.  My people are not good at deep down research.  They rely on word of mouth and interpretation by what other say and can get caught up in the trump fake news stuff. 

What biden said back in the past was taken out of context.   This is what he said in a Vietnamese News paper prior to his election and trying to win some votes from my Vietnamese people. 

Many in the Vietnamese American community still believe that Biden did not support refugee resettlement and in October 2020, ahead of the U.S. presidential election, in a bid to attract their support, Biden addressed this in an op-ed in a Vietnamese language newspaper:

    "I am very proud to support the historical law, which brought the first 130,000 refugees from Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia to the United States in 1975 and passed a resolution welcoming them. I voted to increase the budget to help the new Vietnamese settle and I have co-sponsored [the law] that led to the formation of the immigration system under the current refugee status."

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Offline DuMa

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Why are we here in the USA again?   Uncle Fawking Biden was a part of the answer plus others but it gets complicated in the blame game. 

Three weeks before the fall of Saigon, top Ford administration officials pleaded with Biden and other senators for more U.S. military aid, according to newspaper accounts
In a closed-door briefing, top officials at the State and Defense departments told Biden and other senators on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that the South Vietnamese army had “a chance” to defend Saigon and the Mekong Delta area with more U.S. military aid, the newspaper accounts said.

“I am convinced there is absolutely no chance,” Biden told reporters after the briefing, according to an article in the Memphis Commercial Appeal.

But Biden was willing to spend tax dollars on a narrowly tailored effort to extract Americans.

Days before Saigon fell, the Senate approved a measure authorizing Ford to use tens of millions of dollars to aid with an evacuation.

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You know the stance by the USA government for their involvement in the Vietnam war is to prevent the spread of communism to the southeast asia areas.  Once the Vietnam war was over, the only country that Vietnam did invaded was Cambodia.  It is a battle of commie vs commie so it is not all what the USA government had thought. 

During 75 to 79, that fawker Pol Pot had an ideology to turn modern Cambodia into farming people Cambodia.  IF you are of the educated, wear glasses or object his ideology, you are a dead person.  That fawker exterminated around 2 millions of the Cambo people.  In comes the commie Vietnam to the rescue.  It is like trying to get rid of a tyrant Hitler all over again.  I grew up with Cambo folks but they were of the next generation so they wouldn't know much about their own history.  I'm not here asking for a Thank you but just know your cot dang history and who came in to save you guys from such Regime. 

You can read more about it here

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Offline DuMa

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A lot of people knows about the vietnam war but not a lot knows about the aftermath.  A lot of stuff been happening after the war and so sad that I was too young to know and the internet was not a thing while growing up in the 80s. 

So for those that don't know, in a nut shell and I could be wrong or need training in this area, let me try to tell the tales of many tales. 

So in 79, Vietnam invaded Cambodia and won the war there.  After this, Vietnam gets scrutinized by a collaboration of many other nations for one country to invade another man's country.  What they did was putting trade sanctions on Vietnam so the Vietnam's economy went to chit.  It was barely getting by since they got the support of commie Russia who pumps aids and money into Vietnam.  China then tries to invade from the north but it was a failed mission as the Vietnam military was able to holds her own.  It was not until 85 when Vietnam signed the paris treaty or something like that and she withdrawal all of her troops out of Cambodia and then her country began to rebound. 

My dad always had the propaganda that since he was an ex military guy, why go back to vietnam where they can take another shot at him.  Since I am the son of this so called "traitor", would I also be in trouble if I go visit Vietnam? 

The short answer is no.  The government of vietnam welcomes all and why?  Well money talks and bullchit still walks.  The government of vietnam wants your tourist dollars especially when she is still in the process of rebuilding her nation so why should she has any animosity towards "Expat" .   That word is foreign to me as well until I looked it up.  Good to know though. 

What is also a cultural shock to me, even today is this.  Vietnam has a lot of Vietnamese Americans, living in Vietnam.  I'm like what? 

Well it turns out that those who studied Liberal arts major ends up being teachers and if you are asian and are in the teaching fields in the USA, you know that such industry can be bias against you when it comes to jobs or job security.  So guess what these Vietnamese Americans do?  They go to Vietnam where there is a market for them to teach the English Language.  However, the bias of such fields still follows them in Vietnam as most Vietnamese Parents would prefer a white person to teach the english language to their own kids instead of a Vietnamese American. 

My question to myself is this.  Where the effering was I when this becomes trendy?  No one tells me about this movement.  I had to find out for myself and knowing is good for a social talk over tea or coffee. 

« Last Edit: November 30, 2021, 01:01:56 PM by DuMa »

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Offline TsovTom

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While I hate politics, I need for you Democrat asian to read and understand why your fellow asians are rolling the Republican route.  My rich uncle from Georgia is a Trump supporter.  He even had a banner specially made and hung at his mansion looking house.  I had to do some digging to see why the guy is rolling with such stance.  The more I read into it, the more I understood. 

'The US has no obligation': Biden fought to keep Vietnamese refugees out of the US
Joe Biden, the 2020 Democratic presidential front-runner and advocate of large-scale immigration, once tried to block the evacuation of tens of thousands of South Vietnamese refugees who had helped the United States during the Vietnam War.
The United States has had a long tradition of opening its doors to immigrants of all countries … And we’ve always been a humanitarian nation,” Ford said. “We felt that a number of these South Vietnamese had been very loyal to the United States and deserved an opportunity to live in freedom.”

But Biden objected and called for a meeting between the president and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to voice his objections to Ford’s funding request for these efforts. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, who led the meeting, told the senators that “the total list of the people endangered in Vietnam is over a million” and that “the irreducible list is 174,000.”

Biden responded: “I will vote for any amount for getting the Americans out. I don’t want it mixed with getting the Vietnamese out.”
let's go brandon!
he fawked up then and he fawked up now, mofo is to blame for the demise of the afghan people. 

Jiao Bai Den is nothing but a chinese puppet, hence the name!

had you believed in Trump you would have a chance of owning a mansion in the san hoe-zay area too! 

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Offline king james

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let's go brandon!
he fawked up then and he fawked up now, mofo is to blame for the demise of the afghan people. 

Jiao Bai Den is nothing but a chinese puppet, hence the name!

had you believed in Trump you would have a chance of owning a mansion in the san hoe-zay area too!

trump is still in office  ;D

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Offline YAX

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Biden don’t want you in, but remember that it’s Trump who actively seek to deport you now that you’re in.

And, yes I voted for biden and No I don’t like him but my only choice was the lesser of two evils.

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Offline hmgROCK

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you have much to learn young grasshopper

SEP. 2 is known as Vietnamese independence day
independence from colonial foreign oppression

you see at that time... vietnam was rule by the french
they slave and kill your people for many years and decade

than uncle ho chi minh free vietnam from french colonial

your dad soldier and my dad were traitor
both our dad work with french and american to give power back to the colonial ruler

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ho chi minh was trying to rid vietnam from colonial rule
both our dad were trying to help the french and american get back to their colonial way

we are traitor

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you have to understand DUMA
us asian in that indochina area were under colonial rules for many years and decades

here is some french dude making a video documentary about us

we even have a word to describe these colonial ruler


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Offline DuMa

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you have much to learn young grasshopper

SEP. 2 is known as Vietnamese independence day
independence from colonial foreign oppression

you see at that time... vietnam was rule by the french
they slave and kill your people for many years and decade

than uncle ho chi minh free vietnam from french colonial

your dad soldier and my dad were traitor
both our dad work with french and american to give power back to the colonial ruler

no sauce with your nugget don't taste good so remember to supply your source.   O0

Your uncle bac ho will make the hmong disappear.  You like that?   :2funny:

He was inspired by the Bolshevik Revolution and joined the Communist Party traveling to the Soviet Union and China to spread the socialist doctrine into South East Asia. At the end of World War II, he appealed to the United States to assist him in liberating Vietnam from French control. But the post-war world order was not in his favor and he allied the hopes of his country with the Soviet Union and Communist China. Known as “Uncle Ho,” he became the symbol of Vietnamese liberation and the arch rival to the United States during the Vietnam War.

Nearly five thousand Vietnamese farmworkers were killed by Ho’s government in its determination to make the plan work.

september 2nd is more known as the day that hoe chi minh died in 69  O0

 The system created by Ho Chi Minh is autocratic, corrupted, and totalitarian.  Using ingenious methods of deception, Ho Chi Minh would lead the world on to think that he was a patriot, fighting with his heart and soul for the good of the nation.

Ho Chi Minh was a dictatorial, megalomaniacal, and extremely cunning man.  Behind that fatherly smile was a diabolical mind that was capable of deceiving the entire world, leading us to believe that he had the country’s interest in mind.

As you can see, Ho Chi Minh was a political genius who fooled the world into supporting his cause.  Through propaganda, terror, and betrayals of his many allies, Ho Chi Minh formed the Communist movement in Vietnam, putting himself at the top of the pyramid.  He incited the patriotism of his soldiers, tricking them into thinking that what they were doing was best for Vietnam.  He used the entrance of the Americans to trash South Vietnam, calling them tools of foreign imperialism, and created anger and hatred in the hearts of his soldiers.

Many of his policies during the war were cruel and atrocious.  The land reform programs resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent Vietnamese civilians in the north.  His murderous policies in treating southern civilians was also disturbing and destructive.  One such example was the Hue Massacre in 1968.  His soldiers captured the city of central Vietnam, brutally murdering thousands of defenseless people, simply because they lived under the government of South Vietnam.

Even while he was committing these evil deeds, Ho Chi Minh was able to cultivate a positive image in the eyes of the world.  Throughout the 1960’s, many people in the west bought into his propaganda, protested the South, and praised the North.  They didn’t know of his brutal massacres or his selfish intentions.  They only saw what was on the surface, an elderly smile of a charming old man, backed by thousands upon thousands of biased media outlets.  The “experts” in America believed that he was a saint, comparing him to real heroes such as Gandhi, Malcolm X, and Martin Luther King.  Judging by the evidence of all the Communists’ crimes, whoever made these comparisons should feel really stupid now.

Ho Chi Minh was such a devious man, successfully fooling the people of Vietnam and the international community.  There were several who saw past his lies, but the majority got caught up in the show, blindly jumping on the Ho Chi Minh band-wagon.  Today, the evidence of his cruelty has been verified.  He created a system where killing and stealing reigned supreme.  His offspring, the likes of Nong Duc Manh, Nguyen Tan Dung, and Nguyen Minh Triet occupy the Communist Party today, selling land to the Chinese and stealing money from the common folk.  It is clear that Ho Chi Minh has deceived us all.  His legacy has been stained with the blood of his own people.  The sad state of the Vietnam today is the direct consequence of his actions in the past.  Some idiots may still call him “Uncle Ho,” but I just call him a dirty old bastard.

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Offline hmgROCK

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you have much to learn young grasshopper
like i say
vietnam and laos and indochina were under colonial rule for many years and decades

SLAVE... do you want to be a slave forever????

here is your boy HO CHI MINH with the french fighting them nazi and japanese during WW2

SEP. 2 in vietnam is independence day

you been feed too much of them fake ANTI COMMIE shyt

« Last Edit: December 03, 2021, 08:50:36 AM by hmgROCK »

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