
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1604966 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #90 on: October 29, 2008, 06:42:26 PM »
Ok more story.

We have a cousin living in california he had already passed away a years back.  But just right before he pass away and was still in the hospital, one day his wife was about to go somewhere but had to come back inside the house to get something, she glanced into their bedroom because the door wasn't shut and saw him sitting on their bed, dressed in some hmong clothes.  She was so scared and quickly left the house again.  When he died, she said they dressed him in the same hmong clothes that she saw him in days earlier.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #91 on: October 29, 2008, 07:48:38 PM »
Ok more story.

We have a cousin living in california he had already passed away a years back.  But just right before he pass away and was still in the hospital, one day his wife was about to go somewhere but had to come back inside the house to get something, she glanced into their bedroom because the door wasn't shut and saw him sitting on their bed, dressed in some hmong clothes.  She was so scared and quickly left the house again.  When he died, she said they dressed him in the same hmong clothes that she saw him in days earlier.


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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #92 on: October 30, 2008, 03:57:24 PM »
Ok, well I put this story on here before but somehow it didn’t show up. So here it is again….
After college, couple of my Hmong college friends decided to have a Camping Trip to celebrate. There were 12 of us on this camping trip and I knew half the folks who were going. We headed up to a cabin camping site in northern MN…almost to the Canadian border.  When we got there it was around 5:00pm but we all decided to go for a little hike to stretch out our legs. After unpacking some of our gears and some food, we headed off into the wood. There was a hiking trail that was 4miles and we figured we’ll be back in time to cook dinner in no time. Needless to say, we didn’t know there was a thunderstorm that came through the area two weeks before and washed a couple of the trail signs. Instead of following the right trail, we actually follow a deer trail and lead us deeper into the wood.  It was getting dark and we decided that it’s probably easier if we stop and just spend the night there…besides it’ll be real camping just like back in Laos. Most of us brought blankets and food so it should fun just camping out like this.  We this one guy, I didn’t know him, pulled out a whole boiled chicken and thought it was funny if he could do something to get the girls attention (he was attracted to one of the gal in our group). So to our disbelief, he thought it was funny to call the Ancestors to come and eat the chicken with him. He said (in Hmong), “Oh grandmothers and grandfathers, please come a share this chicken with me. I know you’re hungry please come and have this chicken.”  Well that just scared the SHITs out of everybody and some people got scared while others got really upset. I wasn’t a big believer in this so I just sat and observe from the side.
Needless to say, after the whole incident died down we all decided to grab some sleep. We decided to have two people up at all time just to make sure no wildlife would come and bother the group. The first shift was two guys and they just sat up and talk until it was pitch black. It was around 11:30am when they started to hear something strange coming from the trees next to our camp ground.  Whatever it was getting closer to the camp site and the two guys on guard where getting scared. At first, they thought it was a deer but as it got closer they realized there was two, not one figure. It was about 50 feet away when the two figures stopped and didn’t move anymore. One guy had a flashlight and decided to point at them to see what they are. (He told us later that he regretted flashing his light at the figures) What they saw, when they flashed at the figures were so horrifying and they both were so taken back by it. There were two Hmong kids in dirty ragged Hmong traditional clothing staring back at them! The weird noise that they heard was actually the bells that these kids wore around their necks. The scariest thing of all is that their eyes glowed green when the flashlight was on them. As soon as this happen, the two figures turned around and walked back into the darkness.
The two guys on guard were so scared and one even peed on himself. They were pretty smart so they decided that it was pointless waking up the others tonight so they both decided to stay up because they couldn’t fall asleep anymore.  The next morning around 600am, we all woke up and picked up all our gears and moved out. We finally found the way back to our cabin and that when the two guys on guard decided to tell everything. They told us exactly what they say. They said it was so scary and hunting that they couldn’t fall asleep and didn’t want to scare the rest of us (especially the females) so they decided to tell us now. Two of the females started to cry because they said that they had really bad dreams last night and felt that someone was walking on them and touching them the whole time they were asleep. They thought it was one of the guys playing a trick on them but everyone was asleep when they wake up to it. Most of us knew each other so we wouldn’t be doing stupid tricks like that when out in the woods. Anyways, a lot of the folks in the group blamed the guy what was waving his chicken around yesterday and one guy almost beat him up. We decided that it’s just better to go home and forget about this. So we packed up our gears and head out.
It was a short camping trip but the most memorable one I have so far.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #93 on: October 30, 2008, 04:47:57 PM »
There goes that one guy's chance with the girl!...   ;D  Shouldn't have been so 'muaj plus'... hehe...

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #94 on: October 30, 2008, 05:13:31 PM »
Last night I couldn't sleep a wink thanks to some of you guys wonderful storytellings!  I kept imagining someone standing at the foot of the bed, crawling up on me, touching my hair in the middle of the wondering mind at work in the dark!  Finally after some intense praying to calm my nerves...sleep came.

YES, I didn't have a good rest..BUT keep'em coming :) ;) ;)

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But true love is a durable fire, In the mind ever burning, Never sick, never old, never dead, From itself never turning.<br />               --Sir Walter Raleigh

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #95 on: October 30, 2008, 06:32:00 PM »
Ok, this one is about my experience.  I think I may have share it one time or another in here already but i'll do it again.

One time I slept over at my cousin's house, we all slept in the living room.  At around 1 or 2 am in the morning while everyone including me was asleep.  I was awaken by something, and felt it's presence in the room with us.  It felt like it was wondering around and observing us closely while we were sleeping.  When I came to and actually opened my eyes, I started to get the chills cause I notice the lights were out and my cousins were all asleep.  I started to wondering, then who the hell was still wondering around at this time and not asleep yet?  I didn't make any noise or movement, cause I still felt its presence there in the room, so I just rolled my eyes  around looking a few times.  I didn't see anything so I finally gasped and thought, ok there's nothing.  Then as I tried to shift my body and head to my right side, I saw him, the shadowy figure standing against the white wall.  He stood very still looking back at me, we both locked our stares at one another for like a good 4 to 5 seconds.  My heart started beating faster and faster, and at the same time I thought to myself, omg that's what woke me up!  The figure then turned and walked down into the basement.  I wanted to go nuts, and started screaming, everyone wake up!!!!!!  But I conjured up the nerve to just quickly pulled the blanket over my head and not make a sound.  Good thing I was sleeping in middle in btween my cousins otherwise, there would have been no way for me to go back to sleep had I been sleeping on the egde.  I would have been too afraid of him/her coming back after a little while.  Who knows he probably did, after I've gone back to sleep...yikes!

The next morning I told my cousins about it, they sort of laugh and weren't all that surprise.  They said, that thing you saw last night was probably what has been jumping on top of our sister in her room.  She been having nightmare for a while now, of somebody getting on top of her and paraylizing her.

So far I've only had eccounters with ghost and spirits in such ways, never have I seen one eye to eye where I can actually see every pores in their skins and every teeth they have.  I don't that'll ever happened, because they're are more just spirits and shadowy figures.  I don't think well ever see them standing there like another human being in full details.  It's always just a glimp or unclear image, leaving us to speculate.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #96 on: October 30, 2008, 06:58:49 PM »
Here's one for a good laugh, but it's a true story.

This one hmong guy attended another hmong person's funeral at this american own funeral home, he must have been drinking or something and fell asleep all night there while everyone left for the night.  In the early morning, when the funeral home care taker came in to do some work, the hmong guy finally woke up and scared the living crap of out of that care taker guy.  He ran out the door and beyond haha!!!

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #97 on: October 30, 2008, 07:10:09 PM »
you sure it wasn't just a member in the house and it just looked that way because it was too dark?

Believe me, what I saw and experience wasn't anybody human that lives in that house.  Like I said, it was just a dark shadowy figure, about the size of a 12 or 13 year old, and nothing like an actual person standing there.  If it was just somebody in the house why would it quickly walk down into the basement at that time of the night, that would be crazy.  Besides those project home basements are creepy as hell, why would anyone want to do that in the middle of the night.

« Last Edit: October 30, 2008, 07:14:44 PM by No regret »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #98 on: October 30, 2008, 09:32:56 PM »
Talking about ghost stories.. you guys have to watch "The Eye 10" on youtube.. it's scary, but hella funni.. tell me what you think of it when your done ok

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #99 on: October 31, 2008, 03:45:31 PM »
OK, here's one for Halloween...

I'm a second hand source on this one but the original source is good.
I have a distant uncle that did something in Laos and a spirit followed him throughout his whole adult life.
When the war was lost and everybody fled the country, he also fled with his family. One night, as they were walking on a trail they came upon a Hmong grave site. Instead of going around the grave, he decided to step over one and as soon as he did...somethin g knocked him down really hard.
The next day, he found some small footprint-like red bruises on his body. He didn't think much of it because he thought it was from the fall. After a while, whenever he found footprint-like bruises on him, people around him would comment that his breath really rotten flesh. After a while, this phenomenon begins to occur more frequently and people around him were scared that he did something terrible to upset the spirits. Later in the Thai Refugee Camp, he told this story to the elders and they concluded that he angered the spirit of the grave when he stepped over it. The elders believed that the grave belonged to a baby or small child...hence the small footprint-like red bruises all over his body. Even in the US, from time to time, he would still fall over and find footprint-like bruises on his body, accompanied by the stench of rotten flesh breath.  One time, at a party, he was knocked down so hard that he was unconscious and they had to call an ambulance. When the doctors saw the footprint bruises on first, they thought it was fake or somebody painted it on him...until further examination verified that it was actual bruises. The doctors were puzzled by his rotten stench breath and couldn't figure how he got it.

---Anyways, just food for thoughts for all the Hmong folks who may like to do silly stuff on Halloween


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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #100 on: November 01, 2008, 12:47:18 AM »
OK, here's one for Halloween...

I'm a second hand source on this one but the original source is good.
I have a distant uncle that did something in Laos and a spirit followed him throughout his whole adult life.
When the war was lost and everybody fled the country, he also fled with his family. One night, as they were walking on a trail they came upon a Hmong grave site. Instead of going around the grave, he decided to step over one and as soon as he did...somethin g knocked him down really hard.
The next day, he found some small footprint-like red bruises on his body. He didn't think much of it because he thought it was from the fall. After a while, whenever he found footprint-like bruises on him, people around him would comment that his breath really rotten flesh. After a while, this phenomenon begins to occur more frequently and people around him were scared that he did something terrible to upset the spirits. Later in the Thai Refugee Camp, he told this story to the elders and they concluded that he angered the spirit of the grave when he stepped over it. The elders believed that the grave belonged to a baby or small child...hence the small footprint-like red bruises all over his body. Even in the US, from time to time, he would still fall over and find footprint-like bruises on his body, accompanied by the stench of rotten flesh breath.  One time, at a party, he was knocked down so hard that he was unconscious and they had to call an ambulance. When the doctors saw the footprint bruises on first, they thought it was fake or somebody painted it on him...until further examination verified that it was actual bruises. The doctors were puzzled by his rotten stench breath and couldn't figure how he got it.

---Anyways, just food for thoughts for all the Hmong folks who may like to do silly stuff on Halloween


Sounds like a very bitter spirit still haunting him. 

Maybe he should have showed more respect to that child's gray and not walk all over it.  I would never do that somebody's grave, unless I'm asking for it.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #101 on: November 01, 2008, 03:41:08 PM »
Well Ladies  & Gents,

Here's a post Halloween ghost story for you all,

I went to a private college in MN for my undergrad and most of the dorm buildings are pretty ancient. There's rumors about a dorm that was hunted. One of my friend, a Hmong female student, stayed there and she experienced a lot of strange events. She told us the first strange event that happened there was when she and her roommate first moved in. After settling in and unpacked, her roommate went off to have dinner. My friend was staying in her room with the door prompted open and suddenly a little girl in a white dress just ran into her room and went straight into the closet. She thought it was very strange but thought the little girl was probably someone's sister or niece.  Finally after a few second, she went into the closet and asked the little girl to come out because her parents or big sister might be looking for her. My friend checked everywhere inside the closet and couldn’t find her.  The closet wasn't connected to any other rooms so she thought it was strange. She even went out to the hallway and asked if someone is missing a little girl. Weeks later, she told the story during a dorm meeting and the dorm RA (residence adviser) commented that supposedly this dorm was hunted. Some of the other ladies giggled about it but not my friend because she saw that little girl with her own eyes. Another thing that happened was that sometimes my friend's dresses would be on the floor when she walks back into her room. It looks like someone was trying it on and left them there on the floor. One time, it seems like someone even tried to iron one of her dresses for her!  She didn’t think her roommate would have done such a joke on her, her roommate was very respectful and she would never have touched my friend's personal belongings. Well needless to say, towards the end of the semester, other ladies in the dorm started to tell their own stories of weird events that happened to them. Someone did some historical research and found out that at one time, a house was built (by a very wealthy man) on the very same spot as the dorm and this wealthy man’s spoiled little daughter died from a epidemics that hit the area in the early 1900s. My friend requested for another different dorm building the very next semester.

« Last Edit: November 01, 2008, 03:46:20 PM by JACK_25 »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #102 on: November 06, 2008, 08:16:31 PM »
haunted. not hunted. ;)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #103 on: November 06, 2008, 10:56:39 PM »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #104 on: November 06, 2008, 11:38:49 PM »
The looking under your arm pit trick is a WOW way to peak into the other world. The O.G. said sometime you'll see not just the spirits but also their entire realm. Most of the people who dare themselves into the stunt only claim seeing the ghost because that's what they're focus on. During my uncle's prime as a powerful shaman before he pass, he described to me about dimensions, that when he's there it's a totally different place but is actually the very same location as here. To those who's curious and wanted to try, beware, for the wise also speaks of big unwanted surprises. Hint is to be cautious when attempting the dangerous technique, like a ninja. If they somehow knew that you're trying to spy on them, they'll wait for the time when you act and "BOO!". There's also the one when you can peak through between your legs, like pretending to tide your shoelace, but first be very careful.

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